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Catch Steve Sims on the #PirateBroadcast

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Russ Johns 0:33
Welcome back to another episode of the pirate broadcast, where we bring you interesting people doing interesting things, and today is no exception. We're going to be talking with the infamous or famous Steve Sims, who's had a variety of episodes in his life that have been very creative, very outlandish and has stories to tell and and he's walked away from them on occasion. So, Steve, welcome to the show and hope you're having a wonderful day. How are you?

Steve Sims 1:07
Well, thanks for having me. And so far so good. I'm here in Los Angeles is very early, but I'm proud to be up and ready.

Russ Johns 1:15
Well, I'm so glad, you know we met through Mark Shahs platform. You know, when I just reached out you had a profile that was unique and I thought you know, that there's somebody I gotta meet and, you know, looking at some of the information that you have posted in the past is just like, this is gonna be a creative and this is gonna be an exciting interview. So tell us how you have evolved to being where you are in what you're doing right now is kind of like, what is it that you're doing right now and then work is back on how you got there.

Steve Sims 1:54
Wow. Well through through Stevedsims.com, I consult I Have an online community I have shockingly. And when you hear about my past, you're kind of like, go Are you kidding? I have a very successful book international just got released a couple of weekends ago in Poland and was sold out on the first day.

Russ Johns 2:16

Steve Sims 2:17
Yeah, I know. So I run events called speakeasies where I charge $2,000 and people show up. Well, before they turn up, they're not told where it is. That just told it's being held in a certain city. So we we've had speakeasy, San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, and we just give them an address. And once they land there, then for two days, we tell them what's going on. But the fact is, they paid two grand and they had no idea what they were doing. So that tells you what I'm doing now.

Russ Johns 2:50

Steve Sims 2:51
And then when you hear where I come from, I realize it wasn't Harvard or Eton or the queen. That's when it starts going. Well that's that's ludicrous. 15 year old kid left school had one day that I didn't have to work. And then my dad pulled me onto the building site. I was a builder in East London, bricklayer in East London should I say. And then, one day, I had an epiphany, strange epiphany moment on the scaffolding with my family, which threw my trajectory out. And I just suddenly became a, like all entrepreneurs, an aggravated child that needed to be challenged and engaged. And this was in the 80s were my superpower my wife says, was ignorance. And I don't take that as rudeness but we never had. And I look at you and you're just over the age of 21. But I you know, none of us had Instagram to look at what a designer was, Oh, you know what they did? We never had any of that information. So I was ignorant to that world. And the beautiful thing about being ignorant to it. I wasn't frightened of it. So I went from being a bricklayer in London to a doorman, which gave me the best pedestal of humanity. Different people coming into the clubs showed me different pockets of people. I went from a doormen to party planner, to branding and marketing, and being the leading experiential concierge firm for literally billionaires throughout the world. And to give you some of the highlights, I've had a client who wanted to get married in the Vatican by the Pope. I had a client that wanted to meet journey I thought that was pretty pathetic. So we put him on stage. And he sang four tunes as a short term lead singer of the walk group Live in Concert in San Diego. And I've sent people down to the seabed to see the Titanic with James Cameron and send them up to the edge of space. Put them on movies, I've got clients I had arrange walk on roles, and probably one of the infamous Ones that I'm known for is I had a client and wanted to go to Florence and have a fancy dinner with his fiance and future mother and father in law. So I closed down the Accademia Museum in Florence, set up a table of six of the feet of Michelangelo's David, and halfway through it in that pastor, I bought an Andre Bocelli de seven item.

Russ Johns 5:19
Oh, man, that's the epitome of ignorance in saying, Well, I don't have limits, right.

Steve Sims 5:28
Yeah, yeah.

Russ Johns 5:29
There are no limits

Steve Sims 5:30

Russ Johns 5:30
And when you decide, and really, it's a decision, you know, it's okay. You're, racking up bricks on a scaffold one day and the next thing you know, you're experiencing life in an entirely different process.

Steve Sims 5:45
Yeah, it's a good thing to have that ignorance.

Russ Johns 5:48
Well, and we don't know what we don't know. And sometimes that's the best knowledge we can carry. Right?

