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Catch Alex Greenwood on the #PirateBroadcast™

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I love sharing what others are doing to create, add value, and help in their community. 

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Audio digitally transcribed by Otter.ai

Introduction 0:01
Welcome to the #PirateBroadcast™, where we interview #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. Where you can expand your connections, your community, #kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree. Let’s get this party started.

Russ Johns 0:19
And it's beautiful day for a beautiful day. I think that's just me. I don't know about you, but we have an amazing guest and a brand new pirate in the room. Alex, welcome to the party.

Alex Greenwood 0:31
Permission to come aboard, sir.

Russ Johns 0:34
Permission granted, come aboard. And let's have an amazing opportunity to share some thoughts, maybe some recommendations, strategies, you know, something valuable, that can inspire a few people and set the tone for the day.

Alex Greenwood 0:55
I think that's a great idea. I think, you know, we chatted just briefly offline and it's challenging times in this country, challenging times worldwide. But there are things we can all do as human beings and as professionals to move the ball forward in a positive way, I think.

Russ Johns 1:11
Well, the reality is that we all have a choice when we wake up, you know, it's like, okay, I wake up with #gratitude. You know, there's a lot of things that we can always look at and say, coulda, shoulda, woulda, yeah, and with that attitude, it's not a very positive one. And so if you have #gratitude for the things that you have in your life, not the things that are left out of your life, and you appreciate the things that we can actually do with our skills, our life, our experience, share some #inspiration with other people saying, this guy's just a normal guy. If he can do it, I can do it. And that's the whole point. I mean, we were talking about podcasting. And that's one skill that has really allowed me to grow and meet new people and make new friends all around the world. And I think that maybe you have some insight to that because you've been podcasting, you know, before tin cans were invented.

Alex Greenwood 2:09
Definitely, Dixie cups and string. I remember I was doing it in oh believe it or not back when I mean, I literally...you should have seen the rig run together, to patch together to get interviews on the phone. And half the time it didn't work and people are like podcast, what's a podcast? You know that the people still kind of do that to a degree, but not nearly as much now. Now it's becoming like, the old thing 10 years ago was what do you read my blog now until you lose my book. But podcasting has been a great equalizer. I think in many ways now by my profession. I'm a public relations consultant and I have a small agency here in Kansas City, Missouri. And I have used podcasting not only to to help my clients, but I've even created shows for clients to talk about what they do. I had a guy who was part of the rollout for ACA a few years ago, and he wanted to do a show that answered people's questions because it was a very Byzantine deal and the show started doing so well, they took it to a live streaming, took it out of my hands and put it into a live streaming thing much like your setup, which is much more professional and top line. And he was very successful in pulling people in because he could reach them directly. He could cut through the clutter. He wasn't relying upon the news media, he was his own news media. So I I think as a podcaster. Myself, I have two shows right now one of them has been around since 2016. It's called mysterious goings on. And it's about creativity. I'm a writer on the side about writing, I interview authors and creative people like yourself in all walks of life. And then the other show was PR after hours, which is kind of like a after hours vibe, where you business people like ourselves, marketers, PR people, entrepreneurs kind of sit around and have a quick 20 minute chat over a drink or a cup of coffee, and share information. So I love how podcasting has made that possible.

Russ Johns 4:02
Well and the beautiful thing about it, especially for a lot of people that are not necessarily, you know, as anxious and have the ability to go out and network like we're doing now, podcasting still allows access to individuals and start conversations with people that you may not necessarily have direct access or the ability to have a conversation with and it just opens up a lot of doors that you wouldn't normally have. And it's just been an amazing possibility for a lot of people. So, you know, I started teaching podcasting in 2014. And, you know, did podcast movement and, you know, launched a lot of podcasts and I've just enjoyed the community and enjoyed how it's evolved and watched it grow and continue. And I still think we're early in the stages. And one of the things that I started teaching a lot of kids years ago was you are the media. Yeah, you could pick up a phone and start your own story. You know, and it's about story. And being with PR and a background with PR, you have seen that evolution from, you know, doing a public relations, news release, you know, a PR release or some of those activities and going from one to the other kind of explained to people that haven't really seen that evolution, the way you have, you know, kind of your experience in the observation perspective.

Alex Greenwood 5:35
Yeah, I've, you know, I realized, by my appearance, I look like I'm only about 25. But I've been doing that it's, I know, it's a curse.

