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Catch Brian Roy on the #Piratebroadcast

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Historically, pirate broadcasting is a term used for any type of broadcasting without a broadcast license. With the internet, creating your own way of connecting has evolved.  

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thepiratesyndicate.com/ (Company Website)

nextstepnext.com/ (Company Website)

​Russ Johns 0:00
Welcome to the #piratebroadcast, where we interview #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings where you can expand your connections, your community. #Kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree. Let's get this party started.

Off to a dance a great time on a Wednesday and Thursday or whenever you happen to watch this thing. I'm here with Brian and we're going to be talking about some creativity and getting on LinkedIn and some encouragement. I don't want a special announcement because this is the first this you're the first Brian. This is the first time that LinkedIn has allowed comments to come into stream yard.

Brian Roy 0:44

Russ Johns 0:45
Stream yard we're in we're like streaming here live now.

Brian Roy 0:49
That's amazing.

Russ Johns 0:51
We'll get to see the comments actually come in.

Brian Roy 0:55
Love that. Love that. How are you?

Russ Johns 0:58
I'm doing well. Thank you so much. Thanks for being here, Brian, I love the work that you do and I just really appreciate the fact that you're here. One of the things that I appreciate about you is the creativity side, your Instagram feed and some of the areas that you share gifts. This is just, it's encouraging. So how did you start on LinkedIn? How did you kind of talk about what you're doing, who you are for those that don't know you, and how you got here?

Brian Roy 1:31
Awesome. So So, again, thanks for having me on the show. So how he started well, how he started on LinkedIn is basically that two years ago when the video feature just started out, yeah, you have to understand I'm someone that actually is shy, like did the idea of being on video was petrifying for me? But then I saw this video feature and I decided I'm going to try it out just for fun. I made In my first video when I didn't like the sound of my own voice and my own look and all that stuff, and I deleted it right away. Eventually there was a challenge that came along and was like the 10 tips 10 days. And I decided, oh, why not and I'm the type of person that if I embark on a challenge, I'm going full in it. After 10 days, I'm like, you know what, I'm still alive. This was great. So I just kept on going, creating more and more videos afterwards. It really allowed me to just kind of expand on the creative because like, I have a good 12 years animation and illustration background. LinkedIn has provided this this extra platform where I can actually use this storytelling side of things. That's what I did. I just kept on telling stories, and it wasn't resonated with people. So I'm really grateful for that.

Russ Johns 3:00
Yeah and I love the some of the stories that you shared over the year and well last two years. It's really amazing to see how, how the progress takes place and how all of a sudden, you're in fear. Then you have a challenge. It's like you get through this challenge and you survive. Then the next thing you know, it's like, it's okay.

Brian Roy 3:27

Russ Johns 3:28
I could do this. I can do this. Hey, we should probably welcome in some of the pirates here. Now that we have LinkedIn messages in the room. So Jennifer, how are you? She's here from Facebook Looks like. She says good morning. Then all of a sudden we got we've got Wendy, Wendy in here. Yeah. Wendy was on the show yesterday. she's an amazing pirate.

Brian Roy 3:56
Yeah She was great!

Russ Johns 3:59
She's got a podcast started. That's going to be amazing. It is amazing. So, and then David Mumford. He's in there and Michael Evans. What's going on, Michael, how you doing? Then we got some LinkedIn users. Oh, in from a bi Mola. How do you say that? Hi. That's crazy. I love that. Good morning from Los Angeles, Louis. Brian tell us about how did you get into animation and how did what was that smart creativity that started you down this path? I mean, was it something you've always done? You do learn in school and next thing you know, you're just kind of doing it for full time, occupation or

Brian Roy 4:51
Yeah. When I started out, and basically I liked it many artists I always was drawing when I was a kid, right? I also love to watch a lot of the Disney movies and all that stuff. Eventually, when I was in high school, I remember some animator came to show that it was an actual job that you can do. To me that was mind blowing that you can, that only then that it connected that oh, I can actually do that as a job. Right? Like it's, we have a disconnect, and we

Russ Johns 5:26
Somebody will pay me for it.

