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Catch Tracy Lamourie on the #PirateBroadcast™

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Audio digitally transcribed by Otter.ai

Introduction 0:02
Welcome to the #PirateBroadcast™, where we interview #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. Where you can expand your connections, your community, #kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree. Let’s get this party started.

Russ Johns 0:20
And it's a beautiful day. And we're here creating another pirate activity. Tracy. Good morning. How are you?

Tracy Lamourie 0:27
Good morning. Hello, Arizona and the world. How are you? I'm great.

Russ Johns 0:31
I'm very, very well, thank you for asking. You know, Tracy and I had been going back and fourth online, you know, this online thing that we we have going on and it's really amazing to me to see how we can all connect the dots and have conversations, start a conversation with anybody and see what comes out of it. And Tracy, you've been doing this for a long time. You started out as an activist, you know, developing and helping others around you. And then this just evolved into a profession where you're now here, yeah, you're here. And all of a sudden, now you're a pirate. So it's amazing to see how things have transpired? So what is it? I know you're working on a lot of different projects? And and for those that don't know you yet and haven't connected, connect with Tracy, kind of outline some of the things that you're working on, so people get a feel for, for what you're passionate about.

Tracy Lamourie 1:26
Yeah, yeah, I'm a publicist, which a lot of people don't know what that really is, other than, you know, something that they give jobs to people on TV and say that people feel glamorous, and it's kind of glamorous. I mean, there's VIP parties and travel and all that stuff that I, you know, fell into, but it didn't start out that way. I never saw this live, I'm literally, it's still an activist in my heart. And I came from advocacy and activists. You know, I didn't have all kinds of contacts and connections with developers over 30 years of doing good work and then synthetic professionalizing it but yeah, basically, what i do is elevate and celebrate what other people do. That's what I do professionally now. So I shine a light on the work that people are doing and, you know, help them become experts in the field and help them get media attention. But it all started with advocacy for an innocent man on death row, who was finally the world after 20 years, agreed, he was released in 2017 on evidence of actual factual innocence. And by the time he got out, you know, 20 years journey we still talk all the time myself, my husband and 20 year journey we had had that light bulb moment, wait a minute. So we were no longer we met as we were telemarketers, you was some guy on death row. Nobody was listening to. He got off death row. Now he's in Rolling Stone magazine being lauded as a musician. And we're, you know, international award winning publicists. You know, so when I've is weird, but it all is...

Russ Johns 2:49
It's like a Cinderalla story almost. It's like, okay, you just had a heart for it, you help somebody out. And all of a sudden the rest is history kind of thing.

Tracy Lamourie 2:58
So crazy. Yeah.

Russ Johns 3:00
So he's released. Oh, so tell us who the musician is. Now. And he has some tracks out or...?

Tracy Lamourie 3:07
Absolutely. His name is Jimmy Dennis, and you can find them on all streaming platforms. It's gonna be in Philadelphia magazine this week. And the Rolling Stone article was in 2019, December, which quotes me as well. And yeah, so there's a lot, you know, obviously, the the long history of what happened, but I love the way you said, tell us about the musician, Jimmy Dennis, which is he's got four songs out right now. The first was "You Said," second was, "Aw, You Went and Did It," third was, "Hate the Skin I'm in," which is the commentary on this year, and, you know, racism in America, and just there, all that stuff. And then the fourth, it's a uplifting song, though. And it's, you know, it's like this uplifting song. And the fourth one is a beautiful one that I would love to direct everyone to, which is "Tears this Year," because everybody had a really rough time, you know, just challenging time, not knowing what's going on and where we're going. And so the song is a hopeful song, his thing was always, you know, over 25 years, never, never give up. Never, never give up. Still the T shirt with that. And I always say, we didn't get this far to only get this far when he's still struggling with you know, PTSD or whatever. You know, a message that you bring everybody to never never give up from the guy who literally spent 25 years on death row not just you know, being told you're gonna get killed but all the struggles that go with it and and then now that you know, you survived it because we all survived whatever we got through all of us to get you even not that dramatic, but to get where we are today. So we didn't get this far to only get this far. So whether you where you want to be or whether you have trouble getting out of bed, whether you want to jump off a building or something like that, you know, did you get through all the you know, you didn't get through everything you got? I brought you here, you're like to stop now or to give up or to fall off a bridge or anything. Whoever you are, wherever you eat it. You know, we didn't get this far to only do this.

