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Catch Michael Bryant on the #PirateBroadcast™

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I love sharing what others are doing to create, add value, and help in their community. 

The approach people use and how they arrived at where they are today fascinates me. 

So… I invite them to become a PIRATE on the

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Audio digitally transcribed by Otter.ai

Introduction 0:02
Welcome to the #PirateBroadcast™, where we interview #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. Where you can expand your connections, your community, #kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree. Let’s get this party started.

Russ Johns 0:20
I love waking up in the morning and having a great conversation. And sometimes we start late because I'm already having a great conversation with the guests, Michael, pirate Michael is in in the room again. And I'm just excited to have a conversation again today. How are you doing my friend?

Michael Bryant 0:38
Hey, man, it's great. It's great to be back. It's nice we let all of them in on our conversation now. We've been at it already. We've been at it already. It's been greaat. Yeah.

Russ Johns 0:50
And we were talking about things that were very, incredibly important to a lot of people in, in LinkedIn and online and in creating businesses. And the strategy about, you know, a lot of entrepreneurs, they just take on almost anything, because they want to make sure that they have, you know, the opportunity, you know, everywhere I look, I see opportunity. My biggest challenge is to say no, right? I can't do that right now. And I was feeling, I was explaining to Michael, before the show started that I'm feeling like I got a lot of things going on. And the next phase is document and delegate. Right? Yeah. And you have to measure the results and the outcome and where you're going. So you know if you're improving your process.

Michael Bryant 1:41
The reason it's important to say no, is because there's only only so many things you can say yes to. For one thing, you hit like critical mass, I mean, you have to be able, it's really you know, I've developed this thought process that I'm calling the iron mind now. And it's sort of like how, how do we lock in on...what I've done is, you know, as you and I've talked about in the past, you know, I have this background in endurance athletics. For about 15 years, I've been doing endurance sports. And, you know, this thing that we're talking about right now, it's so interesting, because in the midst of everything that's going on, people are doing some amazing kinds of things. Yeah, people have made this decision, not just to survive this thing, not just to succeed in this thing, but to actually thrive in the middle of all of this. And I think that is just I mean, in your own life, you know, can you think about it, you know, how that's happened for you? Like where we made a decision to thrive?

Russ Johns 2:50
Absolutely. I mean, 2020 overall, has been one of my most productive years, in recollection, you know, it's just proven to be exceeded all my expectations. And I think it was because of the challenges that I faced and some of the things that I just decided, hey, I am going to go after this. I am going to go through this process, and I'm going to make sure that I #makeitmatter, you know,

Michael Bryant 3:24
Right. You know, I think the other thing this freed us up from was that we didn't have to act like we knew what we were doing. Because nobody knew what we were doing. I remember my first race. I'm 56 years old, which means I'm completely out of my mind, I decided I'm going to do this 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike and then a marathon. I mean, this is nuts and I needed adult supervision. We talked about that earlier. So I hired a professional triathlete to coach me 10 weeks before the race, I've never ridden a bike 135 miles in my life. So she had her work cut out for her. And I had this insane list of races I was going to do, you can't do what it is I did. I finished the race. And I said to her, what made you think I could finish this? She said I had no idea you could finish this thing. But you had a plan and you thought that you could. Who was I to tell you that you couldn't do this thing. And I think that what happened with this was there was nobody around to tell us we couldn't do it. It's easy. It's amazing what you can do when your entire focus. I mean, people were like, I mean, my business ground to a halt in March. You know, I basically go out and meet and eat for a living is what I do. I'm actually getting big as a barn. You know, I mean...

Russ Johns 4:51
If you didn't run to every meeting, you'd be okay.

