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Catch Elia Gourgouris on the #PirateBroadcast

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​Russ Johns 0:00
Where we interview interesting people doing interesting things where you can expand your connections, your community. Kindness is cool and smiles are free. And Let's get this party started.

It's a great day and we are here talking to more interesting people doing interesting things. One of the things that I love to talk about and I love to share is a little bit of gratitude, joy and happiness. Today we have, is it Dr. Elia?

Elia Gourgouris 0:34
It is indeed.

Russ Johns 0:36
We are excited to talk about this subject because I think right now more than any other time in our history, our known history, it's important for us to talk about what we can do to be okay with what is going on, because there's some things we can't control and when we don't have control over something It's like Mark Twain said it's like, worrying about something that might not happen is like paying a debt will never owe.

Elia Gourgouris 1:07

Russ Johns 1:09
I want to talk about, how are you doing by the way?

Elia Gourgouris 1:13
Good. I'm doing good. We have a house full of. We have seven people in our home now. We got kids girlfriend's nephews, we're at a full, Hotel Gourgouris is booked.

Russ Johns 1:28
Well, it apparently it's snowed today. You can look outside and see the snow.

Elia Gourgouris 1:35
I mean, our oldest son got tested last Monday because he had all the symptoms. Yeah, that was scary for us. Yeah. It came back negative. He's a healthy young man. Seven people in the house, if he had it, then we'll have it. So

So far so good.

Russ Johns 1:50

Yeah. Well, thank goodness for that. Talk to us a little bit about let us know who You are for those that haven't met you yet or aren't aware of who you are. You've had a long history of leadership and communications and speaking, you're an international speaker. You've written actually two books now we'll talk about a little bit later, but kind of share a little bit about how you got to this point and what your journey was, as you graduated through life and became a pirate.

Elia Gourgouris 2:25
I love it. This is my first pirate show. So I'm very excited. I have been doing a marathon of Pirates of the Caribbean all week long. Very appropriate. My background born and raised in Athens, Greece, family moved to America, Santa Monica, California, beautiful seaside town, a suburb of LA, went to UCLA as an undergraduate, get my PhD in psychology had a private practice for the first half of my career as a clinical psychologist and then got burned out which we can talk about a Little bit about that, and then moved over to the side and doing leadership training and development executive coaching. Really My passion is happiness. I think because the transition to do something outside of just being in private practice morning, noon and night, allowed me to begin to speak publicly, and to right little did I know he was gonna grow to the you know, last year I spoke in Paris, in London, in Rome and Athens, and all about happiness. Regardless of the audience, regardless of the country. I always start my talks by asking the audience this question. I'm like, if you were to ask any parents, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, rich, poor, middle class, whatever, religious affiliation or a gender affiliation. What would you like for your children? What is the answer to that question and the answer always is I just want them to be and then I put the mic to the audience, and they are like happy! So we all want people that we love to be happy.

Russ Johns 4:07

Elia Gourgouris 4:07
Your study said happiness is the whole meaning of life, the whole purpose and end of human existence is all about happiness. I'm about it, and I've lived it, and I try to live it. It's not just talking to talk. I wrote a book called Seven Paths of Lasting Happiness. I didn't write it as a PhD, I wrote it from my heart. It's a very good book. When you write something that personal when it goes out, once you publish it, you can't bring it back.

Russ Johns 4:34
No, that's out forever. Now. Nowadays, it's like published and you're done.

Elia Gourgouris 4:40
You're done. Today with the cynical social media and so on, and to my surprise, I knew was a good book because it was solid was based on my 30 years of working with people and I love people. If you go on Amazon, look at the reviews, it's 97% positive, which is unheard of in the publishing world. It almost sounds like fake news, like Without that he bought these reviews right? I don't even know these people but and people have said what we like about your book is this, that it's not theory. It's at the end of every chapter I have the audience, the reader, I should say, a couple points to ponder and to meditate on a couple questions. then when I go take action, meaning that knowledge without application is just education. We can read the top 10 books on how to be happy and highlight them and underlay them to death. Then when we're done what do we do with the books we take them and we put them up on the bookshelf never to read them again. Well, now we know more about happiness.

Russ Johns 5:35

Elia Gourgouris 5:36
we're not any happier actually probably more frustrated because now we know more are still not doing it.

