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Catch Andy Foote on the #PirateBroadcast

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I love sharing what others are doing to create, add value, and help in their community. 

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​Russ Johns 0:00
Welcome to the #piratebroadcast, where we interview #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings where you can expand your connections, your community. #Kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree. Let's get this party started.

It's another beautiful day for the #piratebroadcast bringing you #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. I just really appreciate the fact that you're here. If you're watching the replay, love to have you comment, share, make comments, all of the all of the social things that everybody does to get you some activity going in the community. Thank you for the pirates. Thank you for the community. Today we have none other than Andy is going to bring some nuggets of knowledge drop some knowledge bombs in the room today for us. Andy, good morning. How are you doing?

Andy Foote 0:56
Good morning Russ #Kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree.

Russ Johns 1:01
Absolutely. Absolutely. A few more people adopted that philosophy, we might have fewer problems in the world. I'm thinking

Andy Foote 1:11
for real. Absolutely. I think moreand more people are realizing that philosophy. There might be something to that.

Russ Johns 1:22
Part of that process and I know you're one of those individuals that you have given so much to the LinkedIn community. I know we're streaming on Facebook and YouTube and Periscope and some other places. I just want to acknowledge the people in LinkedIn and some of the work and the efforts that you've put into it, because you've developed some amazing techniques and I was reading one of your posts the other day, and talking about some of the nuances of the algorithm and you go deep in and you've helped so many people. I did Identify what needs to happen on LinkedIn. I'd like to kind of dive in and discover how did you arrive at this location of being so thoroughly invested in in some of these ideas and thoughts in the process of LinkedIn? How did you didn't wake up one day and say, I'm just gonna unplug LinkedIn and peel it apart and discover everything about it after.

Andy Foote 2:26
Yeah, thanks. Yeah, thanks, man. Thanks. I think the first point I want to make is that I'm standing on the shoulders of many people who do what I do. There are there are at least 40 dear friends who are as you know, as invested as I am. Perhaps more so in unpacking unpeeling the onion that is linked in with the same intent, which is to thoroughly understand, we'll try to know what's going on. And in particulara dominant theme over the last two or three years has been content distribution, right? It's, well, hey, if I'm gonna, if I'm gonna write this post, then what happens to after I click Publish? Well, it didn't get any kind of distribution. Why? Why am I not getting reach?

There's basic fundamental questions or, you know, what we seek to answer. We being the collective of LinkedIn observers, teachers, trainers, and coaches that are all wrestling with this on a daily basis. We try and share what we know but go back to my journey. I was a stay at home dad in I think it was, when was it? 2006 2007. That's when I started to get involved with LinkedIn in terms of my own education and I Started with LinkedIn groups, because it blew my mind LinkedIn, as a platform, a professional platform where in theory.

I could have access to thousands of people all around the world. I mean it's millions of theory, but in practical terms, it's thousands in terms of your bandwidth and your ability to actually engage and groups in particular, Russ were fascinating to me, because wait a second, you mean that I can actually create communities for absolutely anything at all right. I can name the subject and I can build it. And they will come.

Russ Johns 4:45

Andy Foote 4:45
That blew my mind. I thought, wow. I'm doing this in, this rental property in Charlotte, North Carolina. I've got a little one who is eating everything at the stage, by the way. So in the early in the early months, right. She was Broccoli. Yeah, sure. Give me some carrots. Sure. We're gonna Yes, my wife and I will go. Yes. She eats everything that we give our we can just we can just make sure that she eats everything healthy. And yeah, that didn't last

Russ Johns 5:16
That was a moment in time

Andy Foote 5:16
Yeah. As soon as she could speak it was yeah well mac and cheese What? You had mac and cheese four days straight? Yeah, That's what I want. And then I want candy as well. Yeah, give me m&ms give me Twizzlers. Then I'll have the mac and cheese. Just keep giving me that fat boy. So anyway, I digress. So yeah, groups was the thing that blew my mind. And that's when I started educating myself in terms of how LinkedIn works. Then some LinkedIn groups. I was getting quite competitive about it, because there were others in a similar space. I have an RFP Request for Proposal group that was neck and neck with another similarly named group and I always wanted to have more members and more discussions Then this guy is group.

