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Catch Tiffany Youngren on the #PirateBroadcast™

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Introduction 0:01
Welcome to the #PirateBroadcast™, where we interview #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. Where you can expand your connections, your community, #kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree. Let’s get this party started.

Russ Johns 0:20
Good morning, and it's a beautiful day for the #PirateBroadcast™. I'm here and having a great time already today, because we're having conversation with Tiffany and Tiffany is now a pirate. Tiffany, welcome to the #PirateBroadcast™ .

Tiffany Youngren 0:33
Thanks for having me.

Russ Johns 0:36
Yeah, we were having a great time, a great conversation before the show started and realize that being a Podcast Producer, and being a show producer is one of the things that we both really enjoy. I just want to welcome you to the show and kind of dive in a little bit about how you got involved in podcasting. What was your journey and story into the production of a podcast? Because not everybody's in that.

Tiffany Youngren 1:06
What? Not everybody has a podcast? Yeah, my husband and I, we work together for 28 years or whatever we've been in real estate. We actually had a really successful real estate company and had an alpaca ranch and ran a laundromat. We ended up moving. We talked about this a little bit before we moved to Austin, Texas for a bit and then ended up in Billings, Montana. When we moved here, we didn't have jobs. Nor did we have a business we were bringing with us. We literally just like packed everything up.

Russ Johns 1:44
Where should we go?

Tiffany Youngren 1:45
Exactly. Well, our son was ahead of us because he wasn't a huge fan, which just hurts my heart, but he wasn't a huge fan of Austin, which we were, but our family stays together. So we just went, this is enough. We need to get the band back together. So yeah, we came to Billings and my husband, we were like, we know how to do stuff, I do marketing, I can run a business. My husband is in construction, he could get a job anywhere. So I ended up getting an actual job, which was, you know, a really...and I was purposeful about... I was like I want to learn. I want to be more disciplined, because I'm an entrepreneur, so I can usually just do whatever I want to and marketing's testing, and I can just get out there and do what I want. And I worked for a very conservative financial advisor and he didn't want to grow, so I was like, well, I can't really take the job if you don't want to grow. Because like that, it just would hurt me every day to wake up. I was like, so if you grew, would that be okay? Like if what I did helped you grow without me, okay, but you can imagine the kind of discipline it took to have to show him every bit of growth and long story short, I did the things he actually wanted me to do. And in the meantime, also, his help being the amazing financial advisor that he was, he grew his assets under management by over 54% in the year and a half or the two years that I was there, one year of which was part time. So I then transitioned into, okay, I need to work for myself, I put my two years in, I proved that I could be disciplined. Now I'm gonna go do my thing. And so I started a marketing company. And we focused on content marketing. So I've been building websites since the 90s. I actually went in going, I'm not going to build websites, I only build websites for my friends. I'm not going to do it for money. But I realized quickly, since I was doing blog posts, and you know what I called my secret sauce. I was like, everyone's got a really crappy website and so, yeah, I always tell my clients don't tell anybody, but I'll build your website. But don't tell anybody that I build websites. So I did that for a while. And when podcasting, I started my first podcast about three years ago, and it was part of my marketing company was just to, like, get to know businesses. I didn't know a lot of people. So I wanted to use it as a way to connect with people from the very beginning. I think I had under 20 episodes of that first podcast, one of which was with Neil Patel. And so I was like, you know, like this thing, this is my favorite thing ever. If I could do this all day, it would be my dream life. But I still was doing my marketing gig because really, everybody I would talk to is like, I don't even know what a podcast is, uh, you know, I, you know, so I didn't want that education like I, I just felt like it was so much. I want to serve people with what they think they need right now. So I just did a podcast for myself and for our business. Well, a couple years ago, I transitioned from my for fun podcast to kind of fulfill my own happiness.

Russ Johns 4:53
Scratch your own itch, yeah.

