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[0:02] And we're live. Yeah. Corey. It's a great day for a great day.
And I'm here with Corey Warfield in the pirate broadcasts and we're going to be talking about a couple of things today actually.
We're gonna be talking about Linked In linked in live video schedule helping others and Corey connects right.

[0:26] You know that's a that's a newer hashtag for me and I need to remember to use it every time.
But I love it and every time people you know kind of rally around that and it's what I love to do.
So absolutely hashtag Corey connects.

[0:38] Well you've had a phenomenal run of growth in the last one did you really start pushin for linked in growth. I mean how long how long has it been.

[0:52] It's been almost a year and a half now and I'd say about six months ago is when I really started I'd rather about a year ago when I really started to see a ramp up and kind of engagement,
and just followers and connections and so for the last year I've taken it pretty seriously,
and I'm actually in the last couple months had to take a big step back because I've had so much growth in my company and I'm working with my executive coach who basically said there is no way that what you're doing on LinkedIn is sustainable,
and it's got to be detracting from your business and you know over the year and a half I've hired some VARs and some EA aides and that just doesn't fly.
You know my brand is authentic and a lot of my content is is live or video of myself and you just can't you can't you can't fake that right.
So I've always had to come back to you know it's all on me 100 percent of the time.
So when 100 percent of the time can't be 100 percent of the time right now I've had to scale down site schedule about two hours a day for LinkedIn right now and I pop in once in a while otherwise.
But that's a huge step down time wise for me.
But yeah it's been about a year and a half of growth.

[2:01] Well I'm really glad that you said that and brought it up because you know a lot of people look at people with a lot of followers or people that have had phenomenal growth in a very short period of time and they they think well how did they do that.
You know there's what magic you are doing.
And it's like you don't get the work until you get the work done.
You know you have to put the time in and it's a phenomenal amount of time and resource from yourself in order to accomplish that.
Like this podcast like this broadcast the pirate broadcast you know I'm doing this and then i i'm off loading a lot of the initial setup and some of the you know,
the graphics and things like that. I can offload some of that.
But actually engaging with the audience engaging with people getting them on a given as scheduled and interacting with that is.
It still takes time. There's no shortcut. Right.

[2:58] So honestly as a 40 something year old man I can say that's why I'm liking tick tock right now tick tock still a little bit of my time off of LinkedIn because I can go there and I never premeditate any of my content I don't know when to,
talk about or post about and I never have I've,
you know there's quite literally there's only been three times ever that I knew what I was going to post about on LinkedIn and it was parts two three and four of a four part series,
that I started and when I realized there was enough room. So I had to break in in those.
That's literally the only one time I've known or that's going to talk about it.
So I do that on tick tock also but the difference is the tick tock in 15 seconds or 30 seconds.
That's all I have and I've done I've just broadcast it and I don't have to go back ever I I don't have to respond to the comments and it's become a little bit of a lead generator for me as well.
I think that I'm really understanding you know the the significance of time as a resource and a precious commodity.
We only have so much. And I think there was a time when I realized I couldn't give back to everyone on LinkedIn that was giving to me and I felt a little bit bad about that I actually stopped doing videos for a while because I wasn't watching anybody's videos and I did.
Incidentally I did a video about how I didn't watch anybody's videos and I felt bad.
And so you know I was gonna stop doing my own videos and I did for several months and I must've got.

[4:20] Over a thousand well over a thousand people saying you know where your videos and missed videos please make videos.
And so finally I did another video and they said Listen here's what I can commit to if you guys and keep them really short. I'll watch all your videos. I'm going to keep mine really short.
So I started the hashtag value in 30 of these quick 30 second videos are all subtitled in case you can't get to the volume and in case you're hearing impaired or hard of hearing or whatever the case and those now.
I think I started that hashtag seven or eight months ago.
Got a couple million views on those alone probably got 10000 followers just from that campaign and people really love that 30 second just you know come in one of the things I talk about a lot on the Internet is it's,
so many people show up to talk at their audience or try to teach people something no one's on LinkedIn to learn anything,
like really we're all there and it's either to talk,
to each other and network or you know to to maybe find an opportunity.
But so I find that when you talk with people instead of Adam it's really great.
So there's value in 30s and I'm not there to tell people how smart I am I'm there to either share something dumb or leaders learn that probably everybody else already knew or something.