Michael Bryant 4:57
And when that ground to a halt, I looked at this and I said, okay, what's my model? I need a model. I need something I know I need. I need something. I know the brain likes it familiar doesn't do well, if you're unfamiliar, because it doesn't have a model. The brain likes what it likes, because it knows it. It doesn't like it because it likes it. It doesn't know what it is. It dismisses it, because it doesn't have a model. So I said, what do I have a model for? And I said, Okay, I know how to be flexible and adaptable. I know how to do that. I mean, I've had races. One race in 2014, I'm swimming, and all of a sudden, a kayak guy comes over to kayak, and he's kind of pushing me off where I'm going, I woke up and he said, lightning hit the lake, get out of a lake. They don't train you to get out of the lake. I mean, we do and we're on that we're walking up....

Russ Johns 5:44
It's like my goal is to get across the lake.

Michael Bryant 5:48
Should I race on? Did they cancel the race. And it's like, well, you need to just be flexible and adaptable. So I looked around, and I said, okay, so I heard about this thing called zoom. So I kind of learned about that. And then there's all these like podcasts and you're gonna podcast. Well, I mean, no, probably the first person ever...

Russ Johns 6:10
Ever heard of the #PirateBroadcast™?

Michael Bryant 6:12
I got to know the #PirateBroadcast™, as you know, very quickly. The #PirateBroadcast™, everyone knows about the #PirateBroadcast™. Okay, how can they not? So I looked at that. And I said, okay, if we can find a time in our life, where we were flexible, and adaptable, it might just happens to be the race, no matter what it is, go back and find something that you can anchor your thoughts on and say, what was a time where I was flexible and adaptable? What was a time where I needed to shift where I needed to make and you know, for a lot of us it was for a lot of people was, my kids are home. My kids are in school all day. No, they're not. And I love...some of my zooms are hysterical. So I'll be talking to some big corporate, you know, vice presidents, and all sudden, their kiddos stick their head into picture, like, you want to see my tooth that just came out and, you know, the person will be mortified and I'll be like, you know, hey, it's good. I have children, they were a little worse. They lost their teeth. It's okay. I understand you're not like...

Russ Johns 7:16
Well, I think a lot more people need to shift their focus and say I get to, versus I have to,

Michael Bryant 7:23
yes, I choose to.

Russ Johns 7:24
I choose to.

Michael Bryant 7:25
Choose to. If I say I have to, it puts me in a victim mode because but I choose to, there's very few things I have to do. I mean, I have to breathe, I have to eat. I mean, most things I do I choose in the course of the day and the word have to be very limiting kind of a very good point. It's a very limited, it's a very kind of it. And I think the other thing that's really so, so important is I can't do these races. If I'm not focused on the positive, I just can't do it. I mean, I can remember in 2008 so horrible day, it rained five and a half inches in 13 hours. 60 degrees, I was just at it was the most physically miserable day of my life. It was horrible. It was not gonna, it was raining so hard. Did you know how it was it felt like pebbles, and I was on my water bouncing off onto my body. And so I made this mistake. And I really got with about maybe 25 miles left on the bike, I looked forward and I said I have 25 miles more to go in this mess. In this marathon and I'm going and I'm going to I've got 50 something miles and it all began to overwhelm me. The thought of it began to overwhelm me, it almost shut me down. And I knew at that point and when I'm in the race now, I focus on on what I have. I mean, think about it for a minute, in 2020, what are maybe like four or five really good things that happened to you?

Russ Johns 8:53
Oh well, I I've expanded my business. I've launched and expanded on the #PirateSyndicate™. I've clarified my message. I mean, there's a lot of things. I met great people like Michael, and, you know, and learned a lot about focus and attention and how to build systems. I've met...I mean, all of the amazing people that I've met just through the #PirateBroadcast™. It's phenomenal. I got Gabriel, you know, he's one that I met. You know, Leslie. Good morning pirates. She's an amazing individual that I got to meet. Abu, hello, Michael. And Darren Burch. Another amazing pirate that's been here on the world. Good morning. Darren, how are you? and Leslie says, paradigm shift happening here?.Absolutely. Fantastic. Awesome. Yeah, yeah, we're gonna shift to some more. And Darlene says morning and Tapa says good morning, even though I know It's probably evening time for him and happy pirate community. Absolutely. Nick Gemmell's here. Darren says, choose to be kind, smiling is a gift that costs nothing and has infinite power to unite. Absolutely. Thank you so much, it is so...this is the kind of thing, Michael that really charges me up in the morning, every single day. And I get to do this. I mean, we've got over 330 episodes of the #PirateBroadcast™.