Brian Roy 5:28
Yeah, we watched the content, but we don't always think about like the people behind the content, right. It really opened up that world to me, and I really wanted to know more about what's the world of animation and all of that. I went in I actually had a course in college and from there, it's just started my my animation. Yeah. So and then it's just what I love about it is definitely that emerges art and Storytelling at the same time, because at the end of the day, what I really love is actually to tell stories. Animation allows me to do that basically.

Russ Johns 6:12
Disney, I mean, one of the great storytelling platforms that have existed for a long time if it's the amazing stories that are in the Disney library, and animation, of course, it's the other side of the equation. So, storytelling, for those that struggle with storytelling, there's a story arc, there's hero's journey, and there's different types of storytelling processes. Do you have a particular process that you like to to go through when you're developing a story?

Brian Roy 6:50
Yeah. For me, like what really works well, is just to start with most people that are going to be here, and the stories that they're going to tell her Much more about either themselves trying to teach a lesson and that's the focus you want to bring to the table is you have to ask yourself this one thing. Am I conveying that message when I'm appearing here on the platform later on video or on text, any format you want? Am I conveying the values and the message that I want to convey? Not focus too much on the script aspect of it? A lot of people starting out what happens is, and I was at fault of that, too, is that you start off and you think you have to every line perfectly

Russ Johns 7:41

Brian Roy 7:42
Right. And really, all it is is you have to think, did I actually pass on those values? Did people under trying to say, and your mess in your refinement, refinement of the message, along with the practice into delivery will come along? You have, like, so many years, behind the mic too. I'm sure that no, it wasn't all pretty when you first started off

Russ Johns 8:07
I was a trainer.

Brian Roy 8:10
Yeah. That's what I've discovered over the over the past two years. Definitely. Yeah. So, yeah.

Russ Johns 8:17
I think people, you know, because this I mean, the #piratebroadcast is anything but scripted. It's like, Okay, I have a framework here. Then we dive in and the conversation is very organic, it's very flowing. I'm open to talk about anything and it's amazing, because what you're talking about actually is like, the Epiphany you had in school saying, oh, somebody could pay me for that. That's amazing and as a musician, I can relate because I love playing music. I actually ended up playing playing music And getting paid for it for many years.

Brian Roy 9:02
Yeah, yeah.

Russ Johns 9:04
The creative process is the same.

Brian Roy 9:06
You have to leave the room for it to grow. Right. Like, one of the aspects of your podcast that I love so much, Russ is that you actually invite the guests over, but it's not pre scripted. Right. That's where the magic happens because you actually let them have a platform where we can talk about the stuff that they really want to talk about, right? I have to admit, like I've been invited to many podcasts before and I I never really took the plunge and it's only this year. I've been on three podcasts so far. Other than that, like, I was invited on 21 podcasts last year, and I never jumped in. I think it was in a way I was waiting for for this kind of podcast that I felt comfortable. I actually starting my journey on the podcast, right? For me, like I noticed that's exactly what you're doing is you let people in and you leave that room for creativity, which is really important, right?

Russ Johns 10:17

Brian Roy 10:17

Russ Johns 10:18
Well, thank you for that. It wouldn't be it wouldn't be the #piratebroadcast without the pirates, we've been broadcasting for a little while now. As you know, in the animation world and storytelling, it's time consuming, it takes a lot of energy and a lot of mental clarity and focus to develop some of those animations. Because when you've gone from probably analog animation to the digital age, and now you're using tools that are completely different than what you started out with.

Brian Roy 10:52
Yeah, yeah, flipping paper to being on the computer and it's different types of challenges along the way, but then sell it

Russ Johns 11:00

Brian Roy 11:00
Yeah, it's all rewarding.

Russ Johns 11:03
As it relates to the pirates as we add more we evolve and we get more involved in who's on the show and the different topics and because there's, I mean, the diversity is pretty broad. There's elements about what you do that relate to everyone. Then there's specific elements that you share, that are unique to the creative process. That's what I love, the discovery of what people are doing and why they do it, and how it how the process works it's like, how does this thing actually work? What does it look like from the other side? So, I guess what is the typical day for you look like? Brian, I mean is there a typical day, I mean, right there we go through this process, so it may not be typical for anyone however, I mean, creative process. I mean, what does that look like for people that? have no understanding of that?