Russ Johns 5:44
I've been doing secure ID at the liquor store.

Alex Greenwood 5:49
Well, yeah, it's well, actually, I just ripped off one of the wanted posters off next door and brought it in. No, but the thing I started my career in public, I actually started my career in the early 90s. That was the last century by the way. And I was a journalist briefly, I was a beat journalist for midsize Metro weekly or daily. And then I became a general manager and editor of a small town paper, which one of the greatest jobs ever had, sadly, I think those jobs are gone to larger cities. I used to say to myself, you know, I want to retire doing this, but I want to do other things in between. But I think that ship has sailed. But so I started that that area. And that's where I learned about from the other side of the desk, how people are trying to get to the media and get things to the media. And of course, as you say, it was the the vessel that was sailed in was the press release. And when I was there, we would get them in the mail. I'm talking USPS the mail or pretty exciting, we had this machine called a fax machine. Then they started rolling in there, right?

Russ Johns 6:56
I want to know who the first person was that buys a fax machine.

Alex Greenwood 7:03
I mean, it was a hoot. To get those and then retyping everything. So I learned that. And then when I got out of journalism after about three years, because I had studied public relations and my graduate degree years, and I wanted to get into it. I was glad I had that experience of journalists. So when I got into public relations, I started to see, you know, again, the other side of the desk, where how do we get in there. And what I've observed over the past 26-27 years, is you go from from that very, I mean, that very almost primitive sounding thing of like mailing something or faxing something and hoping something will get in, then you get into a point where things where email kicks in. And you can get things like a press release out there. And, and as the newsrooms sadly shrunk because of digital, it was this weird thing where you saw, you know, digital growing, newsrooms shrinking, and the means of reaching the newsrooms getting easier by email. So I started to see a phenomenon where a well written press release could often not verbatim, get published, but big chunks could get published. And look, and it was, it was as a PR person you like, that's a win for my client. As a former journalist, I was like, that's not so great. Because you know, so I've watched those things change. But there's a long way of saying the answer your question, and I am getting there. Put the plank back in, okay, I'm not going to walk this plank yet, I hope. But what is where you get back to podcasting, everything. So what I tell my clients now, though, is the news media is still greatly important. However, the the way technology has grown, and the way that people consume information is changed. So very much. It's like you said earlier, you know, if you do have a smartphone, you have a newsroom in your pocket. You know, when I talk to groups, I tell everybody I say look, you've got your own newspaper, it's called Facebook, you've got your own TV station. It's called YouTube. You've got your radios, I used to say Twitter was the radio station, Russ, but now really, you legit with podcasting have a radio station. So to answer your question, I hope that helps, because there's been this great change in my job. And, you know, it's getting tougher as I get older, I will admit, is to keep up with this and make sure they offer those options to my clients.

Russ Johns 9:15
Well, and the takeaway that I wanted to express to people is this idea and this concept that it used to be permission based marketing. It used to be you used to have to have permission to be published. You used to have to be, you know, have a producer to get on TV used to have to have permission to get past the, the the news desk to get a story on the in the newspaper. All of these things were limitations to a lot of business owners that, you know, seemed like a big obstacle and now we're so used to just posting something that I don't think a lot of people realize how big of an impact that actually makes. And then what happens though is right now, it's mostly our own limitations of creativity to think about how can I be published? Where can I be published? What's the exposure that I really want to put out there? And what's my story? You know, I've been doing this podcast for a little over a year, you know, 330 episodes or so.

Alex Greenwood 10:24

Russ Johns 10:25
And it's showing up and being consistent has a value. You know, staying intact, and having these conversations is important to me. And waking up and sharing people like yourself and highlighting these ideas and these concepts is critical to at least planting the seed of where we can go and what we can do and what is possible.

