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Catch David Angel on the #PirateBroadcast™

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[00:00:00] Introduction: Welcome to the #PirateBroadcast™, where we interview #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. Where you can expand your connections, your community, #kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree. Let’s get this party started.

[00:00:10] Russ Johns: Hey everyone. It's a great day for a #PirateBroadcast™, and we're going to be talking about sales today, David. Good morning. How are you doing? Good afternoon, wherever you happen to be in the world. Thank you for being here.

[00:00:22] David Angel: Thanks for having me. It's good to meet you. Good to see you. How are you?

[00:00:26] Russ Johns: Excellent. Excellent. And one of the things that I wanted to bring you on for is this thing that every business needs and that's sales. And I want to dive into the process of sales, whether it be, building awareness, prospecting, lead generation, and actually converting contacts into contracts. So tell us who you are and what you're up to these days. So somebody has a a way to get ahold of you and track you down.

[00:00:58] David Angel: Okay. Cool. Thanks for having me on hi everyone. Yeah, so my name's Dave at the sales angel. I'm a sales and business coach and I'm based in the UK. I've got clients spread across seven countries and I'm a guy who gets brought into. Help people get to the next level for most businesses, as you quite rightly said, sales is a really important part. If you don't have sales, you've got a hobby, not a business or you've got an absolute liability on your hands. So I help people from all over the space. I've been in Salesforce. So I've helped people from the startup entrepreneurial level where the solo preneurs, where they need to be raised as sharp, because if you're wearing many hats, you want to try and get one shot, one kill, not waste all your days being an effective sales salesperson. I work with smaller businesses up to about two, 3 million a year bracket where they might be bringing in that first member of a team. We don't have a set processes and strategies to do that because I've been a standalone business, but I also have an online platform, which is a bolted on legacy coaching program, which is used by large sales teams. For anyone who's ever had a sales team. It's like herding cats. Sometimes they're mental. Like they can be the best part of your business, but they've all got different experiences and personalities. And what we aim to be able to do is be able to cover. And I can't be in someone's business at America, for example, 24 7. So we have a fully interactive platform that bolts into that business, which means vacant track monitor and train their team and without costing the earth and without causing more headaches and it delivers. So now I spend a huge amount of time doing that.

[00:02:36] Russ Johns: It's interesting that you say that because large teams, you, especially in new businesses seldom have the process in place to actually maneuver through that cat hurting stage. So it's really important that someone like yourself grab a little bit of structured. And mold the teams into success. So what is it that you like to start out with? Is it is it building a prospecting funnel and then growing on that? Or is it more team-based activities?

[00:03:12] David Angel: The big differences between what I do and what I understand that most people do. I won't say no one else does it this way, because. I haven't got off from research to everyone. Most businesses, when he calls someone in, they're normally calling someone in for a set problem or issue. They would have put a plaster over a wound. They want to get heal the problem with a lot of sales teams, a lot of people have a sales team thinking they're a magical fix. I've got to hire three salespeople and they're going to fill us with money. And then they interview people and interview salespeople and they sound great. But then magically, it just doesn't gel or some, it doesn't happen. So when I get brought into a business, I turned down about 35 to 40% of people that approach us now, that is not because I'm not ha we don't want to use these people because there's only certain people out there that are in a position where they will actually implement what we do 'cause if they're not going to do that, it won't work. And certain people out there have a very low ticket products. I'm not someone who's great with somebody selling a 9 99 pen. I'm very much dealing with people that have. High value products, but I used to doing high ticketed items, subscription-based products, outbound phone sales, face-to-face events, that type of thing. And the problem you've got with that stages, it's such a broad spectrum. So what we do initially is very much a deep dive. We personality. Everyone. So for example, if there's a team of eight people, we get them all to do a disc assessment, which breaks down the personality traits because most people have never done that. Then what we do is we look at where their immediate blind spots in the business between me and you. My big part of that is to prove and redeem the value that they've spent on us. So I then spend time going, okay, how can we find blind spots in the business now? But we'll bring money in there. Cause if we, if someone's paid me 10,000 pounds and they've got a deal business where their deals are 5,000 pound at a 40% profit, it's very easy to then go in and go, okay, all we've got to do is go and find five deals. And we've got. So then we look in every business has blind spots. So selfishly from my side, we look for blind spots. Now that will be a case of sitting down and going, okay, what do your team do now? How do they do it? Who's the best at it. Who's the worst at it. And then we look at, for the majority of people, their best salespeople are doing great. But it's normally something that we will utilize, like a halo product method that will increase their sales or the lower side. We have to get consistency coming in place because that's where the lowest self-esteem lower results are coming through. Although they might be doing the. And then we find a consistent level between the two of what are we going to do now. And it also depends how long they want to work with me. I've got some people that are hiring me for four months. So we have a 40th system for each month. Others I work with for a year. And by the time I leave after a year, I make myself redundant. I make it where you don't need me anymore. So then you've got every SOP you possibly need. The team are trained up. Everything's in place for team, but management team. Everyone's in a place where they go, oh, we're going to miss him, but then if we need you anymore, and that's really what the aims to be. And if I, if someone gives me 50,000 pounds, they make another 4 million and then they're like, that was great. Goodbye. We get a great testimonial. We'd normally get referrals.

