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Catch Hass Sadeghi on the #PirateBroadcast

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Russ Johns
Welcome to the pirate broadcast, where we interview interesting people doing interesting things where you can expand your connections, your community, kindness is cool and smiles are free. And let's get this party started.

Russ Johns
It's another beautiful day at the #piratebroadcast. We have a amazing guest here, talking about all the transitions and changes and evolutions that are going on around us and as we jump into this show, I just want to remind you that thank you all the gratitude in the world. If you're watching the replay, let me know if you have questions. Let me know.

Russ Johns
You know, we're streaming on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn live. So wherever you happen to find us, please subscribe and follow the #piratebroadcast to get involved and engaged in some interesting conversations.

Russ Johns
So today we have Hass. How are you doing my friend.

Hass Sadeghi
I am blessed, doing well up bright, bright eyed and bushy tailed.

Russ Johns
It's, a morning for all of us at some point in time, hopefully today. I look forward to another amazing day and with gratitude in all of the things that are in front of us and the opportunities that present sometimes as challenges we all have to look at it as an opportunity if we're going to keep our sanity level because sometimes, and I want to dig into this a little bit because it's mindset, in my opinion, there's a lot of mindset involved in what we're going through right now.

Russ Johns
A lot of it has to do with, you know, and I don't diminish the fact that there's a lot of people in, you know, dire straits.

Russ Johns
You know, they're wondering how they're going to get through this. I'm not here to provide a magic answer of any kind, or, you know, some sort of a solution. What I am going to share, though is that having been in some tough times, mindset is the thing that made the difference. So I want to kind of talk about that Hass and get your perspective on it and understand what it is that people need to be thinking about these days.

Hass Sadeghi
I appreciate that to us. I, I don't use the terminology mindset as much I get that that's a common vernacular common phrasing people use. And the reason is, from my perspective, what we're all being reminded right now is how much head orientation or thinking orientation we all had, as I say to my folks in Farsi and Persian language, that we have both intellect and intuition

Hass Sadeghi
Wishing really comes from the heart. So what I see this experience as around the world is a collective paradigm shift. Really a reminder for us to shift out of thinking orientation, logical orientation, intellect, orientation, and shifting into heart intuition orientation, which is very difficult for a lot of people. So it is I call it a consciousness shift, not so much a mindset shift, because I want people to intentionally with the words that I use, get out of their mind and get into more of their heart space, more of their intuition space.

Hass Sadeghi
So I think the first big step for us to all to remember is, this is new terrain. This is a new, shall I say, ballgame, and the rules have changed. We used to use the rules of the mind and that's why I'm starting with it's a consciousness shift and it's got to start by leading from the heart which is Really a very surreal place for some

Russ Johns
it's a very surreal place for a lot of people, and you know, and I've talked a lot of this about on the show and how, many times people are in the groove because they're told, you know, go to school, go to college, get a job, have a family, live the American dream, whatever that happens to be.There's a lot of pieces of that puzzle where people don't normally or necessarily fit in. I think I think you're, by your example, there's a lot of things that may not necessarily fit in.

Russ Johns
When you start thinking about your intuition, and your emotional alignment, when you're thinking about, you know, because I'm a real advocate, you know, for #kindnessiscool, #smilesarefree, and there's a reason for that, because that's a piece of the puzzle has kept me, intact, but I'll just say that, sometimes when bad things happen to anyone there's things that you have to reframe and you can either be a victim or you can choose to look at it from a different perspective.

Russ Johns
So I just want to expand on that idea with people right now because there's a lot of people that are struggling with their circumstance with their environment, things that are going on and, and I just, I, what I would really like to avoid are a lot of people going to a negative space, you know, something that where it's like, you know, I, you know, they don't want to hate or they don't want to Be divisive or separated. It's like this is a time where we all need to come together.

Russ Johns
We're single, we have a single cause that we need to come around and fix this right. Be involved and engaged in it. So you need in your environment. I mean, you have a different community. You've built a strong community. And for those that don't know Hass he's on LinkedIn, he's around where else do you hang out Hass?

Hass Sadeghi
Really the 3d world, I only I use LinkedIn right now. It's been a while that I've been using it. So you can catch me on there. I really like what you said, I like the Unity piece, because that speaks to the paradigm shift and the consciousness shift, because a lot of us have been in lone wolf syndrome. Have I think we have to do it as our own lot of us leaders. Definitely speaking for my own truth. I felt up until recently that you know, I had to do things I had to get things moving. I had to lead and we forget That this is you know, a team effort. You know, really, we're coming together as a lot of congealing that's happening.