Russ Johns 5:40

Elia Gourgouris 5:41
To act on the things that and that's what people love, but I'm very much practical take action. This is how you do it. So people know love yourself. path number one. They don't know how. Gratitude number two, which we'll talk about gratitude you know in a bit. Forgiving Number three, especially self forgiveness,

Russ Johns 6:02

Elia Gourgouris 6:03
People have a hard time forgiving themselves, very hard time for self forgiveness. Then we'll talk about purpose and passion. Nurtioning your spirit because I feel like we're spiritual beings. There's another dimension to happiness, not just the physical, mental and emotional, I believe is the spiritual as well.

Russ Johns 6:19

Elia Gourgouris 6:19
Then relationships, having loving relationships and getting rid of toxic relationships, because even if you do all the other stuff, if you're surrounded by toxic people, you're gonna have a hard time being happy. Finally, in the end, the last path is be of service or be kind to other people. Ultimately, I believe we're here on this earth to help one another.

Russ Johns 6:39
I say kindness is cool.

Elia Gourgouris 6:42
Kindness is cool and people say, well, am I my brother's keeper? I'm like, No, you're not just your brother's keeper. You're your sister's keeper and your mother's keeper and your father's and your neighbors and the homeless person.

Russ Johns 6:53

Elia Gourgouris 6:54
We're all connected. I believe we're all brothers and sisters on the shorts to here to help one another. So those are the seven paths. Now, let's go back to gratitude because I know that's really important to us.

Russ Johns 7:05
Absolutely. Well I want to kind of take it to another level too, because I think two things about happiness one, I think there are times where we have to choose to be happy.I think one thing that helps us in that process is self awareness.

Elia Gourgouris 7:29
Number one.

Russ Johns 7:30
Yeah, number one, because until you understand what it is that you're truly thinking and feeling and observing, and really living, it's kind of almost like you're allowing everyone else to feed you what you should be feeling. Rather than coming from the inside out and knowing what you should feel. Knowing how you feel is just being in a state of being. Until you can really understand what it is that makes you happy. Gratitude really doesn't come into play. I mean, in some respects, it's taken me years to kind of get to the point where I know what I want and what I don't want. Like you said, toxic people are removed, you have to remove things that are baggage along your way. UUntil you understand what that looks like for yourself, it's kind of challenging, don't you think?

Elia Gourgouris 8:28
Absolutely. Although with with gratitude, you cannot be grateful and be down at the same time those things cannot coexist. So it's easy to be grateful when things are going well. I'd say I'm the most grateful guy on the planet when everything is working out. Well, that's easy. Happiness is can you be happy when things are not going well? In my book, I claim that we're all graduates from the University of adversity all over

Russ Johns 8:58
The graduates from University adversity

Elia Gourgouris 9:02
Exactly. The older we get, the higher the degree, meaning when we're young, hopefully we don't have that much adversity. We're in elementary school, but you start getting up in the years, and you get a master's degree, a PhD or post doctoral in adversity. What I mean by that is this, inevitably, we're all going to lose loved ones, grandparents, parents, siblings, God forbid a significant other or a child, the worst thing that could happen, we're going to get sick, cancer, heart attacks, diabetes and now a pandemic, now, let's get right.

Russ Johns 9:33

Elia Gourgouris 9:33
We're gonna have financial stress, underemployment, unemployment, financial ruin, even bankruptcy, right?

Russ Johns 9:39

Elia Gourgouris 9:40
We're gonna have relationships that are not going to work out. We're going to have divorces, we're going to have relationship breakdown, basically, we're going to experience maybe not all of these ones. But we're going to experience most of these things in this life. this is the key. Can I be happy and grateful in the midst of that?

Russ Johns 9:58

Elia Gourgouris 9:59
The answer to me is a definitive, Yes! Absolutely, you can.

Russ Johns 10:04

Elia Gourgouris 10:08
Not easy, but it's doable. It takes self awareness and conscious thinking and choosing to be grateful. The greatest lessons that I have learned in my life have been the most painful ones.

Russ Johns 10:21

Elia Gourgouris 10:22
In other words, the times that I stepped outside of my comfort zone, because a comfort zone is comfortable, but there's no growth. When I've been forced, I should say, to go outside of my comfort zone, nobody chooses to leave their comfort zone. They like it. I'm not going anywhere. Well, this pandemic has forced a lot of us to leave our comfort zone. Because we're facing an unprecedented event in a global event in it nobody's escaping. Doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, it makes

Russ Johns 10:51
It's universal.

