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Catch Tyler Nelson on the #PirateBroadcast™

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Introduction 0:01
Welcome to the #PirateBroadcast™, where we interview #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. Where you can expand your connections, your community, #kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree. Let’s get this party started.

Russ Johns 0:19
It's beautiful day for the #PirateBroadcast™. I welcome you to join us five days a week on LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, through Periscope, and also even Facebook. So, we're live streaming and s, comments, shares are always welcome. I'd love to have you join us. If you're watching this in the future, at another time, just make sure that you reach out, make the connections to the pirate community and stay involved and engaged in what we're doing. We'd love to share #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings.  today we're talking to Tyler Nelson, who happens to be in an industry that is dependent on travel to a certain extent. Also, a little more technical and so it's an interesting twist on what is going on today in this world. So, I want to talk to Tyler, and get his take on what's happening today in the world of travel and some of the things that he's doing with his business. Tyler, thank you so much for being here. You're now officially a pirate, so you can actually make some connections with the Pirate community and get involved and engaged. So, thank you so much for being here.

Tyler Nelson 1:41
Thank you, Russ, thank you for having me. It's great to be a pirate and I am overjoyed by the fact that everybody's tuned in for about 30 minutes of hair advice from both of us. So, this ought to go really well. So, if you tune in for that, you're into the right place, and we're going to completely steer in the wrong direction. Because look at the two of us. So, there's that. So, thank you for having me.

Russ Johns 2:00
Well, my decision in the morning is how do I part my hair?

Tyler Nelson 2:04
See and I just told my wife that this is not a shine off of my head. This is my Halo.  she gives me the side eye and doesn't believe me.

Russ Johns 2:14
She's going, okay. Okay, Tyler. We were talking before the show, and we're talking about how challenging it is right now in the pandemic. I heard on the news the other day that United was shutting down lots of flights and your job, a lot of times you go out and train individuals, and you train companies on instrumentation. It's fairly travel dependent. So how have you watched this last year, evolve and kind of change throughout your journey this year?

