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Catch Joey Falbo on the Piratebrodcast

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  Welcome to the pirate broadcast, where we interview interesting people doing interesting things where you can expand your connections, and your community. Kindness is cool and smiles are free. Let's get this party started. It's a beautiful day for a Piratebroadcast. I just want to welcome you. If you're in the room, let us know. Ask some questions. Let us know where you're living, where you're broadcasting from, where you're visiting from. If you like and you find value in this broadcast, please like and share it. Maybe consider subscribing to the podcast or the YouTube channel, or connecting with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter, wherever you like to, wherever you like to hang out whatever works for you. And I am happy to bring to you more interesting people doing interesting things. Today, we have Joey, Joey's in the room, he's gonna be talking about a little bit about, you know, his experience His growth, and just let you go in Bz because this is the first time he's been on a podcast, and we're gonna bring the light into the room and allow him to shine and make sure that we have an opportunity to hear his story. So, Joey Good morning. How are you doing today?
Good morning, Russ. I am doing great. I am honored to be on your podcast with over 200 guests that you've already have. This is this amazing opportunity. So I really appreciate it.
Well, it's funny because we connected through mutual friends. It was one of those ideas that, I've seen you pop up in the feed and now we're connected and we're putting these things together in a pirate broadcast. Now you're officially a pirate, you're part of the community. So any of those 200 different signals that you'd like to connect with reach out to them. It's amazing community, a lot of great people involved. And if you're not connected to Joey, get connected. He's working hard in Texas. He's in the Houston metro area and growing his network and building up his, his industry. So let's talk a little bit about where you are right now and what your focus is in what you're doing.
Sure, sure. So right now I am with Texas quality assurance and I am a quality management system sales guide. And this all happened it's a great story, I believe. I got laid off it when the oil prices went negative. It was a tricky situation. It was tough, for sure. But so I was able to find Kyle Chambers through Texas quality assurance and I really like the goals that he has and it really fits the values that I'm trying to find in a job, I've kind of had some ups and downs with previous jobs, and not aligning my values and goals with with the companies. And this is one that I really think is a great company. And we're doing great things to help small to medium to large businesses really get going and you know, standardize and prove be more efficient and, you know, remove the bottom line, the waste from the bottom line, and I really like doing next we're helping small, you know, family owned businesses as well as you know, other companies that are employing a lot of people. So it's a great it's a great situation right now for me.
So those that don't understand or haven't been in the in the business in quality assurance, what does that actually impact in the business and what kind of systems and processes are you know, there's a lot of, standards and there's, you know, different standards in different industries in the Those that are not familiar with your industry, kind of explain in layman's terms what that actually translates to.
So what you're doing is you're putting these processes down on paper, you're it's very similar to personal growth, in the sense that you have an objective you're trying to get somewhere. You have these processes, your goals written down. So you have goals, you have inputs, you have your outputs, and it's okay, what do I need to do? And then it standardizes it right. So then it's not this decision overload, you know, what you need to do on a daily basis. So it's quality management, its environmental management, its health and safety management. So similar, like you said, ISO 9001. There's also API q1, q2. So you know, it helps you so you can have standardized training, you know, you know that your field personnel, your office personnel, they're, trained and they are trained to what you have already established as the training requirements is customer satisfaction. It's Making sure that your customers are satisfied. you're able to appropriately handle complaints when they do happen, whether it's you know, bad product, bad service or whatever, that you know how to handle that you can correct it and you have proof to your customer that, hey, look, you know, mistakes do happen, but we have a process in place to address that root cause analysis, see what's going on and fix it. So we don't have to do that in the future.
Yeah, and I love the fact that you tied it in with personal growth, because ultimately, in and I hope that you had a good experience, get out on the pirate broadcast and you know, the systems and the notifications all worked out for you, because you have you here. So, as someone that has had experience with that, and years ago, I used to be a safety director, you know, root cause analysis and and saying that and knowing what you can do to improve the safety and The process to train everybody. So you know, what they know, they know that you know that. And all of these things are in alignment with the company's goals and the industry's goals and the safety of the employee. And I think it's important for us to understand in our own personal lives, it's a constant cycle of improvement. So what are some improvement
Continuous improvement?