[5:29] That is the things we can learn. They're all connected and that's that's what I wanted to do with this format was you know because I did two minutes just for a long time say things.
You know the whole joke was ten to minute tips in ten minutes or less. And I would just get on and see exactly what was on the top my head.
You know it was I didn't know what was gonna be the next step. I didn't know what was going to be the next thing.

[5:50] And you know people then I quit doing it and people said well we want your tips. We want your tips.
You know and I don't know about you but I believe that there's a certain amount of there's people that enjoy creating video and there are people that enjoy consuming video.
And it's not the same amount of people in each group.
Do you agree with that or I mean I mean absolutely.

[6:20] Absolutely and I hadn't thought about it like that before. But that I'd say I'm.
I learned how to build and scale a software company by watching videos on youtube only because there is an end there.
You know there was a true goal and it was incredibly strategic and deliberate but I don't like to just sit around and watch people's videos and never have.
But yet I create probably three to five a week. And so I think that what you just said Read this resonates and registered with me it's like yeah absolutely I'm the latter.
I like to create videos. I don't really care to watch them unless I'm taking myself to school kind of a thing.

[6:53] Well think think about. I mean the average person watches four hours of TV a day.

[7:00] They're not creating four hours of TV a day. They're watching four hours of TV a day.
So as a creator I haven't on. I haven't won the TV since ninety five.
So for me my mind set is what can I create today and get something out. Because I create I I create something every day.
You know that's just who I am. And I think you're the lot the same way as is that you have.
For me it's kind of therapy it's like OK get this out get this you know something on my mind.
I need to get it out so I can just not think about it anymore.
And you you're offering value all day long every day in the 30 minute you know 30 minutes or the 30 second,
elements are really bite sized pieces of something that you can share and people can appreciate and enjoy. Right.

[7:51] I like I like all the new markets. But I do live in five now as well. Five million lives happen.

[7:59] So you've been involved in tick tock a little bit then haven't you.

[8:03] That I was I was just invited to do my my first star Ted x talk.
So we'll see I had an opportunity to potentially do a TED talk some time ago but then I you know I looked into it a little bit did a little diligence and I realize it's a,
multiday endeavor and then it's kind of you know there's a lot of there's an investment there.

[8:23] You know there really is and where I'm at right now I want to become a thought leader in the workforce management space and think I have been able to do that.
But there's not a huge amount that I can accomplish right now by putting that investment into the TED talk.
So I kind of you know just like a book everybody wants me to write a book I'm talking to a ghostwriter.
But I just there's not a huge I can't appropriate that time in other words to writing a book right now or necessarily do the TED talk.
But the TED axing is going to be cool and it's you know I've kind of become sign after to speak about one thing and one thing only and that's the power of engagement.
So I've been on both coasts in the last month talking about the power of engagement here in Chicago and this this event will be here in the Midwest.
But a couple hours from here and you know talking about the power of engagement and when I can tie that into shift work and all the artificial intelligence at all which is our work,
schedule now then it becomes that positive and I can always let people see that schedule makes work work better and you know I write that down as long as I can. So it's it's become fun. But yeah.
That's the TED talk is a little bit lighter weight.
You know you get to show up and you know that may be and leave leave that evening and you know speak to a couple thousand people and it'll be a blast.

[9:36] Yeah and then you can put it on your profile you know I might not but I see that I'm so production and somebody if you know it's an option right.

[9:47] Well you know somebody people putting I don't mean any disrespect anyone that has it but so many who. But Amazon best selling author and it's like.

[9:56] That's not a thing. It's I mean to say the least to me in my world. If you're if you're a best selling author best selling author and the implications of its New York Times.
Right. And that's that's impressive. I had a New York Times best seller A New York Times different than an Amazon best seller because it's a real bestseller. It's an actual thing.
I mean I'm an Amazon international best seller and so is everybody.

[10:19] It's like you don't see it anywhere but it is. Hey I want to give a shout out to everybody that's joined in today.