Russ Johns 2:14
Did we lose Tyler? Oh, we dropped Tyler. So hopefully he can come back and answer the question. Don't fear we didn't scare him away. It's just a technical issue. It's Friday. Well, today is Friday, depends on when you watch this. Could be the internet is tired. I don't know. It's just one of those things. So hopefully we'll get him back. In the meantime, I want you to understand that the #PirateBroadcast™ is here for you. You're the individual that has an opportunity to actually join us and be engaged and involved in the comments and the community.  I'm looking at the comments. I'm not even sure we're broadcasting, or rebroadcasting. Have we been broadcasting? What's the deal? There's four people watching. It looks  there's some people watching.  I'm anticipating that it's going on. Let me check it on my phone. Howard Kaufman, good morning pirates. Yes, people are in the room. So, we're going to try to get back with Tyler Nelson and have him join us on the #PirateBroadcast™. Howard, I hope you're well this morning. I hope you're having a great day.  Looking forward to a wonderful weekend. A fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend. Love the way that sounds. Excuse me, but I do have lots of things to accomplish over the weekend, as well. I’ve got you on LinkedIn and YouTube. Thank you for the update on that, Howard. Yeah, apparently, the guest today had been having some difficult times, so, we'll just wing it until he gets back, which is not a big deal. Some of the things I want to talk about today with Tyler was the fact that I heard on the news that a lot of the airlines are shifting flights, canceling flights, canceling ways to travel to different destinations. I also see where Southwest is still offering discounts on flights.  Tyler, before the show, we were talking, and he was suggesting that how the airports are ghost towns, and getting through security is really, really simple. It just kind of makes me wonder how sustainable that model is and how long? Because you still have to staff the individuals, the people have to show up, the businesses, the people that are catering food in the airports, people that are doing all this business. How are they evolving? What's the challenges that they have? How are they able to staff their locations and allow people the opportunity to purchase food when they need to or refresh the food that is in the racks and availability? It's just one of those things that you just have to wonder how long they can hold on and what they can do with that. So, I'm just curious, if you have any experience. Good morning, Patrick, how are you? How are you today, I thank you so much for being here. I love the fact that you're here. I am looking forward to having Tyler come back, but in the meantime, we'll just talk about the idea and the opportunity that there are people out there doing some great work, there are some people out there that are still challenged by this pandemic and these changes in our environment. I know the rest of the world is being locked down, as well. I've reached out to a lot of friends. There's a lot of people giving feedback that they are on lockdown. The restaurants are shutting down, businesses are closing.  I just encourage everyone to stick together and encourage each other and support each other and make a difference in somebody's life today. It's one of those things. Howard says, great question on travel, particularly when you think about your point earlier in the week about longer COVID horizon? Yeah, it's one of those things, Howard, that I know that there's a lot of business owners that are changing and my business, I've been a remote worker for 10 years. So, my lifestyle hasn't been disrupted, but a lot of individuals have.  My heart goes out, I have empathy for the individuals that are really struggling in their business, holding on the mom and pop shops and the restaurants and things  that, that are not able to gain traction. I know that. I talked to one business owner in a restaurant, and he said 70% of his business was takeout now. So, they said they were doing well because of the takeout. Those individual businesses that have been able to adapt and adjust their meals, their takeouts and their delivery schedules and things that are really good to go. Hopefully, they're doing well and they're thriving. However, in the industry where travel is dependent, you have a lot of hard costs, buildings, lights, utilities, all of those things.  So, if you're in that industry and you're in that arena, I'd love to have a conversation with you and talk about that. Get some feedback. I also know that there's probably going to be some changes. I know we have an election, I don't know if anybody's been…I don't know what that's gonna look . I can't even turn on the news anymore. It's not because I don't care. I do care. It's more about how we can actually understand and appreciate that changes will take place, changes are taking place. There are certain groups of individuals that hopefully will understand and appreciate that there are changes, whatever change that is or not, and then accept it. I don't know how you feel, if you have an opinion about changes in the in the world and how you adapt, and because becoming resilient and accepting what is, is a powerful tool that allows you to focus on what is important in your life and important in your day, and making sure that you have an opportunity to improve who you were yesterday. I mean, we talked a lot about the show, we talked a lot about the idea that there are lifestyles that are being created as a result of this change, there are things that we are letting go of that are really no longer serving us as a part of this change. There are things that are positive as a result of this change. If we lean into this opportunity to evolve and appreciate what is going on around us in a way that is productive, rather than destructive, I think we'll end up becoming more in alignment with what we need to do to become better individuals. As better individuals, we can actually add more positive energy to the to the rest of the community. It’s that one friend. Every time you hear from them, they're complaining about something, or something's broken or something's not working. It just drains you. It just drains the conversation. It drains the energy. It's not enjoyable. I mean, I'm not saying every day has to be unicorns and rainbows. However, you have an opportunity to become something better. What is it you want to do? What is it that you want to become? How do you want to change? How are you evolving? How are people evolving around you? Those are questions that I have.  I hope that Tyler's okay. I mean, he came in, everything was good, then all of a sudden, maybe his power went out. Who’s lost power in the last little while? So, let's talk about something a little lighter. Now that we're here, just you and I…there's Tyler, he's coming back in.

Tyler Nelson 13:46
I apologize for that. The Wi Fi, my whole street basically went down for a few minutes’ snippet of time.

Russ Johns 13:55
That's ok. So anyway, I was carrying the show and we almost got it down.

Tyler Nelson 14.05
So anyway, how have you been I'm only kidding, go ahead.

Russ Johns 14:08
Exactly. Tyler, you know, the reality is, this is exactly how 2020 rolls. You've got show, the next thing...

Tyler Nelson 14.17
Comcast caught COVID for a second. I don't know.

Russ Johns 14:23
So we're talking about travel and some of the adventures that you go through and what you've seen in the last little while. Oh, Hakan says, fascinating echo. If you exit and come back in that will probably go away for me or something. That's one of the pirates in the community here.

Tyler Nelson 14:50

Russ Johns 14:51
I've just given an opportunity for him to approve it. He goes, interesting echo. Fascinating echo is what he said. So, welcome back. Thank you. I appreciate that. So, we started off the other conversation talking about the idea of travel in this treacherous territory of 2020.  how it started out and how it's ending out. Right now, you're gonna put the pause on travel for the moment. When do you anticipate going back to traveling?