Alex Greenwood 10:50
And the consistency is there. I that's the thing too. Yeah. My new show PR after hours, we've done nearly 100 episodes in a year. Because and that's that's part of it right there. I have to I've run into this with clients here and there, and people just in general, they, they love the idea of getting out there and, hey, I'm going to do a podcast. I can't tell you how many people friends who said that to me, and out of like five or six of them, only one of them. And I'll just I'm gonna drop his name. Jamie Greene, host of trading force podcast, the best local music podcast I've ever heard really great. Right out of Kansas City, Jamie Greene. He's the one who stuck it out. And he's done it. And you know what's happened to him, Russ? He's now getting like, do you know Pat Benatar? Her husband, Neil Geraldo. He interviewed Neil. I mean, he's interviewed so many people, not just locally, but he's getting a national reputation. And then just my own little low self, which is what happens when you're consistent like you are, and I assume you're getting some of the same things. publicists start knocking on your door, because you have an audience and they know that you're professional. And the way you present this, and you also know how to treat a guest. By the way, folks, the green room here at the restaurant, #PirateBroadcast™ is incredible. There's a big bowl of brown m&ms, just like I specified. I love this man. He's done a great job. But no. You know what, Russ? Okay, I did not write these as this is a stack of books from people who are going to be on my show, publicists have sent these to me. It's funny. I had a publicist tell me, you don't mind all these authors that we're sending you? I'm like, no, but I said, I gotta ask why? Why are you sending my little show? Because I don't get...I'm not Joe Rogan, I don't get million. She said, because you treat people right. People get on your show. And they can tell their story the way they want to tell it and you guide it and it's professional. So that gets back, I think to what you're saying, Russ, which is and I tell my clients this all the time. You don't need me as a PR guy to do everything for you anymore. In that regard. Here's where I think I have some value. And this is where I think you have some value for us. You are going to ensure that if somebody works with you that the production values are there, that the the professionalism is there, I'm going to make sure that you tell the right story the right way. I'm going to help people create their their brand image and maintain that it's the same thing I do a crisis communications A lot of people think, oh, crisis is all about when the you know what hits the fan. It's not actually that's actually if you're not ready for crisis, when it hits the fan, you're already in a world of hurt. I go in prior to that and help you plan for that. So I think you're totally right about about the ways we can use this technology to get our stories out there and meet great people just like yourself.

Russ Johns 13:28
Well, it's it's interesting to me to think that a lot of people you know, here's another podcaster in the house, you know, it's like the community as well, because community opens up the conversation. So Mark LaCour, he runs the oil and gas OGGn network of podcasts. And I know his podcast is getting ready to hit the over a million downloads.

Alex Greenwood 13:55

Russ Johns 13:56
So he's been doing it for a while, he talks about consistency. And we're working together and I'm doing all these live streams. And it's a huge opportunity. And there's a lot of people interested in doing live streaming. And another one that's been consistent is Gabriel. Gabriel has been on the show. He's you know, taking it off and he's doing a consistent show every single night. He's got an amazing community that he's building out and doing some great work with and having conversations and and hard conversations, not just simple conversations, you know, he's going in deep and having this community actually take off and really grow and it's just amazing to watch him grow. And then, you know, business owners like Howard Kaufman. I'm curious on your point of view of clubhouse and future potential. Hold that thought Howard, I got some thoughts on that. So you know, there's, you know, days of waiting around the fax machine and press release.

Alex Greenwood 15:01
A fellow traveler. I love it.

Russ Johns 15:03
Yes, yes. days gone by, I had my 8 tracks. You know, hey, I have earned these wrinkles, I have earned these, you know this gray hair. I've lived fully. So, Lorrie J. Scott is here while Mark LaCour. Congratulations. Love to have Alex as a guest on our HSE show.

Alex Greenwood 15:29
I don't know, man, I'm gonna use it all up here. You may not want me after this one.

Russ Johns 15:35
I'll talk to him, Mark. Don't worry, we'll get to it. But the reality is, and I just want to, and I don't want to just diminish anybody's challenges from where we are right now. Because there's a lot, there's a lot of challenges. And I'm not going to diminish that. However, I think when people look for disappointment, they're going to find more disappointment. When they look for opportunities, they're going to find more opportunities. And the challenges that we have is deciding on which opportunity do we want to take ownership of? It's like, okay, am I gonna take responsibility for my future and grow this thing and be consistent and show up and have conversations and help people out? Because when we add value, it always seems to return. And that's been my experience. That's my personal experience. I don't know about anyone else.

Alex Greenwood 16:30
Could I ask you a question, Russ?

Russ Johns 16:31

Alex Greenwood 16:32
You've been doing this show about a year you say? And I know you've been doing similar stuff your whole career. But yeah, I just want to ask you the dark midnight of the soul question for people like you and me who have shown you but this is a daily show. Correct?

Russ Johns 16:44
5 days a week.

