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Catch Raquel Borras on the #PirateBroadcast™

Welcome to the #piratebroadcast™: 

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I love sharing what others are doing to create, add value, and help in their community. 

The approach people use and how they arrived at where they are today fascinates me. 

So… I invite them to become a PIRATE on the

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Audio digitally transcribed by Otter.ai

Introduction 0:01
Welcome to the #PirateBroadcast™, where we interview #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. Where you can expand your connections, your community, #kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree. Let’s get this party started.

Russ Johns 0:19
It's a beautiful day for the #PirateBroadcast™ and we are here with another pirate.

Raquel Borras 0:25
It looks like you've already made me cry.

Russ Johns 0:30
The amazing Raquel is in the house. Right on the pirate ship. Good morning. How are you doing?

Raquel Borras 0:36
Good. Raq is rocking the pirate ship.

Russ Johns 0:40
Yes. Yes.

Raquel Borras 0:40
It can't get cooler than that.

Russ Johns 0:43
And theere ain't even a storm happening.

Raquel Borras 0:48
Good morning, Angie. Oh, this is cool. That's right. I forget that we're like live everywhere.

Russ Johns 0:54
Yeah, we are live everywhere. And we're streaming it's, you never know what's gonna happen on these shows and who's gonna show up at this point in time. So, Good morning.

Raquel Borras 1:06
Good morning.

Russ Johns 1:07
Washington's here. Wow.

Raquel Borras 1:09
Okay, is that Darleen and that's what her....she's on YouTube. Darleen hey, girlfriend.

Russ Johns 1:16
She just got started on her stuff. And Nick from Canada. Good morning pirates.

Raquel Borras 1:22
Yeah, Darleen had her first video yesterday ever. And she was so cute because she you know mentioned you, Roman and myself and I always get so humbled when people are inspired and you know, kind of encouraged to do something.

Russ Johns 1:41
You have inspired many I know for sure to do something. And in fact, Nancy and you had that video the other day was fantastic.

Raquel Borras 1:51
There she is. Wendy.

Russ Johns 1:53
I was laughing. Is Wendy in the house now?

Raquel Borras 1:55
Wendy's going to see that I'm wearing the exact thing thing that I wore on our call last night. I have no shame. I'm still wearing the coffee till cocktail sweatshirt. Yes, I slept in this. And yes, I pretty much rolled out of bed. But hey, you know what? Keeping it real

Russ Johns 2:10
We're pirates. We don't care. It's whatever.

Raquel Borras 2:13
Do pirates shower?

Russ Johns 2:18
We're powered by pirates. So it's really fun to be here and catch up with you on a different level. Because you know, we've been on different live streams together with Gabe and you know, doing the 24 hour thing with them. And it's been fun.

Raquel Borras 2:37
Yeah, for sure. It's but like, I mean, I know you and I have had a call once before just kind of like to get to know, right, but this is just the two of us.

Russ Johns 2:51
It was so funny, because I was thinking it's like we've already had a call before and it's like, well, yeah, that wasn't a live call, though.

Raquel Borras 2:59
Yeah. Saturday afternoon. I probably still look like crap. I think I actually, I think I just come back for a walk. No makeup on. Same thing where I was like, hey, Russ, nice to meet you. Like this is...take it or...

Russ Johns 3:14
This is me. It's all good. It's like I didn't even have any makeup on either. So it was okay.

Raquel Borras 3:21
You didn't do your hair.

Russ Johns 3:22
I didn't do my hair. Is my part, okay?

Raquel Borras 3:26
Yes, it's looking good.

Russ Johns 3:29
Fantastic. I love it. I want to talk a little bit about what you're doing. Because you mentioned something that I think is really important. I want to get it out before we forget about it, because we're gonna go down a rabbit hole and it's gonna be gone. But the YouTube channel you started?

Raquel Borras 3:49

Russ Johns 3:51
Allow you the opportunity to share and, and talk about a little bit about what is going on with that YouTube channel.