Russ Johns 4:54
I think the message in that also is you have to have hope that something could be different than Future. You know, I know that a lot of people are challenging, you know, are being challenged right now. And the other thing about that is that it's not forever, what we're going through right now is temporary, and you don't need a permanent solution to a temporary problem. And so you know, mental health and your ability to have a belief that something is going to improve everything on way, and everything. It's everything. So I know that you got lots of different projects going on right now. So is there something that you could probably talk about in terms of what you do and how you help and why you're so excited about the future and what's going to take place.

Tracy Lamourie 5:49
Yeah, I take on projects that are heart centered, that are from an activist perspective that are you know, and also, you know, and something that crosses over with people, you know, doing in small business or doing diversity work or doing other works with the entrepreneurs, but it's actually doing good things as well. And then there are artists and they're amazing messages like, I work with a couple artists. Count Classy, who's a groundbreaking Acadian hip hop artists who smashing barriers of you know, a homophobia basically, being who he is, and making music and people are loving it. And which is still challenging in that community about communities sometimes a 13 year old singer, who I pretty much discovered when she was performing at an activist event and I'm like wait a minute, that's just a little kid, strumming a guitar, sing that again. And she's 13 years old of Zimbabwe, to descent here in Canada, a Canadian girl that just had a really strong, powerful voice as a little kid, not as a singing voice. But, you know, when she speaks, media falls in love with her because she's just like, way beyond her years in terms of the way she writes these things. And you know, and then I work with a lot of people in the emerging cannabis community, mostly women, like, kids in Canada, where legal code circles like you are in Arizona were federally legal in Canada with no impediments. And it is a huge emerging industry, here with a lot of power women and women. And interesting reading a magazine once in terms of the cannabis industry is it's one of the very few new industries, actual new industries we have check is the other one. And that's developed the last 20 years actual complete new industries that we're building from the ground up. And for whatever reason, women have not been able to really make their mark in tech. Well, they have been I mean, numbers wise, and there's a lot of conversation about how do we get more women into STEM and all that? Well in cannabis, even though in the boardrooms, the numbers are still saying corporate boardrooms, 90% white male, which is really kind of strange, because that's not what we see in the entrepreneurs and underground. There's a lot of women in like, all aspects of it. So I'm really proud of that one, you know, work with a lot of women finding their voice and finding a new way to, you know, do something in a new industry. And that's really fun. And then a lot of people entertainment, of course, like film and TV, some projects right now, one listened development called The secret is fall barred. Canada, US co production of Canada, UK, co production with effortless pictures gonna be an interesting sci fi, show that a TV show. I'm working with Anita Erskine. He's one of Africa's most famous broadcasters, she got three TV shows in nine countries. And she's coming when it's called, she rose. And she's coming to do an international version of that. And she actually asked me to be not just the publicist, but the executive producer of that one. So graduating. And I may end up going to Ghana, you know, when travel happens again, she'd like me to come and get a perspective of Ghana on that one. So I never know where I'm just so blessed. I never know where I'm going to be going, you know, and again, all that now, it's like, international award winning publicist, VIP parties, travel, you know, and I feel like, Oh, you know, you're so elevated. But again, no, this came, I don't want to bring it back to my crappy old laptop, or my desktop computer, in my old crappy rented apartment. You know, when I was in my 20s, just try to save some guy's life.

Russ Johns 9:02

Tracy Lamourie 9:03
And then sometimes things happen when you're not waiting for them to happen. And just. And it's funny, because my father used to say, when I was 30, and I'm 51. Now, if you spent half as much time building a business, which we weren't even thinking about doing those days, we'll spend half as much time building a business as he did with this, you know, prison or death row stuff. You'd be millionaires by the time you're 30 and 29. I remember thinking, it's right, because we just, you know, he's right. But that wasn't what my focus was and you know what, I'm glad because now I can look back and how did you spend your summer vacation? How do you spend your 30s? Well, I had a bit of a hand in helping save some guys life. Nobody was you know, so that's cool. And then now that's developing, you know, 15 years, so I figured out that I could monetize some of those skills. And that ended up leading to this life that other people think is amazing. And it is.