Similarly, there was an, there is an alternative dispute resolution group ADR because I'm an ex lawyer, mediation was something I was interested in, started this ADR group. Again, I want it to be the biggest and the best ADR community on LinkedIn. There was some groups that I built for us that weren't growing fast enough for to me? I said, Hmm, I think I'm gonna focus on these six or seven groups, give these other three away, and I'm going to give them away to the member or a member of the group. That's what it is. There are groups out there that I started. As far as I know I still doing fantastically well. That's where I started my education. I still run those groups. We can talk about groups. groups are a bit of a sad story right now in terms of what's happened to them in the last four or five years?

Russ Johns 6:53

Andy Foote 6:54
It's a tale of meddling and tinkering and not having a linear strategy. Then I just started to write about my learnings, what I discovered, worked on LinkedIn. In particular, I spoke about the branding space and how people were, to my mind not making the best use of their profile page. I was thinking, why are you doing that? I mean, why would you do this? That's, that's a strange one. That's the thing about LinkedIn, it forces everyone to become a marketer. It forces everyone to be a website admin, right? You have to go through all of these hurdles, you have to make all of these split second decisions, and some of them will not serve you well, if you make the bad decision, right, bad according to me as a an observer and thinking that just makes you look amature that just makes you look, not like someone you wouldn't want to have a conversation with, because you're not paying attention.

There are all these things that like I say, forces you to think about and some people are not thinking all the time. exactly know what their strategy ought to be or what they're doing. Tthen so I started writing about branding. One, my early stuff Ross was, was was pretty crappy. I'm kind of glad that it's hidden on the website, or is hidden on the website is hidden in the search engines because people don't look for it, thankfully. Then like most things, if you keep doing it, then I think you inevitably improve the

Russ Johns 8:29
Andy's flawed posts

Andy Foote 8:31
Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm glad. Yeah. I'm glad there's that they synced. They sunk because they were stinky. Yeah. The one one less thing to post was, they're all indexed by the search engines, but one post in particular, three stunningly good LinkedIn summaries. That's more or less very soon after I click publish on that thing. Within 48 hours or so, back then it landed on the first page for two search queries on Google in particular. When people look for LinkedIn summaries on LinkedIn some examples they would get to the first page and my post basically crept up on the first page up towards the first ranking the top spot the very first thing that people attempted to click on.

When that happened Russ my little tiny blog that could did and so my traffic went hmm and then it kept there like for months and then for years, and in that first year, I was so intrigued and I kind of worried and as wonder, well how long is this gonna last? How long you keep getting that exposure, thanks to the the SEO gods. So I met with a local guy, Andy Christo Deena who's very well known across the US, but particularly cargo. He's an internet guru. He's a Web Design Specialist and SEO guru, too. I met with Andy, I asked him, I said, so how long is this gonna last? And he says, I don't know. I said All right, then he said, enjoy.

Russ Johns 10:17
I'll go with the flow.

Andy Foote 10:19
He said, Well done, enjoy it while it lasts. I really don't know how long it's gonna last and it lasted. It lasted about two and a half, three years. In that time in that space, I've been waiting the best possible content that I have, we can. Wwhat I also what I also noticed was as soon as I stopped writing, as soon as I stopped feeding the machine, then my views would eventually go down. It would there's definitely a correlation you have to keep pumping the content out there for not just the subscribers but for the internet engines too. Now I've recently ramped up and I started writing producing newer content last year.

It's definitely there's a different coloration because because now my, my internet traffic has gone like this. Now it's gone like that. It's back up to 2015 levels, which I'm delighted about. I'm killing it in terms of LinkedIn summary examples for graduates, I realized that I hadn't really been speaking to that market. I was adopting the apple playbook where you get the students then, you get them when they become young career professionals, and hopefully for life. Then hashtags was another. Another thing that I dominate the first page, and I wrote about the whole hundred hashtags on LinkedIn, hot as in popular most followed, but there's more to it than that, and they're still evolving. Then, what was the other one? The algorithm I wrote this very sort of in depth piece about the outcome. Which was standing on the shoulders of others, right?

There's some great research out there, which is what makes it great is that it confirms what a lot of observers like myself, have have seen happen on LinkedIn to content and we go, Oh there were so many light bulb moments in Richard Vander blondes study where essentially he tasked his local university marketing department said, hey, I've got a cool project for you. Who's there? 3000 bits of content from LinkedIn. Tell me what's happening here. That was fantastic. The way they are sliced and diced.

Russ Johns 12:39
Broken apart.

Andy Foote 12:40

Russ Johns 12:41
And a reverse engineered what was actually taking place.