Brian Roy 12:05
Yeah. So for me, like, it's definitely that every day is different when it comes to creating content and the creativity behind it. I think that when I use my skills to be able to convey a message in a different way, every time I try to push myself and push the envelope of what I can be doing right. There's so many ways communicate here on the platform, like for example, the carousel posts and pictures and videos and just audio with the help and podcasts and the sky's the limit, right. I try to explore on to all of those things right. When it comes to an idea. I think you notice that in my videos, I really champion having a journal and just kind of jotting down some ideas. Now, because I'm an artist, sometimes it will take the form of a little thumbnail. A little tiny sketch. Sometimes there's just a few notes, right. But what I encourage people to do is actually to to have this kind of process where you can just kind of jot down your ideas. Instead of staying up here, it becomes real, where, and then you're actually planting the seed for that future project to actually grow, right. It can become a post, it can become a full on project, you never know. What you want to do is you want to take it from up there, and actually put it out into the world.

People are scared of the commitment of like, just going, for example, going live and creating something and they think that it has to be perfect read from this. Now, the fun part about the creative process is that you can start small it can be just a small spark of something as long as it exists in real life. Then you're giving it room to grow and youcan always revisit what you're actually planting. That's one of the advice I would give to people definitely when it comes to the creative process. So,

Russ Johns 14:10

Brian Roy 14:10

Russ Johns 14:11
I think anytime you can actually take action, and because there's this idea that dreams come and go, unless you capture them, and actually take action and build momentum with them. They go away. It's like, how many times have you thought about something and you didn't have an opportunity to write it down? You're thinking two days later? Oh, that was a great idea. What was it? I know, it was like

Brian Roy 14:39

Russ Johns 14:40
It's just never the same when you're attempting to create it later on.

Brian Roy 14:45

Russ Johns 14:46
That's a great process.

Brian Roy 14:48
Definitely what you're doing when you're doing that is you're betting on yourself, right? Because if you have that habit, and you actually write down or sketch down those things, You're saying this is as important as anything else I've seen out there, right? You're actually basically giving the confidence to your creativity to actually be there. I think that's a very psychological, important part of the creative process, basically

Russ Johns 15:18
Yeah. Wendy suggests that, you know, have a notebook nearby to jot down ideas and make that first step to make it real is always going to be and then it's part of the evolution of how we think and how we imagined and what I've discovered over doing radio and and broadcasting and podcasting is after a while, people, their voice and their story, it almost becomes second nature. Not necessarily second nature, it just starts flowing easier, have clarity in what they're working to accomplish. They can kind of see the path, even though it's not defined. Clearly, they can kind of see the direction they need to go with a particular idea. It's that experience that you've had over the years? Have you noticed like, because you're no longer thinking about the technology or the tools, you have to use it. ideas that you present?

Brian Roy 16:28
Yeah, I'm definitely and there's something about what you just said there. That's really important. It's the process, right? Whether you're creative or not anybody that creates content. It's the process and actually the routine and showing up and doing it consistently, really does make the room for you to grow. Right. I'm a strong believer in that and just basically showing up and doing the work. Because the creativity happens when you actually do the work

Russ Johns 17:09
This idea of writer's block, it's just like just start writing will arrive, something will arrive if you keep writing, right?

Brian Roy 17:16
Yeah, and some of the best writers giving advice, I've actually said that I've seen that many times where like, people say, like, I don't know what to write. It doesn't matter. Just start writing because that that physical aspect of writing something down, we'll get the muscles going to creative muscles going for you to actually unleash that creativity. Now, how many times has that happened to you where you at first you feel stuck. Then after like a couple of lines down, you're just kind of like, Oh, I have too many ideas. One page is not enough. I just need to keep on going. Right? It happens to people a lot. It's times in any kind of creative endeavor, it's really just kind of once you get going, it's actually harder to stop.

Russ Johns 18:08

Brian Roy 18:09

Russ Johns 18:09
Well, and that's how novels are created, right?

Brian Roy 18:12
Oh, yeah.