Continous Improvement, Absolutely. So, I know that, having lost a few few jobs in my career, like, I worked for 25 years for companies that no longer exists, you know, it's like this. This is a common occurrence for a lot of people right now. So having gone through that experience, what can you share with individuals that are listening in on the prior broadcast about the process of you know, the downturn and feeling of, I lost my job and Bad things happen to me. And then I have to, isolate, it's like, okay, I don't want to do anything. I don't want to see anyone I don't want to get out. I don't want to talk. I don't know if that's your experience. But talk about that process for yourself. And kind of reflect on the quality assurance that you went through in your own world in order to accomplish a different goal, a different outcome.
So I didn't see it when it was happening. That's common in business as well. Sometimes when you're going through things as a business and personally you don't really see things until you assess aka audit, right? Yeah, but inactivity was my biggest thing is I became inactive. So even before the downturn happened, you know, I had some personal things that were going on. You know, my mom was battling Alzheimer's for six years, and we lost her last April. So that that was a big effect on me. I didn't have the systems and I didn't have the problem. processes built into myself to be able to handle that appropriately. Right? So my just like you said, I, secluded myself isolated, I became inactive. It I didn't recognize it for a while. Yeah, I ended up leaving a job because I became an active in the job. I just felt stagnant. I felt in a rut, I had another job opportunity as a field service, oilfield service company. And that was that was okay, that helped me out. But when oil prices went negative, I got laid off. so I had this, you know, three month gap. And it was during that three month gap that I was able to kind of sit down and do that analysis. Okay, what's going on? Where am I? Where do I want to be? Right? So that's your gap analysis in a company, okay. You want to be ISO 9001 certified? Well, you have to know where you are. To be able to know the route you need to get to where you're going. And that's what happened with me and he You can see it all around. I mean, even the 12 steps Alcoholics Anonymous bill Wilson, right. I mean, you've got you it. He has a quality management system for his alcoholism is for alcoholics, but it can be applied to anything. It's a personal growth strategy. And that's what the quality management system is. It's a business growth strategy. You know, it's it.
It's really, telling in our lives, unless you have a way to measure your progress, you really, it's a really big struggle to make progress, because it's like, what do I measure against? How do I know if I'm successful? How do I know that? You know, what is success? How do I understand what that looks like? And I've had this on many other episodes where we've talked about the idea that you know, sometimes you think you want to be a certain place, you want to be a certain location, and it's When you get there and you realize, wow, this isn't exactly what I thought it was gonna be. And what do I do now? Because my dream turned into a nightmare. Is this anything like I imagined? You know it. And I think in a business situation, you know, you know, just like we've seen in a lot of industries, this time, because of outside circumstances that we have no control over. Businesses seem to think that they will need to stay in a certain place, when in reality, resilience is the the success factor. That's the thing that's going to allow us to adapt into different environments in different circumstances. And resiliency is really a key factor in this and, I think that's in personal life as well. So is that something that you've had experience with and the ability and opportunity to deal with
that it's what I'm starting to see for sure. Right? Thanks for coming out of this, you know, and starting to make those steps, you know, one after another small steps. I almost thought before that I wouldn't be able to get to where I'm getting right now because you just don't see that. So sometimes it's easy to not see that, right? It's easy to think that that you can't be resilient. You can't, you know, you can't take the steps that you need to take. And so I'm beginning to see that it really is it's resiliency, it's grit. It's saying, Okay, I've got to just start doing something. I've got to make these steps and I got to keep going. I've done it in the past, and I can keep doing it. Yeah. And so I mean, I've seen that in business and I've seen it in personal you know, in business right now. Right? It businesses are struggling, you know, businesses are shutting down and is you know, everybody is is worried about finances. And but right now, if you have a goal, whether it's personal or business, and it's 12 months, it's going to take you 12 months, whenever you start, yeah, you start now it's going to take 12 months from now, if you start in 12 months, it's going to take you another 12 months to get to where you're going. Yeah, no. And so it's, it's, it's about starting that process as soon as
Start the process. That's, that's interesting, because I think right now, a lot of, because of fear, because of your anticipating some, sometimes you can see the glass half full and half empty, it depends on your perspective. I think you're absolutely correct is like, just start and get moving forward. Even if you're moving in the wrong direction, you can make adjustments, you know, you have the momentum to continue it forward, even. You might run into a situation where you say this doesn't really feel like it's working out. If you have momentum, at least you can move in another direction. You can make those adjustments along the way. I believe You for reaching out stepping outside your comfort zone, getting on the pirate broadcast becoming a pirate reaching out to a new audience. A new perspective. I think that there's a lot of other people in the room like Michael Evans. He says, "Hey, good morning, guys. How are you doing?" Love that you're here. Pretty Gloria. nice, friendly. Hi to meet you here. Thanks, Jeff young. A process approach is important in all things well said. I love that. Jeff. Jeff is an amazing individual superhero. One of those individuals that you need to connect with and become a resource with and follow some of the things and then also he says "a grief cycle is natural when you lose your job. The key to recognizing that and taking steps to get yourself out of that grief so you can get back in the game." Amen. Jeff, thank you so much for that I really admire your work and effort. And it's one of those things, Joey that we need to understand. It's like, quality assurance, like, okay, it's okay to grieve. It's okay to step back and understand that, okay, this life is never going to be the same. You know, it's like your mother, you know, she went through a battle of Alzheimer's and now she's, no longer suffering. Right?