Steve Sims 5:55
Yeah, we got too many people out there. And I'm afraid the internet's made a lot of stupid people. Stupid-er. A friend of mine or Arie Mizell said to me in today's economy, we don't we don't need to know how we need to know who. And thankfully, this was the way I always was. If I needed something, I wouldn't go and buy a book. I wouldn't start downloading YouTube videos. Let's find out who can and this sounds rude, but who can I kick if it goes wrong? Who can I pass this liability? Who can I outsource my problem to so before realizing it I was already outsourcing what I wasn't good at and therefore it was leaving me a day of stuff that I was good at. Which strangely enough was just phoning people arranging meetings, going out and seeing people I was doing everything I possibly could to avoid email still do. And that's what ended up happening. I was outsourcing my problems, my liabilities to other people to get them to do it. So there's still a ton of stuff. I don't know. But I Do a ton of who's

Russ Johns 7:01
That almost sounds like a general contractor hiring subcontractors.

Steve Sims 7:06
It's no different, is it? You know, the funny thing is, I grew up in East London and I've remembered, I don't want to get dark on this conversation. But I remember in my early 20s you know, a big lad, tattooed biker, ugly guy. And I remember the time, you know, in my early 20s, kind of bouncing off the walls trying to find out what I could do. And I felt I actually felt a bit of resentment towards my family. Because I thought I'd been raised up poor, you always get up at 435/530 in the morning to do the milk round before I go to school. Then let's go and then I'm getting up at 430/530 in the morning to go to the building site to get another couple of hours in before the day started. Coming home to a messed up trying to take out girls either on a crappy motorcycle or in the in the company, building van with all the building supplies He's in the back. So that wasn't going very well for me. So I resented my teenage years thinking, I'm poor. It wasn't until my mid 20s that I realized how wealthy I was, you know, I never ever doubted there be food on the table, never doubted I was loved, never doubted I was protected. And I was being taught how to work just like now. You know, you get up in the morning, you know, six o'clock in the morning to be on a podcast. None of the kids are gonna get up. Wife still in bed. But let's be blunt. This isn't hard work. You know, get up at 430 in the morning, in your 70s going down to a building site, you're getting rained and crapped on and dropping things. So that's hard work. I want to chat with you today drinking a cup of coffee and spilling the beans. Game on that's all fun.

Russ Johns 8:47
Yeah. Well, I'm much the same way. I remember my dad pulling me out of bed at five o'clock in the morning to go to work on a construction site I worked construction for years and I was a musician so I music at night, Bend nails in the daytime, pour concrete, whatever it took. And that taught the discipline of getting things done. So I think really, the end result is that as we develop our skill set and our genius zone, and you know what we really love to do, and that merges with our ambition and our ability to focus on an outcome. It really helps develop us as an individual because if you can help people find what they need, and introduce them to the outcome. And you know, you can put that together produce results. Obviously, you've proven that you can take it anywhere, right?

Do you know the problem today and of course, we're in a strange time at the moment.


Steve Sims 9:46
People aren't looking at the outcome they're looking at their feet. They're looking at the now they're looking at this second

They need gratification

Immediate gratification or immediate panic, the bottom line of it is, when you're looking down at your feet, you can't run forward to the next opportunity. Yeah, you should always look at the shit and we all know this we are this is nothing new,

Russ Johns 10:10
Mine isn't always emotion,

Steve Sims 10:13
Perfect, perfect and we don't get success. From success, we get success from the dark times and the challenging times and mistakes, everything phenomenal. There's probably ever happened in your life phenomenal and impactful has come from learning it from when it wasn't. And now we're in a situation where we can be learning so many lessons about what we do, who we are, who we connect with, deliver so many lessons we can be learning now, as you say, quite rightly, to prepare ourselves for the outcome that we actually want. It 100% is mindset. And it's mindset, not intelligence. I've got a good friend of mine, Jay Abraham, that has actually said my I can is far superior to my IQ, and I'm proud of that little quote for me.

Russ Johns 10:57
I really like that. I really I like that my I can is superior to my IQ.

Steve Sims 11:05
You can have it Jay gave it to me. So I'm passing it on.

Russ Johns 11:09
Well, sometimes, making a decision, just like getting off the scaffold isn't going to be a doorman changed the trajectory of your life, right?

Steve Sims 11:19

Russ Johns 11:20
That was a decision. That was a decision you had to make. And even though it was fueled by, you know, some resentment, potentially, the outcome was that it changed who you became, correct?