Tyler Nelson 15:36
Well, I'm hoping to go back sometime after Thanksgiving. As we had talked right before we went on air, I've been on the road five of the last seven weeks. I felt very safe, but as I mentioned earlier, I was within a couple of hours of entering into a facility to do a presentation that had two positive tests and they had to shut it down and sanitize it. So that got a little bit scary. The intention is to get there after every Thanksgiving and hopefully, be back on the road, again, depending on the state of affairs because my territory is all the Americas, but I predominantly travel in the United States. So, I'm hoping to get back out there. But if not, we have another option at Sauermann. We run the virtual platforms, so I've been doing webinars. I was doing webinars right when COVID hit, we had plans to put this into place prior to COVID. But I've been doing them ever since then. I do one on combustion, which is what we'll be talking a little bit about a little bit later on, and the impacts of combustion in the contracting world and safety and everything else. But I also did one on refrigeration for Sauermann and they've become very, very popular. We've gotten wonderful feedback. So, it's kind of when one door closes, another one opens or your front door closes, you find the alternate entry point, which is what we've done. We are in the process of making that even better and trying to next level that and trying to keep our training, leading the field, so to speak.

Russ Johns 17:04
So many people have been…I mean, the zoom use has gone up considerably in the last number of months. It just seems to increase. A lot of people, either they fight it, or they thrive in it. I know a lot of people that are now talking about zoom fatigue or webinar fatigue

Tyler Nelson 17:31
I say webinars now are a four-letter word, and we've changed our tune to be calling it Virtual Training. Because you have to admit a lot of the webinars that people are attending, and it's  Ben Stein in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. It's Bueller. Bueller, it's that kind of proctor and people are tuned in for the first five minutes and they go, I’m going to write my memoirs, or I'm going to write the story and kind of leave it on and come back to it later, and then see where we're at type thing. The goal is to create enough proper content and have enough of a personality on the other end of the camera, so to speak, that you actually retain everybody. We've had industry leading retainer ship throughout the entire world, because not only are my company's webinars shown domestically, they're also viewed internationally. Because we're an international company.  We’re leading the field, there's certain watchdogs out there that report to us that say that a reporter was saying, listen, you're in the top 2% of the world, retain it for people that tune in and don't tune out until the very end.  one of the things that helps that along is that when I'm doing these things, they're not product heavy, they are content heavy. So, we're actually teaching people something that they can actually take away and use as soon as they get off of the webinar, whether they're using my product or someone else's product. So, we think that we've had a nice, sweet spot there. Those that have walked before me have done a very good job of developing that. I've made it my own. I've carried the torch, but I don't forget those that have done it before me, they've done an exceptional job.  I appreciate that.

Russ Johns 19:10
Well, it does take an enormous amount of talent to create technical content, and keep people involved and engaged in the class. When you're live, you have some interaction, you can ask questions and see reactions of individuals basically immediately. Somebody is sleeping in their chair, you can back up. Yeah, however, in live interactions…dang. Apparently, we're having a bad echo on  LinkedIn. Haken, try to go over and check out and see if this same problem is happening over on YouTube. If you can go to YouTube, go to my YouTube channel, I can see if that works. Because that's disappointing. Technical issues are going to happen in a virtual world.  We've already experienced that. However, let me see something else here. Okay, you can watch the replay. The reality, though, Tyler is the audience still has to produce results with your engagement. They have to be able to know and understand what the subject matter is.  It's almost, uh, well, safety. Safety is a huge concern in the industry as well. Right now, I mean, the focus on safety, it might not be a fall/trip hazard, it might be COVID protections, , distancing and things like that. So how do you engage? What are some techniques that you use to keep people engaged in a virtual platform, or training?