Andy Foote 12:43

Russ Johns 12:45
I have an interesting, and you mentioned it earlier is you got to feed the machine in order to continue to evolve and grow and I know that LinkedIn has changed and evolved over time and I think there are times, well, I know there are times that my posts, announcing the fact that I have a show get a lot more traction than the actual show itself. My abundance of posts and in my activity is actually punishing the overall traction in the fee, right? As a result of it's like, just too much.

Andy Foote 13:32

Russ Johns 13:34
I need to develop that strategy. I think that's one mistake a lot of people make is they get into a groove, and the algorithm changes and then their groove isn't what is really being listened to.

Andy Foote 13:45
Yeah, it could be a number of things, but you're absolutely right. It should be the opposite, right? Your, pre publicity should have a moderate amount of reach. The actual main show should be the thing that actually gets pushed out in terms of magic Maximum reach.

Russ Johns 14:00

Andy Foote 14:01
That's the ideal. And it could be a bunch of things and might have something to do with the frequency. If you're advertising too close to the main event, then you could be punished for that. One of the things that Richards study found was that if you're publishing within three hours, right, within every three hours, you're publishing something.

Russ Johns 14:21

Andy Foote 14:22
If you're just

Russ Johns 14:23
Well, I shouldn't be punished for just having Andy on the show. I'm just saying. I would just want to give a shout out to some of the people that are here today. Because there's so much there Sherry?

Andy Foote 14:38
No, Sherry, Kristin.

Russ Johns 14:40
No, she Islinger.

Andy Foote 14:43
Oh, okay. Oh, yeah.

Russ Johns 14:44
Shelley, I'm sorry

Andy Foote 14:46

Russ Johns 14:47
Gabriel O'Neal is here. Good morning. Ah, she laughs she goes

Andy Foote 14:51
There's Debbie.

Russ Johns 14:52
Andy stole your line.

Andy Foote 14:55
There's Wendy,

Russ Johns 14:56
Andy have a $1 million smile. Good morning, Russ. Thank you so much. Genius LinkedIn advocates what a better way to start a Friday waving from Florida. Thank you so much. Then there's dawn. A beard. Hey, Dawn, how you doing today? Wendy? As always.

Andy Foote 15:17
Sherry Lally

Russ Johns 15:18
Yeah. Sherry Lolly's here.

Andy Foote 15:20
Yep. Louis.

Russ Johns 15:22

Andy Foote 15:24
Loui or Louis. I always get mixed up, Louis.

Russ Johns 15:27
Is it Louis or Louis?

Andy Foote 15:29
I could go 50/50. machine. machine. Hello,

Russ Johns 15:35
Toronto. Long time. Happy to join in. David Mumford.

Andy Foote 15:40
Very cool.

Russ Johns 15:41
Yeah. Claudette Thank you so much. Good morning. Gabe! had me at Twizzlers.

Andy Foote 15:55
Yeah I'm a Gummy Bear.

Russ Johns 15:59
How long is it going to Last, don't we all think that way about our successes hopefully just long enough for declined to the next. True story?

Andy Foote 16:09

Russ Johns 16:09
How are you? Ange good morning pirates? Yeah, Andy's a pirate now.

Andy Foote 16:17
Yes which has nothing to do with with looting and shit?

Russ Johns 16:22

Andy Foote 16:22
pirate radio.

Russ Johns 16:24
We are we are here stepping outside the box thinking about different things and making sure that we can bring some value to the table. It's really amazing. I think like you said, you've been working on the shoulders of many other people that have arrived long before we have. I love and I appreciate the fact that you're putting out content that is so valuable and so helpful. I would like to maybe share some of the tips or some of the suggestions or recommendations that you see people making all the time that it's a small thing in today's environment, groups aren't quite as active or active is not the right word they're not. They haven't evolved as much as they could have, in my opinion. Then also on the publishing side, you know, publishing articles, seems to be kind of like stuck a little bit.

Andy Foote 17:24

Russ Johns 17:25
Always you have to update your profile. It's not one and done. It's kind of evolving and changing. What are some changes, you've seen that people haven't noticed that we can actually do something with? The could create a little bit more buzz for our for our profiles or our own? ivities?

Andy Foote 17:45
Yeah, good question. I think people need to play around not so much changes that perhaps other people haven't seen. I think people need to play around with all of the different options. They have in terms of publishing, if they're trying to build their profile, then think about the multiple ways that you can do that. It's not as if there's a lack of variety in terms of how you can express yourself and promote your brand on LinkedIn, there's so many ways to do it. You can do it via an event, you can do it within a group, even although groups are broken in terms of their own many spam infested groups with many checked out group owners, there's still a destination, right? There's nothing to stop you from building a group and having a great community and giving them what they want.