Right. Absolutely.
You lost your job. You went through a period of probably a little bit of downturn, you know, like the oil industry. Then you have to recognize, okay, what am I going to do next? What do I have to do? so did you map out your your, your quality assurance list of things that you wanted to accomplish? or How did you battle that uphill climb?
I did mentally I started journaling. That was one of the biggest things that helped me. So what I used to use in my old company in sales was the sales journal. And what I realized is that you can have a personal journal as well that you have key points that you want to hit daily, monthly, quarterly. So that helped out quite a bit. But I did the quality assurance it was I audited myself to see where I was at. And then I said, Okay, here's the areas that I'm struggling with. So what do I need to do? And part of that for me, right? Was reconnecting with the community. I'd kind of forgotten to do that. So before I even got into the oil and gas, I was an EMT basic. So I wrote on the ambulance here in tomball. You know, and it was such a great,
That's so funny. I was an EMT and a volunteer firefighter as well.
Nice, So but I had lost touch with that right? So actually, I had a roommate he was he was a great guy. Unfortunately, he's passed away since but he's He got me into the oil and gas. So I don't want to say I sold out for the money because the past 14 years of my life has been fantastic. Yeah, but I kind of lost touch with that giving back to the community and kind of liking that whole emergency response stuff. So that's another thing that I, okay, I'm not doing some of these things I know that I like to do. I was just focusing on my job and just kind of, you know, stressing out over that. So now I'm getting back into that. So that's one of the things I'm doing now, actually, to get me to that point, because I'm still in this this process. I'm just beginning this process and getting outside of my comfort zone and, and taking these steps. So I'm doing my EMT basic course, which has been great. So there's a lot of volunteer firefighters with me in the class. And what I like about is a lot of positive influence.
Yeah, and I just want to take a moment and give a shout out to all the first responders and the healthcare workers and everybody that's that's involved in first responders in the the whole chain of assistance in that arena. Because, I mean, hats off, it's not. It's not an easy task. It takes a lot of passion and a lot of gratitude and caring and empathy to be in the industry. So I just want to, I just want to recognize, thank you for getting back into it. That's, awesome.
Yeah, a lot of people don't realize is that a lot of people do this voluntarily. They're getting a paycheck to help out, you know, yeah, they're doing it just out of the kindness of their heart. And that that makes it even more impressive.
Yeah. It's like the unsung heroes, you know, the, the helpers, as Mr. Rogers used to say, look for the helpers, right?
That's it.
And it's so you went through this process and now you're kind of getting back in your vibe and reconnecting with what you really enjoy and love to do. And I think that's so important because as we recognize, who we truly are, you know, what we do is not who we are So, I think that's important for us to understand and appreciate the difference. And spend some time working on both sides of that equation, we have to, obviously do something to, keep the lights on and food in the fridge. And, then we also need to feed our emotional fuel tank and, add add things to the fire when we're, passionate about things. We're passionate about things we want want to do and accomplish. And so, what's your journey look like for that?
Well, my dad, he's always told me, Son, you got to find your passion. You've got to find your passion. And I've struggled with that for so long, because I just like, man, I cannot find my passion. I don't know what my passion is. I heard somebody say it was sometimes you have to create your passion. So that's what I'm doing right now. And you've already you already alluded to it actually, you said it earlier. Is that Sometimes it's just getting that momentum. I don't know where my path is going to take me right now I have some goals, but I'm just gaining this momentum. And I'm gonna see where it takes me. Because standing still isn't isn't working for me and hasn't been working for me.
Yeah. It's funny cuz, Mike Rowe from dirty jobs?