Raquel Borras 3:59
Okay, um, so recently, I started reading a book that one of my friends wrote called productive intuition. And it's all about listening to your intuition and your heart and, and so after, you know, I was reading it and I just realized that I've just been someone that always is kind of looking for others for validation. Listening to others what they have to say, you know, I'm that type of person, where I'll listen to someone that tells me like, this is how you should live your life, or this is what you should do. I'm like, oh, okay, you know. And so now I'm realizing like, no, I should dictate how I live my life and what I should do. So yes, you know, I started my own business, doing personal branding and everything, but at the same time, like that's not ultimately what I want to do in life and my ultimate passion, my ultimate passion is actually talking. We all know that. I can talk to someone and anybody all day long. And I do love children. I've always loved kids. I'm, you know, like a little child myself. And I just want to make a positive impact and I'm one of those people where, you know, the other day they asked me about my legacy. I'm like, I just want to make people feel good about themselves and walk away happy after they have a conversation with me, I don't want them to walk away be like, oh man that's soft. Like, I feel horrible about myself, I want it to be the opposite. I want to do but I want to do that for children. And I really feel like our youth right now. Just you know, already with social media, that's, you know, an ordeal. And then you add in the pandemic, like, I can't even imagine what they're going through. So I thought, you know, how can I do something that utilizes my talking all time, and me speaking with kids, and I thought, you know what, I'm going to start a YouTube channel called rock the boat. And I'm just going to have conversations with our youth. And I want it to be super stripped, like unscripted, the opposite of like the Tik Toks, and the Instagram reels and all of that, I want it to be where it's just a basic conversation. And I've already had a couple of, do you know Mike Skiba?

Russ Johns 5:57
I don't know that I do.

Raquel Borras 5:58
Okay, so he engages with a lot of our content on LinkedIn. And I already had two conversations with his son, who's 12. Now 13, and then his sister who's five. And it's great, because I don't have like any kind of questions that I'm going to ask them, I literally just press record, I tell them, hey, if after five minutes, you're bored talking to me, like we're good. Or if you want to keep going, we can stop whenever you want to stop, like, I just want us to talk. And it's great, because these kids have actually been like super engaging, very open about the activities, they like their hobbies. One of them Natasha, she was very open about like, how this pandemics been affecting her and her friendships. And I walk away after these conversations, like really feeling like, this is where I belong. The fact that these kids want to come back and have conversations with me. I was like, okay, I'm doing what I set out to do, and make them feel power, make them feel heard, make them feel like they're worthy. And I just think that if we can do that for one kid, you know, and then they feel empowered. Like, who knows what they'll keep doing? And so I mean, as adults we all have, right? That person that made us feel like that teacher or someone or a parent's friend or someone we just knew that believed in us. It's like we always remember somebody had, it only takes one person to believe in you to make an impact

Russ Johns 7:29
It does and when you say kids, you're not necessarily focusing on anybody from, you know, one to five, or, you know, five to 15? Or is it 15 to 20?

Raquel Borras 7:39
I mean, at this point, probably most likely, like five to 21. Yeah, I mean, obviously, like, there are kids that are younger than five, that could probably be perfectly fine. And in front of, you know, on the zoom and have a conversation, I'm okay with that. It's up to the parents, right? Because I'm sure parents would be like, yeah, talk to my three year old, or who's to say that they have their sibling with them. And I don't mind doing, once again, I had Jason and Finley on one of the conversations because she crashed his party, and it was her birthday. And so we just started bantering about her birthday. And her parents were like, yeah, we'll sign a release, like she can be on it. And it's just really cool. Because it could be all around the world. Like, I have a call with a girl in Singapore on Monday night. And it's because I was on a podcast in Singapore several days ago. And the mother, she was like, Hey, I know, my daughter would love to do this. And I think her daughter might be seven or eight, I think at that age and she already was like, yeah, let's do it Monday. So how cool is that, that I already have gone international right? After a week?

Russ Johns 8:44
Well, the beautiful thing about it raw, Raquel is that it gives them a voice, it gives them an opportunity to share what they're feeling in an unbiased, and, you know, no judgment, no expectation of an outcome, along with that, and you're so open to listening, so open to have a conversation and talk about things that I think it would be an amazing platform to watch unfold. It's like stories from, you know, 2020 or, you know, it's it's all of these things that the kids are feeling right now. And there's a lot of pressure for kids to do things and I think the social aspect is really the biggest impact that is taking place right now because if you don't have any social connection, how do you know how to react and respond and actually be brave in in circumstances?

