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[0:01] Get it going. Yeah we are. We are live with pirate broadcasting. I want it.
I just want to thank you so much. All the gratitude in the world for you being here and we have an amazing week coming up every every week we go on Monday through Friday on the pirate broadcasts from 7 a.m.
Arizona time and I say Arizona time because not everybody realizes that Arizona doesn't have daylight savings.
So you have to write you have to do the math wherever you happen to be.
So you catch us on and then the replays are always going to be it. Russ John Scott slash pirate broadcasts.
And today is no exception for an exceptional day.
And we have Brynne Tillman and we're going to be talking about relationships.
We're going to be talking about Linked In. We're going to be talking about life and the pursuit of all things good for you this week. This day.
And thank you so much for being here Brynne. How are you today.

[0:59] I'm here I'm sharing this out right now.

[1:03] If I look like I'm working at the time we're going to be sharing these outlets. Let's get this going.
And I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to go under the posts and I'm going to see,
that we're live and I'm going to share there's some comments a couple of views here will allow a few people to come into the room and you know get involved and engaged in this conversation with us.
If you have questions please drop them in the comments and we'll do the best we can.
And if we don't answer them immediately we'll come back and we'll answer the questions in the comments.
So don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't be afraid to pitch in.
Don't respond. Economists and unlink in live.
It's not as easy and simple as possible so I just want to make sure that you're reminded that.

[1:50] I still love you. OK.

[1:53] So you certainly keep looking back and checking it out.

[1:57] I will keep looking back and checking it out. So you have been on LinkedIn and you are primarily a sales trainer and relationship builder.
So talk about how you arrived at where you are today. And what's your journey.

[2:13] So tell us what. Yeah. Way. My journey has been an interesting one.
I've been in sales since my first job right out of college in Dun and Bradstreet I started in an inbound call center went to an outbound call center and finally made to the field where I really fell in love with business development.
One piece I didn't love about sales was the cold calling piece and most people don't love it. There are some people that do.
That was the piece they didn't love. What I loved was the relationship building and I end it in all of my sales jobs. Two things happened.
One I got lots of referrals. I mean that's where I really was able to grow my business and I was asked to train and onboard new people from there from my very first job,
whatever I was doing was working and they wanted to scale me.
So I ended up in a business development role in and training and training people really how to get referrals but it still wasn't enough.
Back in 1990 ninety to ninety four You still had to knock on doors and cold call because you know,
we were limited to we would ask our clients you know who do you know that could use our products and services the same way you have and they shrug and go Oh no like oh,
yes I would certainly refer you write like that became that conversation.

[3:42] That's why I like you and I would love to send someone your way if I knew who it was right.

[3:48] And you know and every once in a while you got one which was fabulous.
But we we lost control of that process right.
We gave up the control to the client to figure it out when no education process along the way.
For identification is that it. Well no I mean we would be able to tell the client like this is who we're looking for someone just like you that.
But it was up to them to have to like you know go through their Rolodex right go through there was if it didn't come to mind or didn't come up in conversation it wasn't necessarily their priority to figure out who they could refers to,
didn't wish to that.
And I'll tell you this this is where you know when I got on LinkedIn I saw immediately before LinkedIn saw it as a sales platform.

[4:40] Immediately the value because you could do one major thing which was search and filter your connections connections to identify exactly who they knew that you wanted to meet.

[4:52] When I saw that I went. This is the answer to my prayers.
Right. Because now I can before I approach my client for these referrals I can look up who they know in depth eight or 10 names right and bring it to them,
with a little conversation with Hey Mr.
Klein I noticed you're connected to eight people on LinkedIn that I'd love to get in front of can I run these names by you.
All right a war and all that and then we can either get over literally a referral from them a,
clear introduction into them or if there's a huge list of people maybe there's a few that become referrals and then we position ourselves,
to get permission to name drop and so we can get in front of a lot of people by leveraging one or two or three clients so,
that the magic and how I kind of ended up here because it really answered my prayers are the how do we get more referrals and have to do less code.