Hass Sadeghi
I liked what you said at the outset of that piece, what you said about things that don't fit when you shift from the head to the heart. What I saw the the visual that I popped into my head is almost like we're being put through if you remember those pegs, when you're a kid, those games where you had the circle and the square, it's almost like God universe, whatever want to call it is putting us into a different peg, and we don't fit and so it's like more like Play Doh. We're like being molded as we're going through this peg.

Hass Sadeghi
So if there's anything that you know what you mentioned that something's a bit, you know, I look at those as old constructs, Russ that we don't really need anymore and their beliefs is one way they talk about it and the mindset space, you know, limiting beliefs. Then you have in the heart You also have emotional charges and things you've held on to so it's all the energies and I see it as the things that don't fit are being kind of weaned squeegee, whatever you want to call it, or through this peg analogy, they're being taken out of us, so that we can evolve, you know, taking off these layers so we can grow and evolve.

Hass Sadeghi
One of them is the Unity piece as you said, some more, I fit into your description of societal conditioning, cultural conditioning, and that was very much for my burnout, but my sabbatical process the traumas and tragedies that I experienced, starting in 2015, through 2018 2019 that's what showed me I was like, Oh, wow. It was a lot of that, you know, going through the peg. So I love your messaging.

Hass Sadeghi
It's not kitschy for me because I understand the energetic s of gratitude and gratitude and love what they are. They're energetic states, and where everything's energy and so #kindnessiscool. It's, #smilesarefree and they're uplifting and that's why they do lift the vibration up. So I love what you're doing and that's why, for me, that last word use this the unity. I think that's part of this awakening part of this shift that we're all going through and it's time to, you know, there's a phase that I'll say this.

Hass Sadeghi
There's a famous therapist, Fritz Pearls. And he says something that sounds a little kooky at first, a little esoteric. Fritz Pearls says lose your mind, find your senses. So at first the things that don't fit seem a little, you know, it seems a little kooky. But if you surrender and have faith and you trust and you go deeper, you find greater senses or greater vibrancy in life emerges.

Russ Johns
Well, I like the direction you took that because when you and this is gonna sound ironic and kind of maybe not necessarily fit into what everybody's typically thinking. However, when you when you reduce the logic that you insert into some of your circumstances and you allow your heart and your,intuition to guide you. It's it's almost like you know the answer. You can't speak the answer because you, it's not necessarily what you would logically think of it's like, I know, this is the direction I need to go. However, it doesn't make any sense to me.

Russ Johns
If you take that leap of faith, if you call it or belief or whatever, fill in the blanks, if you take that, in my case, in my situation, in my experience, it's always been that when I follow my heart, my head catches up

Hass Sadeghi

Russ Johns
It's almost as if I have to allow what is taking place to kind of flow and really, you know, it's like, cause some of the things that I've done in my life are like, what the heck is He think it's like, and it's really about, you know, allowing, you know, I, you know, call it what you will, intuition, higher power, you know, God faith, whatever it happens to be I know that there's a lot of descriptions we can use for this. However, it's really something that has worked in my life. You know, I don't have necessarily a, I don't necessarily have an explanation for it. But I have an understanding of it, because it's, an experience that I've had. Right,

Russ Johns

Hass Sadeghi
Yeah. So it's interesting. So you said two words that I love and it's beautiful how organic This is transpiring. Allow, oh, boy, was that hard for me? Was I kicking and screaming for so long?

Russ Johns
Because you're holding on to your logic, right?

Hass Sadeghi
Yeah, exactly. Well, and that's the thing. The logic is ego based and it's tied to an alli of the ego. So that tends to be a defense mechanism that usually is like, oh, no change, you know, and the analogy of Linus is blanket from the peanuts cartoon, you know, we all are holding that proverbial, you know, blanket and we're like, Whoa, don't leave don't change, you know, and that's where we don't allow resistance. It keeps persisting, whatever we're resisting, right? resistance equals persistence.

Hass Sadeghi
We may not understand what's happening in that moment that we're following our intuition That's because there's a greater sense happening. It's a multi dimensionality to it and if we allow, as you said, then the unfolding happens. Then we go, Oh, I see. Now in hindsight, you can see the path unfolding. So it's almost this. It's this weird paradigm and I do a lot of trust falls last two years ago, I started doing trust falls into my pool.

Hass Sadeghi
That is as symbology for what I'm really presenting to the listeners is, is a trust fall at first you freak out your first trust fall, if you've ever done an exercise like that, where you're falling backwards, and you're like, what's happening? I'm, I'm not in control, and I'm falling. Yeah, that's the analogy for this process for us that you're teeing up is the allowing, once you do that, it's so freeing. It's so liberating. It's so ah, that's the beauty of it.