Russ Johns 18:14
Well, I always tell people it's it's words, images, audio or video. We all you are the media you are the creative process, you are the creation, you it the spark ignites with you. Everybody has the ability to be creative. Life is an instrument, you have to practice life. Everything you do in life is practice. If you want to become good at something, you just get started and know that you're going to be bad at the beginning, and continue to practice and then all of a sudden, one day you wake up and you say, That's

Brian Roy 18:57
Yeah, yeah,

Russ Johns 18:58
I did that? That's pretty good right?

Brian Roy 19:01
Yeah, I was fortunate enough to have taught animation. One of the things that's really fun about being a teacher is when you see your students at the beginning of this semester, or her, and then at the end of the semester looking at their work that they first started off with, and they're just kind of like, Oh, I can't like because when you're in it day in, day out, you don't see the progress, you just think you're at the same spot, and you don't really realize how much growth you've had. Right? That's the wonderful part about showing up and actually doing the work every day, is that you're consistently there, right? It's almost the same as like, I didn't realize how much like I have my hair grew over this COVID thing but like, because I'm seeing myself every day, right?

Russ Johns 19:50

Brian Roy 19:52
Then you see the difference and you're just like, oh, my goodness, there's such growth, right.

Russ Johns 19:58
Yeah, it is amazing to watch people evolve over time. One person that I really respect is Gabriel. Gabriel and I had a conversation a while back and he runs. He operates his show every night. I don't know if you're familiar with Gabriel or not, but he runs a show every night called us made from scratch. Gabriel's here. He's out there.

Brian Roy 20:34
Hey Gabe

Russ Johns 20:37
Just to watch the evolution of what he's been doing and where he's been growing and how he's been helping others. It's amazing to watch and I just love the creative process that and the storytelling the behind it, and how people. Wendy's, another one. She started her podcast, she's helped authors write books and evolve their manuscript to the next level in sharing these ideas and in the pirate community are really, it's fun and amazing. I don't know if anybody's aware of this, but there is a pirate, Facebook group, a #piratebroadcast or Yeah, #piratebroadcast Facebook group that you can actually join in and have fun and connect with people and everything else.

Brian Roy 21:23
It's great to see the community actually help out each other and grow together. It's great. Yeah.

Russ Johns 21:31
Kenyatta is a pirate too. I mean, there's so many people in here. I think Brian, in the animation world, there's all these little communities there's a lot of I mean, I look at Adobe summit Adobe platforms and some of the things that they have going on and the tools they use it. I don't know what tools you use, but, uh, and that could be an entirely different episode.

Brian Roy 21:56
When we get to the technical side of things, yeah.

Russ Johns 22:02
I would love to be more proficient at animation. It's the same with music. It's like I have all these interests I have to pick something. So broadcasting has been my focus right now and this chapter in my life. It's really something that you do have to practice and you have to continue to work at and expand your ideas and and that helps you grow.

Brian Roy 22:34
I find that the more you do, the more you want to do, right? It's almost Yeah, for real. It's my videos at first it was almost painful. Then once I got past that hump like it was really enjoyable and you get those little sparks of ideas and you're just like, Oh, I need to make like a new video right now. It came from being afraid of it to complete almost to an addiction. So and I'm sure it's the same for you when it when it comes to those shows and yeah.

Russ Johns 23:06
Well in so so after having taught animation and if people are interested in doing this I know they can get a hold of you they can connect with you on LinkedIn and if you're not connected with Brian, get connected tell him Russ sent you alright. I take the time to type that out just don't get extra request, type it out hey Russ sent me. He knows that you were found on the pirate broadcast. The reality though is anyone can start if you have an interest or you have an intrigue or you have an idea about animation. I think it'd be worth it don't you I mean explore this. I mean, what's the best art is there there's some simple tools out there they could practice with it get started.

Brian Roy 23:56
There's so many tools now that are even free. Of course, it's true that like in the industry, they use a lot Adobe's products and things. If I were to recommend just kind of a free tool for animation, I know that there's one called the Krita. I'll probably give you like the the name of it, so you can put it in the comments

Russ Johns 24:25
drop it in. I'll put it in the comments in the in the show notes.