[10:25] We're here with Corey Warfield of shed wall and Jordan Vanessa Chris Maureen Lizbeth Shel Dean Henry Kristen.
You guys are awesome. Love you. Gratitude for being here.
Maureen I really Kenyatta. Hey. Yes.
Thank you so much for everyone joining us today. We're going to be talking about engagement.

[10:56] I know Corey and I are both really fans of engagement and also a little bit about what he's doing in the software arena because that's that's something that,
I've been involved in in and out of the community and startup community over a number of years and years.

[11:14] When did you start.

[11:16] Schedule Corey four years ago next month. Are you getting really close to the four year mark.

[11:22] Congratulations on that. That's thank you.

[11:25] Having had experience in the Software Universe I understand some of the challenges and what it takes to grow and expand and continue to churn is a thing and all of these things so talk us about.
Talk to us about the journey that you've gone through in order to you know from inception to where you are today. Kind of a quick snapshot of that.

[11:48] Sir I spent 20 years working in restaurants and kind of the guy that worked my way up from dishwasher to busboy to a waiter to bartender somebody a chef and b Director,
Corporate Manager and I kind of you know ran the entire gamut but scheduling the changing schedule needs and Labor percentages and everything kind of tied around the scheduling of,
workers in the hospitality industry was the reason that it was the most frustrating you know 20 years of anybody's life and why I had to get out.
You know for years I was kind of thinking that the data existed to to do things like basically get rid of on call shifts which is a thing where people don't know if they're working until the day of.
But yet the data existed or no things like getting the right people working together working when they wanted to to really improve morale and to help with with you know,
the actual customer journey and just so many data points that were being absolutely,
scrapped and not leveraged.
So four years ago when the restaurant I was with got bought by the first restaurateur billionaire and I'd been through a buyout of his before I knew they were going to find ways to save money I knew they were going to get rid of the scheduling software and I knew that we all needed it.
So I tried to find a way to first of all find something that was comparable and cheaper I couldn't find anything that was suitable so I tried to patch some things together so that my team could at least have a way to.

[13:12] See when we were working requests time off communicate with one another try Facebook groups Google Pages you know Google seats rather none of it worked.
And so you know when I realized that there wasn't a good a good alternative I.
Put my life savings and found a team and,
brought and brought the platform to life and it took about two years to really create an amazing and it's easy to use scheduling interface that can be used by,
restaurant managers or business managers both for their ownership to be more profitable and for their workforce to be more empowered and so that was two years in the making we launched almost two years ago to some early adopters.

[13:54] We've now been building out a bunch of artificial intelligence in the background and partnering with some really really cool A.I.
Companies that effectively have built every algorithm needed to run a business more profitably and to keep,
them compliant with labor laws like predictive scheduling which was just litigated to get rid of unconscious because they're so terrible that they're now a legal right,
but so we've got this amazingly easy to use sexy interface.
Now we've got all the intelligence behind it and now we're moving into the arena where we've been talking to and passing on on acquisitions from some other people that are building marketplaces we're building our own ecosystem.
We already touch and we'll continue to touch hiring and training and things to that nature Sales contests the temporary job fulfillment market is huge.
We're really well positioned for that integrating with all the other both legacy and innovative software technologies that companies are using for H.R.
And for payroll so we're now the preferred scheduling partner of Paychex and we're going after more partnerships with payroll companies.

[14:59] We've now become an acquisition target rather for the healthcare and home healthcare industries for the security and law enforcement industries.
We've got some governmental agencies that are going through the request for proposal process with this right now.
So we've really grown out of the hospitality industry and into any industry that has issues around scheduling or staffing training empowering anybody that has any kind of staff has that challenge.

[15:26] It's like OK are the shifts being covered. Are people getting the amount of hours they need and are are we being fair and equitable across the board.
Because you know that may not necessarily happen on a paper and pencil kind of scheduling system right.

[15:46] Or it candidly and I wish everyone all of our competitors luck but candidly most of the other software solutions as well don't offer that kind of holistic and empathetic approach.
And we're taking it a few steps further with some of our new patents and IP.
I mean we're getting into the data privacy space we're getting into the risk mitigation space we're getting into the Internet of Things space I coined the term Internet of work and Iow,
two years ago and we really I just think that there are ways with the kind of connected world now and with automation particularly when you start bringing the right data in at the right times to help,
your quality of life better for workers and profitability for ownership and so we're really having fun no 2020 is kind of our break.
Our breakout year we're introducing some more technology similar features you know where we're getting involved in the actual payment space using block chain and you know the artificial intelligence machine learning spaces just it's on the verge of explosion.