Alex Greenwood 16:45
5 days a week. Okay, my shows, I mean, I'm recording a couple or three days a week for two days of shows. So I don't go live. And I don't do thankfully, because I have a face for radio. So I stay I stay with it. I don't go video really, people have asked me to go into that, I'm just not sure I'm there. I'm going to talk to you about that. But that's another subject. But when you're early on, when you're getting going on this thing, did you wake up and you tell me you wake up in the morning, you choose to be positive and you choose. But did you ever have those days where you wake up, you look at your phone, whatever, and you go, oh, yeah, I've got four interviews to do today. And, man, I don't know if I've read up enough. I don't know if I can do this. Did you? Or did you? Are you were you? Were you doubting yourself ever? Or were you completely like no, Alex, dude, I view it as an opportunity. I was always 100%, I mean, I just love to know how you took it. Because I'm not gonna lie to you. I had a few days here and there. I was a victim of my own success. I had too many people to interview and, you know, I just kind of let I just don't have enough gas in the tank to do it. So just curious.

Russ Johns 17:41
Yeah, that's a great question. And thanks for asking it. Because one of the things that I have to share with individuals, you know, this last year, I lost my dad. The same day we had his ceremony, I broke my hip. I had surgery the following day, I drove back to Arizona the following day, I had a show on Monday. Oh, there's not, there's not a time, if you do it long enough that you're gonna say, wow, I just want to put it on pause, I just want to take two weeks off and do nothing at all, and relax. Because what's happened for myself, Alex is kind of unique. Because I love being on LinkedIn, I love engaging. I'm a community builder by you know, nature, and love making connections and introducing people and doing these things. And what's happened is because of the show, and because of these conversations, my business has grown, you know, I do media and marketing and content creation. And, you know, I do some other things as far as project management and managing things for other people, other clients. And at some point in time you get these days where it's just so hectic, that you're just saying can I put it on pause. And the other side is that you got to look at the ups as they're temporary. And you have to look at the downs as temporary. You know, it's almost stoic, kind of, you know, it's like minimalist and stoic is kind of my mindset. It's like, okay, let's be positive about it. This is temporary. We're going to, you know, tomorrow's another day. Just take a break, take a pause, take a walk, whatever it takes. And so yeah, it does happen. And it's temporary.

Alex Greenwood 19:39
You power through. I like that. I just...quick anecdote. When I started my career in public relations, I was in Oklahoma City at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. And April 19 1995, a mile away. A terrorist blew up a federal building and hundreds of people killed. We were at the hospital complex. Health Sciences Center I was a junior PR guy. And that said for over a year of just steady adrenaline because it wasn't just the event, the horrific event itself, but it was the media descending upon the place for over a year. And it just became this grind. And when I get feeling like, you know, as you intimated where you know, you have these bad things happen in your life and yet, you've still got to go on because it's your job. And because you make commitments and you do these things. I'm just reminded of a really nice compliment I got from a client once during a crisis situation, I was helping manage the communications for an act of crisis and they just said, you know, everybody else's hair's on fire, and you just seem to be getting calmer every moment. I said, well, what you don't pay me to freak out. That's not what I here for. But to I said, and this is and said, please don't get me wrong. This is a very important situation. But after what I saw in 1995, that's just, it just pales in comparison. I didn't say quite that way to them. I just said, I've seen things that have have, you know that inside, that's what I'm thinking. So when I roll out of bed, and I'm on my pity pot about something like oh, gosh, I got four people to interview and I got this and I got a proposal to get out the door. And you know, am I gonna get my kid to the dentist, or there's a pandemic and all that, I try to remind myself, you've been through a lot worse. And you've shown resiliency, then show that, draw on that. Well now, find those experiences within you and draw upon that, sounds like that's what you do. It's obviously that's what you do. And that's what I try to do.

Russ Johns 21:26
Yeah, well, and we all have our journey and the best part about it, though, is you know, if it doesn't kill us, it we call it experience, and our experiences the fabric of our life, and, you know, we're, we're, every chapter is like a page in the book of life. You know, it's, it's, everything we do is we're just writing it down. We're going through the process. Ultimately, we have stories to tell. And like, we were talking before the show, you know, there's I'm so glad that the first 40 years of my life wasn't digital. And, you know, every I, I damaged every part of my body at some point in time. And now I feel like, okay, when those aches and pains come along, it's like, I have lived, I have lived fully in a lot of cases. And it's really about how much can I fill into my life? And how much can I do and help and provide in and nourish others around me and make sure that things are going well in it in that moment, you know, to the best of my ability. And it's really about, you know, like I said, going back to adding value. It's just like, what can I do? How can I help?