Elia Gourgouris 10:52
Everybody's getting it.

Russ Johns 10:54

Elia Gourgouris 10:55
There's some beauty about that in some ways. If you believe me, that We're all in this together, it's an unusual event.

Russ Johns 11:03
Well, I'd love the opportunity for us to reflect on that fact and work toward a universal. Positive wave forwardand it's like, blaming, shiftingthe focus or who's responsible or anything like that is not contributing to the end result in a positive way.

Elia Gourgouris 11:32

Russ Johns 11:33
It's sometimes frustrating, and I think in our own lives right now, a lot of people are just thinking about what they're going to do tomorrow. How are they going to fix, you know, today? How are they going to get by till next week? What are they going to do for their family? It's also a time where we can actually reflect and really kind of go through the self discovery an inventory of what we're doing that we may not necessarily need to do. Some of the most enlightening times in my life is when I was removed from a position I thought I would have for life and discover that it was slowly killing me at the same time. It's really, it's one of those things that you don't, sometimes when you're in it, you don't realize how bad it is for you.

Elia Gourgouris 12:23

Russ Johns 12:25
This shift in our world circumstance is causing a lot of people to think about how they can go forward, how they can move forward. I think it's important for people like yourself to share this information on how you can actually think about life in this current period. I think that's what your second book is all about is the opportunity we have for working through a pandemic. Maybe we can talk about the mindset and the process we can go through right now so we can help a few people today.

Elia Gourgouris 13:08
You bet. It's time to this podcast is timely because just last night, I finished the second book that I co wrote with a good friend of mine called Seven Keys to Navigating a Crisis, A Practical Guide to emotionally prepare for pandemics and other disasters.

Russ Johns 13:24

Elia Gourgouris 13:28
The key I think, number one is self care. That's number one. We need to care for ourselves in order to take care of other people. Then we need to become flexible during a crisis and I coach people now over the phone, obviously, because I can't see them through social distancing. I love the fact that so many people are choosing what you shared with us, which is self reflection. Everything has ground to a halt. They have plenty of time on their hands. Yes, they're scared about financials. Yes, They're scared about what tomorrow will bring because it's unknown, but they're also saying. You know what, is the time for me to leave the rat race behind? I'm really enjoying being together with my family with my kids just going for walks, having conversations, deep conversations with people writing in my journal, reading new books, learning a new skill set. From that perspective, actually, this is a in some ways it's a blessing in disguise. My biggest concern is that once this passes, will we forget, because this is a unique time. I call it the great pause, like the world. Somebody pushed a big buttons, huge button, pushed it, the great pause. A lot of people are taking advantage of that. I hope we don't forget the lessons that we're learning right now. I think the rest of your life, how do you want to live the rest of your life? There are a lot of wonderful things that are happening right now and our world will never be the same by the way after this passes. It will never be the same as it was before. There will be a new normal.

Russ Johns 15:01
I have to share with everyone that I've had an amazing life and I have so many experiences that I wouldn't go without. The other thing that I've realized is the simplest times in my life and some times when I've actually had nothing. I've been homeless, I've traveled, I've loaded all my camping gear in a car and I took a sabbatical and just camp for a year and mountain biked and lived very simply. I was a musician, and I had nearly nothing. I lived out of a shoe box, basically. I was happy. I was content because of the simplicity of my life. I didn't have to worry about the complexity of life. It was the simplicity of life that brought me joy.

Elia Gourgouris 15:57

Russ Johns 15:58
I think that a lot of people fail to understand that because we're always chasing the American dream. A lot of respects, that I need some more stuff in order to be happy. I think when people realize that it's not more stuff that brings the happiness to the table, it's the more simplicity of life. It's the joy, it's the family, it's the friends, the gratitude, the connection.

Elia Gourgouris 16:26
It's the connection to other people that we love. Connecting is the key

Russ Johns 16:31
Connections. Connections are key. It's important for us to understand that it's absolutely critical to imagine what it could be like, without having a lot of complexity in our life.

Elia Gourgouris 16:47
People are finding out and they're actually liking it.