[16:42] We had a competitor of ours just raised eighty two million dollars as a Series A round simply because they introduced A.I..
We had another competitor of ours without a I just a sexy set schedule like us was by buy into it last year for three hundred forty some million dollars.
So the space is really starting to starting to heat up and I'm starting to understand the value that we've created and that we're bringing into the world and I'm it's it's really humbling.
You know it's it's all because of my team all because of you know my network.
It's it's just been a hugely profoundly positive experience for me just finding that when I put myself out there to network and to meet people and achieve well and you know I think wow,
it's just truly amazing and you know it's not rocket science but it definitely works well here.

[17:34] And here's here's a couple of key points that I want to I want to know Ravel that you you just went over that you You breezed over because I think it's important for people to understand is is that A.I.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning it are really helping craft some of the thought process that the analytics the data that go through,
some of the decision decision making process. Right.
I mean it helps you become more effective at how you think about things because it's you know where you'd say OK I know in my gut that this is going to work right.
And the other thing is that it really is profound about this whole process is that you are scratching your own itch because you saw a big problem and a gap in the market. And I think a lot of startups say.

[18:29] They want to start something that they think is cool they go out and build it. Then nobody shows up crickets. Right.
However you started with a couple of people you start to have conversation and that's where engagement.
So I kind of want to talk about engagement and what that means to you because you know you've been on both coasts recently talking about engagement talking about what that means.
And you know I've always been a relationship person. You know it's it's always been you know not necessarily what I could do for you it's Who are you What are you doing who's a good introduction. You know how can I help you.
And I think you're kind of the same vein as that.
You know it seems like you're you know Corey connects is really about Corey connecting people right,
so how talk a little bit about the engagement process and how you think about that and what you see and how you would recommend other people think about that.

[19:28] Yeah. So for. For me and apologies I've got a big family I've got a couple of big dogs sort of came and opened the door.
He's in here with us now and if he hears a squirrel out there then the live listeners may get in your.
But so. So for me the first thing is I've really begun.
You know you don't you don't want to be be contrary. But then I found that really finding things that you can speak about that are unpopular,
and then the other engagement tip that I really have other than just commenting on everybody stuff and tagging people now is to listen.
I think that listening is such a powerful engagement tool. Okay. He's through with me.
I think that listening is really such a powerful engagement tool in and of itself.

[20:13] And I think so many people as I say in social media don't show up to listen and don't show up to engage. But they really show up to kind of you know.
All eyes on me and look look look look at.
And so things like myself I no longer ask people how I can be helpful so many people ask me that it became a full time job to find out how people can help me.
You know getting 100 messages a day. Hey how can I be helpful.
That's not helpful. So what I found was helpful is to tell them to stop asking that in the tone would have been more more more beneficial to me which is,
you know here's what you can do engage with my content so we can get to know each other and I'm sure there would be some ways that I can introduce you to someone or vice versa or maybe in my software I'm not going to sell you on it engages my stuff.
You're going to see me talking about how we make companies 10 percent more profitable and maybe you know somebody that has a company and wants to be 10 percent more profitable.
That's how you can help me. Here's how you can help me tag a couple of business owners and me in my post about how we make companies 10 percent more profitable and you know give me that social proof and in return what I love to do is the same for you.
That's how we can be helpful but we're asking me how you can be helpful in having me go to your profile and see what you do and see where you're engaged.
I mean it becomes this thing where it just like these voice messages people send voice memos I have to ask everyone to please stuff that I don't have time for one more time processions,
come and tell me stuff and so you know because I believe in the law of reciprocity to the end degree.

[21:40] If I want people to engage with my content if I want 500 comments on each post domain mine which for a while was an average I think now I'm down to more like two three hundred people comment on my stuff.
But if I went 500 people that comment on my post in the day.