Tyler Nelson 21:23
One of the things is to go over the benefits of using the technology that is available to them, but also discussing the other side of the coin.  What can happen if you're not using it? For example, one of the things I ask any of my attendees is, do you wear a personal seal monitor when you practice?  A majority of them say no. If they're in person, or if they chime in through question and answer on our webinars, I'll say no. In my industry in the HVC industry, and in the industrial space, we have one of the highest rates of dementia and Alzheimer's of any other service industry.  if someone is not wearing a personal seal monitor, which I recommend. A combustion analyzer, which is what I'm teaching a class on, a combustion analysis, a combustion analyzer acts as a personal seal monitor.  I go over the fact that they can use it for that, which they never know.  I go over how they can keep themselves safe, and how they can keep the occupants safe. By doing so, keep the metal liability, because there are numerous contractors that have been sued for a great deal of money, because they were the last technician that was there. A lot of people are not aware that not only can people sue the company that you work for, but they can also sue you personally and go after your personal assets.  We've witnessed that before. So, in keeping them engaged, it's not a fear or scare tactic that we use, it's a reality tactic. Because when manufacturers want technicians to do a combustion analysis, they're trying to pass off liability from themselves onto you. We're also even seeing this with certain townships where the building inspectors are asking technicians to do it to verify that a system is set up correctly when it's installed. So, it comes down to a lot of it is liability. So, I engage them that way. But I also give them tips and techniques and protocols, and ways for them to make money using a combustion analyzer, because is it a safety tool? Yes. Are we making sure things are running more efficiently by using one? Yes, but it's also a way to diagnose problems with the system, and to make money with it. Because then we can increase anybody's efficiency, which we can increase the bottom line to keep in their own pocket. But we can also assist them in or assist the technician and making a sale because it no longer comes down to, oh, just take my word for it. I saw this or was making the sound, those days are done. Because with an analyzer, or the tool like this, you can actually show the homeowner or business owner on the screen. So, this is what's going on. This is how it's misbehaving. So, if for some reason my explanation wasn't good enough, here's your visual proof.  Then worst-case scenario, if they want to see it reproduce, you can reproduce the exact same symptoms, again, by hooking it up and doing it again. So, it's a way to justify what you're saying.  What we're doing, Russ, is we're meeting our customer base where they're at. By that, I mean, everybody's using technology, cell phones, apps, and the like. All the products and instrumentation in the HVC industry come with apps. So we're actually able to show them on an app that they would use on their phone, we're showing the exact same type of app, we're using our phone, that is actually showing them what their combustion is doing, how it's behaving, we can have different charts and graphs that can be generated. So, it really goes a long way to completing the picture. So, between the safety and the way to make money and the way to properly explain things to your customer. I think that provides a nice engaging platform, where we have the retainership that we do and again, by not being product heavy, nobody's tuning out, nobody's tuning out. So that helps.

Russ Johns 25:04
Well, I think also consumers, individual homeowners, and people that are engaged in the actual hardware that you're supporting or servicing, even in a commercial building, they need to understand that there's a certain part of the equation that they have to actually participate in, they have to recognize that there are things they're going to have to do. It's just like regular maintenance, like filters, changing filters out. The efficiency that you lose, by having dirty filters, and some of that information is very important for people to understand and how to communicate that. A technician could come in and just say, hey, you’ve got to do this. Well explain why you have to do this, explain what the benefits are,  start engaging people,  you said, where they are.

Tyler Nelson 25:58
Right.  it's important for people that, obviously, you need to actively manage every aspect of your life. But you all seem to actively manage the mechanicals in your home or business, you're the homeowner, you're the business owner.  You paid for this, you made an investment. It doesn't mean you turn a blind eye and just say, I'm gonna hand it over to the professional strictly. No, you want to be informed.  you want to know exactly what's going on. It takes a proactive approach, you have to forward think, to be able to plan properly, and to be able to give advice to a technician. That's the first thing when I teach too. I tell technicians, and I learned this from one of my mentors, is to say hello to the house or to say hello to the building, which means you ask the homeowner or the building owner, anything different since the last time we were here, any odd sounds that you're hearing anything smell weird, you're getting hot spots, and cold spots, things misbehaving things shutting off prematurely. So, this way gives us in the mechanical field, kind of a starting off point. Then we can take it from there. Because again, we’er the experts, we know what we're doing, we're the ones that have been trained. Another thing, when it comes down instrumentation, this, too, is that in this field, and it’s changing for the better, but in the past, because we come home at the end of the day with a little bit of grit underneath our fingernails and a little bit dirty. Sometimes people might look down upon us a little bit and think, to me more not intelligent, well, I think with the training that we provide in the industry, and the training that I'm trying to do at Sauermann and my colleagues as well, is that we're not the ones that sat in the back of shop class and failed. We're actually the ones that are pretty intelligent, we take great pride in what we do. When I teach it’s like, ok, go over the technicians, we're working in a wonderful industry, and you should hang your head high, and take pride in what you do. That seems to be an increasing trend around the industry because it's very difficult to find good service technicians. So, when you have you’re your company wants to hold on to them. But if you are one, you want to take great pride in what you do.