Steve Sims 11:33
Yeah, I didn't get no one actually wakes up one more than says, hey, what do you want to do for the rest of your life? I'd like to be a doorman, please. I ended up as a doorman just purely and simply because I was still hunting for money. And I just happened to be drinking at this club when something went down and they asked me to help it out. So I fell into that, but I had, made the conscious decision just like all entrepreneurs, I had made the conscious decision that where I am wasn't right, you know, I was not fitting into any holes. And I didn't have the ability to create my own hole. So it was a conscious decision for me not to settle at a young age. And again, as a youngster, you're bouncing off the walls it was in the 80s. You can't keep a job down. My mom just thought I was gonna go to prison. Simple as that. But it wasn't a conscious decision for me to end up on the door. It was a conscious decision for me to not accept what I was. But every time I'm in something, every time I get like even this, I was looking at the link you use and everything. Anything that I'm involved in at the moment, we're going to learn from How can I expand on this? What can I do and when I was a doorman, seeing the girls coming in celebrating the hen night or seeing the couple coming in. On an anniversary day or the first date, I suddenly started to recognize humanity and I became quite good. I've been on the door and as a group of guys who come to me I'd be like, you know What are they after? And I would try to guess what? And then I would say to the boys, hello boys, what are you in for tonight and see if I can get it right. And so I became very good at recognizing body positioning and body style. And that's you helped me quite a lot. It's amazing how much being adornment has actually helped me do what I do now.

Russ Johns 13:20
I can appreciate that as being a musician in multiple clubs. And some of those clubs were not necessarily they were kind of rough. You know. I've seen some pretty amazing battles in some clubs. And you learn how to read the crowd. You learn how to read people, and you learn how to appreciate what's going on, and how to divert some attention to someone that needs a little more attention. Right.

Steve Sims 13:52

Russ Johns 13:53
And your genius zone is, somewhere along the lines, you know, it's funny that I always tell people that don't know where they're going yet to go out and get experiences just like that. Because what it does is it does two things. It identifies where you don't want to be and get you to move forward. As long as you're moving forward, you're doing okay, just like you said, Don't look at your feet, look at your future, and be able to interpret that in find out okay, well, I don't like this. I don't like that, interview people talk to people. And I'm sure you have many conversations where you decided, well, this isn't probably the best direction for me to go. Or this is an amazing place for me to go.

Steve Sims 14:42
Well, have you seen what I have you seen on any of the social platforms that I actually take a bunch of people to prison on a regular basis?

Russ Johns 14:49
Yes, yeah.

Steve Sims 14:51
I got taken to prison. It was about three years ago now. And they took me there one day, where they asked me would I come in and help do a training program with some inmates that they now call EITs entrepreneurs in training, trying to take their hustle that got them inside to productive businesses outside. And they said, Will you come along and help with the training program? And I thought to myself, this would be..... I know it sounds silly, but this will be fun. It'd give me some cool little, Facebook stories, Steve Sims went to prison, my mom knew I'd end up there even though she you know, just be for a day. And I went along, and I was amazed at some of the genius in this room, but how they used it for different businesses. Now, we never had any, bad guys in there doing horrible things to horrible people. It was a lot of kind of, gang related stuff or your businesses, but there was a lot of hustle in them. They just used it in the wrong direction. But it was a very strange room to be in with 60 lifers. You weren't in the can because you got a parking ticket this week. As a hard core, maximum security level for maximum security prison, so when I came out of it, you can't come out of that prison without the grass being greener, the sky being bluer or the air being fresher, you suddenly realize how wealthy you are. And I realized ever since then just how incredibly wealthy I am, and how a lot of my wealthy clients are incredibly poor. So what I started doing was I started getting these groups together, and three times a year. I take them into prison, and if you've ever if you've ever had trouble giving a presentation, in front of your boss or in front of a sales presentation or anything like that in any room, then you'd come with me to prison. You will never give a rat's ass about that room ever, ever again. You'll come out stronger wiser and prouder. You'll stand up taller.

Russ Johns 16:51
Yeah, it's a sobering experience and never having been to prison. I can't express the same feeling. However, I have, in my younger days have spent a few nights in jail. So, I'm just saying.

Steve Sims 17:11
Another episode, another episode.