[5:54] That's an I think a lot of people.
Don't really appreciate the depth in which you can actually make connections on LinkedIn.
I mean I have friends all over the world just like yourself. I mean there are these individuals that technology has now allowed us to break the barriers of time and boundaries.
You know it's like you can drive across town you can't drive around the world in a day to have coffee with a friend that you just met or a client.
A lot of times you know so it's it's it's moving much quicker.
So the other side of the equation though and I want to talk a little bit about this is how do you manage,
the development of relationships long term because there's a lot of a lot of times where you get overwhelmed by the numbers.
I mean because there are so many opportunities out there.
At least that's how I look at it. It's like there are so many opportunities.
How do you manage all of those those connections. On a day to day basis I mean do you I mean you've done this for years.
There has to be a couple of nuggets of knowledge that we can share to really bring this home.

[7:09] I think absolutely. I have three categories of people first of all but really four or so the first category is a prospect someone that I want to ultimately do business with.
The second category is a a referral partner someone who sells into my prospects but is not a competitor right.
So there are people I can chew in back and forth.

[7:38] The third is that a person that has great content in my in my industry that I can engage with.

[7:47] That would be beneficial to my network right.
And then there's everyone else. So that's the fourth category 3 nuts really.
And everyone knows where people can come in over time from the everyone else. Right.
And and it's not that I I love everyone else and I love to help them and engage them but I'm not proactively managing that.
Yeah too right. So I don't mean to belittle everyone else. Everyone else is really important. But you know that's.

[8:19] They're going to come in and out of my network as appropriate to what's going on in their world now.
Yeah. So when I met the other three groups. Right so you like OK you have thousands of connections.
How do you remember who they are.
And although I do believe most sales teams should have CRM is to do some of this.
I actually really leverage mine through chrome bookmarks.
Oh so I have three categories three folders for my prospects my referral partners and people that have great content and I literally will save.
So if they're great content people I go to their activity page on LinkedIn.
And I start a save them to a bookmark of people with great content right into each of them has their own folder.
And so when I have a new blog post let's say that might be really great. Those prospects open up folder in one click open up all of their message tabs right and send them.
You just wrote this blog on X Y and Z. Thought you might find it helpful.
Let me questions and I can get it out to a lot of people pretty quickly.
And then A is like Oh I forgot about that person I really need to go reach out more deep deeper than just sending a blog post. Right.
You know that that's that's my little hack or these chrome bookmarks.

[9:47] That's brilliant. That's a brilliant tip but I use very similar because I take the link to their to their activity and put it in my CRM too along with their name.
So when I'm looking up when I'm looking through people on on prospects and following up with people icons I can see what they're doing recently easily and quickly. So that's a great tip.
I love that tip and I just want to shout out to Sally Sherry Christina Laurie Brenda.

[10:20] Everybody that's jumping in the room we're talking with brand here about building relationships on LinkedIn and LinkedIn and selling specifically.
And I don't want to I don't want to think that I don't want to plant the seed that selling is bad.
Selling is good. I mean we're all here to do business exchange value.
And it's really it's really one of these things that is you know some people argue it's an art.
Some people argue that it's a skill and it's really about building relationships and building community around what you're doing and adding and where you can add value because,
I mean I've had people that I met a year ago that they don't need my service now.
However they might need my service eventually someday.
And if you build that relationship you build that bridge and you build that communication when they need you.
It's not a matter of if they need it when they need you then it becomes something that they can actually engage with.
So how do you I mean is that something that resonates with you and you could share some ideas about them 100 percent like most of us get on.

[11:26] Well first of all so we all need to grow our business and sales is really important. And your brand over 100 percent.
You don't want to do what I think is the biggest mistake on LinkedIn which is connect and pitch right.
You know you will earn everyone also pitching is not building relationships that lead to sales.
Pitching is gross like too early. Not there will come a time in what you just said Ross like with the timing is right and raised and they say tell me how you can help me.
And then it's appropriate but you need to ask before you right they need to show interest.
So most people and most people look at LinkedIn hoping and praying that it's going to be this linear process. Right.
I follow them I connect with them I send them a piece of content they engage with me I get it I reach and say hey let's have a phone call. They get on the call.
I take them through my pitch. They buy right now that's it. And they wanted to be.
Are you leaving your like these are list.

[12:33] I have a checklist. I'm going to go through my checklist right.

