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Join Sharon Jenkins on the #PirateBroadcast

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[0:04] Hey it's the pirate broadcasts.
Today we have another amazing episode from a dear friend of mine that I haven't seen in a while. Let's meet in a minute.
There is a master communicator. He's a writer a blogger a ghostwriter she's she's produced millions of words across her her duration of excellence.
And I just wanted to share her with you. In order to achieve our results of sharing wonderful people and talent on LinkedIn. Good morning Sharon. How are you today.

[0:37] I do it.

[0:41] It's a great day. And I just I just wanted to say hello and catch up with you and make sure that we understand what is going on in Sharon's world.
So talk to you and what's what's happening right now in the day of Sharon.

[0:58] Well today I have a show to do immediately following this show.
Oh fantastic. Yeah. I have a chat show called loop that's putting a light on you spotlight spotlighting people working doing.
That's all the qualifier is just need to do something good to combat some of the bad that's happening in the year.
So I've had the batting Ventura also as a master communicator. You know I'm out but people do look.
Yeah. Yeah. That effect this morning I was up like five thirty writing back coffee puts The Body Book in making sure I get it right the bar.
So you're gonna have a lot of fun working with people they do in books and then on Saturday I delivered my first hardback to my client and he literally was weeping.
Oh that's wonderful. It is beautiful.
It's a Mexican cookbook with all of it dutiful bold of up and have fun with it.

[2:13] That is fantastic. You know one of the things that I remember most is is the fact that you're so prolific as well and you know when we were doing.
I think it was back when we were even doing mainstream chamber when I way back in the day.

[2:30] No. No.

[2:32] Yeah a long time ago in networking in Houston and doing some amazing stuff and you know I was always amazed at how quickly and how effectively you could write and how how,
much impact it had on the world.
And at that point in time and also the ghost writing was always fascinating to me.
With the ghost writing and the ability to you know take somebody's story and bring it down and make it make it their story and how you could just absorb that information.
So are you still ghostwriting.

[3:08] Actually it's funny that you would ask me that.
Well I was waiting for a pickup line from online dating here editing the last chapter in a book that I've written for one of my clients. So yeah.
Looking for those writing clients because I love you.
I love to sell short story and either stay as authentic to your point as possible.

[3:35] Yeah well you know the thing about it is is that the thing that I love about LinkedIn and the whole online community is it's so easy to meet some new people all over the world.
And I've met I met people all over the world. I've met him in person. I've built relationships with them.
I really had some great amazing friendships as a result of being on LinkedIn especially.
And the thing that always amazes me is it comes down to the story it comes down to the way you tell your story and the words you use.
And it's so important to understand.
If I can use a few magic words and be a master communicator it seems like that connection happens even quicker.
So you know that's that's some of the magic that you bring to the table.
So if people are looking forward to connecting with you you know it's it's amazing to see what you can do.
Well one of the beautiful things about being on LinkedIn is.

[4:36] I love what's next to of voices that city of voice says You know there's not just one unified voice,
versus the races and those voices bring a specific flavor to the plot.
It makes the light interesting when you tell your story.
It doesn't like to read a book that tells enough in its story that moves through the tears that caused to the world for it.

[5:09] Yeah. Yeah well. And that emotional trigger is not always easy to be able to produce in a written format.
You know there's there's the way that you use the words. There's the way that you bring the tense in and you know develop the story up to a crescendo of sorts.
You know and it's it's that element that that I've always been amazed about with with some of the talents you bring to the table.
So it's I just wanted to connect with you and thank you for joining me on the pirate broadcast.
I know that there are there's a lot of talented people that I've had on the show and I'm going to continue to,
create the show and I just I just applaud the people that are taking the taking the effort and the time and the energy to produce results,
online and in person.
So so what's the next adventure for Sharon today.
Now your other show.

[6:11] I'm actually going to. Yeah.
And I'm speaking and art in West Virginia. Oh I saw that all right.
And you know a lot of people because it self publishing industry are you walking away from the fear factor and embrace the possibility of becoming a published author.
Yeah I think that that's wonderful because the way that I communicate what between another is through our stories agree on it and that's with the oracles Lou.
A long time ago in ancient days. And that's the beauty of what lot of the world.
Like. I know you don't write I'm better able to relate to you. Yeah yeah.
Are you better. I hear you better. I know you story.

[7:09] Well and I think that's part of the relation process is understanding the nuance of what you're doing what your goals are what your what your ideas are and where you're coming from and that's where the diversity comes into.
Because I wanted to give a shout out to Michael Evans Mosley.
Thank you for joining into the show today. Five and if you're listening to this on the replay,
if you have questions for Sharon or you have questions for myself please drop me in the comments because I'd love to answer your questions.
I'd love to answer pass those along to Sharon as well and connect you and online in and Sharon.