Oh yeah, sure,
I'm sure you see that. He did an essay on one time that I just truly, enjoyed. And the whole premise of the story was that there's a lot of people that find their passion and they chase their passion is find the work you love, and you'll never work again. Right? And he goes, the other side of that is find work, and then learn to love it. Find a way to learn what you're doing. And then you'll never have to work again either. And I thought that was so profound in respect because there's so many people industries, oil and gas is one of them. You know, I have friends in the oil and gas industry, they're all over. And, they've traveled, they've had experiences, they're great storytellers, I'm just thinking to myself, that's an experience of a lifetime that you can't achieve in any other way. there's probably other industries that might be similar might provide the same experience. And if you learn to love what you're doing along the way, life is so much easier. it's like, I hate my job. That's an unfortunate circumstance that a lot of people allow themselves to be placed in and it's like, well, I don't have anything else I can do. Well, there's a lot of spare time you can learn another skill, you can go to EMT class, you can, and that momentum, getting that momentum and moving forward helps out always So
right, because who knows what some of the connections that I make during this, adventure will take me, right? I mean, I can end up becoming, connecting with somebody in this EMT course that says, hey, you know what, based on what we've talked about, it seems like you actually might be a good fit for X, Y and Z. Why don't you give it a shot? I got this connection. And then now you're on a whole different path, but you're doing something and you're staying active, your mind is staying active. You're right. But what you said it's a great point. It's, sometimes you can't necessarily find the job that you love. Do you have to find a way to love the job that you're doing? No, it's it's two sides of the same coin. And it's
really, it's really a simple thing to say, not necessarily an easy thing to do. And, and for myself, it's perspective. It's like, what do you How are you looking at it? it's like, if I wake up, you know, it's like my day I love getting up and doing the pirate broadcast. Because it sets the tone of my day, I get to talk to somebody interesting like yourself. And it's, like, Okay, I have it pretty good. I get to I get to have these conversations, I get to open up the idea and make new connections online. All over the world. I got friends all over the world that I can connect with. And what better opportunity, can you do first thing in the morning, then then share a new perspective with somebody, and hopefully light somebody up and saying, Hey, I can do this, or have them first time on a broadcast. it's like, that's an amazing thing for me. Now, it's not for everyone. You know, not everybody has any kind of a desire to get on a camera and look at, you know, broadcast,
but it's like, sure.
That's the thing is if you have momentum and you're doing this, it's pretty simple. So write other observations. You have learned along this journey of self discovery in, building up your own momentum.
It's I mean, you have to get outside of yourself. You can't think that you can do it alone. So you have to rely on a support group. And that's what I I didn't do in the beginning, I lost connection. And that was the worst thing I could have done. So maintaining a connection with your network, whether it's family, it's friends and it's professional acquaintances, those are the people that are going to keep you aligned. You know, they're the ones that are going to tell you, hey, look, man, something's not right. Or, Hey, man, you're doing a great job with this without having that you just stay stagnant. And that's, the biggest thing that I've Well, that's one of the bigger things that I've learned recently is that you've got to have that support system. So that's, you know, and then when I said Getting outside of yourself, it's reconnecting with the community and whatnot, I think that's very important it's expanding your network, it's going to community community events, it's, helping people out, it's reconnecting with your neighbors. That's been a big part of this for me. And it's helped me because at the same time, too, you know, you sit on the couch for hours on end. You don't really feel good about that. But you go across the street, because you see your neighbor needs a little bit of help with something, you go and help them you come back after two hours helping your neighbor and the emotional benefit that you get from that the physical benefit from it. It's, fantastic. Yeah. And so it's, that's, those are the things that I'm learning right now. It's that you can't do this alone. You need a network. And that's, neighbors, that's friends, this family. And so that's, my goal right now is to start reconnecting with these folks. I You said it on one of your podcast was like, what you do is is you have like five or six text messages that you just send out not expecting any sort of response. You just say, Hey, I'm gonna reach out to somebody and just see how things are going. that connected with me, and that's something that I'm going to start trying to do is, reconnecting in that sense just reaching out. Hey, man, how's it going? I hope everything's okay with you. I'm here if you need anything, have a great day. I thought that was pretty cool. What you said so yeah, I'm gonna take that to heart and that's one of the things I'm going to implement.