Tiffany Youngren 4:55
Exactly. I started a podcast, my target audience became real estate agents because I know real estate. I can help them make a lot of money. So I thought, I want to meet the top agents who understand marketing. So I would interview these top agents, I set my criteria of what it meant to be a top agent. And then those are the people that I got on my show. I did it not even to build an audience like I knew I would, because the content was great. But I was really focused on those introductions, you know, again, just who am I meeting? How can I know them better? I don't want to work with everyone, so it was also a really good screening process. So I was like, this is amazing. And then COVID hit and again, I still just felt like I love podcasting. I don't know why I do marketing. I don't know why I do content marketing when I love podcasting. COVID hit it and everybody switched to this whole online thing and needed ways to consume good content. I had two coaches. One was Alison Maslin. She's like a global coach and mentor to people as well as a best selling author, and she's been coaching me, and she finally just turned to me and she's like, and we met, because she was on my podcast. So her PR person reached out to me and said, we can also be on your show. That's how we met. I'm like, wow, you're amazing. So she became my mentor and she just turned to me. She's like, just do podcasting. You're so good at it and you could really...and then I also had brought on another mentor, because you know, COVID. And so it's like, all hands on deck people. So the same thing, didn't even have a completely different conversation turned to me, that's exactly the same thing. So we did it, I hit it, I created processes based on what I've been doing that was working. And so that's, you know, 100%, my focus training, and then empowering people with these processes because I know what it's like to be a host. You don't want to be bogged down, like we were talking earlier, it takes so much, but I just want to show up, and then I want my people to do it, but I want them happy. For my people to be happy, they need processes. So it's just been a blast. Yeah. So that's my whole thing now.

Russ Johns 7:06
I'll have to introduce you to the #PirateSyndicate™ because all of the systems that I've built for the #PirateBroadcast™ for, you know, booking 300 episodes over 300 episodes now. You know, it's a process and developed in the whole process of having a remote producer, produce your show, and actually, have you just show up and have everything else working for you is, it's really altering in terms of what your freedom is and what your aptitude is for having more shows rather than less shows, because you got to deal with all the hassle and all everything else that goes along with it. So you're helping people recover their time back because you're helping produce their shows. So that's fascinating. I raised llamas as well, so...

Tiffany Youngren 8:00
Oh, okay. Yeah,

Russ Johns 8:03
At one point in time, we had a herd of probably 30 llamas. Okay, maybe more. I don't know, but too funny.

Tiffany Youngren 8:13
Yeah, we had quite Old MacDonald's farm. We had cows and chickens and sometimes people would just drop a random animal off, but the alpacas were the easiest to raise by far.

Russ Johns 8:23
Oh, Alpacas were very, they're very mellow. Yeah, it's easy. A lot easier than sheep. I'll tell you that.

Tiffany Youngren 8:30
Yeah, we didn't have the sheep for long.

Russ Johns 8:33
Same story.

Tiffany Youngren 8:35
Yeah. Well, the kids like the goats. They we did some longer than we wanted.

Russ Johns 8:43
So, I started podcasting probably around 2014 and I taught a podcast movement, I taught at universities and got journalists starting on podcasts, everything is and it's evolving and changing. It's really about storytelling and how you can actually get your information out there. You mentioned a flex plan that you use, or a concept or principle you use to help new producers or new podcasters kind of focus their energy, walk us through that Tiffany, and and share some of the things that you found or discovered or were enlightened by this process?

Tiffany Youngren 9:29
Well, interviewing is my favorite thing. So I established that I love podcasting, but really, it's the interview. Recently, in fact, yesterday, somebody on podcast movement in the Facebook group had said something about what does someone want for Christmas and someone commented, well, everybody should want to be on Joe Rogan's show and I was like, and this is unpopular, but I'm going to say it anyway, I don't like his show. At all.

Russ Johns 10:00
You can say it anyway.

Tiffany Youngren 10:02
Yeah, I don't like it. it's like painful to listen to. However, he's probably one of the best interviewers I've ever listened to. So I forced myself to listen to these interviews, because I was so fascinated by his structure. I was just really studying and I still do, because I have so much respect. So for me, I would rather be a better interviewer, and get more out of the time I spend with my guests, because it's not just my time, it's their time, right, and it's their audience. So you just get so much more out of it, when you put a lot into the structure of your interview. I'm selfish, so I also want to just have a good time and build this great relationship. It's always been my number one takeaway, so my thing is, I would rather have them on my show. I don't care, I would rather have that time to suck up, like, what is it, tell me what you're thinking and what you know, rather than build a big audience. I get it, but having that knowledge last beyond one show, I mean, that's something I'll be able to learn from and other people can learn from. So the interview is really important to me. And empowering podcasters, to be able to get that same enjoyment that I get means a lot to me. A lot of people that I work with, come to me, brilliant people that I can't even believe that they're concerned at all, but they're like, how do I do it? What do I ask? I'm so nervous, you know? And it's like, okay, first of all, you're brilliant. So I'm gonna just show you a couple things, and then you just do you, and you're gonna love it.