Russ Johns 16:50

Elia Gourgouris 16:51
They're liking working from home, they like to have that work life balance. It's your life will change and I'm hopeful. I'm an optimist by nature, so I always think the glass is half full, or sometimes it's full and overflowing. So depending on the circumstances. These are tough, these are tough times. The more flexible we are, and I use the analogy in the book of the oak tree and the palm tree, because the oak tree is strong and powerful it's like, immovable, basically, but if it gets enough rain, enough saturation and enough wind, guess what happens to the oak tree? It goes down it crapped on cars, kills people crushing homes. The palm tree on the other hand, is thin and skinny, but it bends and it bends all the way down, parallel to the ground through the hurricane. Guess what happened after the hurricane passes? It rises up again. I want all of us to be palm trees, not oak trees. People see all only the strong survive. No, that's a misnomer. Only the flexible survive. Well. If you're inflexible, and this is a time so many things, like you said earlier in the broadcast is out of our control.

Russ Johns 17:56

Elia Gourgouris 17:58
That's not the end of the world. Actually.

Russ Johns 18:00

Elia Gourgouris 18:01
What were some of the things we do go, I could throw my attitude, no matter what the government says, no matter what restrictions are put upon me, I still control my attitude. I can moan. I can complain, or I can be grateful and when it comes to crisis. This is also part of the my new book. There are four types of people. The first in dealing with a crisis The first one is the victim and the victim is like Poor me, why is this happening to me as if this whole pandemic is aimed at them specifically, there are there is always self centered. The second group, of course, are the blamers. Who blame everything. They blame the government, they blame the president, they blame the World Health Organization, they blame every new restriction or anything that's passed down, blame, blame. The third group are what I call basically they're the bystanders. They don't do nothing. They just fold their arms and they do nothing. They stay in their cocoon problem in fear is not my problem or in fear mode or waiting to see what else everybody else is gonna do. What all three of these groups have in common is this. They take no initiative. In the fourth group, of course, and this is what I'm hoping that everyone listening here today will join me enjoying you part of the sports group are called the navigators. Now the navigators, take in information, analyze it, don't get emotionally hijacked, no matter what happens, and then navigate their way through the crisis to come out on the other side. Still Standing like Elton John said we're still standing. Yeah, and standing strong, flexible, adaptable, and believe me even happy and even grateful for this unfortunate event that's taking place worldwide. So I want everybody to become navigators. Don't be a complainer that's easy to do. I can complete that's easiest thing to do. Don't be a victim for me. But don't be apathetic either, because navigators not only help themselves, but they help those around them. In the end, to me that's key. There's always somebody worse off than you, I promise you.

Russ Johns 20:12
Yeah, absolutely. I really like that term, the navigator because I've been sharing for last several weeks on the pirate broadcast about this is an opportunity for so many, to learn a new skill to acquire some reflect on what they want to do and what they want to remove from their life. If you can remove the baggage of the last five years and all of a sudden start over and come out, because there's no shortage of opportunity. Right now, everybody thinks that when you look at the doom and gloom and what could be in a negative way, that's gonna be your future because that's what you're seeing. That's what you're chasing that your intention. However, what if you look at it as if it's an opportunity to navigate, like you said, adapt to the situation and realize, okay, here some opportunities that I have to move forward. Then you take action with that, like you're saying, if you're not taking action on your ideas it's just education. It's like reading a book and saying, okay, I shouldn't be able to ride a bike now. Well, you can't ride a bike until you go ride a bike. You have to actually take action and go do it. I think so many people need to come to that realization and understanding that that's the only way that we're really going to find benefit from this tragedy, this circumstance and everything else is navigate our way through it.

Elia Gourgouris 21:47
The Seven Paths Lasting Happiness came out four years ago and people love that and all over the world. It's been translated to Chinese and Greek and Spanish and so on. But over the last four year people are like you should write another book, you should read another book. I was always busy, busy. I don't have time to write another book. Well guess what this pandemic, kids, now have all the time in the world. My friend, I got this book out in record time, the pandemic forced me to get outside of my comfort zone and get to work, basically. I'm really, so I took action, just like you said, I did something that I would not have time for.

Russ Johns 22:24
You should have gratitude for that.

Elia Gourgouris 22:26
I am grateful for. Because 60 or 90 days ago, I wouldn't even have thought about writing a book right now and get it out as quickly as as we're doing it. It'll be automated for us, by the way. So we're excited to share the seven keys to navigating a crisis with you all.