Hass Sadeghi
Then the magic unfolds and we develop it's a skill, so muscle, intuitive muscle, so it's a lot of us haven't hold it. We haven't used it. It took a long time to surrender to do that allowing because the universe really does want to conspire to serve us. If we stop it, which is what everybody is doing, I was doing it. That's the disallowing, that's the resistances it's hard. It's hard to do. And I liked what you said, you used understanding and another word that eludes me right now and again, you your lot you innately got out of consciousness level, that distinction.

Russ Johns
No, it's because we we are and I like the way that you phrased the ego idea. Because, you know, so many times the ego lies to us, it tells us that we need more, we need to be something else. We're not good enough because we are not, this magazine culture of somebody that imagined the idea of what should be and it's in our, ego continues to lie to us and tell us that where we need to be something else. So then our logic kicks in and says, Okay, I need this job because of fill in the blanks, and I need this I need to be I need to work a little harder, because this is what life is going to reward me with.

Russ Johns
There are so many things that are not true. I've paid the price of all of these experiences because of what the ego and your imagined In your logic tells you, it's like, yeah, if I only get here, I'll be happy. That's like, a lie. Just, you can be happy right now with anything you have. It's like, Okay, I have, I have a cup of coffee, I have some water. You know, it's like, I got a wonderful guest on the #piratebroadcast, I got things happening and I get to do this. I mean, this is something that I've, I've worked or evolved to. It hasn't been work. It's been experience in this direction.

Russ Johns
That allows me to participate in this experience, and it's really, it's really an amazing opportunity for so many people right now, to learn a new skill, learn a new craft. really listen to themselves. Take the time for self discovery and understand because you can pause, I mean, the people that are not working right now or not doing what they would traditionally, sit in traffic for 45 minutes, you know, go to an office that they hate work with people, they don't care to be around.

Russ Johns

Then you're sitting at home going, what is what is it that really drives me? What kind of a passion or what kind of an interest Can I put in my life to make those changes?

Hass Sadeghi
Well, yeah, beautiful. I love this. Yeah, it's very organic and you got me on so many different things I could say now. So the first thing is, that is interesting is let's discover a new us a new me a new, you know, instead of a new skill, and in order to do that, one must pause, one must come into stillness. I had a friend have a friend and he's a very famous coach. He actually coached Shaq early in his career before he knew he was a coach. And he early on and he met me also an Aries like you. Yeah, Sagittarius, so it's a fire fire sign thing.

Hass Sadeghi
He said to me once he said Hass, it's almost like you're at the bottom of the ocean and you're kicking up a lot of dust and sand. It's hard to see when we're doing because there's so much cloudiness in this analogy. He said, You need to let the dust settle. That's so that's we have to allow, we have to pause. Then we have to uncover who we really are. Because that's what you know, this, this magazine culture, as you called it, this, there's so many layers that we take on from a very early age, that mask who we actually are and that masking leads to depression.

Hass Sadeghi
It leads to loneliness to anxiety, a lot of the diseases are really diseases or disconnects from the soul the cameras this way. So it's like it's because we're here are sold out of our body and our in our bodies here. There's a disconnect. That disconnect is what we're all having a chance to look at and heal, so it's almost like, an analogy that I use it's like you're getting emotionally and energetically naked.

Hass Sadeghi
You're peeling off layers. You're taking off layers, taking a chance to get to know who really is Hass. All of these conditioned automatic magazine culture, Persian society, performance culture, legal business culture background. So who is Hass? And until we pause until we allow until we let these layers dissolve and strip off of us. The last thing on this point is this, this notion of people think they're happy.

Hass Sadeghi

People think that, oh, I have guards or boundaries and they're keeping bad things out. They're not they're actually keeping us blocked in. So much of our human condition is many of us are disconnected and we're in this dungeon with it within ourselves.

Russ Johns
Oh, yeah. Because it's the because it's the ego that really binds us to that belief that we need to be somebody else.

Hass Sadeghi
In a sense, in a sense, the ego gets a bad rap egos a necessary byproduct of our humaneness. It is an ally and it's like a puppy dog analogy, it because it can become like any animal it can become ferocious if unchecked. So there has to be a friend. It's this um, how shall I put it? It's just like friendly dynamic that we have where our mind ego is our friend and our enemy at the same time. So you have one here and one here and you have to hold both. So it's a bad rap that the ego gets and that's why we have to make peace with it. We have to allow it And accepted.