Michael Bryant 10:34
Right. You know, if I think about it in my life, you know, I celebrated my 40th wedding anniversary this year.

Russ Johns 10:41
Happy anniversary.

Michael Bryant 10:42
Thank you. Our fifth grandchild was born over Christmas. That was funny, because I would have people say to me, you know, we did like, you know, unwrapping packages on zoom and stuff like that this year, he and I had people say, how was your Christmas? I said, I love Christmas. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. Why do you think I would let this mess up my Christmas and mess up my Christmas? My Christmas was great. Because I decided my Christmas wouldn't be great. No, when he decided we have control over two things. It doesn't matter what's going on around us. We have control over how we respond to circumstances and how we treat other people. No one gets that but us, no one owns it, no one can touch it, we can only give it away, decide that we're going to keep it. So to be able to look at this thing and say, You know what, in the middle of all of this, I'm going to focus on what works. The decision to have, you know, my days are good. Yeah, these are good. You know, I'm like human. So you know, I have days that are great. But my theory is this, this is my theory based on nothing. I think that, that there's 10 days a year where you can do no wrong if you just want that day to go on forever. People that are giving you business, the only thing that comes in the mail is money. I mean, it just goes forever. And then there 10 days why you wonder where you got out of bed? Thank God, whenever I did, I'm sorry, please make this stuff out. If that's true, and I have no evidence it is because it's just made up. I think then 345 work programs, they can anything, they can be anything. And if that's the case, it's like, that's the vast majority of days. And, you know, at the beginning of this, I had a couple of days where I was really feeling down and my wife said to me, You know, when you find my husband, like, would you like, you know, tell him to come home? Because like who is this? I said to myself, okay, whatever you're saying yourself, you know, it's, you know, it's true, whatever you say, how do you want to feel? And I said, Well, I'm not like this. No, I practice something called reframing. And I actually learned it. When I had surgery for a torn rotator cuff, I tore my rotator cuff and I discovered it before the 2006 Iron Man. And and the doctor said you have a torn rotator cuff. I thought he said cup. I didn't know what you're talking about. I said, well, I don't know what that means but I got this race. And I actually literally, I tape my shoulder with duct tape. Real like great duct tape. They didn't have, they didn't have cubbies or tape or anything at the time. I did 2008. But by then my arm was about to fall off. And I had surgery. And the doctor said to me, I had the oil team, or the team physician do my surgery. And I had Michael Phelps physical therapist, I told people, if this thing messes up, it isn't going to be the health has got to be the patient because I got about it. And as you said to me, we're not trying to get you ready to take a can of peaches off the top shelf, we're getting you ready to basically do put the stream athletic pressure on that shoulder. So you need to give me a year. Yeah, give me a year. Okay. I mean, I know it was promising. I went into steep depression. I'm like, Oh my gosh, exercises. And what I do is part of who I am, how am I? What am I going to be? And I said, so the question is, when you don't like where things are? Where do you want them to be? As a positive question? In life, you get the answers to the questions you ask if you're not getting the answer you want. ask a different question. Don't ever assume there's not an answer.

Russ Johns 10:42
Frame it or reframe it.