Alex Greenwood 22:45
I love that attitude. You know, I mean, I'm in my 50s now and I don't like to admit that to anybody here, but I just did it here. And I think that's a very, I think it's an important step. And I made it...

Russ Johns 22:56
making progress.

Alex Greenwood 22:57
But I'm working on that, you know, but I'll tell you, I get this every now and then. And back when I had my agency was brick and mortar. I had a lot of interns come in and I would I loved helping these young people get their career started. I'm still very good friends with several of them. At least a dozen folks, but very good friends with them. But I got an email the other day I've gone virtual, of course, because the pandemic but prior to that just because why pay rent anymore, right? But anyway, that's another story. But I got it. It's a young young person who graduated University, Kansas, she's working this she wants to get into PR, she she saw that I was in crisis. She wants to learn about crisis communication the whole bit, you know, and I just said, and she's all like, do you have a job? For me, I was going to say, Well, I don't but if you want to take 15 or 20 minutes, I'll get on a zoom with you. And let's talk about why you don't have a LinkedIn profile right now. And now we need to fix that. And let's maybe there's some things I can do. And maybe after talking to you, I'll put you in my memory file for when something comes across my desk. And you know what, I think it's my job to do that. I think it's our job to do that as, as people of this age of a certain age. I think there's a you know, it sounds almost like a kind of a cliche, but Oh, pay it forward and all that. But, you know, there were people in my life back when I was sitting by the fax machine, who took chances on me and gave me opportunities and, you know, helped me be the guy I turned out to be So I just think that's an important thing. And I don't think any of us should ever be too busy to help the next generation get going.

Russ Johns 24:21
Yeah, no, no, it's it's really a matter of, you know, loving humanity. You know, it's one thing you give away and it just creates more, you know, it's just like, okay, if you love what you're doing and you love the people that you're doing it with and you love and appreciate where you are in life, and you design your day to enjoy and appreciate that those things, it just seems to go so much easier. It removes the friction from where you're headed, and it just removes the challenges of things that go wrong, because things are gonna go wrong, they're always going to go upside down or sideways or unexpected things are going to take place. And when you're enjoying what you do, for the most part 99% of the time, it just flows. And it just really makes life a lot easier. And I think a lot of people get wrapped around the axle about how, you know, oh, I gotta go to work. You know, it's like, if you can't find something that you love to do, find out how to love what you do.

Alex Greenwood 25:35

Russ Johns 25:36
You know, it's really that simple. And it's just, like, find something about that, that you enjoy and appreciate. And it's not always easy, and it's challenging. And it's something that we all have to work on constantly. And that's the whole thing called life, you know, it's like an instrument, you practice it, wake up, you practice it, you know, it's like, okay, many of us may not necessarily master the instrument, however, we'll master the journey, and we'll get to where we need to be, and just keep trying.

Alex Greenwood 26:06
I love that. I like the idea of just trying to evolve as a person. You know, I am thankfully so much different. Speaking of first 40 years of our life, I am thankfully, so different than I was, even 10 years ago. Now I have a 12 year old daughter, she changed my life. And that sounds obviously it but it's true. It's a cliche, to a degree, but it is true. I am so much less selfish as a human being. And that was right around the time she was born was when I decided to get out of the corporate world and start my own thing. Which a lot of people like, are you nuts? You're just there to get on like, yeah, but I want to be around, I want to like, I want to see her, I want to, you know, hang with her. And that's been great. And I'm looking at a point now I've had a successful agency, but I'm hungry for some new opportunities. And I'm kind of wild with expectation for 2021 about maybe something new I've actually been talking to. I've talked to another agency, I've talked to another company, they've asked me, are you interested maybe in a thing. And so I'm weighing those things right now. But I'm not you know, what, Russ? I'm also glad at this age, I think you're the same way is that we're at a point where it's like we don't necessarily just go spontaneously leap on something we can think about it, we can process it, we can say, okay, does this align with my values as a professional Is this the kind of work I want to do? Am I going to have the Sunday night blues every Sunday night because I have to go to work Monday, these are some things that are very important to me, particularly when I've been my own boss for 11 years, you know, but I'm excited about prospects, I'm excited about continuing to grow. I'll just say one less thing about just this thing here, too, is, is I can't believe I've gotten to a point during this pandemic, where I just to get out of the house, I have a nature place not too far about a mile and a half from the house. And then you can walk for trails for miles of trails. I'm up to like, six, seven miles at a throat just to get out and be in nature and to clear my head. And you know, just 30 years ago, I would have been like, geez, Grandpa, what's that all about? You know, but it's something I live for now.