Raquel Borras 9:43
Especially when they're adults? Because if you think about it, you know, right now, most of their only interaction is with their parents or their school teacher, right. And it's important for them to know how to interact with other adults and for adults to be able to also pay attention to our youth, as well, because I think what's happening too is you know, I'm a parent of a 19 and 16 year old, so I know what it's like to have my child on their phone all frickin day long and you know, scrolling through Tik Tok. I get it. At the same time, like, I'm not willing to just give up on them so easily, right? Like, I'm not going to be that parent that just because they're on their phone, and they're ignoring me means that I'm just gonna leave them alone, like, no, I still bug my children. Like my daughter, she knows our moments from like, put your frickin damn phone away. And let's have a conversation. And usually what happens is, she ends up opening up to me, we end up having like, really good discussions where she's sharing certain things. But it's like, we have to make it a point to do it because it's just so easy. Just to kind of be like, that's too rough to try to, you know, fight with my child to get her or him to pay attention to me, it's like, No, do it. Put in the effort, like, believe me, you'll, you'll be surprised.

Russ Johns 10:56
I really, I was just having this conversation with my mother yesterday. And when she grew up, you know, in the farming community and my dad, especially, he grew up in the depression. And one of the most heartbreaking statements he had was that he didn't feel like his father loved him. And one of the things that reflects on that is the fact that they had 13 kids, and my dad probably wasn't the most well behaved child, or he was probably a little rebellious at times, knowing my dad. And so, you know, parents really didn't know how to behave or act or run. And, like, when I was growing up, I was one of those kids that, you know, I could go out and play until it was dark, you know, when the street lights came on. And nowadays, it's a completely different attitude. And now kids are, you know, it's like, a lot of parents are saying, I don't want you to go anywhere, you got soccer, then you got gym, and you got all these activities lined up, back to back. And I think there's a lot of things that we're skipping over, when it comes to hearing what the kids are feeling. And also, it's not necessarily that we need to react and respond to everything they're feeling, you know, like the the burst out loud of I want some cereal in Walmart, or whatever it happens to be. But it's also the, you're just having an open conversation and a dialogue on their level, I think it's really important and healthy. And I think I saw Nancy saying something like, yeah, giving kids a voice is huge.

Raquel Borras 12:56
Yeah, it really is and I'm finding, not that I didn't know this, but kids are really smart.

Russ Johns 13:04
Kids are really smart.

Raquel Borras 13:05
And, you know, it's not that I, like I said, I didn't know, it's like you just kind of forget because my kids are 19 and 16. So it's a different level right now that I'm dealing with. So to talk to 12 year olds and younger kids, you know, it's really nice to kind of remind myself, but I think all adults need to be reminded of that, right? Like, we're so quick to kind of stereotype kids, you know, just like with millennials, I think it's such a bad rap, right? But not all Millennials are self entitled, obnoxious people. And it's the same thing with our kids. There's still a lot of kids that are being raised the right way. Like, Mike's son is sweet. And Natasha, the kids so respectful, so lovely, smart and so you just know that they're good kids, and they're going to do good things and so it gives me hope to the way they see the world right now. Even Natasha, she was she was so funny because we were talking about the virus right and she's like, I don't know how it got so political. How did a virus get political? I said, well girlfriend, I hear you on that one? But she's fully aware at 12 years old that we've gotten very political over everything. I was like, well she's at least being very perceptive and kind of in tune with what's happening so she's gonna be someone that if she doesn't like it, then I told her I'm like, then you're gonna be the one to change it. I said, how cool is that right? Like, you can do something to make a difference so that something like that doesn't happen in the future or you know, all that and so it's, I'm loving it and I would love to see kind of where it goes because I think a lot of other kids could go on there and see other kids that I've tried talking to, and not only that, parents. Parents to get on there and kind of get an idea of what these kids are feeling.

Russ Johns 14:52
It reminds me of Sam Pedroni. PJ is a friend of mine that is out of Seattle and his son, he found some old birthday money and he was like so anxious to save it and or not save it, but spend it on Amazon and his dad, PJ said, Sam, why don't you see if you can earn a little bit more and get something, you know something more impressive by your birthday. If you raise some money, I'll match it by your birthday. So Sam goes, okay. All right, I'll do this. And so he got an old lemonade stand that his sister had. He took it out on the street and he said that he put a sign out that said life advice. Oh, and then PJ's friends started paying him. And he, it was $1 you take advice, and Sam would give advice to people. And then the news came on, and he got lots of publicity and I'm gonna crack out my wallet, man. It's so cute. It was so heartwarming, and that he had people that have a chair and sit down on the street. Like, so what what would you like to talk about? What kind of advice do you need? It's hilarious, too. But that's the beauty of where we are, you know, our kids are our future. And it really, it has to take place, this conversation has to take place some way. So I applaud you for taking the initiative to go out and get it started.