Brian Roy 24:30
Yeah, yeah. So but basically, essentially, really simple tool that is free and will give you access to a half animation timeline and the same kind of stuff that Photoshop does. Nowadays, most people have access to tools and so like there's there's no excuse, and that's another thing too. I see. In the past. I've seen some of my students hide behind excuses of technology, meaning I don't have the latest and greatest. I do believe that when it comes to learning, even as simple pen and paper, you can get started with that. We really do live in a world where there's no excuses, and we can get started and sharpen our skills. I think that you should practice and then upgrade and not necessarily try to have the best of the best at the very beginning. We should always start and then see where it takes us. Basically the work takes us,

Russ Johns 25:34
I think separates limitations and maybe you can agree or comment on this, but I've always felt that sometimes the limitations can assist you in the creative process because you really have to get creative about how you're getting creative.

Brian Roy 25:52
Yeah, because sometimes also technology will will kind of box you into certain features or certain Things used to and what you want to do is you want to always work on those core skills that you know that you can actually translate from one place to another. Those are the things you want to look at. Yeah.

Russ Johns 26:12
What about what about reading material for storytelling? Any? You follow anyone that is really inspiring right now for you. Are you have anybody that out there that you enjoy consuming?

Brian Roy 26:26
Well, there there is the book story by Robert. I think it's Mickey, Mickey. I always mispronounce his last name there, but it's a very good one. It's a huge book. But if you want to really dive into all the technicalities of storytelling, you can go and check his book out. I would say that for me like I try to, I'm always a little bit more on the accessibility when it comes to the advice I give. I basically What I try to do on LinkedIn definitely when it comes to storytelling and creativity is help people get unstuck and make them realize that there is, always a way to actually create something and get started on your own basically

Russ Johns 27:16
That is amazing, it's amazing to watch the process unfold. I just, like I said, I get excited about the idea that somebody could start from scratch and like Gabriel and just say, I'm gonna get into this, I'm gonna just like you did with the 10 tips.

Brian Roy 27:33

Russ Johns 27:34
Sometimes it just takes a little bit of spark a little bit of motivation in it, and it's like, sometimes you just have to become a pirate. We've had a lot of people the first time on video, that's been on the #piratebroadcast. So it's like, a lot of pirates is the first time so

Brian Roy 27:54
I'm always done with that. Yeah, I think it's so cool. Yeah, just the idea of being a pirate there so yeah,

Russ Johns 28:01
Yeah, I got and you know here we have some people in here. Leslie Osborne is here Jimmy clam Yes, absolutely. We're in the human genetic code or what Yeah. Finally made it for Live podcast. Yes. Thank you. Thank you. I really appreciate that. I love that as pirate now, Ryan is a pirate now.

Brian Roy 28:27
I've been converted,

Russ Johns 28:29
You've been converted So yes, I just thank you so much, Brian, for being here

Brian Roy 28:38
Hey anytime.

Russ Johns 28:39
Are you telling us you share and the gifts that you bring to the table and the community and hopefully we'll be able to see and connect and enjoy your content for for years to come and any life lessons or any words of encouragement that you would like to drop with the community today to encourage them during this wonderful time in history we're having

Brian Roy 29:07
I'd say definitely just get started, don't feel the pressure that you need to show the rest of the world and just try to show yourself basically that you can do this. Whether it's writing a line doing a sketch, filming yourself on video. You can do this, basically. The reality is if if I was able to do it, you can do and that's, I know, it's a little bit cliche, but it goes straight to the truth basically. So yeah.

Russ Johns 29:39
And just keep practicing.

Brian Roy 29:40
Exactly. Yeah.

Russ Johns 29:42

Well, Brian, I know that we both have busy schedules and things to do and everything else. So like I said, always appreciate a new pirate in the community and sharing the gifts with the community and also Connect with Brian, he does some amazing work on LinkedIn. Where else can people find you, Brian? I know Instagram is a place that you've posted occasionally. So people like to have people connect with you.

Brian Roy 30:13
Yeah. So you can find me on Instagram. It's at the story answer. And also, if you type in Brian Roy design, and you will find my work there also. Yeah. Please, please, if you are listening to this and you want to connect on LinkedIn, I'm easy to find, basically. Oh, yeah.

Russ Johns 30:39
With that, thank you, appreciate you. #kindnessISCool, #smilesarefree, and you #enjoytheday. Take care Brian

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Historically, pirate broadcasting is a term used for any type of broadcasting without a broadcast license. With the internet, creating your own way of connecting has evolved.  

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