Michael Bryant 10:57
Frame it or reframe it. So what I decided to do was to reframe this thing and I said, what do you do when it works? And I said, Well, I put on my try clothes, I put on whatever I'm going to work out in and I go to the gym. I do my workout. And then I have I have this right here. This contains every workout for the past 15 years is in one of these books. I track every workout I do every day and not like some kind of obsessive compulsive disorders. Now this is for historical perspective. So if I have an injury, if I get sick or something, I can look back and say is this an anomaly, is it normal. So it gives me because if I can measure it, I can manage it better. We talked about, you know, you're never talking about that, you know, I'm here. And I said, Okay, so this is what I'm going to do. And the beginning, I could maybe do 10 minutes of rehab, I would literally get dressed, to go to the gym to do 10 minutes of rehab, come back and write it in my book. So that was the one thing I did. The next thing I did was I said, well, I work I you know, I trained for the races, well, I'm not going to have a race, okay, I am going to have a race because I'm going to get a reward at the end of a certain amount of time, you're going to give me back my bike, they're going to give me back my run. And the last thing they're getting back is to swim. And so I basically made those my goals. And each time I got that that was like an accomplishment moving forward to the latter thing. And at one point, I went to my physical therapist, he said, What did you do this week? I said, I worked out four times. He said you can't work out. I said, No, no, we're not going to use the R word, rehab, because I hate that word. So we're going to reframe that and give it a different word. So nothing has any meaning except the meaning we give it. Well, you don't like what's going on, give it another kind of meaning. And what that allows you to do is to be able to look and say, Well, what if I looked at my I've been in business for 40 years, I had to pivot more times than I can remember. I said, Just gonna pivot again, you know?

Russ Johns 16:28
Yeah, it's just it. And that's the way I like to look at life in general is okay. It's not what's happening us. It's what's happening for us and what we can do with what we have right now. And it's like, okay, and it's exactly what you're talking about. And that happens in every piece of life you have is like, okay, something goes wrong, you know, at work, or, you know, your car runs out of gas, or, you know, everything is something that we have to deal with. It's a circumstance that we get the opportunity to test and measure our outcomes.

Michael Bryant 17:11
So there's so many things, so many things in a race, I have no control over. And it's in control over the weather. I don't have any control over how somebody else's has trained and prepared. I have no control over certain things that happen in a race. And you know, in 2017, I was doing this in the fall in Lake Placid, New York, where they have two seasons, July and winter. And evidently the second season had decided to become early and what is calendar summertime, I get ready to do the race. It's 36 degrees. And the water temperature is 61 degrees. I get out of the water and I cannot feel my hands. There are 2200 people in the race. There are 100 people left in the transition area and I am one of them. I am not the world's fastest person. I am not that slow. I think to myself, what can you do? As I'm coming out of the transitionary. I looked in my bike, my wife and I shouted, it's not a swim meet. This is not a swim meet. This is a three sport event. And I said to myself unleash hell, because I can bike, I can bike. And I decided to count people. I needed something to do. I was so far back, I decided to count people over the course of the bike. And the one I passed 600 people and ended up finishing on the podium. After being one of 100 people. I had no control what had happened in the water, I had total control how I respond, the more we can have these kinds of experiences, and build those up in your mental bank account, the more you have the access when you get stuck.

Russ Johns 18:52
Yeah, I love what Darlene says, I was commenting, I was just commenting that once before a speech I called my fear as excitement and changed my perspective.

Michael Bryant 19:02
Yes, yes, yes, I have a little trick that I do. There's a scene from the movie, All That Jazz about Bob Fossi in the mirror before he goes on stage, and he says, it's showtime. Every time I speak, I go into the bathroom, I stand in front of the mirror and I go, it's showtime. And that puts me in the zone. And off I go. And so that's I mean, that's great what Darlene did. That's what it's kind of like, whatever works, but knowing what you can and can't control is really important. there's a there's a there's I love this way that they start the race they give the athletes their instruction. And these are the instructions. Take what the day gives you. Because it's going to give you something it's a you know, it's an up to 17 hour problem solving event. All you can throw is your attitude. And we'll see you at the finish line. And I just think that's a great way to just go through the day and to go through your life.

Russ Johns 19:58
Yeah, absolutely. Go through your life. An accomplishment that you were in business around and that translates into business from your racing experience, you know, the ability, the opportunity to frame things in your business or frame things in, you know, day to day life and how that apply. Because, you know, when you're racing, you know, there's a beginning, middle and end. And there's, you know, there's something, it's a process, you know, it's a journey.