Russ Johns 11:43
Just be yourself.

Tiffany Youngren 11:44
Exactly, and one of the tools that I use to help them kind of open up their mind to their approach is what we call the flex approach to flexing your curiosity. So if you walk into an interview curious, you're going to win. So if you just did one thing, just be curious. But to expand on that, as you're kind of moving through and growing yourself as an interviewer, I always say, when you have somebody on your show, you found something that you want to understand from that person. So first is find. You want to find what is that? So when we did the real estate podcast, I was mathematically going, they fit my criteria. However, I needed to be curious, I need to understand who they are, I needed to find what it is that I want to find from them. Then as I'm doing that, as I'm going through the interview, I know that that's my agenda, and it could change through the interview because of the rest of flex. And that's what I always wanted. I always felt like if I got something different than I even expected, it's winning. It's a winning episode for sure. But I need to start with that nugget. And then listen, obviously. We all know you got to listen when you're talking to people. Then the third is that he is engaged. So as you're listening, I mentioned earlier before the show that we do use an outline, a lot of people are resistant to it. But I feel like it's my responsibility to somewhat prepare. But if I'm expanding on those things I'm asking, that means I'm not just hearing the answer and moving on, I'm like, okay, they just answered. So what does that mean? Am I understanding what they're saying? Tell me more about that, ythings like that. So just expand on it, or just engage, and then x is expand. That's when we talk about how does that move beyond this conversation. So we are going to end the show, how is what they're saying right now going to expand into our lives. So that's flex.

Russ Johns 13:47
Well, and using curiosity, too, some of the things that you dive into, much like the llamas, and in the farm and things like that, little curiosities about the individual that you can bring up and, it's interesting conversation because it's relatable. People can say, oh, I've done that. I've been there. I can appreciate and understand what that looks like. I could imagine myself doing this, and some of those things are really expansive. Like you said, they're expansive. So did you list your answers to any of my questions today?

Tiffany Youngren 14:25
Did I list your answers? Questions? I don't understand. Tell me more about that question.

Russ Johns 14:33
Well, you said you like to have a list.

Tiffany Youngren 14:36
Oh no, I don't do lists on this side. I did listen to your show. Like I told you before, I felt like I'm in good hands. I'm just gonna take my what I do, and I'm going to show up. Honestly, I, again, I'm so selfish, but I show up to shows just going I just want to see how you do it. Like what do you like, you know, it's just so enjoyable. And not just because I want to share what I have to say, it's really more about like, okay, so you're such a good interviewer, I want to feel how this feels like on this side.

Russ Johns 15:11
You know, there's so many things that podcasting has brought to the world. And one of the things that you mentioned real estate, and I'll bring that up again, because it's so easy to have, at least start a conversation with somebody and say, it's much easier if you want to have a conversation about a subject, and you invite them onto the show. And then you can actually start a conversation, build a relationship, you know, build some rapport, and then you can have other conversations down the road. If people realized how powerful it actually is, and how much of an opportunity it is, with having these conversations, it would amaze you. Has that been your experience? Is that some of the things that you find are really, like you mentioned, your mentors, you know, you, found people and you've built relationships. I have what I would consider friendships all over the world now as a result of this. So how does that fit into your world? How is your experience been for that?

Tiffany Youngren 16:19
The relationships are the number one benefit. You know, the podcast I have right now is Next up Nation and it's really my study. I know everybody, all my clients, everybody wants this audience, I'm always like, studying, like, so how does this work? I've interviewed a lot of successful podcasters and one of the questions that I ask everybody, I always have my core questions that I really want to know the answer to. There's my selfish questions, kind of where it's like, okay, so, what has worked? You know, what one of the questions is, what is the benefit that you've gotten that was unexpected? So you started the podcast for this reason. What's something that you got out of it that surprised you? What's the benefit that you got? And it is almost always relationships, because you go into it, you think audience you want to do this content, you want to build authority You want to make some money and make it sustainable, that would be nice, too. But ultimately, what you get that you could never replicate, I think it's a unique opportunity to build relationships you could never, you wouldn't otherwise build. From mentors to just understanding humanity. I just feel like even when...I mean, you'll interview this superstar and you're like, well, that was kind of a boring interview, actually. I literally interviewed a rock star in my world, they're rock stars. I'm like, wow, that was not fun. You know, it's really clinical and like you were talking about, understanding what that person has beyond just what you came to the show with, is important, because it humanizes them. And if they have an agenda, that could be why I don't make lists, when I go on other people's shows. I will be too clinical, would you like to know, flex, I can just tell you exactly what those words stand for. But people, you know, you get to build these relationships and know who they are. And when they show up, and you don't get that it's a little bit like, okay, I got a bigger audience. But is this really what I woke up today to do? You know, it's really about the relationships, you're 100% right.