[21:54] Then I probably following the law of reciprocity should go and comment on 500 people's posts and you know not just to arbitrary create post but you don't need to be a novel either.
I can say hey you know this is hilarious units and tag 3 people still think it's hilarious and by hitting like I just gave her a piece of value by giving her any comments.
I just added a second piece of value but those three tags the social proof of Cary tagging them.
Bringing them to the post when they might really enjoy it.
That just added value to three more peoples lives and it descended through more bits of value.
I just gave you this five valuable moments within five seconds probably.
Yeah and that's you know as a as a scheduling guy right as the efficiency guy.
I'm all about how to do things the most effectively and if I want to comment on 500 people's posts for me the easiest way is to know casually and over the course of however long.
Get to know five hundred people make sure I'm touching all their stuff and so probably get people out of my life that don't engage a lot because that's not going to be as meaningful as an engagement.
I like people at Leighton Gates like I do and we like to go and support each other and tag people in each other's comments and make introductions and you know people often say hey can you introduce me to so-and-so,
and say No I can't do that because I don't have the time I don't have time to craft a group message and wonder how to phrase it just right and ask this person if they might know and say here's what you do.

[23:19] You post posts some content that this person might find interesting and I will tag them in the comment.
I'll say you know hey Paula you really need to know Tim Dunn. There's your intro. Take it from there.

[23:32] I don't even need to know how it went well right.
And when people expect you to do more work on their behalf then it's not necessarily a positive experience right.
So. So I love what you're saying about that. I love the opportunity to share that with you know,
the community here and also one of the things that I think is really popular and somewhat controversial and you know being from A.I.
And the machine learning space and the software space is you know there's a lot of engagement pods and things like that.
There's a lot of algorithms that every once in a while you know linked in all you know banned sites or banned people getting on board you know doing automation and things like that.
And it's really frustrating to me and I'm sure you've seen this over the years as you get her LinkedIn request. The first thing you want to do is sell you something.
It's just it's just really frustrating for some people and I'm just kind of curious how how you've managed through that and what your thoughts are on those items. A lot of people and you.

[24:40] Automation and engagement pods one then the third one is the most near dear to my heart.
I'm glad you brought them all up so I actually helped them.
I was a founder of a company that built some automation tools for LinkedIn now.
I knew they might not be you know quote unquote legal and so I never used them for myself.
I did some tests and found out that they worked and so we brought some of that to life and then very quickly that was that was pooh poohed by the algorithm and then the powers that be and,
think thank God that I didn't go much further down that rabbit hole.
So. So I've dabbled in that automation world.
Frankly I prefer authenticity on all fronts. So I'm somewhat glad that didn't work.
The engagement pods. I think I'm in probably 50 of them I'd probably post a link in any of them less than once a month I don't like them. I find that I get better engagement without him.

[25:34] You know I'm friends with the people and all of them so I'd love to be able to see a repository when they posted and if I can get back to your statement of you like to work with people that I'd like to engage with you as much as you'd like to engage.
Yeah. Yeah. Truly it's simple give and take. It's like relationship 1 0 1 1 0 1.

[25:55] Absolutely. And there are people in all those groups that I don't really love and I'm cosigning if I if I put a comment say sad but I love this post.
I need to really love it otherwise it affects my personal brand and so you know I don't engage with those as much.
God bless everybody that does. I have some friends that run and are very active in the party.
Some of that that's content in the world and they'd probably do just as well without it.
For me personally I find that my posts do a lot better but I don't put them in a pod and so you know unless it's a really specific you know messenger going out to a specific demographic that I know are very pod heavy.
I don't particularly use them and I have no problem with them and I encourage anyone that wants kind of you know throw a little gas on a fire behind a powder too if you want and if you have the time to understand it it's very clicky.
It is a bit of a time consumption so the automation and I've tried it.
I'm not opposed to it I think it's not it's not the right place the right time for it and I think that that may be a net positive for this kind of linked and generation of which you and I are apart.
As far as far as the one that I really want to touch on though I love this topic because this and the fact that you know everyone says don't I don't,
connect with people that profile pics like an animated about that I had super viral post about that once and say no there there are 10 to 20 plus reasons to not have a profile pic.