Russ Johns
Yeah, I want to I want to put up here with Renee Miller suggested that we come to a point where we allow our higher self to guide us moving away from the human perceptions of who we are and what we should be doing. Kitt and Renee are awesome individuals that you should know. And there's a lot of people here that are in the room today. So Nick Norman, just in time, thank you so much for being here. David Mumford. Thank you so much. Why don't say good morning, Hass. super positive and uplifting. Laurie. Knutson. Thank you so much for being here.

Russ Johns
Good afternoon, pirates from Spain, all the way from Spain. Hello, my friend. Good morning. San Paulo Brazil.

Russ Johns
We've got some international folks around. Vicki. O'Neil. Thank you so much. Always a pleasure to have you in the room. Joining a little late Jimmy Jimmy Clam. New Day new opportunity. Amen. Brother. Angie Shuman. Good morning, everyone. Always a pleasure.Tapis Daz. Good morning. I know. It is a good morning, Fred Costa. Good morning. Arcot is here. And one of the things that I think are important for us to understand Hass or at least at least bring to the table is you brought up a good point. Yeah, the ego gets a bad rap. And, you know, I have my own battles with my own ego. Yeah, it's like, Okay.

Hass Sadeghi
Professional armwrestling match. Yeah,

Russ Johns
I love myself and so do I. You know, it's, one of these things, you just have to understand that it's there. And it may not necessarily want everything that our heart wants it Oh, It's like your the alignment that you're talking about, you know, where sometimes we get out of alignment, and that's what causes disease. You know, it's like thinking one thing and doing another. And it's like, you know, you know, you shouldn't be doing this, you know, it's not what needs to be done. And so it causes conflict, it causes friction. And anytime we have friction, we have, you know, things that go.

Hass Sadeghi
Well, let's just say out of phase I, off the bed, it's off the tracks, right? It's interesting, because so much of this at first was a surreal process for me, because this this allowing the surrendering and what Renee said, the higher perceptions I had to learn to be the observer, be the human and then be the soul and be in both places at one time. And that is a surreal experience it throws one off at first and it's acclimation process we need to remember also to be gentle on ourselves, as we do this, as we as we're going through these shifts in these transformations.

Hass Sadeghi
If you do do personal work, it's not at put it in sixth gear and go, go, go go, there has to be time to process and allow, and it you know, if we don't, here's what I've really been playing with recently Russ. And this is something that I haven't really talked about in what I post and things like that is following our bliss. Other people talk about this, I started to click on this is what the heart wants, and we should all over ourselves with the mind constructs and limitations and what have you is this notion of pure bliss. Some people call it the inner child, it's more than that.

Hass Sadeghi
For me, it's this notion, it starts with the inner child. It's just like, you know, like, I just want to play childlike wonder. And that if left to play is bliss, it's pure joy, pure unadulterated love. Gratitude, all these frequencies are really one state. That's the problem is because of these conditionings and other reasons for various facets, we've curbed ourselves, we've put limitations we should ourselves. And that stops this bliss, which actually serves everybody.

Hass Sadeghi
So imagine this, this is my vision for the world. If everybody was doing, they're following their bliss, we would have this extravagant orchestra Symphony, this cosmic symphony playing, which I envision happening, you know, I'm calling it forth, because it's this notion of everybody is cert doing their purpose.

Hass Sadeghi
Everybody enjoy. Everybody's in bliss, kindness, you know, smiling, everybody's being cool in that regard. And then everything's gonna fall into place. That's utopia. That's heaven on earth. We all think that we need to do something outside of ourselves. No. It's a personal responsibility thing. Go and play and follow your bliss.

Russ Johns
You know, it's funny when you was not funny, but it's what the vision in mind head when you started to talk about bliss was that moment when you're a child, and you're learning to ride a bike, and you discover that you know how to ride a bike.

Hass Sadeghi
I love that analogy. Yes. It's like

Russ Johns
That feeling you have is like this cross between accomplishment and freedom. You know, it's it's like that whole idea of, I have a new skill that I didn't have yesterday. I have a new ability, I have a new and opportunities. And that that's the that's the goal in what a lot of people need to think about or consider when they're going through the process of self discovery, and allowing change to take place in their life. In not necessarily should all of themselves with the logic that they're involved with, right?

Hass Sadeghi
Yeah, it's beautiful. You said those two words. I heard a song by Alan Watts ironically, was remix into this how like music song I love, and it's be awake and relaxed and I use two different words, which were, it's this feeling of acknowledging that you're accomplishing something. So accomplishment and freedom. And so it's a knowing that whoa, I'm doing this and then Whoa, whoa, I'm doing this. So that's huge that's energetically so much is going on in our bio system, our nervous system, our mind our endorphins. I mean we can go on and on on the geeky science stuff for the sake of time.