Russ Johns 18:28
So what's the one thing that surprised you along your journey in podcasting that you're still thinking, how did this possibly happen? Or how did I get to this place on this journey? Or something that not everybody would recognize if they're not into podcasting?

Tiffany Youngren 18:57
Yeah, I mean, honestly, the thing that's really surprised me the most is that this is just gonna sound so weird, but I've always been one of those people who I don't just stand up on stage, and everybody notices. I'm just one of those...I'm a workhorse. I usually am the one helping someone else be amazing. I think why I like interviewing is because I get to prop someone else up. I just got asked to do the first...okay, so when we do podcasts, and I help podcasters, I often recommend that they have a mentor, interview them for the first episode, because then they can share. There's just a million reasons why. So I was talking to someone and they're like, well, that just led me into I would like to ask you to do it. I just like literally almost, I can almost cry right now. I just felt like what? I'm a mentor? I've always been the support like, you can do it, you can do it. So for someone to kind of label me as that and I hope it doesn't sound arrogant. It just literally blew me away.

Russ Johns 20:00
It's awesome.

Tiffany Youngren 20:00
I just didn't expect it at all. It actually just happened a couple days ago, so I'm just like, yeah, it still blows me away. The idea that I could do something I love for a purpose that is kind of off beat, you know, I'm not like, oh, I want this big aud.... I do want a big audience, just because it helps my clients know what I'm doing.

Russ Johns 20:25
So now the real question is a lot of people, and this is what I get asked all the time. Well, how, Russ, how do you monetize your podcast? And I have mixed emotions about it. I want to hear your mentor's advice on when you're coaching someone or you're helping someone along their journey? How you position that with your experience?

Tiffany Youngren 20:58
We have three profit pillars that we focus on, we've got number one is what we call our white glove, strategic esting. And, you know, this is always tricky, because I don't want to sound like, oh, we just want our guests on the show, because we want to make money. However, as you can hear, we collaborate with our guests, like these are people I would like to work with in shape or form. Now, Tom Schwab has become somebody that I look up to. He's the owner and founder, he's the Chief evangelical officer, I think he calls himself an interview valet and I think he's one of the most amazing people when it comes to guests and how they can, you know, profit and make money and build an audience by being on other people's shows. So getting his point of view has really helped me actually solidify that what we're doing is right and not being kind of on the, you know, sharky side of things. But what we do is we are looking strategically for who can who makes sense for us to have on our show, because they're going to have good content. And it would make sense for us to work beyond that. You know, I mean, there are other ways to prospect for clients that we do. But these are really the people that yes, like viewer by dream client, could you please come on the show and tell me what your input is, you know, tell me your insight. So that's one part, is just these introductions for meeting people could be potential clients. And we actually have like three different segments that we're always looking for, for our show. Another profit pillar is the on air lead gen, it's actually really similar to the approach to take as a guest on other people's show where you understand what your next step is. So if someone's listening to you anywhere, whether it's your own show or someone else's show, and they're like, yeah, I really, I dig what you're saying, like, what's my next step? And having that next step, not only helps you get your word out there, but it also helps that person because they have a next step that makes sense for them. So on air lead gen is the second. And then the third is collaborations. So, you know, partner placement, that's what we call it. I've met with somebody and it's like, yes, we want to work together, what you do complements, what we do, what you do sometimes is a better next step than what I do, even as well understanding that and building collaborations, whatever that might look like. It could be affiliate links, it could be affiliate programs, or, you know, pages that people go to, but just understanding how you can collaborate with other people who share an audience that aren't direct competitors, that makes sense for you to work together.

Russ Johns 23:45
Well, and the reason I bring it up is because I think a lot of people just say, well, I want to get a lot of listeners, so I can get a sponsor. And that's a limiting belief, from my perspective, because there's so many more opportunities out there to work together with other people, do other projects, do some webinars, create some courses, develop a summit, online adventures training. There's so many more options available to podcasters and broadcasters now than there was even three years ago, It's just one of the things that I really like to share is how to think about that abundance that's out there, and there's so many people that are challenged by what to do next. Being a guide along that journey, for others is a good place to be. A teacher is a great opportunity as well. So you have to think about what the possibilities are and then double it. It's like okay, I'm not thinking big enough sometimes. So, it's really amazing. I've been blessed because of some of the things that have happened on...different conversations take place. And they're some times random and out of the blue, and unexpected. So that's kind of what I was going for is that essence of surprise when you're going on a journey, especially an entrepreneurial journey. You've had lots of different experiences, there's probably been, you know, surprises and surprises, you know, some good, some bad, but it's just part of the journey.