Russ Johns 28:07
Well, and that's a sign that we're evolving. You know, it's like, enjoy and appreciate the small things in life. And it doesn't take much to you know, you're an author, you write books, you publish and you go through these stories, and it's an exercise, you know, you're exercising muscles that move the mind and kind of instill these ideas and concepts in share with other people. That's an amazing talent, that's amazing thing that you, you have an opportunity to share. And a lot of people have that talent, everybody has a gift, everybody has a message. Everybody has something that they're really good at, there's going to be, you know, an opportunity to share that if you choose to share it. And I just encourage other people to share their gifts, their message and their talents with the world because otherwise, you know, it's lost to history. And it's just, we're living in a very unique time in a very unique place right now. So I just encourage people to share that and stuff. I just want to go back before we wrap up, Alex. Mary Ellen says that she she started Media Relations at Boston Children's Hospital in 2001. And I was on calling 911 I was thrown into the fire fast. I learned a lot. Not how I would ever imagined. Yes, so true. So true. What an experience. Howard says so many times when you have a chance to mentor you learn more than you anticipated. So true. That's the thing you can never teach without learning.

Alex Greenwood 29:52
Howard and Mary Ellen and by the way, yeah, you'll never shake it. And if you can, do what I think I've done which is used that as not only as a professional learning but as something that as a human being, it was, anyway, it's very, very valuable. I hate to say it as if oh, I'm glad it happened. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying though they take that experience, the bad from it, take the good you can and Howard, as far as mentorship, just a quick do I have to admit it, just to tell you this quick story. I had an intern and I got a call, which happens to small agencies like there was a merger going to be having an acquisition, exercise and fitness company in this area. And they were going to acquire, like 20 locations in this area. And then the CEO called said, or his assistant said, look, we're interviewing three PR firms today to see if we can get somebody because they said announcements got to go out in like two days. I don't know. Okay, well, I'm glad we planned on that. They planned everything about the PR. So I said, okay, it's a two hour drive. I can be there. I turned around to my intern, Meredith and I said, you're going with me right here. And she's like, well, I don't know what I do. I was like, you'll be fine. Let's go. Long story short, we get there. We've talking I do my presentation. CEO says then he looks at her. Because by the way, she looked more like his demographic anyway, to a degree and ask her questions. Her answers were great. And he was he found her very engaging on that level. And she complimented the things I said, and I learned some lessons from her about about how to sell by the way, we got the contract. We worked our you know what's off, and everything went great. So I can definitely learn by helping others. When you shut the door and helping somebody else you probably shut the door on learning something yourself.

Russ Johns 31:41
Yeah. Thank you for sharing that, Alex. And, everyone. Thank you so much for being here. I know there's a lot of other comments, Kenyatta, Angie, thank you so much for being here. Darlene, silverfox talks. All the pirate community I love you guys. I love you to join us every day. And if you're not connected to Alex, Alex, what's the preferred method that you you like and enjoy for people to reach out and connect with you?

Alex Greenwood 32:09
I think the easiest way is find me on LinkedIn. Alex Greenwood, I'm LinkedIn.com/agreenwood. I've got a couple of podcast links and stuff like that. But really, if you go to LinkedIn and find me, that's a great way to connect. I'm there every day.

Russ Johns 32:21
And just tell them that you're a pirate and you're connected with another pirate.

Alex Greenwood 32:25
That's right, made easy.

Russ Johns 32:27
And they didn't even have to walk the plank today. So Alex, thank you so much. It's always a pleasure to connect with #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. And if you're not connected with me on YouTube, smash that like button, subscribe. Let's build that up this year in 2021. Let's see if we can get some more activity over that way. And also, #kindnessiscool, #smilesarefree and you #enjoytheday. Don't go away.

Exit 32:59
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