Then they're not broken for you. They may be broken for others in terms of the people have built thousand strong groups and frustrated that they can't reach them with an announcement. Think about the variety of things that you can do an experiment. A simple text post. Nothing else but a text if it's powerful enough, if the message is powerful enough in the text, and you get you get engagement, then that's your job done. That's success. Right? If you get a hardcore of fans if you get 20 people so someone asked me about KPI as you measure measure KPI in terms of LinkedIn, right? What are the key performance indicators? Then, if you get 20 people engaging around a text only post? That's success, right? Then the LinkedIn algorithm looks at that, and then we'll send it to another 10 or 20 people and suddenly, you've got 40 plus 50, plus people, half of whom you don't know.

You're building relationships with those purely because you had a great idea for a text or a new post. Right? Then you could add an image you could try tomorrow's what that text post did really well. I've got another idea but what I think an image, a compelling image that works exactly with The text it kind of explains what the what the post is all about. Oh, do that tomorrow, the next day. Try something completely different. Try video. Try loading a video. There's a guy that I interviewed yesterday and he's a creative powerhouse and his name is David Brier. Take a look at his activity stream. Right. He started off as an illustrator, then went into design out of Brooklyn, out of New York, and he's now in Wisconsin.

If you take a look at his activity stream, you see an amazing potpourri of different kinds of activities. Creatively he's on fire. He's always got something ready to go. He is a pirate, and he's constantly challenging the audience. He's constantly making them to, think, but he's also grabbing their attention. He's a master of attention grabbing, look at that, and then look at other stuff, other content that's all around you. Right? If something stops you in your tracks in that home stream, why is it stopping you? Right? Can you replicate that? What can you learn from that success? Because it's success because you stopped, right? You clicked and you're absorbing it that success.

Well, how can you use that success for your purposes, your objectives, right? Then articles again similar to my advice with groups, articles are not done. Articles just are not popular right now, on LinkedIn posts are popular because we all want the short sharp fix, right? They like the newspaper of the day, and that their popular posts are popular because that's what we seem to be, primarily interested in that's not to say that if you have a fantastic 1500 word article, ready to go in your head, and that shouldn't stop you from doing it, do it because then it gets indexed, then you get the SEO love, right from the search engines, which you don't get with the posts will always see that because it's out there. It's got the Google, it's got the LinkedIn brand. Alright, so it's gonna play well on the search engines.

People will see that I've got a buddy in Toronto, Bruce Johnson, who swears by articles, he says, Andy, I still write articles. The reason being, I still get business inquiries from articles that I've written two, three years ago, and it blows his mind. Right, and he loves that. That's why he still believes in articles and who knows things change on LinkedIn. LinkedIn may decide to give articles more, more more publicity. In other words, they might sending out notifications for articles split equally between articles and posts in terms of notifications, then that behooves you.

Russ Johns 22:55
Don't you believe that? What I love about articles is, something that you wrote that is relevant. Still today can be actually reshare it out in social media, and you still get you still get a bump in activity from it.

Andy Foote 23:11

Russ Johns 23:12
It's just a matter of being able to once you create it sometimes you like you said, not everything you want, not everything you created, you want people to see, by everything that you're still out there.

Andy Foote 23:25
Exactly. Yes. Yeah, and on that point. Sorry to interupt, Russ. On that point that you featured section in your profile, lets you put for the first time now lets you showcase articles or posts. If you're an article that you're particularly proud of, and you think encapsulates your brand, right tells you that reader who you are what you do, then you can put that in a very prominent section right now just below your summary on your on your profile page. So, yeah, I would, I would diversify in terms of the content that you can do. Frankly, your LinkedIn makes it super easy to do with this, right?

If I compare blogging, and everything that I have to do on my own blog to article writing on LinkedIn, it's no contest, right? That's it, there's no domain management, right? You're good to go. You just got all the tools in the actual page, publishing an article page, and you can make it look really, really nice. And then you're done within, whatever, a couple of hours, and then it's out there, and it's something you'd be proud of. So yeah, reverse engineer, look at what's out there. You can see if it's successful or not, because you can see the amount of engagement that's going on around it, articles and posts, and then use that to your advantage.