[12:36] And that's where everybody is hoping.
It's sort of like that. The cold call cadence like it's like we took it from here and moved from cold calling and here's like my seven steps to getting an appointment,
and then we take it on to Lincoln and it doesn't translate the same way.

[12:56] So everybody's everybody's an individual and it takes time to understand what.
What they really actually need because what they're saying and what they're really actually need may be two entirely different things.
And until you really understand what their pain is rather than their symptom you can't really you really can't help them.

[13:19] So I love that. Right. And you said something that really resonates with me is its timing too right.
When do they need you. So that nurturing and staying top of mind is really important and that's where.
That content engagement is really important. And it's not just your content it's engaging on their content and their activity not being really relevant and in their eyes.
So what it really looks like you know we have this this idea of linear what it really looks like is a lot more like a spider's web. Right.
Like you know we connect and have a welcome message maybe they say thank you and we think oh they're really excited.
They comment they ignore you then they like my posts they must want to buy something right.
Right now. And so they're these like little moments that they liked my post maybe they made a comment.
But if we jump and we pounce too fast it will totally blow up any potential relationship. Right. It's like.
You know asking for to get engaged on the first date. Yeah.

[14:28] And so. So there has to be this natural pace.
I tell people you know look at it like you are in a networking event now would never walk up to someone hand him their business card shake their hand and say I'd love to tell you how I can help you in your business.
Yeah you just wouldn't do that. There is a natural conversation of getting to know one another and what's important.
So over time and I'm not saying in every one of my messages.
I will always say yes if you have any lingering questions I'm always happy to chat.
So I open that door and I make it very easy for people to ask me these questions that can eventually lead to business.
I'm not saying don't ask for the call but don't make that your priority right.
Your priority is just kind of you know building some rapport sharing value being a value in their network which goes way beyond you sharing your blog post. Right. Like that's not.
All that they care about right now.

[15:33] I think also I read an article that you posted recently that you know it's also part of it is listening.
Oh we're so quick to be able to respond with an answer.
And then when we actually take time to listen to the customer or listen to the client or the prospect or the individual that we're talking to,
you can you can actually understand them at a deeper level what they're what they're looking for what they're searching for and how they can what how they need help.
And I think that's important as well. And I think you pointed that out in a recent article so.
I think that's a point that a lot of people are missing when they're just shouting out.
It's like it's like spray and pray you know it's like if I make one hundred calls a day someone even a blind squirrel catches a nut once in a while right.
And I think that they missed the opportunity. There's a huge opportunity lost because they're not developing anything other than a superficial relationship there.
They're not going deep. So yeah.

[16:38] And you can turn away more people are. Yes. And I think that's that's the point. People say Why don't. It's a numbers game. I turned off 90 people and I get nine nine when I get one.
But but over time those nine nine people may need your services and they no longer like you. Yeah right. And so it really is about providing great value.
I want a conversation from within.
I always take phone calls but really soon calls now everything I. Everything's on zoom out.

[17:13] I don't even I barely I use my phone to schedule zoom calls.

[17:17] It's pretty much chat. It works now. And I love that.

[17:21] Right there's this face to face. This is real connection that we can start to make.

[17:26] But I think it's changed a lot of businesses in terms of being more accessible through time zones and geography.
And it's just an amazing tool that I think you know.
We're living in an amazing time. I just have to say over and over again.
And I hope you don't get tired of me saying this but it's really an amazing time in history where we have access to you know,
global I mean you're in a different time zone that I am right now we're in different places you're traveling I'm traveling and we're still having a conversation and producing a show right now. That's to me amazing.

[18:04] So I love it. And actually I mean now that obviously this is linked in line.

[18:09] But I think for me Zune transformed my business.

[18:13] I used to use a lot of the different platforms But Zuma has made it so simple.

[18:19] You have one link that you can send to everybody it's like your phone number right.

[18:23] Yeah. That just becomes the way to really communicate.

[18:28] You know you get six people on a call for people on a call it it's amazing.

[18:33] And so I definitely that is definitely in my you know five have to have tools to Yeah. Yeah.

[18:41] You love my zoom. In fact I I have a custom you are Elle. It's called Booker Ross dot com.