Well, and you know, somebody that's a great networker Terry Bean was on the show yesterday, and we're talking about that same thing. And it's, the idea that you just have to be a method that people can connect with and make it easy and make it remove the friction, so to speak, you know, with anything we have in our life, you know, just like the oil industry. Anytime you have friction, you're losing money, right. So let's play Make it frictionless to actually make a connection, reconnect with other people and remove some of those roadblocks and those obstacles, because a lot of times it's just in our head, it's just our heads thinking, Well, nobody wants to, I don't want to, they don't want to talk to me or, for whatever reason, it's like, just start reaching out to people and seeing what happens because you're only one conversation away from making a difference in your life. It really, making a difference in somebody else's life is typically the best way to build that momentum in your, in your own life. And it's just amazing when people can do it and watch it and experience it. I just amazes me and it's just, I'll continue to talk about it and tell people that it works and how it works. So
but and the same thing works with sales, too. I mean, sometimes it's nerve wracking, reaching out to people, but at the same time to like, what I have to remind myself and what I do remind myself is that were just one phone call away from potentially helping somebody expand their business significantly. They can implement, you know, one of these quality management or environment or whatever these management systems that they need to implement, and they're able to land a huge contract with a big client. I mean, that would be impressive. That would be so fantastic to be able to do and it really is, it's a phone call away. So it's realizing some people might not want to talk to you, but there's going to be people that are going to want to talk to you. And you can make a difference in those people's lives and they can do the same in yours.
Well, and it goes along the same lines is it's like, they may not need you now. However, if you stay in contact with them, you know, when when they do need you or they realize the value that you bring to the table that can assist them in their pursuit of happiness, then all of a sudden, you're the first person they talked to because you've made those text messages. You've made that outreach, and hi and checking in, and it's not to do it in another various ways, it's like, care about people add value, continue to add value, show up in life, be available, remove the friction. And it's amazing to, see what can take place. Sales is just a an example of what that looks like, and a lot of people resist sales in myself included, it's like, Okay, can I make the calls kind of make the call? It's like, if you're always out there and you're having conversations, people will show up and say, I really need some help with this. You know, there's things that are broken in my business. It's like, Joey, you need to talk to joy like, he's somebody that can help you find, you know, some quality assurance, build some systems, grow your business and make a difference. Like, it's that simple. I don't know if he can help you. He may be able to help you. But talk to Josephus, see if there's something we can do. That's it.
That's it. Now what I've learned too is even if I'm on able to help with my experience in the quality management world the past 14 years, I'm probably going to be able to find somebody who'd be able to help or connect to them with
offer him some recommendations and suggestions and just put them in the right direction to allow them to build the momentum. Well, this has been fantastic joy so I really appreciate and thank you so much for becoming a pirate because it actually means a lot to become a pirate and Max actually, the community is solid in there a lot of people here they're doing some great work. So it's it's our cots here, we've got some more people. Good evening morning all around the world. You know, Sherry lolly is here. Slap tags, great discussion, highlighting opportunities to collect the joy in your world. Love that. Let's see what else. Justice haha I'm only a secret superhero because of the super pirate friends. I have none. So then Good morning. Yeah, like a boss. Thank you so much for being here. Amanda. Appreciate you. Follow Amanda. She's awesome. And so frothy Joey, what's up from India? Good. Always good. Good morning pirates. And Sherry, lolly yeah. Thank you so much for being here. I love it. And then Amanda. So it's like showing up is a great point. I don't do any sales with my business right now. But at least once a week I have someone in my network connecting with me with someone who needs me and my team. I do it all the time for people in my network and it works. It works all the time. So, Jessie says "great talk today. Thanks." You're never know, Angie says "you never know what connections might bring." It's like, absolutely true. So thank you so much for Joey for being here. I really appreciate you and the opportunity to share your story in Good luck, and congratulations on the EMT activities. And it really helps in a lot of respects, helps the community and helps ourselves grow as individuals. So I applaud that any last legacy thoughts or ideas that you want to leave with people to keep them motivated today?
Just take that next step. And make sure it's not a big step. Just take the next step. That's, the biggest advice I can give and you're gonna start making steps. So the first step is just take it.
Fantastic. Well, thank you, everyone, and all Always, as always, it's really important for us to think about what we can do, what we can contribute, how we can provide value, continue to provide value in the community. Thank you everyone because kindness is cool. smiles are free, and you enjoy the day. Take care everyone. Thank you for joining the pirate broadcast. If you found this content valuable, please like, comment and share it across your social media channels. I would love the opportunity to help others grow in their business. Pirate syndicate is a platform where you show up we produce the show, it's that easy. If you want to be seen, be heard and be talked about. Join the pirate syndicate today.

Historically, pirate broadcasting is a term used for any type of broadcasting without a broadcast license. With the internet, creating your own way of connecting has evolved.  

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