[00:06:38] Russ Johns: It's like many coaching experiences. There are times where we need a little bit of coaching to get us over the bump, to get us through the hard spot and understanding a new perspective. And then, once you get that down, once you get your rhythm in your flow and things are moving forward. It's not necessarily something you need all the time and that's what, that's the beauty of coaching. Yes. So I want to bring it, I want to break it down a little bit more for the pirate community and think about the considerations when we're starting a sales process, some of the building blocks, what can you help us out with on that end of the spectrum?

[00:07:15] David Angel: What are the big things? When I, when, if I walk into a business within the first hour of listening to people. I will know normally, but there's normally a big issue about the intention that people have. Because he's so easy to turn around and go, yeah, I'm here to get sales. Great. But what's your intention at this? Now some companies have bought a one-call close, so they're getting a lead. They're calling up. They're trying to sell them at that point. Other people have got a full call close, where they're doing an intro. They send you a bit of base information. They follow up. Then they qualify Bendigo for the close and some businesses have got all of this going on. So they've got one guy who shoots from the hip and just does what he feels. So initially I go in and I look at that. What are you doing? What's what are you doing? One call two, call three, call, whatever what I say to everyone, I don't care what your location is, your locations, your location, but if you call the coast guard to come and save you you call the army in to come and save you and you give them a wrong location. They're going to bring the wrong tools. So why look to find what, where what's the main issues they've got. And a lot of the times salespeople have got a real mixed. Okay. If you can close on that first call closing, but if not send them a brochure, but make sure you qualify them a bit and make sure you've got this question. So our intentions really got to be clear, so I normally look at things. Okay. So who's my, who are your buyers? What would be the best way for us to sell to. How do we get clear intention? And then how can we reverse engineer that sale to be the most resistance free, but also increased for flow as much as we can. So that intentions, the first part, the second part is what people are actually saying. Because we could talk about the prep before the call, for example, getting your mindset right. And practicing these skills. But let's look for a minute and let's imagine that they're already warmed up. They know vest, script their conversation. We know where they want to go. They've got intention. A lot of people still, when they have intention, don't go off and actually do the steps in the right order. Now, if you phoned my phone number, but you do the numbers the wrong way round, you're not coming from. For a lot of people out, there they go, oh I like to adapt it depending on where the person I'm talking to, but that's not what you're really trying to do. What we're trying to do is the least resistance way. So for a lot of people will look at that and we'll go, okay. So if you want to adapt it, for example, to have a personality type of the person you're talking. Show me how you identify a relationship buyer. Show me how your I and every single salesperson. Well, 90% of the time is oh, I don't know how to do that or that. Okay. So if you don't know how to be effective at identifying the buying type, let's stop freestyling. You're not a rapper. You're not M and M if you're not getting paid millions for freestyle rapping, let's build a structure behind it. Okay. And then we break it down. What's your intro? And they're like, okay I normally say hi. Role-play it is if it's a cool, no salespeople like it, but it's really important to do. And then you're going, okay. So what, where does your intro start and finish? What information do we want out of it? What's the next stage? What's our next day, how we qualify? So then once you've broke that first call down, we've got a real breakdown of where we're trying to go. You can find again, those blind spots and then we can tweak the engine on the little parts that we need, and then you do that at the next stage and the next stage. And then.