Russ Johns 22:44
So if you're not connected, get connected. You can connect with Dr. Elia. Go to LinkedIn. Tell him Russ sent you.

Elia Gourgouris 22:58
Yeah, yeah.

Russ Johns 23:00
The reality is that there are so many people out there. I just want to give a shout out to some of the individuals that have joined us today. Sherry is here, once the words are out there forever. That's good. Choose your words wisely.

Elia Gourgouris 23:19

Russ Johns 23:20
Select the ones that are going to navigate us through any challenges we have. She also says happiness space are easy when things are going well. I love that. I also think that we really need to think about how are we reacting and responding? What's our reaction and our response when we're not in the best situation?

Elia Gourgouris 23:44
Yeah, and the key to that rest is, of course not to get emotionally hijacked. Because

Russ Johns 23:48

Elia Gourgouris 23:49
We're getting bigger. We're getting triggered by fears. Let me share one last thing about that coming out of the book, there's a big difference between danger and fear. Danger is real. So if Somebody coughs in your face, your danager. Fear, however, is paralyzing and just like this lady that you just quoted to me every day I choose faith over fear. The church that there's a faith camp in the fear camp, and the faith camp, it's full of happiness, joy and peace, in the fear camp is full of anxiety and stress, and depression. All these fear based emotions, basically. A lot of the coaching that I do is with people who are stressed out and anxious kind of like stress management, especially the virus, we talked on the phone for like half an hour, and let's just get him re centered, basically get back on the faith camp, get back on the positive and the optimistic versus gloom and doom, because the news media, of course, will bloom and do you to death if you pay attention, so limit your exposure. That's one of the seven keys to navigating a crisis. Limit the exposure to negative news.

Russ Johns 24:57
Yeah, be cautious of what you do bring in and allow yourself to imagine and believe because it's not necessarily I want to ask you in your leadership, and in your experience in navigating through life, you always meet some individuals that see things in a negative kind of away.

Elia Gourgouris 25:20

Russ Johns 25:21
I'm curious if there's some tools that you've discovered that we can actually use to encourage other people to see the potential rather than the the downside of life.

Elia Gourgouris 25:35
Absolutely.That has to do with the questions that we ask ourselves. If the statement in my mind, I can't do this, or I can't afford that, or this will never happen. Guess what? That becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. So the key is change the question, How can I do this? or How can I afford that? How can I make this happen? Because once you do that, it's a very short adjustment. But what how opens up the possibilities of a solution. I can't just the doors closed shut.

Russ Johns 26:05
It brings potential rather than slamming the door.

Elia Gourgouris 26:08
Of course! Our brain is used to answering questions. So if I have a negative question, Well guess what? It's going to reinforce that. But if I ask a positive leading question like how can I do this? How can I make this relationship better? How can I find it different occupation, the brain computer in your brain begins to actively search the data and will come up with answers and your own inner wisdom. You don't always have to rely on experts or coaches or anything. Your own intuition your own inner wisdom is a key contributor to your success.

Russ Johns 26:42
Angie says, We can choose joy even when we aren't happy about the situation.

Elia Gourgouris 26:46
Right? Exactly.

Russ Johns 26:48
It's one of those things that you really have. Sometimes it's the decision. Sometimes you feel like, you may not feel 100% when you get out of bed. I'm getting over a cold. I've had this this confidence, sometimes challenging, and it's like things don't always go the way you expect it. It's like, okay, it's an observation. It's like, and it's sometimes, days or sometimes you have to choose to have a little gratitude about the things you have rather than the things you don't have. I think it's important for all of us to adopt a more positive behavior, Outlook, and really think about life in a new perspective,

Elia Gourgouris 27:31
You have a choice. Remember that and be able to say, well, that's easy for you to say, No, you work at it. How about happiness is a choice. Here's what I would say. Ask not what this person can do for you, but what you can do for this person.

Russ Johns 27:48
Oh I love that!

Elia Gourgouris 27:50
Be service oriented, kindness oriented. When I lose myself in service to others. I'm the happiest by far

Russ Johns 27:59
It's really Hard to feel down when you're helping someone up.

Elia Gourgouris 28:02
It's impossible to feel down. On the way to the service project, I might be cranky about it, but on the way back, there's always a gratitude in my heart for the opportunity, I had to help another human being. My purpose in life has always been rushed, since I was young, actually, is to make a difference in people's lives. That's what it's been driving more than anything else. More than money more than careers more than degrees more than accolades. It's really making a difference in people's lives. I love helping people. I'm grateful that you had me on the show. I mean, this is great, great conversation with us.