Raquel Borras 16:34
Thank you. And I'll be honest, like, you know, because obviously when you as adults, we do these podcasts and these lives, it's promotion, it's you know, we're talking about ourselves, and kids, they're not like that. They don't think that way at that age. So it's like when I talk to them, we're talking about the most random stuff, you know, Star Wars, video games, basketball, and I love it because every conversation is different. So selfishly, it's great, too, because you just never know what you're going to talk about. And so I know I'll never get bored. And that's kind of like exciting, the unknown of because yeah, once again, it's like not scripted. It's whatever they want to talk about. And so that was another kind of aspect to it, where I didn't want to talk to an adult and have them just kind of talk about themselves. Yet here I am talking about myself.

Russ Johns 17:27
So lovely. Enough about me, what do you like about me?

Raquel Borras 17:32
Exactly. Right.

Russ Johns 17:36
Yeah. So I got this great program. So this is beautiful. And I just want to recognize some of the amazing pirates here. Angies here. Good morning pirates. Silver Fox. Darlene. Thank you so much for being here. Washington. Wow. Like I said, I don't know why. Wow. It could be good. It could be bad. I'm not sure how to interpret that. It's like wow,

Raquel Borras 18:09
it's this crazy person.

Russ Johns 18:11
Darleen. It's awesome. Angie, love you from Wisconsin. Wendy. Wendy. We got it.

Raquel Borras 18:18
Wendy's in Seattle. I'm so honored that she jumped in.

Russ Johns 18:21
I hope your parents are doing well. Hope your dad's doing okay. Good morning. Rock The pirate ship with Admiral. I love these two. So I love that. We love you too. You both are amazing. And thank you so much. Just the two of us in the world.

Raquel Borras 18:43
I was just singing, just the two of us, we can make it if we try.

Russ Johns 18:48
I wish you Darlene. You don't have to wish you're like that. You are like that. If you are you just are. You have permission. You should go. Oh, Anyone? Anyone. Awesome to be here. It's just so fun. This is what I enjoy is just being able to it's, it's not about me. Conversations. conversation is like oxygen to my closest people. The vulnerability factor is so empowering.

Raquel Borras 19:30
Yeah, but let me tell you I wasn't vulnerable for a very long time, it was just recently that I realized that vulnerability is a superpower. It's actually an amazing thing when you know most of us grew up thinking oh, I can't be vulnerable, that's a weakness. I don't want to seem weak and especially as women, I was having this conversation with someone the other day about women and how we want to put up this front that we're just hardcore. We can multitask. We can. We're super women, we can, you know, be a parent, and we can work. And we can do all this. But there are moments where we don't feel like we can do that. But it's like, we don't want to share that. Because forbid that someone looks at, you know, looks at me like, oh, she doesn't, she can't handle it, right. Like, we want to feel like we can handle everything and we can't all the time.

Russ Johns 20:24
Well, I would argue that.

Raquel Borras 20:27

Russ Johns 20:28
Well, it's not that you can't handle it. It's that what we try to do is handle it alone. And I don't think that's a healthy way to look at it. I think we all need...you know, I've been through some challenging moments in my life. And when you have someone in your life that you know, you can actually just vent to, and not be judged, not be measured, not be criticized for your inability to do everything perfect at the moment. And just allow yourself to be yourself and, and feel what you're feeling. I think that's a huge empowering moment. And being vulnerable, and having someone capture that and help you through that. And way too many people attempt to say, I'm going to just do it on my own. I don't need help with this. I can power through, I'm just going to power through this. And I think that there's society and communities need to really wrap their head around the fact that mental health is a serious challenge right now. And people need to have support. And, you know, that's the theme of #kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree. It's a true feeling. Do you realize that I heard a statistic? I don't know. you know, the news is the news. I don't know facts, but they're more people dying of suicide in Japan than COVID.

Raquel Borras 22:06
Yeah, I heard someone told me that. I think just the suicide rate has gone up like 600% or something ridiculous.What are they equating it to? Is it the solitude? Is it because they don't feel like they have purpose? Because remember the Japanese, they're a very different culture than ours. I'm curious, like, what maybe is propelling that?