Michael Bryant 20:35

Russ Johns 20:35
However, in life, it's much more than that, because it might be day after day and the evolution and you talk about pivoting. And the story we tell ourselves, helps us, you know, we define what that means to us.

Michael Bryant 20:52
Yeah, yeah. And you know, another thing that can happen is when you're sort of when you're sort of knocked off guard. And in, in 1989, my business, I started my business in 1981. So, you know, my business is up and running, I was in my business was doing fine. I was actually doing very well. I was heavily for just some reason, I had become heavily involved in the construction, real estate development community. And there was a there was a short recession. And as one of my clients put it, every every day, we'd open our door, we increase market share, because somebody else did not. And I lost 60% of my business in one week, I refer to that as a bad week. Now, you know, we had two little kids, my wife was a stay at home mom and I was the show. You know, there's an adage, when a man knows he's going to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully? Well, you know, I really didn't have much time to worry, I had to get on the stick. And I realized what happened was, I had two major components in mymanagement consulting part. And I had a corporate outplacement part. And I realized that that particular part, I had sort of abandoned a little bit. And so what happened was, I said, okay, the lesson here is build up another part. So that if the left hand doesn't get you the right hand will, because if businesses are closing, they're probably laying people off. So they might need that. Well, when the financial crisis hit in 2007 and 2008, I had my two best years ever because what had happened was, it's not just what happened is what I have learned from what happened, and I gained, I said, Okay, so what am I, what am I going to do? So, again, goes back whenever you have an experience, in and of itself is just an event has any meaning except the meaning we give it. So, you know, we can decide to give something an enormous kind of meaning and I said, okay, so when things have sort of like, slowed down or moved direction, I'm like, okay, I pivoted before I can do that.

Russ Johns 23:02
Almost ready to sneeze? Well, what really struck a chord with me, Michael, in that, in that in the story is that nothing has meaning until we give it meaning.

Michael Bryant 23:16
Yeah, definitely. Meaning anything I've ever had. I mean...

Russ Johns 23:20
And if we change our story, we can change our outcome.

Michael Bryant 23:23
Exactly because we can change, you know, I've had , you know, you know, during during a race, it's not a question of what's going to happen. It's when it happens, what are you going to do, because something's going to happen. And all that you can do is basically put yourself in a responsive kind of mode, rather than reactive. And, you know, part of the decision that I make each day is I make a conscious decision to have a good day. And you know, it's very much important selfish decision, because I'm hanging around in my own head all day. And frankly, I'd rather be around a pleasant person than....

Russ Johns 23:56
Abslutely. Leslie says so many great nuggets this morning. Thank you, Leslie. Darlene says, we can write some of those paragraphs, Yes, Yes, we can. We have to be aware of what we can control. And we can't, what we can use that leverage and we can spend in that space. You know, this is such a true story. It's like write your own outcomes, generate and focus on on what you have control over. And also, don't limit yourself to the outcome based on what you know, because like you said, I didn't know if I could do it. Your coach didn't know whether you could do it. And who is she to say that you couldn't do it?

Michael Bryant 24:46
Exactly. I mean, I don't think we have the right tell anybody that can do something because I mean there are four words that I call the death words you know, practical, realistic, doable, possible. They're nonsense words, they're made up. They're made up. And the way we know they're made up is because what one person did that was completely unrealistic, somebody else did. I decided to do something this year, where I decided to really mix it up. So here I'm going to be, I'm going to be 71 in a few months. So, so I'm already at the point where you shouldn't be doing the same way because it's insane. But you have a core belief system, you know, how you know, you know, #smilesarefree. And so mine is that age is just a number. There's no extra as there's no expiration date on dreams. Anything is possible. And I, I live by those things. So the first one age is just a number. It's just a, it's just a weird number. Now, it gets weirder all the time. But I, okay, I was training for my for my seventh Ironman. 7 at 70. And I was going to be the baby in my age group, and I was going to make some noise. And they took my race away from me, okay, what can I do? Well, I can go in a corner and you know, pout and complain about it, which you know, the known universe is gonna care one way or another, or I said, let's do something bizarre. Let's do this. Um, and, and an Iron Man here, that's when you do the heaviest load of training. I said to myself, not only am I going to stick to Iron Man, my body doesn't know a race isn't coming up. It thinks there's going to be a race, I'm just not going to tell it. So I decided to do is I said, I am going to have not only the highest volume of training this year, ever, I'm going to have it with the lowest incidence of injuries. So I trained almost 400 hours this year, and basically injury free. So I decided to just blow it up. I wasn't going to think out of the box, I'm going to blow up the box. And what I learned this year about my body, having no stresses of races on it has been incredible. And I've just continued the training. And so I'm still on a very on it's mean heavy is a relative word, but it's a load that my body can handle on and on. And my connection to my body has never been better. And so you I mean, look at these great friends we've made that we might not have made it but we were all on the platform. And we're now meeting people offline and having real relationships with each other.