Russ Johns 17:12
We'll talk about that later. However, it was an experience. And I like looking at through the lens of what experience and what has this experience taught me, you know, what can I take away from this? It's just an experience. Sometimes it's a good experience. Sometimes it's not as good of an experience. And you really have to understand, okay, what am I getting? What am I receiving from this? What am I thinking? And how is it possible to change me in my future? Because as long as we're carrying baggage from the past, we really can't move as fast in the future as we'd like to, right.

Steve Sims 17:53
People don't think like you do, if more people thought like you do, and I think I do, too. Actually. harness what you're involved in, this moment good or bad shit or shine in this moment, what am I getting from this? What am I growing from this and if they just analyze them and just me I vocalize it I will literally if something goes south and I get off a phone call and it was bad, or I do a meeting and the sale didn't go through. I literally sit myself down with a coffee and a pad and I go Okay, verbally I'll say what went wrong there, Steve, and I will try to break it down because here's the thing. You got their interest because you had them on the phone, you got them interest because you got in the room with them, you know, so it wasn't a complete shit show you actually progressed. But at one point during that day, that presentation, that opportunity it went south. If you can find that little nugget and tweak that. Then the following day. It's plain sailing for the next presentation or promotional prospect you actually do so you're right. Analyze the moments.

Russ Johns 19:00
Yeah, analyze the moments and, really take it, for what it is, it's just because it's experience or education. That's what it is right?

Steve Sims 19:08
Yep. Yep. Yeah.

Russ Johns 19:11
Can you reflect on a time that things, with any entrepreneur, there's these peaks and valleys that we all experience, right? It's like this, moment where you're thinking, How in the hell did I get here? What, was my day? And then that actually turned out to be an amazing experience. I mean, an amazing outcome. Where in the moment it seemed like this is not going to possibly come together.

Steve Sims 19:45
Well, I think one of them was me as a doorman. You see, when I was in England, and I was trying to get a job, I would end up bouncing backwards and forwards into the building site because I knew what I was doing on a building site and I was on the train one day and there was this kid, and still to this day, I can not remember him but he apparently went to my school. And he had a suit on and he had a load of paper and he had a cup of coffee and he was a stockbroker. And this was in the 80s. And I thought, this guy was a god. And he started telling me Oh Do you remember me? And of course, I didn't. And he said to me, he said, Yeah, my bank is actually training stockbrokers to go to Hong Kong. He said, You know their taking so many people, I can help you. And so I got an appointment to actually go and see the bank. I borrowed my dad's suit, which was hanging off the shoulders and my resume, left school at 15 worked on a building site wasn't exactly longer than a stamp. So my resume had more fiction in it than any Harry Potter novel. And this is the thing. I didn't want it to be full of lies. I wanted it to be full of questionable truths and slight exaggerations beyond the norm, I actually mentioned in there how I was related to the queen. It was so stupid of a resume. I wanted the person to read it and just go this is bollocks isn't it and that to start a conversation, but it never got to that I was actually interviewed in a room with like about 60 other people. and just by being in the room, they literally and this was back in the in the late 80s. Now, they literally said, you know, make sure that the girls got your details and we'll see you in Hong Kong. I got taken out Hong Kong as a trainee stockbroker. And we landed on the Saturday got drunk on the Saturday because I'm qualified at that. got drunk on the Sunday still qualified. And then on the Monday we did orientation for a bank called visa w major bank. And then the following morning, I went in to find out where my desk is and find out what the hell I'm gonna bloody do from here on. And I was taken into a room and I was fired. So I lasted my stockbroking career for 24 hours. And it was only because I was literally at this bar drinking. And my girlfriend who thankfully is become my wife. She's still in England. And I've only ever lied to her twice on a 50th birthday when we surprised her with what we were doing. And for six months when I was in Hong Kong, because I had no job, but I would phone about once a week and tell him everything was going good. Okay, so only two times I've ever lied to her. But I was in this bar thinking to myself, I'm done. Have a no friends got no backup, no got no support or nothing. And it was funny. They say, you know, when the students ready the the lesson will appear. I was in this bar, drinking myself with the whiskey thinking. Where do I go from here. I don't even know the language. What do I do from here? And that's when the owner of the club tapped me on the shoulder. She said, you know, there's some hassle going on in there. She said,she said to me, she said that people like you. She said, you go sort them out, or my people will. And so, and then she said to me, the thing that really caught my attention, you do that I pay for your drinks. And I thought game on now. So, but it was that moment that I was thinking, I've got no future. I've got nothing. Then she gave me a challenge. And that ended up putting me on the door. And then I started going well hang on a minute. I've got to do this. And there was one lesson. There was one lesson that changed everything from what I was on the door and I can I couldn't tell you that one.