Russ Johns 22:31
Well, it's a symptom of something. It's taking place in society. And I, after having lost my son to suicide, the question in my mind is always number one, what was the feeling? That what was the circumstance of feelings and emotions? Because I don't think it's just one thing. I think it's several things that build up. And when you're unable to release those feelings, and place them somewhere or do something with them, it just becomes intolerant and you just can't do anything with it.

Raquel Borras 23:16
And then you feel like it's so overwhelming and you literally feel like it's all on top of you and you just can't get out and you're like, well, at this point, how am I going to get out? You just don't see any hope. Because obviously, you know, being that I have been in that place of where I gave up, it's hard when you really feel like there's no other option.

Russ Johns 23:38
Yeah and I think society as a whole, you know, and this trend of saying, hey, be a man, you know, just tighten up your bootstraps. Or, hey, you're power woman you know, you you got the job. You got the kids, you got the household, you got the car, the family...just suck it up, Raq.

Raquel Borras 23:59
Like, you're so lucky. I think that's another thing too, is that, yeah, we can have all these things in the world. And it from the outside looking in, it could look amazing. But once again, like if you don't feel worthy, or deserving or loved, it doesn't matter what's going on around you. I mean, I grew up in a in a home where everyone thought I was perfect. And, you know, I was at UCLA and I was in a sorority, and I was friends with everyone and this and that. And so people could be like, how in the frickin world did you get to the place to where you were so depressed, that you tried to kill yourself? I'm like, oh, let me tell you, you know, like, it wasn't overnight. It was once again how I was I suddenly, how I felt and it was a lot of circumstances. That made me get to a place where I felt like I just wasn't worthy and that I just felt like I was a burden to other people. And that's an awful place to be, to feel like you're a burden to the rest of the world. So might as well you know, spare them.

Russ Johns 24:58
Same thing, the opposite is true, you know. I had as a job, I had the house, I had kids, you know, I had the wife, I had property, I had, you know, idyllic lifestyle. And the only thing I was thinking about every day on the way to work was, if I just pulled in front of this semi, you know, I wouldn't have to deal with this. And when you get to that point, you're thinking, how do I shift my mindset and my attitude to be able to do this. So going back to the kids and having a voice and pulling that reaction, that reality out of the conversation and allow people to think that maybe there is a different way of being, maybe community is more important than people realize? Maybe the connection in the conversations that we have take place? Because that's an outlet for our sanity.

Raquel Borras 25:56
Yeah, and we're, I mean, we're learning a lot with this pandemic a lot. And I know that a lot of us are learning a lot about ourselves. I mean, I'm worrying so much. I mean, here, I thought, you know, I'm 45. Before all of this hit, I thought I pretty much you know, not that I was at the end of the road of like, growth in any way. But I thought, like, okay, I know a lot about myself, like, what more can I learn and holy smokes, like in the last seven months? Wow, have I learned so much more, and it just goes to show you that we are just a work in process forever and ever.

Russ Johns 26:29
Wendy says, "Suck it up, Raq!" Never thought I'd hear those words from Russ to Raquel.

Raquel Borras 26:38
I love that.

Russ Johns 26:40
It was in love. I said it with love, you know, it's like, you got this, you got this?

Raquel Borras 26:47
Yeah, oh my gosh, but that. But that's the thing, too, is like, you know, you can talk about these things, be serious, but then suddenly start laughing and, and the laughter part of it, like, for me is so important. And that's why I do try to make others laugh. And I try to make my kids laugh, because I think a lot of children to kind of forget to laugh, especially teenagers sometimes. So the other day, when my son was home from college, he was playing video games, and I just sat on a beanbag next to him. And, you know, he was like yelling into his little speaker thing with his others friends, and I'm just sitting there and he had his bare feet on the table and I kept getting up and like, tickling his feet. And he kept like, laughing like, Mom, mom, you know. And he was obviously like, annoyed, but at the same time, like, you could tell that he really, like enjoyed laughing in that moment. And I can, because I knew that psychologically, like, just him laughing in that moment is going to help him release some endorphins. And it's kind of to help his brain a little bit. And so those are the little things that I try to recognize and try to do. And because yeah, it's little things like that, like you said, your mindset. And so for me, my mindset is so important nowadays, that's why I do a lot of shit that I do.