[00:10:39] Russ Johns: I love that. I want to give a shout out to some of the individuals, some of the parts in the room. Yeah. I've been popping up here, but Vicky O'Neal. We got Marcia in the room. Michael Baker, Marsha Vicky O'Neill is in the house and then also Gabe. Good morning, everyone. I love that everyone's here. Jeff Young. In the house, not Ms. Day, Mary Fain brand. Good morning. Still out for pizzas of beer. I know that I just really loved the the community here. Elise, how are you doing Lisa? I hope your travels are well, Gertrude, Chapman. Thank you so much for being here, everyone. David, this does not have to be, you're making it sound like it doesn't have to be as complicated as some people make it. There's some challenging things. And I know that it's, a lot of it has to do with consistency, tenacity, just showing up and doing the work. And a lot of us, myself included. It's really difficult to get started. Okay. I know I'm prospecting and I know I have to try something before I figure out what that something needs to end up being. So what kind of motivation, what kind of #inspiration could we share and say, damn it, I just need to pick up the phone or send that email or follow up on that message. What is it that unlocks that key?

[00:12:03] David Angel: There's two short stories that I'll share with you. One of them comes from, I heard it on Joe Rogan first and Joe Rogan says on there, imagine for a minute. The life of your dreams happens. Everything you ever wanted to achieve happens. And in a future time travels real and they send a film crew back to secretly film you every single day through the struggle, through the processes to record every way you react and you didn't get that deal to see how hard you really worked, what you did in the more. And from there when you're waking up every day and you think, imagine if it was a film crew here right now filming me, what would I do? Someone's already told me, but I made a hundred million pounds, whatever the number is, I've got my global business and they sent these people back. What would happen when you're doing that press up and you've got time, you push the other rep out. What did you do? Where, how would you react when there's no one around? And you put that phone down or someone hung up on you'd shake it off because you'd be like, no, I'm not letting these people see me for. Because you would have what, a hundred percent confidence it happened because of the damn film crew they're filming us. That also means, but we are reliant on someone else watching us to be at our best. We let ourselves down and we let ourselves off because it's. But here's the good thing. Every bit of objection, we have everything heard of it's put in front of us. Now, the reason that it's put in front of us is because at the top of the tree, we could only have a certain amount of wealth if a top of your industry, but could only be a certain amount of success. That's just the way it goes. I had all of these hurdles and roadblocks of there to test your merit, to test how bad you want it to test. If you will get a title of your industry. And if you want to know. Going to be, if you're going to be the best in your industry, you have to be the best to overcome it. So we have to be the most accountable to where we're at. Now, this let's be on to the second part, and this is something which always sat with me. I went for a breakdown years ago and lost everything. My breakdown lasts like two years and it was a fable that I heard. And I don't remember I heard it, but it goes something like this. You've got an old Indian grandfather and a grandson and a sat around the fire. And the grandson's talking about good and bad and bright and wrong. And what makes someone good or what's makes someone bad. And the grant that says to the grand side, he looks me in the eyes and he said, inside every single one of us, there's two wolves. And they're going to go to battle every single day. You've got a good Wolf and you've got a bad Wolf. And the grandson looks up at me and says, who's going to win. And he says, whichever one you feed now, here's the big. We have a choice, which one of those wolves we feed every day? The good one, the positive one, the resilient one, right? Or the negative one, but skeptical one, the moaning one. Now, if you've been feeding that bad Wolf for 20 years, if you go off now, Feed the good Wolf for a week. Like everyone does it new year, right? Feed the Jim Wolf for a week. They feed right. They eat right? What happens? The bad Wolf has got such inherit strength, still left in it. You can stop that one for a while. It's still going to get a victory him. So every time we feed that bad Wolf, we've got to feed the good Wolf. Every time that we give in to a bit of negativity. Every time we give into, we let ourselves off. We've got a van go off and feed back. Goodbye. Double down because that's the only way we're going to break this habit. And if we've got a habit of procrastination, it is a habit. It's not a sentence, right? It's not a disability. It's not like being blind or deaf. It's something we have chose. Now. It might be hard to break that, but if you've got a life now, we've all the stuff you have now with procrastination. And imagine what you could get. If you got rid of procrastination. And that's just loud. So that's what I think.