Russ Johns 9:50
So the story behind the story. You know, you you were an advocate and you're you know, out there sharing a voice for somebody that was was was wrongly convicted? What was it that made that connection for you originally? In terms of? How did you discover this individual? And what, what allowed you to hear his story to?

Tracy Lamourie 10:14
And why do we stayed in that for so long? Yeah.

Russ Johns 10:16
That's a long journey.

Tracy Lamourie 10:18
Originally, there was a little It was early days of the Internet, and actually was something that he had paid. He paid for the service that was charging prisoners money, I don't even know I guess it was a pen pal service. And we would never been looking for that we were, we were we were activists. In the early days of the internet, we had a radio show a few years before, we covered issues have nothing to do with wrongful conviction or prisoners, but we did like anti racism things and you know, just social your general 20s activist stuff. And so when that was over, and then they It was early days of the internet, we didn't have a platform anymore. But now we have these interwebs thing. So we thought, oh, we'll make we'll each make our own web page like everybody else was the things we cared about. In those days you could do with Netscape without knowing anything about the internet. So I thought we were just making the page and somehow looking for links and everything. We somehow I found it I think, I think I don't remember any work. But there was a little site that Jimmy Dennis, the name of the prisoner had paid for a little like listing saying, I don't want to pimp out I'm not looking for a girlfriend. I'm literally innocent. I don't know what to do. And nobody's willing to reach out. This is the moment that I can't I can never remember. I don't understand why we wrote that letter. To this day, like because we were not involved with prisoners stuff with death row murders. I mean, what, you know, it was....

Russ Johns 10:19
So it was completely out of the blue?

Tracy Lamourie 10:25
It was. We were activists, but that did not anything to do with our world, right? I don't know. I can't answer why. Why did my husband David myself at 29, decide to actually put pen to paper and write a physical letter, and then go put a stamp on it and mail it to death row? And say what's this? How is this gonna be? I why we did that I have I cannot explain to this day. But I'm so glad we did. What happened as a result is, you know, this guy gets this letter. And you know, I don't know, whatever that is, he got nothing like ours, or nothing that struck him like ours and nothing, you know, 18, we got about 18 pages, smiling, writing both sides, plus all kinds of like everything, plus all kinds of documentation, whatever we had to sell. So we read that later to just you know, longer for us to get the case stuff, all the court stuff, somebody bought that, you know, and took care of that. So that we could all be covered and really read it all and you know, yeah, anyway, it took a long time. But you know, we ended up developing this little, you know, I learned to write a press release. For that reason. I literally went to AltaVista for immediate release, how do I learn to tell the world and we started putting it out. We were naive thinking what other world with this innocent man on death row that? Well, nobody in America wanted to hear it. Because in those days, there weren't a million podcasts about wrongful convictions, it wasn't possible to get attention inside, all that we got attention inside. But these feisty Canadians were making web pages about death row prisoners, you know, that kind of attention, it became we became a news, right? But we use that strategically instead, whenever just look at this. And oh, my goodness. So we just developed I mean, when we were, you know, upset about that, we kind of learned about the death penalty in America beyond just that innocence case, because we were so shocked at what could have happened to him. So then we started this organization, the Candian Coalition against the Death Penalty, which is definitely which went beyond innocence. And, you know, Jimmy was always our guiding light. We spoke...and this is how I learned I was really good at this stuff. Because we ended up getting on CNN, on msnbc, on court TV, on Fox, me and Dave 22 years of 29 years old, no legal experience. we're arguing with you, Nancy Grace.

Russ Johns 13:45
No history or background at all. And you're just going to dive in into it.