Russ Johns 23:41
Yes, please do.

Steve Sims 23:42
So I'm on the door. And again, just like you, my fella, always looking for where my lesson is, what am I learning from here? And as I say, at the time I was looking at, I wonder if he's got money or if he's pretending to have money, what are the traits that you know, are showing me that he is who he is. And I was learning all these lessons. about psychology, humanity, humankind, bouquets of people. And I was playing this game when I was on the door. I want to be him. I want to be him. I want to be him. And I thought to myself, I need a reason to talk to these guys. So as a doorman I knew well where the parties, where all the special guest appearances, were going to be so I started just literally tapping on the shoulders of the regulars, the guys that the raffle and that I wanted to talk to, because again, you are the combination of the people you hang around with. So I thought, I don't need broke bikers. I need really rich people because then by default, I'll be one of them. As simple as that. And so I started to tell all these guys I had like a little ring of people that I would tell where the best clubs were. And this guy came in one day and he was with his three mates, and it was regular and I'd started having little conversations with him. I wanted to find out what he did, and I wanted to ask him, why you are wealthy and I'm not that was my goal. I? I'm not a long term planner. I was sure that was my goal to ask. And he came to the door and he said to me, Hey, Steve, are you going to the yacht party tonight? No living in Hong Kong. The entire place is basically a harbor. So I had no idea what he was talking about. So I'm sitting there, I'm stood there blocking him like, ah, which one are you talking about? You know, guy had no idea. So he told me about it. And I'm like, you're not going there. Anyway, now we can't get in. Okay. And he went into the club news pretty early evening. So I said to my fellow mate, and I said, hang on a minute. I got to try something. So I walked down to the harbor, which was very close to Rancho where I was working in the club, and I took off my tie. So I'm just wearing a black suite and a white shirt, and I walked down to where the yacht was, and I saw this girl there right a Gangplank and stuff was being loaded onto the yacht. And I went up to her and said Hey, how you doing? I said, Look, we got four people coming here tonight to the party. I forget what time it started like nine o'clock. I said, You want them here at 830? Or would you like them here at 1030 when they collide bottlenecks over what would work best for you? And I shut up. Now everyone's got a knee jerk reaction hers was she immediately started looking through this flip chart. I havent given a name. And it wasn't a question that could have been answered on this flip chart. So I said, Look, I know you're busy. I don't want to get in your way. I just wanted to work out what was best for you. So I can advise the guys and she's like, Oh, uh, I think she said something like 10 o'clock was the line hour after hour after they open. And then when I didn't have any money I was making $600 this was one of my big turning moments.

I was making 600 bucks a week. Okay, not exactly. I was getting a few tips but not exactly buying america or anything at the time. I pull out my wallet and I pulled out $150 Okay, which To me, it was like everything I went, there you go, I said, Let's be honest. They're gonna come along here. They're gonna have a great time. More than likely they're not gonna say thank you because I know where you're at. I've worked parties before. Didn't tell them I was a doorman. I said, I've worked parties before. But I wanted to say thank you tomorrow when this is all over, get yourself some nice take out on a nice bottle of wine and just be thankful it's over. And she's like, Oh, thank you. I gave her vision. Because let's be honest, and I've worked at so many times. The person who puts the party on and this is the same with you, if you're doing a house party,

Russ Johns 26:43

Steve Sims 27:33
The peson that actually hosting the party never enjoys it as the people that have attended it, you know, working it. So I was giving him a vision of tomorrow, thanking her and giving them a bottle of wine. Okay. She was like "oh Thank you " she was stunned. And then the next step was my all on black move. I said, Have a good night and I turned around to walk away And as I started to walk away, that's when she called me because I hadn't given her the clients names she was like ah well hang on a minute, one of the names and I gave her the four names and she wrote them down on the front of the pad. And I said, should I ask have them asked for something? She said, have them asked me, have a great night. keep it calm. It'll all work out. Well, we've got I went back to the club, walked into the boys and I went, Hey, guys, I've just made a phone call. I didn't even have a phone. You know, I said, I've just had a phone call pulled a few strings and you want to go to that your party tonight. I've made it happen for the four of you. I said, that'll be 500 each. And they were like, Oh, great. And they just dropped 500 bucks each and I felt great for a moment. It was I realized then they weren't paying to get into the party. They were paying for someone else to maybe get declined or the humiliation of getting refused a lot of people and the bigger the profile you get, don't actually like to ask for things for fear of them getting declined or turned away or worst case, being asked for a favor later on down the line.