Russ Johns 28:37
I really appreciate it. This is the whole point of the pirate broadcast is have conversations with interesting people because I'm always fascinated by how people think about the process, what they're doing, how they got there. I think it's important because it opens the door for others to imagine a different outcome in their life or Different possibility. It's like, Oh, you don't you don't recognize that something's happening until you kind of learn a little bit more about it. So there's other ways of thinking. There's other ways of doing. There's other ways of being. I thank you so much for the time today. I appreciate that. I just want to give a shout out to a couple of people that joined us in the LinkedIn. Wendy! Thank you so much start with the smallest thing to be grateful for first And if you start with a smaller things, it can take a while so good points. Very good points. Thank you so much for being there. Tapis is here, Randy, who introduced us he was the one that actually introduced us. Thank you Randy for being here. I got your message last night. I appreciate what you're doing and supports you all the way Arcot. All the pirates ar nice to meet Mr. Happy on the show.

Elia Gourgouris 29:58
They don't call me the happiness doctor for nothing you know.

Russ Johns 30:00
Yeah exactly! Kenyatta is here. Good morning, Russ, Amelia and Wendy Laurie Knutson. I love the fact that all these, Gabriel's here gamers actually be on the show tomorrow as well. Andrew, thank you so much for being here. Appreciate you. Andrew focus on service to others when I'm down, and he really he is really an advocate for that. And he's a practitioner of a service to others. So, David Munford, live one day at a time in a moment by moment. And I know that. Thank you, Randy. Thank you, my friend. I just I just feel like we're in a transition of a lot of things, a lot of movement, a lot of change. And I think like you said, if we can navigate these changes. If we can, if we can move through this and move past it and become stronger individuals as a result of this, I think our environment is going to be much better. People around us are going to be inspired. They're going to see the change and the positive outcome. If we can all work together for a little bit of happiness, I think it's going to help everyone. Any parting words of wisdom and anything you want to share with the rest of the pirates today?

Elia Gourgouris 31:33
I maybe yes. I would say this successful people make as many mistakes as the rest, but they have three unique things that they do. Number one, they own their mistakes. It's like that's, I mean, they take personal responsibility. Number two, they learn from their mistakes. Number three, and this is the most important thing is they have the ability to let it go and move on with life. In other words, they don't carry the baggage That you talked about with them into tomorrow or next week or for the next decade, for the next 50 years. They have the ability to let it go and say, You know what, I'm moving on unencumbered by this, I owned it. I learned from it, and then I'm moving on. The faster we can do those things, the better we will be and the happier we will be. Because guess what? We're going to make mistakes every day. Second World in real? Yeah. So that's the thing about and that's where self forgiveness comes in. Do it often. Do it quickly. Don't let things accumulate over the decades. I've worked with thousands of people over the last 30 years, believe me, that's a tough task. But you can do it. When it comes to forgiveness, people have two choices, because I haven't read a list of all the things you've done that you need to forgive yourself. Some people start with the easy stuff. Well, I insulted somebody last week and then forgive some people like the type A personalities they've very worst thing they've ever done. They're like, man, if I can forgive myself for that the rest is easy.

Russ Johns 33:01

Elia Gourgouris 33:01
I don't care which way you go as long as you do it.

Russ Johns 33:04
Just go through it, take an assessment and, you know, try to find a way to it, because you know, all success comes through failure. If we can, and we can adjust it, forgive ourselves and find some joy and happiness. On our day, we're much better off. So thank you so much for being here. I truly appreciate the time and effort. I know that all the pirates out there are going to appreciate it. I look forward to your next book. I'm just excited about so many things. I know there are a lot of challenges in front of us and we don't know the outcome. We don't know what this the end result is going to be. So navigate each day and take Don't be a victim. So don't be a victim in what you're doing. Thank you so much for being here. kindnesses, cool, smiles are free and you enjoy the day.

Elia Gourgouris 34:04
Thank you for making me a non writing pirate. I appreciate it.

Russ Johns 34:09
Anytime! We'll be in touch!

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Historically, pirate broadcasting is a term used for any type of broadcasting without a broadcast license. With the internet, creating your own way of connecting has evolved.  

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