Tracy Lamourie 13:48
And we're just gonna argue with Nancy Grace talking about like, nobody ever said, who do you guys think you are? All these are your basement in Toronto? Like, what? What's your legal...nobody ever said that. Because we, you know, we were just always present we were presenting ourselves as lawyers, we just like you always say, anyway, the point is, that's why after all that, you know, I ended up knowing that we were good, but I don't know, you didn't remember the Jimmy story like how did it's on him because he put this team together from death row, and hold us all together, and keep us all hoping and keep us all active and keep us off for 20 years. Think about that in terms of like approach with with no, you know, reward with no thinking about it in terms of a project manager. That's, you know, that's magical. So that's on him. And we still talk every day. And like I said, He's in Rolling Stone now recording these songs. And, you know, he's in court right now, though, they're determining how much money they're gonna have to give him for the time they stole from him, which, like everyone always says, right, doesn't do anything. And I know that's true, because I mean that it helps the future, but doesn't touch the past. Because I've been with that guy. You know. I've been with him on this journey. Since 1999, when he'd been there for eight years, when he was ready for the truth, nighty night, praying for the truth 2000 praying for 12 hours 2017 and his daughters kept getting older. In the beginning, he was dreaming of getting out and coming to Canada with his six, nine year old daughters, and they'd be playing on the lawn. Well, Tommy got out, his daughters are 23 and 29 have kids of their own. So you know, so as much as we are millions of dollars going to be asked, and that's would you take? Would you like, sit in a cell for 30 years or 25 years, with everybody kicking you and beat you into they're gonna kill you? Because you know that maybe later, you're gonna get a couple million? No way. Nobody.

Russ Johns 15:39
Well, and what it does is really brings up to the forefront that you did something that was kind of generous and then evolved into a skill. I mean, through this process, you acquired a skill where now people are calling you and saying, Hey, will you be my publicist? See, you we help me with this movie, we do these things. And that's, it's really a story about following your passion and doing what you really are drawn to doing to help mankind and help people out there in the world. And so it's it's really a powerful story. And I and that's kind of what I wanted to do is highlight that part of your story, because a lot of people, you know, they say what you are now they say, okay, they recognize you for what you're doing now. And the the real gift is the journey that you took, you know, the journey and the process that you and your husband did, and thank you for doing that thing. I want to highlight a couple of people in the community, Jerry Barnes, we were talking about wise words, what you what we are going through isn't forever. So don't think it's a you know, you have a permanent solution to a temporary problem. So it's really important to understand and, and, and Michael Baker says patience and understanding. Everything takes time. Trust in the process and faith, courage believe in oneself? I think so. It's absolutely true. And our wonderful producer here Tracie is in the house. Good morning pirates. Happy Monday. Thank you so much for being here. Tracy, meet Tracie.

Tracy Lamourie 17:19
Tracie. Did you know, our name means bold and courageous, or feirce maiden warrior?

Russ Johns 17:27
I love that. I love that.

Tracy Lamourie 17:28
I didn't know that till like two years when I'm like, alright, I'll take that. So maybe names do mean something.

Russ Johns 17:35
Haiken says hello pirates. Thank you so much for being here. He's a musician. He's a wonderful gift to the world. Leslie Martinez. Good morning from LinkedIn. Thank you so much. This is this is a wake up this was Haiken says this was really wake up interview. Thank you so much. And he says Michael, so true. Michael faith is so important. I want to I want to shift gears a little bit, because I know that there's a lot of people that are struggling with what is going on around them right now. You know, whether it be you know, they've lost their jobs, a lot of restaurants are out of work, you know, they're closed down or they're locked down. And so from a publicist's perspective, and somebody that's really in tune with the messaging, you know, what do you see happening that...you know, there's so many, for me, an entrepreneur, being an entrepreneur, I see so many opportunities online, but not everybody has that skill or that mindset. And so as somebody that works with words and messaging, what, what kind of ray of hope, have you have you seen other people do or change or get involved with this helped move them forward in this world today?

Tracy Lamourie 19:06
So you mean, people who can't utilize the online or just in general mindset thing? Or they just haven't done it?

Russ Johns 19:12
Or they haven't thought about it?