[18:48] And if you go to book Ross dot com you can schedule time with me and I make you mine is calendar. What do you use.
I use Calendar Link. That's what I use.

[18:59] Yeah yeah validly it entered in our faces with Zoom.
It interfaces with my Google Calendar and those when I'm busy it knows when I'm available.
Although I do have some client calendars that throw me off now and then it's like go get to me.
I want a tool that combines all of my calendars in one platform where I can see everything all at once.

[19:23] Like you can do that in an outlook right.

[19:29] I'm not a fan of Al.

[19:30] Look you break everything into my phone so that's where I see all my calendars and one.

[19:36] Yeah that's a great idea. That's grand. That that's that's my primary calendar my desktop is my secondary calendar like this. That's more individualized.

[19:46] You know I. Now that you say that that's a great hack that I should bring my my all my clients into my phone. SAULS I have to do is one place.
I'll have to try that and give you credit for it. I don't need credit.
I love learning you know the reason I do this is I had a job years ago where I sold office supplies and I'd go out to all these businesses Acme Corp.
And ABC Company and all these things. It's like what do you guys do.
What. What happens here. You know it's like you drop off a case of paper or something like that. It's like I'm always curious about OK. What do you actually do.
What what do you produce that creates value that people pay you money for.
And it's fascinating what people do in businesses that you learn about along the way and linked in is like that.
It's like a treasure trove of different people doing different things for people. And it's just it's amazing.

[20:43] Yeah absolutely. I want to give you one more tip on that calendar by the way. Give me one more tip. Yes.
In your town Lee you give your primary calendar permission to read their calendars.
You can actually. So I had like four calendars that are being checked on one Townley.
So even my social sales link dot com is my primary cowardly.
It will look at other other like my personal doctor's appointment on my personal calendar.
It will look at that and then take that off of the scan availability.

[21:24] That's that's a brilliant brilliant tip.

[21:27] And I love the fact that you know we must be doing something along the lines because I mean it's it's.

[21:34] And it saves me so much time and I'll have to think about OK when is my calendar open just just book a time and then we'll sit down we'll have a conversation and it's so much easier.

[21:44] So do you also send people links from your phone to your calendar calendar or your reply to your zoom call.

[21:54] So I have mine to schedule a call with Bryn dot com.
OK great. And that redirects actually to a page on my Web site where I've embedded cowardly. Right.
Right. And you can you have a 15 minute call just for us to chat. And for me to help and I have my 90 minute private session and they can choose which one they want.
Yeah I'm on the same page and it's perfect. So most everyone goes to those pages.
I have some other pages like for clients that have 30 minute private sessions.
Yeah I have one client where they buy one hundred and fifty private sessions a year.
I love that. I love it. They have their own page but yeah.
And schedule there. Yeah. So it's it's pretty perfect the way that we've got this social setup and counseling and and when they get the calendar we invite it has amazing information in it.

[22:50] Yeah. That's one thing I really like about Kalinda is the fact that you can actually attach a Zoom Room right to the get. So yeah.
Well so so so many things going on and so many events taking place December already I can't believe it. I just want to give a shout out.
Nick Vikki Ramone ANGIE Good morning Sherry.
Thank you everyone for joining us. I just really I really believe that you know by building communities and building relationships and connecting with individuals like Brad,
we can absolutely improve our circumstance our environment you know bring a little joy into the world have a couple of smiles he smiles are free.
And I just I just love the fact that we can actually bring this to the table and share a few tips ideas and solutions that help help us move along our business.
So what are some other sales strategies that you know that you've you've worked with over the years that someone might be able to adopt or change their way of thinking about this besides relationships because I,
I just love that I endorse that 100 percent and I'm sure that there are some other things that you know following up,
building relationships having a rapport understanding listening.
Is there any other secret sauce that you can share with us today.