Russ Johns 27:33


Steve Sims 29:18
Okay because favors gather interests like worse than any kind of math your family could offer. So it's best just to pay and play and get it over with. And I suddenly realized I was faced with a lot of African people with a lot of great access premieres, launches, and that's what I went after next time was any of the designer stores doing like a trunk show, where any of the places doing a premiere of a movie was there the unveiling of a new car, I started searching for them. And literally getting these now these guys are so rich. I was going to the Athlon brands going hey, I can get 20 of the richest guys in the area into your event to see that and they Could all buy it on their credit card and not even notice the end of month payment? You know, are these the kind of people you want? Oh yeah, they are. They're not go to the client and go, Hey, I can get you into a great party is cool access, beautiful, gorgeous women, all that kind of stuff. 500 bucks per person or 1000 and it started going up from that yacht party. I ended up working for the Grammys to Kentucky Derby, the New York Fashion Week in Formula One, and this year just ended my contract with elton john for his Oscar party, so I just took it as high as I could.

Russ Johns 30:32
That is fantastic. That that is amazing story, Steve, for us to think about and reflect on because, you're brokering introductions, you're making connections. you're not taking no for an answer. You're not taking yes for an answer. You're making things move forward. You're just making it happen through decisions and making the introductions. from point A to point B, that's it. And the beautiful thing about that is, you probably enjoy the challenge in the chase, right?

Steve Sims 31:10
I do, I might, chapters of change to your life, I enjoyed getting the rich people into parties, then I enjoyed actually throwing the parties then I enjoyed marketing and branding the parties to get the right kind of people. And now, with Sims distillery, I'm actually enjoying getting entrepreneurs just to think differently. I think as any entrepreneur, we need to be challenged, it's our fuel.

Russ Johns 31:36
Yeah, Yeah it is.

Steve Sims 31:36
We need things to maybe not always work perfectly, right, because if they work perfectly, we ignore them. But when things go wrong, we actually work on them and we refine them and we chase that perfection but hopefully we never find it. So I'm the same as the other entrepreneur just looking to be engaged and challenged.

Russ Johns 31:59
Well I just really appreciate the fact that we connected and I look forward to future conversations. And I know it's busy and you got a ton of things I'm sure that you got on your plate to do. And I just wanted to, bring you to the table. And because my whole goal is I want to bring interesting people doing interesting things. It's a slice of life that we seldom get to really slow down long enough to see. And I think it's important for us to understand that there is possibility out there, there is opportunity out there. And you don't necessarily have to be stuck in a cube doing whatever you hate, thinking that this is the rest of your life. There's other things that are taking place around us that you know, even in it even at times like this, there are still people that have needs, they have desires, and we can help produce results and outcomes and in the system through the process. It's it's amazing to me to see when you look at through the lens of opportunity, everything seems like an opportunity then it becomes the focus it's like what am I? What do I want to focus my time on? And when you enjoy what you do, like I believe you do, then it's just a matter of how do I develop it for me today, because it's 10 years ago isn't the same as it is today, right?

Steve Sims 33:19
No, so sad.

Russ Johns 33:23
So thank you, Steve. I really appreciate it. I just want to give everybody a shout out that joined us today. Randy McNeely, Latasha Gabriel, Wendy. Angie, thank you so much. Vicki O'Neill, Fred Costa, Russ, Wendy, these people are all here in a community. And now that you're a pirate Steve, I'll look forward to follow you a little closer and get the pirate community. A little bit more visibility for Steve so

Steve Sims 33:56
Appreciate it.

Russ Johns 33:57
Thank you so much, everyone. I Appreciate you. I you know as always, I am here to assist and promote. The kindness is cool. smiles are free and you enjoy the day.