Tracy Lamourie 19:14
Oh, yeah, there's a ton of opportunity. Even I reminded myself the other day, even the opportunities that I know about, I'm not really looking for those kinds of opportunities right now. So I was out of the loop. But somebody remind me there was a site that I used eight years ago when I was starting my freelance work with some people know, and some people don't, but this everything is a skill. So there's a pitch to everything. If you haven't been successful on it fix your pitch, you know, but I know E-lance, it's called Upwork now is a lot of people don't know about it. But honestly, when I was, you know, moving from my job to trying to make my way on my own. It's insane. Like it's not just jobs like PR stuff. It's just, you can do telemarketing jobs on Upwork. You can do like graphic design stuff you'd think about like graphic design, but but even just like if you work in a call center and your call center is closed now you got a phone interview. I can imagine there's a million people looking for jobs. And so it's, um, it's basically and it's, you know, people can be looking for a job, they giving you a job for one day, or one week, or whatever it is at the site, that third party site. But because I went to a gym the other day only because somebody reminded me that I had a profile there that was so far out of date. And I don't use it for work anymore, because I have all my clients coming in, like other avenues, right? So I hadn't even thought about it for five years, I went in the company, because I went and updated my thing, because it was like, way out of date. And what I charge, you know, like, it was like, entry high, I think I can do PR, can I write your press release? It wasn't say, never pretty much it was like, that's what I was trying to show. I was segwaying from doing it. And paid for it. Right. So now let's change it all, you know, but I realized what I was changing, you know, and looking at it with the eyes of a professional Now, did you? You know, if I if I did need work? Would there be something on here for me? And there was actually, you know, there was things like $1,000 for this project over three weeks. So they're not just things, there's obviously a whole world of articles, you know, like really stupid. They're looking for people in other countries, right, whether they have a lower standard of living or lower, you know, but other people are, they're just looking for quick workers. They're looking for professional high end, you know, some of them, you know, they want someone in North America. No, I mean, the people in other countries are just as skilled, don't get me wrong. But I'm saying if you're in North America, you're not trying to you're not trying to bid against those, those pricing, there's work for you, there's high end, that you know, like at your rate, and you just have to set it anyway, but likes to be of things about a pitch. So you've got to like, present yourself well in there in the wording, you know, there's a ton of opportunity. I was surprised how much more opportunity there wasn't that even I looked at it last year, like, wow. So I've been telling all my friends now that I see who aren't, you know, international award winning publicist, because everyone I know is struggling and you know, and they're all posting on LinkedIn, this job didn't work out, or does anybody know this? Um, I don't want to do deliveries or, you know, honestly, checkout, I think it's gonna have nothing to do with the site. It's called Upwork. And there's other ones like it, I think it's...

Russ Johns 22:14
Fiverr is another one.

Tracy Lamourie 22:17
I've never used Fiverr. Yeah, similar, you know, exactly. Similar thing. But I mean, Upwork is good, because it's you don't have to necessarily think of like, I'll make a graphic design thing. I'll make a thing. It could be literally like, you're a telemarketer, you know, which I had done, I'd been there. Like I think my first awkward job 10 years ago, I was comfortable with that. So I was like, Oh, well, PR oh, and so there's things like, you know, you can be calling, you can be in you know, Alabama, and you could get a job calling. just basic stuff, you know, cold calling.

Russ Johns 22:48
Yeah, you can call business owners in Nebraska.

Tracy Lamourie 22:52
Exactly, or you know, so try that before you give there's a lot of opportunity online, even if you're not a online worker, you know, even if you're not doing but there's I mean, you'd be surprised. There's just a really big...like even if you type fast, there's transcription stuff. There's virtual assistant stuff on there. There's like, so there's a lot of things you can do to create an income.

Russ Johns 23:16
Yeah, Tracie came back on your name. No, she did not know that Tracy was. That was the definition of Tracy.

Tracy Lamourie 23:24
Seriously. Yeah, bold and courageous is one another one I've seen is something maiden warrior. Yeah. It's incredible.

Russ Johns 23:31
And she's also she's also very engaged in the wrongful conviction advocacy.

Tracy Lamourie 23:37

Russ Johns 23:37

Tracy Lamourie 23:39
Amazing. Let's connect.

Russ Johns 23:41
Absolutely. And so Tracie's been an advocate for wrongful conviction for a long time. So Regor says Good morning, Russ and Tracy. Thank you so much. We still need to connect, catch up. I've just hectic, hectic life. So Tracy, before we wrap up here I want to know...

Tracy Lamourie 24:06
What? I'm out of time already? Oh my goodness!

Russ Johns 24:08
It's getting close. But we still got some time but I want to make sure that people understand how you like to have people connect with you, what is your preferred method of connection and and what are some things that you look forward to as far as types of work or types of activity you get like to get involved in engaged in?