Russ Johns 24:47
I think also, Andy, I think it's really important for people to understand this is what I like to promote is think about what you enjoy doing for yourself because it's a marathon. It's not a one and done. You think about what you enjoy doing on a regular basis?

Andy Foote 25:05

Russ Johns 25:06
I know that my numbers could be different than they are if I put a little bit more effort in a couple of areas. However, I like getting on here talking to interesting people like yourself and sharing some information and some golden nuggets.

Andy Foote 25:20

Russ Johns 25:20
With the community. This is how I start my day five days a week, I get up and do this. I got people booked out for a little while now. This is what I enjoy. It's simple for me, it's easy access. Hopefully it was simple for you to get on the show and gain access and be here.

Andy Foote 25:40

Russ Johns 25:41
The simple equation of being able to produce it, create it, and actually be consistent around that.

Andy Foote 25:48
Yeah, two very important points, right. The expression it sounds like what's the word conflict of the word right now? It sounds trite. It sounds Now configure the word

Russ Johns 26:02

Andy Foote 26:02
Yes! thank you. It's like a cliche. The expression, you never work a day of your life if you if you enjoy it, if you love what you're doing, and that's true. That's true, right. I think the other part of that is if you do something you really truly enjoy, and you're not working doesn't feel like working. Then other people pick up on that too. It comes it comes through in your writing, if you found your voice, when you're right when you're writing, and you're adding injecting your personality into everywhere. Mine is a combo of deep research and snark and having fun as much as I can with the with the reader, right? Because we're time poor. If you're going to read my stuff, and I want you to be informed and maybe even entertained, and oh, that's an NDP, right? That's a Russ podcast and people know what They're guessing and they like what they're getting. That's why they keep coming back. So you have to give them you, you have to enjoy it. And and like you said it definitely a marathon.

Yeah, you're not gonna. The other favorite cliche that I say quite a lot now is that I'm an overnight success that took 10 years. It's true, because people think, oh, wow you've got x thousand or you're getting this great engagement. Yeah, took eight years, a long time to get to that stage where people are familiar. And you might have, name recognition. Or you might have other people tagging you. Oh, Who's this guy? Who's this lady? Shelley What does Shelley do? Right? If that's what you are, and there's the lookup, right? Don't ever dismiss the lookup. Most people are never gonna never gonna stick their head above the parapet on LinkedIn. That's just fine. That's They're watching all the time but they're watching, but they will never ever engage. That's why polls are so important because the lurkers love polls, right? Because, oh, I can use

Russ Johns 28:13
Well it still gives them the voice because it's an opportunity to speak up without being seen. Right.

Andy Foote 28:19

Russ Johns 28:20
It's one of those things. I just really appreciate all of the people that are here it's one of those things. There's Victor,

Andy Foote 28:32
Hi Victor,

Russ Johns 28:37
Just shared your link. Thank you so much, Debbie. There's so many things that we can do to extend the Oh, here's Debbie also extended the Edit to add 100 characters to headline now enabled on desktop.

Andy Foote 28:52

Russ Johns 28:53
Feature section is awesome. 600 character all. Thanks, you rock.

Andy Foote 28:58
So many things changing on LinkedIn. That's the other thing. When things change on LinkedIn, again, you rely on the people, the observers to report the latest. Some of these changes are minor. Some of them for example, the changing the logo to the rainbow, right? That may be minor, it might be like a little tweak and lightning a lot of people to a lot of things. It might mean something deep and important.

Russ Johns 29:27
People pick up on it and they actually noticed those things and when they weren't, and they can actually share that it's a great information to share.

Andy Foote 29:36

Russ Johns 29:37
What are you working on Andy? That is really is really kind of top of mind that we can actually.

Andy Foote 29:45

Russ Johns 29:46
Track you down and follow you and in consume your amazing content.

Andy Foote 29:52
Yes. I have been neglectful of my my blog, my LinkedIn sites.com blog. Some, someone commented that someone said, so you haven't written anything on your blog, anything new since December. Does that mean that you're letting it die? No! tell me exactly how you feel. Don't sit on the fence. I said, Is that how you measure blogs and blog success that they haven't they haven't been added to the last whether six haven't been fed for a few days. I know that's fine feed the machine. He said, Of course not. I said, I will be and he said, That's great news. That was quite a in your face. But he's right. I do have to make sure that I'm putting stuff there but it's a question of priority, prioritization and time.