[27:19] First of all. And second of all a lot of people do and you just don't see it because you're not connected to them yet.
So don't discriminate and just you know what about know what about people who don't want their bosses knowing they're looking for a job or who have a stalker or who don't want to be judged because of their weight or their age.
I mean it's I can go on and on about why I might not want a profile pic in some of my very very very very very favorite connections in the world.
I don't have profile pics and some of them I've never asked some of them I have and every time it's like oh that's an amazing reason I wouldn't have a profile pic either you know. Period.
Yeah so but the other one that I love to talk about is when people give you that that hard pitch in the first message on LinkedIn and I've got 30000 first connections now so I don't see them as often as I used to.
But I do still get rid of people on occasion to add others and so when a once in a while they still slip through the cracks. But I do things differently with that. And I love it.
And you know I don't encourage anyone else to do this and let's say of the time and it resonates with them.
But for me it's been so powerful I decided maybe nine or 10 months ago to stop just disconnecting with them and to stop ignoring them and to not be sassy at all and actually try to help them.
But in order to do that I have to lie a little bit and it's been the most fun ever.
So now I get that message and send them to someone I've been connected with for a year but they've never message me.
But whenever I get that first message with the sales pitch my response is always the same.
And say you know whatever your name is.

[28:46] It's really a shame that you think you just did that because I need exactly what you're selling. So whatever it is you're oh you're a coach.
I need a coach I'm about to drop 10 grand on a coach. So you're so you're selling consulting I need to cancel all you're selling your book.
I need a new book. I was looking for any book.
What ever it is. And then I say but I have I have a hard line.
I don't do business with people that hard pitch on the first message on LinkedIn because it's the worst thing that you can do it made you look terrible and no one's ever going to do business with including me.
And that's a promise that I've made and you're not going to be the first exception. So I won't do business with you I guarantee you that.
But you just lost down on the sale and you know that and I take it a step further and say if you would've just gone to some of my content and engage with a few pieces of it I probably would've gone your profile and seen what you do and reached out to you and or,
if you'd engage with my content for a while and sent me a message saying you know hey I'm really loving engaging with your content.
Well now you're starting to have a conversation you could have mentioned that you're you know that you've got a book and I've had people message me back sometimes months after and say May God you change my life I never thought about that before.
You know you got me to stop cold pitching and it's like for me those are the huge successes.
And I have had a few people where a month or two later they come back and say OK I've stopped hard pitching everybody will you do business with me now and I still won't.
But thanks for asking. But the people who said that they've closed some pretty big deals by changing their approach as well.

[30:15] So you know I'm a I'm a Bible guy.

[30:18] And I love the whole teach a man to fish kind of thing it's like if I can't stop harassing them harassing other people and help them make more sales that's a win win.
You know candidly I'm a bootstrap. I haven't had the money to do business with most the fight to slow to love to give them that. That Raz.

[30:36] Well I think I think and I've done a similar thing it's it's educate them and explain to them why it's not very productive.

[30:46] They're spending time with those messages. Those connection requests and going out and finding somebody.

[30:51] It takes time. Period end. And if you can actually identify cinema a way that they can make a different choice.
I think I think you're helping someone else out in the world. So it's a good thing. So Corey this has been phenomenal.

[31:09] I love that you're here. I love that you're helping others around the world.
And I wish you all the best in your adventures as you go through this process of building a company growing a company and you know helping others in the in the space of LinkedIn and online.
And how is the best way for people to connect with you because you're out of connections so well.

[31:33] So here's the one thing that I've started doing that's been really powerful is I follow every single file board back.
So if anybody follows me on LinkedIn or work fields said well I will follow you back typically day out.
I go through a couple of times a day and make sure I follow all of my followers back and let's say you have something divisive or hate filled in your name or on your profile or in that you have one follower.
I've had about 15 people in last 24 hours of one follower follow me and I'm a little bit suspicious about that. Test everything.
I've got my eye on those profiles but that to me is suspect.
Other than that I follow anyone that follows me back.
If anybody wants me it's a first connection.