Russ Johns 27:59
Well, and I think that goes to a bigger conversation as well, around the idea that there are so many technologies going into industry right now, regardless of the industry, construction, HVC , air conditioning. All of these things are becoming connected and instruments in feedback loops, so you can actually read dialysis, and diagnostics on the phone when they have apps in them. They're all IP based, they're going IP based.  People have to realize that that takes a lot of skill, it takes a lot of knowledge, it takes a lot of training. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the trades. There's people in the trades making a very good income, and they're doing great work, and it's necessary and my bigger fear is that people are not getting in the trades, because there's this perception that has been promoted, you’ve got to go to college and be something, right?  You can actually get in the trades and get trained and skilled and have a an amazing life and an opportunity and help a lot of people out in that.

Tyler Nelson 29:31
Yeah, and it changed my paradigm. I mean, I went to four-year college. I have a bachelor's in finance and a Bachelor's in economics. So, I'm a nerd and a pocket protector guy by design, but getting into the trades some years after graduating and getting exposed to it, I had a newfound respect instantly. I already respected it, but it really opened my eyes. So, it's kind of one of those life lessons where you want to look beyond the bridge of your nose and see what's in front of you because the sun doesn't rise and set on my nice bald head. Once I realized that and looked beyond that, I really was able to embrace the mechanical fields.  When you learn that you can make a very comfortable income for yourself, and you could provide for your family. But not only that, you're adding to society, you're solving problems.

Russ Johns 30:24
You’re adding value to everyone.

Tyler Nelson 30:24
You are and there's a lot to be said for somebody who can actually think and fix things on their feet.  When you’re a service technician, you're trying to fix something, your cell phone's going off on your hip, because your office is trying to give you more service calls. The homeowner or business owner is in your hula hoop breathing hot mustard breath on the back of your neck, asking you why it isn't fixed yet and how come you don't know what you're doing, when you do. But they need to get out of your hula hoop so, you can think for a second. Then you're trying to obviously diagnose the issue and then fix it and then test it. So, there's a lot that goes into that.  Also, what I go over with everybody is what they assume is their everyday normal, is their natural inclination to fix things? It's not normal, most people can't do what they do.  The last time I checked, these folks called us to solve their problem, because they couldn't solve it themselves. So, they should, again, have great respect for what they do. Because outside of the four walls of their life, outside of the confines of their life, it's very difficult to find someone that can actually think on their feet and fix things properly.

Russ Johns 31:32
Yeah.  I have all the respect in the world for those…I grew up in commercial construction, and I'm in the trades. I’ve built a couple of homes and created, things from nothing, and you'll figure things out. It's really when you're in that bubble, and you're thinking everybody knows this, and you have to realize that not everybody knows this and those that don't know, need help. Hire a professional, hire somebody that has the instrumentation and the expertise to actually repair and replace or fix what you're challenged with, whatever is broken in your house. I’ll give you a perfect example. The other day my sister wanted to, we live here in Arizona, we support mom and dad passed away last year, so we're here caring for mom and dad wanted to replace a light and this house has aluminum wiring because it’s old. So it's, sis, I could replace the light bulb and things like that, but I think we should get an electrician here and install this new light fixture because we had one that went out.  Mom and dad actually had a house fire because some of the electrical shorted out and overheated years ago in here. So, if you're not aware of things like that, copper and aluminum, little details like that, and how to adjust for that, you can create some circumstances that are not healthy.

Tyler Nelson 33:29
Sure.  if you try to, there's an expression that if you try to DIY everything, you're going to go to the hospital for most things. Because you're trying to fix everything, you're going to get yourself hurt, or you're going to cause some kind of damage or harm to yourself or others and also cause damage to your home. It's funny, everybody wants to go for the cheapest price for everything nowadays. Then our mechanical field, the things that people get from us, they don't get any social mileage out of. It's not a flat screen TV hanging on the wall, it's not a nice car, it's not a nice lawn, it's not something that you can use as a showpiece. The only ones that care about having a proper technician come out and do a combustion analysis or hire an electrician to change wiring properly. Because the only people that care  about doing that are the people that have a proper magnetic north on how their decisions are governed within themselves. We encourage people that try to really do that. But you'll find that again, people will offer the cheapest thing. Case in point, when people go for those carbon monoxide detectors in the big box stores. Yeah, they're not effective. I teach that in the classes, they're not effective. They go off after one to three hours of very high levels of exposure where someone can actually get sick.  the comment will be oh, it was only 17 bucks. Well, there's an old rule of thumb and you've heard it before I'm sure. We never want to hand your family's health over to the lowest bidder, it usually doesn't work out very well. We'll do it all the time.

Russ Johns 35:08
Yeah, they'll do it all the time.