[7:57] Michael Evans says I want to be Bryant's true limit to the comments section.
It is a joke but I just really appreciate the fact that you can bring these stories to life and innocent.
The thing I love about Houston also is is the diversity in this city because I mean there are so many so many amazing people here.
And you know I'm in Houston today and I'm here visiting and I just.
I just wanted to connect and make sure that I had an update from you. And so thank you for being here. So.
So let me ask you a question. What's the process. Walk us through the process of how you write a book for someone.
I mean no somebody has an idea and they say hey I don't know how to write this book.

[8:49] So walk us through the process Sharon you'll be writing a book for someone else is you start there.
If this process is intellectual heartfelt what's the buzz about what story they want their wishes to relate to.
So I have my clients do a mission and a vision for the book.
I have that they needed a net with their readers.
What message is it that you want your readers to walk away with from reading your book.

[9:26] And once they have that mission and that vision that sets the parameters for them to generate a bio for a living document,
that can change lives within the minds and empower people to do some of the things that they think they can do.
So if you're a self-help book a motivational book a how to book you need to figure out what is it that you want you'll give this to walk away.

[9:57] Yeah so I would imagine that it's not always easy to draw,
the details so so I know you have a technique I'm sure that you you can use to,
draw the details out and tickle that that interesting part of the part of the story out of them.
So how is that an interview process that you go through or is it a Q and A.
Or is it you know asking good questions is part of the process and I know that's part of your process as well.

[10:35] Actually I do do it in the interview process but I also sometimes do personality testing.
Sometimes I think that we need to pull out of ourselves as being lost because we get caught up in the,
approach to life maybe you were in corporate you were a corporate employee and you assumed a certain demeanor in order to thrive in that environment.
When you write an authentic story sometimes you have to kind of like pull out the jumper cables and.

[11:15] Don't tase me. Don't tase me.

[11:18] I have to pull out the jumper cables. It's stuck.
He went to the reality of your authenticity and it out the girl needs to be on that.
So I mean I'm not ready to wait.
The problem of right to the problem. Yeah. So I do love it.
I do care and I do it. You know you're you're a lie. They don't have that you know what you would have is.
Well yeah. Yeah.

[11:46] Well I just know that some people are very guarded about the details and they just want.
They don't want to go through the process as much as they want the results.
And so it's it's often times where you have to think about what can I do to achieve the results with you know and it's so.

[12:11] I just know that having gone through the process on occasion it's you know telling your story some people are like humble or they're like reserved or they're you know they're not fully animated as they need to be.
And so one of the things that I think you've done and we've talked about in the past is is how to get that information out of them. How to pull it out of them.
And it's you know you you wordsmith and you craft that message and everything else.
So is there an approval process. Do they have to say this is right. This is this is not quite right. Or how does that work for him.

[12:48] As far as getting the final draft completed well in the beginning we have to form a partnership.
And I always let them know that they have the ultimate say so on the final product.
I am a partner in their journey but they are ultimately responsible. A hundred percent in product.
And so what we work with that understanding they know that I'm coming alongside them and support them. Yes even in the Gulf.
Even if they get scared I deal with me. They are the content expert.
And when I did the little dig to their input they are in the place that I usually have a problem with the.
Because because I'm always asking questions I'm always being inquisitive.
And sometimes it takes sharing other stories with a new storyteller TO GET THEM TO SEE THE THINGS.

[13:53] YEAH. YEAH. SO.
So. So tell us how you got to the point where you were doing this type of work and why why words.
What what is it about words that drew you into this.
This journey for Sharon. What was it about this that intrigued Sharon.

[14:22] But I always smell even as a young child that words have power.
Unfortunately I had quite a few early experiences when I was a kid.
And I remember the but I also remember picking up a good book as a child and being able to be transported into a different light outside of that environment where I was being bullied.
And so I learnt expression that transition and then authors really became my superheroes.
And to see them as royalty so actual child I wanted to emulate successful authors because of what they did for me. They were my security. They were my text.
They were everything that I needed to survive those early years as a child.
And so it just came to fruition as an adult.
It was a natural thing for me to be a champion to be a cheaper leader to be a lover of words. But even more so the people who wrote those.

[15:32] It's interesting that you would say that because I think a lot of people growing up,
have an opportunity to imagine something greater than they're experiencing.
And when you can actually go into the imagination that gives us so much opportunity to to see a different outcome than what we're living right.

[16:01] Absolutely absolutely. Because kick you out.
Imagine a child in that office country and all they know is struggle.
All they know is the Bible.
But let's say they get. They have access once a week to television program maybe an Oh Lester.
Yeah. I think downplaying the horse all the time is where it is.
Why add in conquering. Stop being a hero.
When they decide that they want more than what they see around them that is the vehicle that takes them from that place into their future.
The possibility about thinking the possibility of the impossible.
So that's why I love books. And that's why I love words.

[16:49] Yeah. The book is the space between life and dreams right.

[16:53] Yes. Yes. Oh well that's it's readable yet.