[32:12] What you do do is you start to engage my content a little bit and after about the second or third time you leave a really funny or intelligent comment and I say wait a minute that's a second connection,
I will find somebody that's not made me laugh and smile and maybe feel good about you know what I'm doing on LinkedIn at some point every week and you'll be on the list of the people that when they're not there as a first connection anymore.
Don't be surprised if you find yourself as a connection. So you know it's I'm I'm not I'm not,
out of reach at all but the other thing and here's something that a lot of people underestimate and Russ I know you don't but,
guys I'm on Linkedin mostly but guess where else I am Facebook Twitter Instagram ticktock Snapchat viable,
I'm everywhere. So find me anywhere else.
I think I'm getting a new followers on Twitter you can be the first person to actually like a tweet of mine this year.
Right. Like I'll be amazing and be best friends if you're in. So I think I'm just Corey worked on Twitter.
Yes. I get a little more opinionated there than I do in other platforms but what.

[33:21] But you know like facebook every every platform has its own personality.

[33:25] Oh absolutely. So if someone if someone sends me a request of friendship request on Facebook and I don't know one but their friend and Russ's kind of someone except you two and guess what.
I get a million views or become linked and it's hard to keep up. Yeah I probably get I probably get 15 a few hours a week on Facebook I'm kind of kidding but like that's a place I engage with.

[33:45] With multi-million follower influencers on Facebook because nobody else does so well then I think I think your experience in developing software and A.I.
And some of the things gives you a different insight than most people.
So it's nice to have you join us today and help kind of,
go through what you're doing in the world and explain some things and I love that you come back at some point in the future and I'd like to dig dig down a little deeper in some of the strategies behind actually,
keeping up with the contacts and how you manage that because I think that's a whole nother discussion that is probably for another day.

[34:26] But it's it's always a challenge for some people to maintain that consistent connection on a regular basis.

[34:37] I do agree. And would it be in poor form for me to do a quick sales pitch.

[34:43] That's why I'm here rather.

[34:45] Perfect. All right. So I do do kind of supplementary I do these master classes. I book only eleven students per class.
I only do one class at a time and I am always filling up for the next class.

[34:57] It's a paid class. It's literally only three hours of class time at once. So it's a 1 3 hour block.
How do students get a one hour one on one with me beforehand and three one on ones afterwards.
So really take each student really seriously. That's kind of why I only do 11 students and it's every single tip and trick the students from my last class says love to talk to future students.
They fall five x pretty much followers connections views likes all of them have had at least one viral post with over one hundred thousand views and over a thousand likes and that's you know so,
I don't have enough time to do that for everyone in the world so I use my free content my hashtag is the link tips L.A.
And Katie IP yes that'll help anybody for free.
But if there is anyone watching right now that wants to look at getting in I've got three three seats left for the class starting next week and then that every five six weeks I do another class.
So if anybody does want to learn some of my weird nuances and you know it's it's not they need a pretty big show in detail.
Oh my God it's been so much fun. So yeah this is the third class that we're filling up right now and the results from the first two were mindblowing.
They're all getting more engagement than I am I like 10 times.
No no one has over 50000 followers and this broke 60000 so I still get to be you know once one says the student becomes a master.
He's got more followers that mean that I'll just you know then I'll hand them the class to teach. But it's been a lot of fun.

[36:22] Well thanks for that. Thanks for that. I'd love to learn more about that and also thank you for your time and effort.
I know you're busy and running around and running a company and everything else like that.
I think it's important for us to highlight some of the people that are doing some good work on linked in communities especially.
And I want to share that across YouTube and Facebook and make sure that these things are art.
You know people understand what's going on because I've always been fascinated by industries that you know nothing about.
Right. And when you find out about things like this and it's like OK I have I buy a red car then all of a sudden you see the red car all over it right.
You don't know about an industry until you learn something about that industry that's always fascinated me that I could dig in and I can ask questions and I can talk to owners and in,
startups and people on on LinkedIn and find out more about what they're doing and it's it's just fascinating to me and it helps.
I think the community outside I appreciate you know I do as well.

[37:24] Listen you were my first. Typically I start my day around six thirty or seven with these calls you're my first caller this week and it's a huge week for me.
So no better late to have started and off and on the pirate broadcast. John.

[37:37] Well thank you so much Corey. You have a fabulous week maintain your content your goodwill and we will see you again. Kindness is cool.
Smiles or free and you enjoy the day.

[37:51] Take care of who and love and blessings.