Tracy Lamourie 24:31
So I do work internationally. I have clients literally all over the English speaking world. And I would love to talk to anybody who is a pirate, listening to the #PirateBroadcast™ and thinking Gee, you know that sounds good. I can I get some media attention. Literally whatever you do, you know, whatever you do, you mow lawns for a living. If you have a passion for whatever, what you do, there are media opportunities for real for You don't believe me? message me, call me and we'll talk about it. We'll talk about it. But yeah, so so you can reach out to me on, I live on social media, I live on the Facebook, Tracy Lamourie, here on LinkedIn is, you know, I find super effective to connect with amazing people. Just my name Tracy Lemourie, you can see it up there.

Russ Johns 25:14
Right up here.

Tracy Lamourie 25:16
And on Instagram, its Tracy Lemourie pr media. On the web, it's lamouriemedia.com, on the phone, that old telephone technology that still exists and keep forgetting is 289-788-5881. And yeah, more than happy to do a half an hour free consult and talk about how we can bring some media magic.

Russ Johns 25:42
hat's fantastic.You know, I I get involved, and engaged in all kinds of projects and activities. So I would love the opportunity to, you know, connect and catch up with some of those activities with you.

Tracy Lamourie 25:56
Absolutely, yeah, I would love that, for sure.

Russ Johns 25:59
And now that you're a pirate, because one of the things that I'm working on this year, my big intention is, you know, the#PirateBroadcast™ is basically the proving ground for the #PirateSyndicate™. And I produce shows for other people. So all of these productions, all these shows, and, you know, the systems that you use to get online and you know, Tracie produces the show and the social media that goes along with that all of that stuff is produced over on the #PirateSyndicate™. So that's a separate business that I actually promote and produce results with for other business owners,

Tracy Lamourie 26:43
or entrepreneurs and everything. Nice.

Russ Johns 26:45
Yeah, so if you're interested in being a producer, or you want to learn more about the producing side, helping other people produce shows, or if you want to just learn about how to produce your own show, that's kind of where that lives over there. So messaging is, is, you know, I'm getting the messaging down, and you know, all of the things that need to go into it and produce results. And I'm building courses over there to teach people how to do that.

Tracy Lamourie 27:14
Oh, wow, that's great. Just so it's so important that, you know, like, honestly, I always talk about platforms, and the thought leadership and all that stuff, you really, if you're not leveraging your expertise and using these platforms, and there are more and more platforms available than somebody else's in your industry, or in your you know, and there getting those media spots.

Russ Johns 27:36
It's really important for people to understand that you have options, there are opportunities out there to do a lot of creative stuff. And actually, if you're interested in something, someone has an opportunity, and I just encourage you to get out there and share your message and share your voice. And just like you did, you started out with a passion and being a, you know, an activist in a certain way. It turned into something that was amazing. It took you on a 20 year journey. And now you're a publicist...that's easy for you to say, right? And doing all kinds of work all over the all over the world. So I just want to plant that seed and let people know that that's an opportunity for anyone that wants to take the initiative to go out there, ask a question, and do something positive. It's amazing. It's amazing. So Tracy, thank you so much for being here. I really appreciate you and what you're doing. And if there's any way that we can support you from the pirate community, please don't be afraid of giving us a shout out and helping us out and, and connecting with the pirates.

Tracy Lamourie 28:52
Thank you so much. It's been a lot of fun. Thank you, everybody. I hope, you know, I hope you got everybody glean something out of it. But my biggest message again, is that never Jimmy, never, never give up. Please go and find tears this year, Jimmy Dennis on all streaming platforms. And I mean, a guy who did not have a voice for 25 years has no way to talk to you. And now I can tell you, he's on all streaming platforms. So please listen.

Russ Johns 29:18
Oh, that's fantastic. I love that. Well, Tracy, thank you so much for being here. I really appreciate you and the work that you're doing. And I look forward to many more conversations like this in the future.

Tracy Lamourie 29:28
Thank you so much.

Russ Johns 29:30
All right, everyone, as you know, you know, go out there, we're on a social world. You know, social is so important. We want to make sure that you are connected, collaborating, starting a conversation, just reach out and, and make those connections and do something valuable and important in your life and go through it. And let's continue the conversation, the pirate community. So as you know, #kindnessiscool, #smilesarefree so you #enjoytheday.

Exit 30:05
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Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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