Russ Johns 28:02
Well and being playful, and actually paying attention. laughter is the best medicine, you know, it really is. And when you can laugh about your life and everything else, I mean, don't be so serious, just be yourself. And because think of it this way, when you're attempting to be something for someone else, and your being something else, it's like an actor going to work, you know, they get paid big bucks to be someone else. You know that takes a lot of energy and effort. So if you could just be okay with who you are in what you're doing. It's just so much more relaxing, and you don't have to put up any facade. You don't have to put up any, you know, playtime. And play with yourself. I mean, have fun, go out and do something that you enjoy. It's just, you know, learn how to take care of self care. You know, understand yourself, who you are what you're doing. So I applaud you and support you any way possible.

Raquel Borras 29:07
Yeah and it's great because like we were just saying before we got on and Nancy's on. Nancy, he was talking about how he just loved our video together and us laughing and our bloopers. I mean, that's another thing too, is just having those type of moments with your friends and being able to just laugh and be stupid. And it's funny because Nancy and I, I know she and I've been watching that video over and over and over again because it just doesn't get old. And it's just amazing how just a simple one and a half minute video of us just laughing and not being able to get our shit together to do an actual video. That it's funny how it like has fulfilled me so much.

Russ Johns 29:46
That's part of video.

Raquel Borras 29:51
You know and I don't think people realize like, we can all have that right? Just phone a friend or do it. Call and just just be goofy and let loose and just talk about anything and everything. And yeah, we just don't have to be so serious all the time.

Russ Johns 30:12
So, what's the YouTube channel? Where do people find your YouTube channel? And how do people help you?

Raquel Borras 30:20
All right, so go over to YouTube and it's Raq the Boat. R-A-Q and then the boat. And so you'll find it. I think I've like 20 subscribers. Woot, woot. I could use some more.

Russ Johns 30:32
Go subscribe after the show.

Raquel Borras 30:36
Even though she did credit correctly, she's like 272 and she's like, I think I'm pretty sure I subscribed to your channel. I was like, I'm sure you did. But yeah, if you can go over there. I already have three videos up so you can get an idea of what it is that I'm doing. Because I do need as many chil...I know this sounds awful, but I need your kids. If you're a parent out there with a child.

Russ Johns 30:56
Land a phone call, this isn't Social Security. This is Raq. I'm trying to Raq your boat. Do you have any children? Children that are articulate, smart, right?

Raquel Borras 31:11
Yeah and they're good on camera. Oh my gosh, yeah, no. So if you if you have children, that you're willing to let them have a conversation with me and have it filmed on social media, because I do have release forms that I have people fill out because I do want to repurpose it. Like I have been putting it on LinkedIn, Facebook, and I want to eventually do little snippets of it and throw it over on tik tok to drive tik tok traffic over to YouTube, because we all know YouTube channels, it's a different beast, then, you know, LinkedIn and those other social media platforms I'm learning. But I'm trying to do it. And here we go. I'm trying to do all on my own. Well, I'm trying to do what I can right now.

Russ Johns 31:59
Face. Palm.

Raquel Borras 32:02
Right? Wah wah wah.

Russ Johns 32:04
Wah, wah, wah. Well, you can do it all, you can do it all. Your're making a sandwich while you're at it.

Raquel Borras 32:14
Yeah, no, I just don't have the money to pay someone to manage it right now, at some point, I would like to be able to have like affiliates and sponsors.

Russ Johns 32:23
You can have a team, you can have a team.

Raquel Borras 32:25
And then I can start kind of driving, putting some money into it. But for now, I have like zero money.

Russ Johns 32:32
Call up Fisher Price. I got a kid's show. I need a sponsor. You're not going to the conferences. You're not going to the Expo, you're not going to the trade shows. Throw $100,000 my way and I'll just start....

Raquel Borras 32:46
$100,000? I'm thinking like $1000.

Russ Johns 32:51
Go big.

Raquel Borras 32:51
I know. Right? Go big or go home. Yeah, that's the thing is like I do think that there's a good potential to for those type of companies to want to support. So that would be great. So I'm just trying to figure it all out. Like, just like we tell people just do it like with Darlene just do the video, just do the damn thing. So that's the same thing with this YouTube channel. I don't want to overthink it before I did it. Like, let me just do it. Like, I'll just throw up the videos, I'll figure it out as I go along. I didn't want to focus on having it look a certain way or be perfect before I do it. Because then I wouldn't ever do it.