Tyler Nelson 35:09
Interesting circumstances they place themselves and by the way that they make decisions.

Russ Johns 35:14
Yeah, well, I think a lot of municipalities also have this idea that if they put a rule in place, that it has to be a new construction or something that people would adhere to. The do it right scenario versus just get by with what I can get by with. It's unfortunate, but don't allow your health to be determined by the lowest bidder. So it’s one of those things you have to think about. So, any projections on when you're going to be back on thoad, or after Thanksgiving, you said.

Tyler Nelson 35:57
Yeah, after Thanksgiving is the goal.  We have to see what conditions are. There's certain scenarios that I can go into where the facilities are maintained properly, that people are tested, or they at least take their temperatures before entering. So I've been in my industry, from what I've been told, anyway, I've been very aggressive and going out and traveling, probably much to my family's chagrin, that I've been a little aggressive and going out and traveling. But as I told you, before, I felt completely safe. Yeah, so I'm looking forward to getting out again, because that's where I engage the most, it's standing in front of an audience, whether it's five people or an audience of over 500 people, I've done it all, it doesn't matter. Either way, it's all very exciting.  It's always new, every time we do it, it's  being a musician, and going onstage, it's always cool. It's always cool. The faces that are looking back at you want to learn something, and they're receptive, as long as you're providing material that is well put together and that you actually have an engaging way of involving your audience and understanding what they're there for. You have to know your audience and be able to teach them accordingly. So again, I'm hoping to get out after Thanksgiving is the goal. Then we'll see what the world has, because I have partners over in Europe. A  lot of the European areas are being shut down. We don't know if that's going to be a full trickledown effect as it gets into our country. People acting that way and shutting things down here, we shall say,

Russ Johns 37:29
Yeah. Hakon says, bless your brothers. I'm in producer mode. This is driving me nuts. I know that LinkedIn, I was talking to a group of individuals. This is the same thing on technology across the board.  LinkedIn has LinkedIn live, however, it doesn't always work and what he's experiencing is echo and some feedback on that. So what he said also was… Hakon said, what little I gleaned from the conversation though…I have been in support. “Have you turned on your computer?” “Eh…turn on?” It’s like is any key working. I'm sorry, Hakon,  that that didn't work.  Jimmy says, target excellence, deliver authenticity, and never disappoint. As we go through and Gabriel's been here, what's up, gentlemen, thank you so much for being here, Gabe. He has another show in the evenings, typically Made from Scratch broadcast. It's awesome. He's an amazing individual that does a lot of great things out there.

Tyler Nelson 38:42
I’ll have to check it out.

Russ Johns 38:43
Yeah, go check it out.  For anyone that hasn't connected with you, how is the best way to connect with you online, or learning more. I’m doing a little bit more in the industry. I'd like to expand the show to have conversations around industries that are being impacted and changing and evolving. So, how is the best way for people to connect with you, Tyler,

Tyler Nelson 39:09
The best way at this juncture is through my LinkedIn, which is listed in the in the contact information on the bottom of this video. So that, at this point, is the best way to get a hold of me. That will have my email address. People can contact me that way or just message me on LinkedIn. Then, I can proceed further with them, whether they want to set up a class at their contractor or their distributor, because I do classes for a distributor, they do them for contractors, they do them trade groups. I've been a national speaker for different national conventions for different manufacturers and different symposium but that's probably the best way to do it.  I will be happy to engage and look forward to the additional fruits of being a pirate and the fact that you were nice enough to have me today, given the technical difficulties. Maybe it was the hair advice comment that just shut the whole Comcast out. I really don't know

Russ Johns 40.04
The internet rebelled

Tyler Nelson 40:06
Yeah, something there happened. But in any event, it was it was nice to finally get back on again and to connect with you. It's always wonderful.

Russ Johns 40:17
I've enjoyed the conversation and I enjoyed the opportunity to have a little bit of insight into the industry.  I want to expand that a little bit more.  I know that there's people out there that are in need of that. I look forward to future conversations and connections as well. Thank you so much, everyone. I know that we went ove. We had some technical difficulties, and in the end, we came back. We enjoyed ourselves. We had a good conversation, and we learned a little bit about HVC and instrumentation and helping people out and that's what it's all about is helping each other, get to the next place that we're looking for, and searching on. So as always, #kindnessiscool, #smilesarefree, and you #enjoytheday. Take care. Don’t go away, Tyler.

Exit 41:31
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