Russ Johns 27:13
Absolutely. Cathi Spooner says it as well. Yep, age is just a number and not a deterrent for pursuing dreams and goals.

Michael Bryant 27:21
You got it, Cathi. You are right on.

Russ Johns 27:22
You got it. Absolutely, positively.

Michael Bryant 27:25
So you know, you look at this. And I think the other thing that's important that you have to do in the races, is you can't think too far ahead. You know, the one time I time I did was in was in 2008, five and a half inches of rain, 13 hours, 60 degrees, freezing cold, I started calibrating how many miles I had left, and it almost shut me down. And so I stay in the present. When I'm in the water, there is no bike, I got no end in the water and I get kicked in the head not to get poked in the eye. And you know not to get run over, you know, I got plenty to do. It's you know, about almost two and a half miles of swim, I got things to do. As I get out of the water, there's no more swim, this one is gone. Now it's the bike. And there's no run yet. And there's not run for a lot when I am about to get off the bike, I start thinking run. So I'm only where I am. So in many ways, it's both the longest and the shortest day because we adults have become not very good at staying in the present. Children are great, children own the present. I mean, children live there, you know, we have very small grandchildren. And they're just awesome. Because they only want to be where they are. And they make you be where they are. Because there's because they're literally they need. But what happens is adults and we adults, we tend to have one put into passing about we should have done and we're future thinking about what we're going to do. And so we missed the present. That's why as you age, time goes faster. It doesn't go faster when it's fast as it always did, but we're not there. We're not there. And if you remember in March, this really like messed up people's time. Right, you know? Yeah, I read somewhere that, you know, somebody wrote, you know, the longest two years of my life were 1990 and March, you know, that. I mean, that was you know, because it seemed like people didn't know what day it was, what time it was because all of their frames represent. And so for a minute, we were locked into the present again, and March was this incredibly long month, because we there every day figuring out what to do about it. Well, you can take today, and you can make today as long or short as you want it to be. I mean, you know, you really can you just you just have to decide to be there. So what you know, what I've been able to do is, is I'm very clear about my goal. That's the other thing that's so important. Is that it when you think about things where you thrive, I'm going to bet that you were disciplined and hyper focused, walk in that you know, that's that that's what allows you to get there. That's whenever we get to those places. That's what's going on is that we are. We're, we're we know exactly what that what the direction is, I know is very clear to me when I started these races. I'm not doing all this and not finishing. That's not gonna happen. I mean, kidding me?

Russ Johns 30:20
I remember many times riding a bike hundreds of miles in a day and looking at the next telephone pole and saying, okay, I just need to get to the next telephone pole.

Michael Bryant 30:31
Yes. Exactly.

Russ Johns 30:33
I'm just gonna get to the next telephone pole. You don't think about the distance you think about the next....