Yes, I've got I've always got ideas like similar to David Brier, similar to you. You've got a pipeline of ideas in your head ready to go. They just need to be actioned and then produced. I've had in my head, like three articles that I think would be pretty, stunningly interesting for the blog. Then the other thing I want to do is I refer to posts on LinkedIn as being like the newspaper. Well, I can tell which of those posts have been of interest to my tribe and other other folks subsequently, by the distribution of the algo I'm going to convert some of those well playing posts into LinkedIn articles, as well somebody do articles on my blog, I'm going to repurpose.

So in other words, there's a lot of evergreen content that I think it just dies eventually on the vine in the posts, section, push them over to articles, pull them in make them look nice and make them look attractive, but there's also a lot of good stuff that I've gotten via my polls, experimentation. I've had some pretty interesting discussions around polls, because that's the other cool thing is that if you structure a poll correctly, you don't have to make it binary. You don't have to make it. Yes. No, you can make it other. Then when you make it other, what happens is it kind of forces people to start engaging around comments. That's great. Because, yes, then you get all of this additional, very cool content that you can then you can then pass and wrapping to something else. I mean, the third big thing for me right now is what you're doing, sir, right. It's the podcasting. I'm appearing as a guest today we spoke about this I'm a guest on three podcasts today. That's just the way I scheduled it.

Russ Johns 32:56

Andy Foote 32:57
I'm ready. Yeah, thank you very much. Then my own podcast is not something that can be done. As you know, Russ it takes. It's not just the setting up of it, making it easy for your guests and making sure all that goes well. It's the questions, you're going to ask all that prep. Then it's the post stuff, right? So whether it's audio processing engineering, then it's the transcription. Then everything on the blog is good. I just had a friend say, oh, listen, your Instagram handle was not working. That's right, because I changed my Instagram ID so so there's all this admin that you have to do, but it's a ton of work.

Russ Johns 33:35
It never ends

Andy Foote 33:36
It never takes you away from other stuff. Right? You have to figure out okay, what am I going to do today? So, yeah, busy, busy, busy.

Russ Johns 33:46
Yeah, I love it. And, Andy, thank you so much for being here. I know that we all have only so much creative energy that we can we can actually pour out to the community, and I appreciate all the work and effort that you put out there and there's so many things that we can learn if we just pay attention once in a while.

If we're all working together in the #thePiratecommunity is a wonderful community. If you're not connected to Andy, connect with Andy, reach out make some comments on his posts, consume his content. He has some great posts out there that are that are just phenomenal. Amazing reads. Andy, the last takeaway, what do you what do you want to be known for is your superpower?

Andy Foote 34:41
I think I want to have a loud and very clear voice. I think I want to be opinionated, sure loud, hopefully friendly enough. tell it like it is. Good. I want it to be, all signal and no noise I think that's, that's what I want. I think if people read my stuff again, oh, yeah, I'm gonna read Andy's stuff because he's very, very clear. He makes the complex, very, very succinct and simple. I quite like the Snark. I think that would be.

Russ Johns 35:16
I just need a little snark today, I'm gonna go drive it.

Andy Foote 35:21
Yeah. It's the infographic I put out the other day, Russ, which was kind of tongue in cheek, but trying to be educational, too. It was a flow diagram. And it started by good content, crap content. It's as simple as that because try as you might, you can spend as much time as you want, trying to understand content distribution on LinkedIn. However, if you don't have the goods, if you don't give the goods, then all of that understanding is going to be irrelevant. You really need to give them the good stuff?

Russ Johns 36:02
Yeah, I truly appreciate that. Hey, everyone, if you enjoy this content as much as I have, like, comment and share let's give the algorithm exercise and make sure that we can work it out on this on this show an episode. Also Andy, by the end of the day, this will be a posted podcast and a transcription and everything that is available. I'll send it over to you.

Andy Foote 36:29

Russ Johns 36:30
You can find it all over on RussJohn's.com.

Andy Foote 36:34
Yes, I'll push it out.

Russ Johns 36:35
Yeah, it so thank you so much for being here. Andy. I know you got another podcast that you got to go join and say hi to Andrew for me.

Andy Foote 36:45
I will Yeah. Andrew Morrow, the new normal podcast, and then afternoon, Mark Miller's career pivot podcast, and that's free advertising.

Russ Johns 36:54
Fantastic. Thank you so much for for joining us today. As you know #kindnessiscool. #smilesarefree, and you #enjoytheday.

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Historically, pirate broadcasting is a term used for any type of broadcasting without a broadcast license. With the internet, creating your own way of connecting has evolved.  

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