[17:02] So is so the imagination. Let's talk about the imagination a little bit because there's a lot of people that have an imagination.
However they they haven't taken the time and the effort to really articulate that.
Some people tick you know some people use video.
Some people use audio podcasting is getting really huge.
And you know words are the original storytelling device.
You know after the pain on the caves you know and you know a story has been part of our lives as part of our existence.

[17:38] It's part of who we are. And so it's like the hero's journey.
You know when we're talking about that in and when we're talking about,
the journey and like what you've gone through you know your childhood and developing your imagination and developing your skills as a writer and then just a lifelong love of this process,
where do you see yourself taking this process in the next five years. What do you what do you want to accomplish in this.

[18:08] So let's say I'm the child with all thinking what I see myself retiring doing.
Setting up an incubator for young people high schoolers and high schoolers and college students to,
foster that creative prosperous process not just a wordsmith but also not just journalism but also coupled that technology peace,
and have everybody in the same place.
Great. Good stuff good content.
Also bringing in seniors like myself baby boomers like myself who have good,
business acumen and equipping them to equip small businesses and also nonprofits to have that time bread.

[19:08] That's you know that content presence that some of the big dogs have.

[19:14] So that they can have a chance in the fight. Yeah.

[19:19] I love that idea. And so having planning that seed out there now as you know it's out there in the universe now.
So we can't take it back right now.
So who. Who's a good introduction for you and who can who can we introduce you to if if people watch this broadcast or hear this broadcast and I know that there's a couple of people that have already joined in that want to connect with you.
So I look forward to having them connect with you. Maureen is in the house.
Leslie again you know she's she's a she's a wonderful wonderful contact And Kieran here and baby.
I don't know if you know Karen or not. She wrote a story. She writes some amazing stories you two should absolutely connect.
She is an amazing individual and I had her on the program earlier.
And so go back in and introduce yourself and connect Sharon because I know that you guys are,
in alignment and so you know we're talking about fear and the fear of writing and you know this is one of the things that we brought up with Karen is the whole,
concept of being able to put yourself out is kind of risky for a lot of people.
So how how can we feel more comfortable about knowing our story. Do you have any tips for today.

[20:43] Sure. Actually I do. I live in a world where we have a lot of plastic stuff going on.
I mean people are crafting stories and selling you for now.
I won't say that other part of that word but they're selling you.

[21:02] What a wonderful thing to bring an authentic story to the store.
What a wonderful thing to contrast the bad days that would go with you.
I mean we all live a life. And in life we have ups and downs but there are lessons that we learned.
So you need that thing. Sometimes people take the focus off of themselves and put the focus on who they can help in the process.
There is no feeling that rebels or rivals with that feeling of timidity to help others.
And so I'm about fostering that feeling.
So I I remember being a Boy Scout executive.
Yes I was a Boy Scout so I would do. I would jump out a tree.
I would go on to the lake and fish and help the kids learn how to fish because it was their good choices for my good and actually for my good,
because I got to face that fear and help somebody out at the same time.
So I'm about fostering those environments.
It's OK to be afraid but let's pull you from that fear into a place where you're comfortable and you comfort that.

[22:25] Well. And as we know and we've talked about before is growth always happens outside your comfort zone. Right.
And the more we address the fear and understand that we can go beyond it is that's when the growth happens in that comfort zone expands and that's what good things start taking place.
You know just like creating your incubator for writers and aspiring writers and storytellers and some of the things and activities that we can help promote and produce in the world. And I think that's.
And bringing people together you know like I always say is you know the hashtag kindness is cool smiles or free.
I say that with. I say that with authenticity and it comes from the heart.
So I love the fact that that's something that we can do and we can produce on a regular basis because you don't know what somebody is going through.
You don't know what their story is you don't know what their journey is.
So if you can offer some kindness some generosity some offer of help and assistance that's that's only going to improve the world in my opinion.

[23:35] I.

[23:38] So Sharon I know you have another show to go on too.
And I just want to thank you and all the gratitude in the world for doing the things you are doing helping other people.
And I really appreciate the opportunity for us to connect today and I look forward to even more in the future.

[23:56] So likewise likewise. And I want to tell you I am so proud of you and all that you do have state to make your peace.
And I'm a cheerleader for you my friend.

[24:10] Thank you so much. I appreciate you and share this message and share share the good work that we have created and make sure that,
if people can introduce I know that you've already got a connection a couple of connection requests already as this show's progressed,
and so I look forward to our opportunity to connect again and share out the show and anything that you're producing so we can actually expand your vision and dream.
And how do people get older you Sharon. Tell us how to how to track you down.

[24:41] What's the best club thinking Inbox me on LinkedIn. That's a great thing.
Reach out to connect to me and they can send me an e-mail really easy at night.
Karen C. Jenkins at g mail. But don't forget the sea. It's my maiden name card Sarah.
See I think it's that awesome awesome.

[25:04] Well I appreciate you and thank you for being here and take the time out of your busy schedule to meet us and share your tips.

[25:12] Oh yeah. Well hey. Kindness is cool. Smiles are free.
And as always you enjoy the day. Take care.