[00:16:09] Russ Johns: I love that. I just want to give a shout out. Yeah. Admiral Russ sells Goodwill food. Love you, Wendy. Thank you so much. She also said if everything was was, she was saying. If everything I did was film, that would be a horror movie, maybe a slasher film. Oh, I love that, David. This is golden nuggets because as much as we know what we need to do, and as much as we feel that we have the ability to do some things, there's always. That little person on the shoulder, nagging at us and saying, oh, you don't have to do that and go take a nap. It's ah, just take a break. You're okay. Just in fact, if you made two more calls a day, what would that look like in a year if you made, if you outreached to, five people a week, what would that look like? And you have to start thinking those terms. Yeah. So what's. What's a good strategy for a new business owner. Cause there's a lot of transition in the world right now. And there's a lot of new businesses, we're not all building teams of salespeople and a hundred percent. And I know that's an area that where you Excel on your expertise is built on. However, there's a lot of individual workers, that are, getting displaced and looking to start their own business. What's a process that we can actually use to start prospecting. What are some things that we can consider and, is it just phone calls now? Is it email? Is it outreach? I know I, I use a lot of LinkedIn, engaging. Reaching out to people, making, I've done over 530 episodes of the pirate broadcast. I know a lot of people, but that doesn't always transition into prospecting. Like I would like, yeah. So what are my thoughts that I have to change in order to get this little guy off my shoulder and kick his butt out of here.

[00:18:12] David Angel: Here's the good news. The little guy is never going to. But what you listened to and every time, yeah, that's the good news, except it, if we can't change something except inhibit difference, we have a choice for way, we hear a narrative in every situation, there will always be something that pull you back. And the very same thing that we can use as an anchor, we can pick it up, grab it by the rope, swing it around our head and use it as a grappling hook. It's exactly the same way. The only difference between an anchor and a grappling hook is the way we use it. So if you've got something on your shoulder now and you go, do you know what? Every time I hear about boys, I'm going to do 10 more calls. And every time I hear that voice, that's a sign. It's a warning alarm. It's not something telling me to calm down. It's T that's my mediocre alarm. That's my average. Every time. I hear that voice that lets me know I'm about to hit the real zone where my excellence is at. When I hear that voice, that is the sign I'm leaving average behind.

[00:19:21] Russ Johns: I love that Vicky O'Neal asks. What do you think the biggest reason is for people not taking action with a prospect?

[00:19:29] David Angel: I think to be Frank it's rejection, people freak out rejection and we see it as person. I know. So imagine you're a boxer and you don't like getting hit, visit limitation. How much of a boxer you're going to become, but what's the best way. If you don't like getting hit as a boxer, you need to get them rounds in. Yeah. If you've got tied to a pole as a boxer, as people just stood there, punching you for an hour, the way you would flinch would be very good. The problem is a lot of people are getting in the ring. Someone's from one punch it. That will do for today. I'll come back tomorrow.

[00:20:11] Russ Johns: So everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. Tyson.

[00:20:15] David Angel: And this is what happens so soon as we get to the stage that we get one punch come near us, we're like, okay. So I've made a good effort, but little by little monkey on the shoulder starts giving us some grief. We're like, yeah, you're right. Actually we didn't need to get punched yet was progression.

[00:20:30] Russ Johns: Jeff Young says, I love the anchor analogy special on the #PirateBroadcast.

[00:20:34] David Angel: So what we do, we aim to please. And so I think...

[00:20:38] Russ Johns: bringing the gold David.

[00:20:39] David Angel: We aim to please, we've a lot of this stuff out there now. Imagine right now, but you knew you wouldn't get any rejection. No one had hang up on you. No one would be rude. Everyone would be friendly and that you would convert it for every. 50 people you call was going to be worth a thousand pounds, but it was never going to be a bad call. You just had to dial 50 numbers summit on. So you'd have a friendly chat, but you'd make a thousand pounds or a thousand. So you could make a couple of thousand dollars a day right now, everyone would be pretty happy. All I've got do is pick up the phone, talk to that person. I don't need to sell them 30 to get rejected. There'll be no mean people they're being horrible to me. That would have been a bad mood. We don't do that. A hundred calls a day. I could add up to $730,000 a year. Amazing stuff. Yeah. Yeah. If it was going to be that easy. Everyone would be doing this job. Everyone would have vest, small business, everyone out there wouldn't have a small business. They would have a Tesla because they would just employ a million people to do exactly the same thing, what we want and the way we want it. Doesn't matter when we're looking to go out and set up a business, this is why. Goals, your dreams, your plan called just be an average plan because you're going to get punched in the face. You're going to have to put in the work. Think about like this. Imagine what a business we're talking about now, how many of those same businesses have gone out of business in the last five years? And this isn't to be horrible. Just the fact.

[00:22:23] Russ Johns: That's just the way it is.