[24:15] So I mean I think there's a lot around like we just did a little tiny sliver of building relationships and they did a lot more around that,
one thing it leads back to Lincoln but I find really important is we have to really leverage our clients better.
So we talked about client referrals right there or other things we want from our clients ultimately.
Obviously the first one is it is more business friendly. What more can we get from that right.
We have larger clients. We probably want internal introductions like who else inside of their company will be you know a lot of us do not take advantage of that we've got.
I mean I have a client that has a there is one department in IBM.
And she does well with that department. But you know the opportunities are endless. So we're.
Who else in IBM should we be getting those internal introductions to where you could really explode. Right and she's already approved vendor and all that fun stuff.
The third one is the external introductions that searching who they know and bringing that list we talked about that. Right.
You know the next one we talked about vendor vendor relationships that I said you know that's one of my categories.
I want to meet the vendors that my current clients are using. Right.

[25:40] So for me I want to ask them you know who's your sales. The salesperson for your CRM.

[25:47] Who's the sales person for your sales. Or whatever tools other tools you have.
Who's your Sales Navigator sales person. Right. Right. Who's your.
You have an employee advocacy tool. I want to meet that sales person right.
Because those are all people. Number one I can refer but build rapport and relationships.
And I can say to my client you love your CRM gal like she.
Great. And they go Oh my God you're bringing me CRM whatever right. That's great. OK.

[26:20] You know that I want to meet her. Yeah. He may say you know I'm really not happy with my CRM right now and I could see you know what.
I hear this a lot. I have a couple of people that I'd love to introduce you to.
And he's got better options for you and your team.
With that would you be open to some of those conversations and then I'd reach out to Don try our nimble and. You know there is an opportunity here right.
Right. And so you know you roll with these,
vendor relationships and but when your client says Oh I love them now you can say look I have a client that lost a share client with this person.
I feel more comfortable making that introduction because they've been vetted out by someone I'm already working with.
It's not just random vendors right.

[27:14] There's not a dart dart board involved in the decision process. It's it's it's a known entity.

[27:20] And when I'm introduced from a vendor they already runs a much shorter sales cycle and they're not shopping.
I find that to be really interesting. Just so the fifth one because otherwise people like that's for you said buy the big one is case studies and recommendations. Right.
So that. And I love to get recommendations on LinkedIn create case studies around them.
But you know a lot of this you know I teach LinkedIn and those are five things that we want and Lincoln enhances all five of those because once I have these relationships with these other vendors,
I invite them to mind my connections and vice versa.
And then proactively make some referrals and introductions for one another.

[28:08] That's awesome. That's awesome.

[28:10] I do love the idea that if you if you,
are a referral partner if you provide referrals people are more open to to you know see you as a resource and someone to go to when they have questions that they don't know the answer to.
And even outside your industry you know people people come to you and they say how do why do you know anyone or have you do you have a resource for this.

[28:38] And it's a great way to continue the conversation over and over again. So pay attention to those those tips.
Brand thank you so much for bringing some amazing nuggets of knowledge today.

[28:50] I just really love that it be so much fun.

[28:55] Well I know that you're traveling. I know you've got a busy day going on and there's things that are out there in the world that we've got to go December last last month of the year and 2019.
I cannot believe that 2020 is upon us. It's just amazing.

[29:09] It's just like you know we started I started in technology in 92.
Started advertising in 85. So it's you know I've seen the transition from analog to digital and I've seen the transition over the years just developing some of the.
The ways of broadcasting versus engagement and I think a lot of people need to.
Like you're saying you know they're still adopting the,
cold call mentality on social media and I think I'd like to see it change and evolve you know because it's only it's only gonna improve your relationships your life.

[29:50] And really if you can dig a little deeper and go a little further in the relationship it always pays off.
And that's my experience and I and I hope that someone else can have that same experience as I have. So.

[30:04] That's great right. I really appreciate you having me your day and I had a lot of fun.

[30:09] Awesome thank you. And I look forward to another episode.
We got Vicky tomorrow on the pirate broadcast and I just really wish you all the best in your day.
All the gratitude in the world for everyone that stopped by live.
If you want to watch the replay the easiest place to go is is Russ John's dot com slash pirate broadcast for all the episodes podcast YouTube Facebook Linked In live.
And it's I try to make it easy for everyone so you can actually enjoy the content from all these amazing minds.
Bryn it's been so wonderful to have you here today and thank you so much for sharing your gifts and your knowledge and your talents.

[30:53] So thank you so kindness is cool.
Smiles are free and you enjoy the day.

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