Michael Bryant 30:37
Exactly, like what is like what is right in front of me. But this ability to be hyper focused, you know, people have said things like, you know, I can't wait till I get my life that this is your life. What do you mean, your every day in your life, like, you know, that, you know, there was actually something that civil war that soldiers suffer from It's called nostalgia. And she began to mentally break down because they wanted where they were before. I want to be back on the farm, I want to be home, I want to leave. And some of them would just have complete emotional breakdowns. There are many people that desire, I am very clear about what I want. I'm getting a vaccine. Because I don't want one of the lottery tickets from hell, I don't want one of those, you know, you might be a winner, or you might be no, I'm not buying a ticket. So I've done this thing. I, I can go out. And I mean, you know, you've written hundreds of months, we can go out and walk into discipline and do the design. I've done this thing over 10 months, I can do the next eight weeks standing on my head. Are you kidding me? I'm not getting that close to the finish line. I mean, it's really kind of understanding, you know, what is the goal? I mean, so many times, whenever you get stuck, ask yourself two questions. What's my goal? And what are my concerns?

Russ Johns 31:54
Yeah. My goal? What are my concerns? Darlene says, fantastic, Michael, your energy is infectious. Thanks for brightening my morning.

Michael Bryant 32:05
It's my friend over here. He brings out the best.

Russ Johns 32:08
Yeah. Jason says, don't miss the present.

Michael Bryant 32:11
That's why you call it a present.

Russ Johns 32:14
That's why we call it a present.

Michael Bryant 32:16
This has been great.

Russ Johns 32:18
Darleen says, the stream always lifts my spirits and helps me be more grateful and appreciative. True gifts, #kindnessiscool #smilesarefree. Absolutely. Cathi Spooner, wraps it up with being mindfully present in the moment got me through hiking in the desert here with my kids and 10 mile hike out of Grand Canyon. Have a Sioux Falls, it's really you know, it's really important for people to recognize that. Yes, transition happens in our lives, transition takes place all the time. And sometimes it's so subtle that we don't recognize it as change. However, you have the power and the authority to put meaning in a positive way to those events, those activities and what you're doing. And it's just amazing to me how far we can actually go, and how much we can actually do and what we can actually accomplish our journeys. So, Michael, thank you so much for being here today. I really appreciate you and all the great energy you bring to the room and being a pirate in the community. And I really love and appreciate all of the people that join us in that are involved in the community and everything that we do here in the #PirateBroadcast™ and the pirate community. So it's really important for me, I think, I think another I saw somebody else Howard Kaufman, Good morning. Hi, pirate nation. Yes. So we are here. We are strong, we are going to continue to be here. And it's really important for me to highlight people like yourself, Michael, that are doing great things and helping others around you. So I applaud that. And thank you for being here. Appreciate it.

Michael Bryant 34:05
Thanks for having me, everybody. Have a great day today.

Russ Johns 34:09
Yeah, have an amazing day. And continue. So don't go away. Michael. I'll be right back. And then we'll continue with our conversation.

Michael Bryant 34:19

Russ Johns 34:20
Thank you, everyone. If you enjoyed this show, or you liked the episode, you know, please go over to YouTube. Subscribe to the channel, do some social things. Like subscribe, share it out and let people know that we exist and let this message be shared with other people because I think it's important and right now, you know, as we go through this year, continuing this journey into 2021, I think it's important that people have at least a way of getting some attitude adjustment and lighten their load a little bit for the day.

Michael Bryant 34:59
Check me out on LinkedIn in a couple of days, because I'm going to be I'm going to be doing a presentation on creating their mind and everybody's going to be welcome and invited to come attend that.

Russ Johns 35:10
Oh, fantastic. Thank you. If you're not connected to Michael, connect with Michael. Tell him you're a pirate and you want to connect.

Michael Bryant 35:18
Also, unstucker.com

Russ Johns 35:20
Say that again. What is it?

Michael Bryant 35:22
Unstucker.com. My website.

Russ Johns 35:24

Michael Bryant 35:25
Yes. Right or on LinkedIn. You can find me there. Awesome. Right.

Russ Johns 35:30
Thank you everyone. Appreciate you.

Michael Bryant 35:31
Appreciate you having me.

Russ Johns 35:32

Exit 35:35
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Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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