[00:22:26] David Angel: Yeah. They all had the best intention. They all had the belief. They all had the desire. They all had a family behind.

[00:22:35] Russ Johns: Vicky O'Neal says getting energized by rejection should really be the first checkbox for anyone wanting to be in sales. It happens and there's no way around it.

[00:22:45] David Angel: Embrace it, run at it, run straight up. I'll go to people now. And it's been, we said earlier about the conversation about narrative change, the conversation. Imagine we say to you now, all I want you to do is go out and get 50 nos. Just get 50 people to say no. And you're like, all right, I'll give you a hundred grand a year. Or I want you to do is phone these people up get 50 nos the next day you come in, right? I've got 50 hours yesterday. What now? Cool. Can you get 49 nodes today? Sounds easy enough, right? Because we're aiming for nos and in 48 nos and then 47 and suddenly we're getting a yes here. Everyone's hunting for the yes. And they're seeing a no is a yardstick of failure. It's not. The idea of a no it's giving you clarity that this person isn't for me. And also a lot of the time, we don't know what to say when someone says, no, I'm at the stage now, so I'm clubhouse, but I'll go into real estate rooms. I don't sell real estate. And I think it's hilarious. They'll have role play pitch rooms where they'll be 280 people on this stage. I'll go in my brand's versus hell's angels is straight away. People will give me up on stage. I'm like, ah, here's the sales angel. Let's see what he can do. I'm like, okay, cool. Let's do it. I said, before we start, just let you know, I don't sell real estate, so what are we doing? And they'll be like, oh, okay. Are you in the UK? But yeah. Okay. So now I'm selling real estate in the U S in a role-play room with 280 people. And okay. So we're going to do for sale by owner. I was like, okay, so I've never done this, so I've got no idea what we're gonna do. But just tell me what my goal is. And then all you've got to do is pretend you're cold calling someone and you've just got to get them to agree to an appointment. I'm like, it's Hey. Yes. It's not that easy, Dave. I went all right, cool. In my head, I'm thinking I haven't even got any money on this call. All I'm trying to do on this role-play is get someone to let me have an appointment, but because that's what they're doing every day, they see that as the yardstick, they see that as the hardest. For me, I'm like, all I've got to do is to, and the guy said to me, I've going to be the seller and I'm not going to go easy on you, Dave. I'm like, cool. What's the worst case scenario. We've had a fake phone call and 280 people. Don't like me, best case scenario. I blow everyone out of the water and 280 people turn around to me and they're like, crap. This guy is amazing. But we've got to be in it to win it. And when we run towards objections, when we run towards hurdles, when we know what we can do, when we know how to handle objections, when we know how to identify the difference between somebody who's a real prospect and a suspect when that's unconsciously competent, it doesn't concern us anymore. A lot of people are just so early in this stage.

[00:25:38] Russ Johns: I love this. I love this, David. This has been tremendous. I love the fact that you join us today. We were able to connect even though email wasn't. So can I, to us as the process and we didn't allow the little guy on the shoulder to, to kick us out of, off, off track. Exactly. Thank you so much for being here. I really look forward to future conversations. Now that you're a. Come back, join us, share the knowledge and make sure that everybody's informed, educated, inspired about the sales process. Because as we all have something great in us and we all have something that we can contribute to the company. And it all helps when we're working together. So Jeff Young Vicky says it was the first thing that came up when he said he had to present on a stage. It's sell me that pen. It's a classic. Yes. It's a classic. I love the fact that we can talk about sales this way and hopefully somebody found value or somebody in the future finds value.

[00:26:38] David Angel: Thank you very much for having me really appreciate it.

[00:26:40] Russ Johns: And thank you everyone. And the #PirateBroadcast is here to help you in your business. And also the #PirateSyndicate go check out the #PirateSyndicate I'm producing shows for other people. I'm helping producers learn how to produce shows and all of these things will assist you and support you in your job. And talking to people like David are going to do nothing but help. And so we do this because #kindnessiscool, #smilesarefree and we want you to #enjoyyourday. Thanks to everyone. Like, follow, subscribe and all that social shenanigans. Smash that like button. Don't go away, David.

[00:27:22] Exit: Thank you for joining the #PirateBroadcast™. If you found this content valuable, please like, comment and share it across your social media channels. I would love the opportunity to help others grow in their business. The #PirateSyndicate™ is a platform where you show up, we produce the show. It's that easy. If you want to be seen, be heard and be talked about, join the #PirateSyndicate™ today.

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