Russ Johns 33:25
See, there's two circles of momentum. One is you start something that you don't know how to finish. And then you learn along the way and then you continue to learn and progress. Big progress. The other circle is, oh, I need to figure this out. I can't launch until I figure this out. And then I got stuck. And then I procrastinate and then I get stuck some more because I can't figure it out. Because I don't know what to do next.

Raquel Borras 33:53
Yeah, in that circle, like that circle I sused to frickin you know, hamster...not anymore.

Russ Johns 34:02
Russ, did you notice there's a typo on that? That post? It's like, no, I didn't.

Raquel Borras 34:10
I do get people correcting my grammar and my spelling, and I appreciate it but at the same time, it's like okay, I mean, and I'll go back and I'll edit it just once again like in appreciation, respect that they told me, but it is interesting how there are some people out there I mean, I think I might have done that before to someone and been like hey, by the way.

Russ Johns 34:35
I know. I love being told, don't get it wrong, I'm not intentionally or maliciously putting....

Raquel Borras 34:40
I don't think anyone does it maliciously.

Russ Johns 34:44
However, imperfect progress is better than perfect. Static, doing nothing.

Raquel Borras 34:56
No, I agree. But that's something that I've learned because I was a perfectionist. I have a little bit of OCD still. But I was that person that thought that everything had to be perfect. Yeah, I thought that life was supposed to be easy. I don't know why I thought that but we're all taught that. So when I wasn't, when it wasn't easy, I thought, crap, I'm not...

Russ Johns 35:22
Raquel, I want you to reflect on something. I want you to reflect on something, tell me something, honestly. Think back on the most challenging moments of your life, and what the outcome of that was. And I have to believe that most of us, if not all of us, actually resulted in the most challenging moments resulted in the biggest challenging and changes in progress that we've made in our lives.

Raquel Borras 35:53
Absolutely, because some of the biggest challenges were the depression. And then another one was divorce. Yeah. Um, and I have another challenge. But that's something that I have yet to share to the world. Like, I still have some things that I have my story, my journey that I haven't shared yet, because I just, once again, a lot of it's out of respect for for my family, and my kids, but those are the ones that have had the most growth and, and just like mentor, Julian Sato, he always says he's like, turn your struggles into your strengths. And I finally realized that so that when I see when I have children speak of like, their struggles, or just even adults, I'm like, just think about, like, that's going to be your strength that one day like to be your story. Like, who knew that my story would be mental health awareness, like because I tried to hide it for so many years, because of so much shame and guilt behind it. And so, for me to think that like, this is how I'm connecting with the world is through sharing my story of depression and suicide like never in my right mind, did I ever think that that was going to be something that I was ever going to like, talk about.

Russ Johns 37:09
Failure is the fuel of your future. Ooh,

Raquel Borras 37:12
Ooh, I like that. I will give you credit if I ever. So failure is the...?

Russ Johns 37:23
Fuel of your future.

Raquel Borras 37:25
I have to write it because I'm getting that age.

Russ Johns 37:29
Yeah. Well, I have to give a shout out to Tracie, our producer of the show because we're over time and and I could talk all day long, and engage in this kind of conversation because I think it's not only important, it's absolutely necessary that we do this. And I thank you so much. All the pirates. RJ is in the house. Nancy, thank you so much for being here.

Raquel Borras 37:55
It's great to have a community and they got on to support and that like means the world. That's what's so freakin cool about all of this.

Russ Johns 38:03
Absolutely. And Wendy, Angie, thank you so much. I love all of you. I love the pirate community. And I'm okay saying that, you know, it's like, because, you know, I'm just me, but just me hanging out here. So Raq, get those boots, tighten those boots up. Get your shit together.

Raquel Borras 38:27
Suck it up. I'm going to save the world. Okay?

Russ Johns 38:32
Yeah, go save the world. Thank you so much everyone for being here. All the gratitude and appreciation. And thank you. I know that #kindnessiscool, #smilesarefree and you #enjoytheday and go joinRaquel's YouTube channel. And while you're on YouTube, subscribe to my YouTube channel because...

Raquel Borras 39:03
From the pirate ship to Raq the Boat. See from a ship to a boat.

Russ Johns 39:07

Raquel Borras 39:09
I'm downgrading a little bit. Just to a boat.

Russ Johns 39:15
Well, that's how you have to get to the ship.

Raquel Borras 39:17
Yeah, baby steps.

Russ Johns 39:18
Right, baby steps. Alright. Happy Happy Day. Love you.

Exit 39:26
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