Tiffany Youngren 25:37
Yeah. Well, that's one thing. A lot of people are just advertising. In fact, a lot of articles and data, when they're talking about how many podcasts, what percentage of podcasters are profitable. When you look behind the data, it's usually based on listeners, and what that equates into advertising spend. And it just makes me tired. Like, I literally, if that's what I was hustling for, I don't know if I would like podcasting as much as I do. What's nice is the audience comes. If you have the heart for good content, making relationships, I mean, the only outcome you're looking at is building an audience. I feel like manufacturing it so that you can get this advertising...I'm not against advertising, but I also feel like you get better content without it. So if I can have better content, and not have ads, that makes me happy, too. And still be profitable. Because I always say like, podcasting is fun until it's not fun. When it's not fun, it's not really sustainable, whether you're having to put too much time in and you can't afford to put finances into making it easy. So, yeah, there are a lot of different ways to monetize,

Russ Johns 26:58
Well, I really enjoy the community. The community that I've developed in research, you know, we got Jay Dell in here, we got Nick is in the house, Angie is here. Shirivis is here. And you know, people come and go and they evolve. I got lots of people that show up on Facebook and YouTube and, and Twitter, and LinkedIn. It's amazing to me to think about how long the content will last. It's not just one and done. It's a slow growth, it's a marathon. I have to remind people that...that's why pod fade is, you know, you have seven episodes, nine episodes or something. So nobody's watching my stuff. It's like, well, you know, it takes some time. It's a journey, don't get discouraged by the fact that you know nothing's perfect right now. And, and you can still grow it. I've been doing this for a while now. And that's been my experience. I mean, there's a lot of people that they really put a lot of time and effort and energy into getting that number one and launched and everything is in place, and it's at the top and then it all kind of dissipates for a while and you have to keep growing.

Tiffany Youngren 28:31
Even Gary Vee says he didn't have listeners for a long time, like, months or a year.

Russ Johns 28:37
It was like I had crickets for years.

Tiffany Youngren 28:40
Yeah, yeah, just hang in there and do it. You know?

Russ Johns 28:43
Yeah, I have to enjoy what you're doing. You really thrive in the environment. And like you said, you enjoy interviewing, you enjoy the interview process. I'm curious. I've always been curious. I was always like, okay, what makes somebody want to do this? What makes them do what they do? And how did they get to where they are? And what's the journey?

Tiffany Youngren 29:06
Well, Russ, that's probably why you're a great interviewer. That's probably why that stood out.

Russ Johns 29:13
Yeah, well, I appreciate that. And thank you so much for being here. So how do people get ahold of you? what's the process and what do you prefer?

Tiffany Youngren 29:23
Well, if you want to reach out to me, LinkedIn, I'm really active on. If you connect request me make sure you tell me that you saw me here and I will be sure to accept that connection.

Russ Johns 29:34
Tell Tiffany you're a pirate.

Tiffany Youngren 29:36
Tell me you're a pirate and I will definitely accept that connection request. And then we have podcastignitionsystem.com is our website.

Russ Johns 29:46
Okay. Well, you know that we have a live show. We have a broadcast in the morning and a podcast in the afternoon. So this will all be produced, the transcription and the post and the podcast will be up this afternoon. So I'll send it over to you with all the links.

Tiffany Youngren 30:03
I appreciate that. I appreciate you having me, to have invited me here. It's been fun.

Russ Johns 30:08
It's fantastic. And I always love meeting new, exciting people that are doing great work. So love to promote you and have you part of the community. You're now a pirate. So hey, thank you. Thanks so much for being here. And as always, everyone, please like, subscribe, share all of the social things that give me an indication that you're out there and I can support you and share great interviews with amazing people doing great things, #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. So, Tiffany, it's a pleasure, wish you all the very best in your adventures.

Tiffany Youngren 30:47
Thank you.

Russ Johns 30:48
#kindnessiscool, #smilesarefree and you #enjoytheday. Don't go away.

Exit 30:57
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