Hass Sadeghi
That's so much to those two states are emotional beings being nurses. So yeah, I think you hit the nail on the proverbial head and that's a great analogy and that, like riding a bike, we have to get over our fear. It's new. Oh my god Am I gonna fall No, I'm gonna be okay. We have the proverbial cosmic training wheels already put on this cosmic bike. We don't, we're not gonna fall, go, be confident, ride the bike. And then I love this analogy that we're right riding with pardon the pun, is this notion of keep going and eventually you're popping wheelies and you're like, what I didn't even know I could do.

Hass Sadeghi
That's when you learn your superpowers. After enough time, organically, you get good at it, and you develop your shoe and you're popping wheelies, and you're doing 360 flips. That's what humanity is headed towards, is getting confident with this new way of riding our bike that we didn't even know most people are just walking the bike home and didn't even know that, hey, I can get on this thing. I can go fast and do things. So yeah, it's a good analogy that you brought forth. I love it.

Russ Johns
You know, and it's, so amazing that there's so many people out there that, you know, are it's almost a forced discovery process. And, like I said at the beginning, you know, we we all have a choice between being a victim and understanding that this is an opportunity. And I encourage everyone I talked to and I try to put this out as much as possible and this is, part of the reason I do the #piratebroadcast is because

Russ Johns
I want to share, some concepts, some level and some ideas that there are things that you can accomplish there, and I think a lot of people, the biggest limitation they put on themselves is their inability to work and believe in bigger things that can happen to them.

Russ Johns
You know, they've put a limit on them and there is no limit. There is there is no ceiling that you can't achieve or go past and encouraging this idea that abundance, you can't run out of abundance

Hass Sadeghi

Russ Johns
You can't run out of ideas, you know, they're going to come and go ideas are going to come and go. And and I encourage you to take action. Because the worst possible thing that can happen to you is that you decide you don't want to do something, if you keep it in your head and don't take any action, you'll never understand how that feels to ride the bike. Right? So go ride the bike and understand that you can. You can go faster, you can do more, you can't go farther. So

Hass Sadeghi
The potential is unlimited. And I love that. I love that you said that in the sense that it's whatever the mind believes and conceived will become reality. The only rules are there are no rules, the rules that we make, the only limits are the limits we set and so it's very true at a metaphysical and existential level that really excited.

Hass Sadeghi
The listeners and I really love that that inviting them to not only can you accomplish whatever you put your mind to, what's the risk in and they did a study a few years ago in retirement homes where they said what's the one word that kept coming up regret the risk if you don't do it is regret and that's a horrible state of frequency to be in because you can't turn back the proverbial dial and go back and redo life.

Hass Sadeghi
So it says Carpe Diem, and then the worst thing if you do it is you go, Oh, I had a new experience and I chose not to pursue anything further so I go do some other route. So Oh, no, yeah.

Russ Johns
Well, and I always use the analogy of the kids that go to four years of college because they were told that at the end of the process there'd be a rainbow pot of Gold. And then they go to work and they decide, I can't stand doing this. I don't want to do this. It's like however, I have all this burden. I have, the last four years that I have to now pay for? So, anyway, Kent, Kent says we understand freedom as a child, but we box ourselves in as adults and we lose the understanding and value of freedom.

Russ Johns
Yeah, I think right now we have an opportunity to increase and improve our opportunity for freedom in our life and reduce the complexity and reduce our, our dependence on material goods in material possessions that are really anchors, rather than, you know, wind under our wings. So it's really so Hass. I know we're wrapping up today and I appreciate and just acknowledge your your time and your wisdom and sharing. So is there anything you would like to leave the community today that we can actually share and, and wrap this up with?

Hass Sadeghi
Yeah, two quick things. So please Practically because we I know we've kept a very high level is a lot of people forget to get grounded. So a lot of this process starts with getting back to the body. And I'd like to the first thing I'd like to leave everybody with is breathe is really anchoring, come back to the breath. Because the breath is a very magical thing. So much will organize itself fall back from dis ease into harmony, if you simply remember to come back to the breath. And it sounds simple, and a lot of people are breathing the wrong way.

Hass Sadeghi
So that's the first thing and the second is what you said that piece of freedom follow your freedom is what makes you happy.

Hass Sadeghi
What does what lights you up that last comment what takes you out of the box? What makes you feel liberated? pursue that if it feels good, pursue it now to an extent, you know, don't cause harm and things like that, of course, it's this notion of follow common sense and what feels good. So yeah, it's very profound that you use that word Freedom because so many people feel trapped right now and if you breathe you remember, everything's gonna be okay. This is me, I'm safe, I'm good.

Hass Sadeghi
Then you keep following it and take steps. It's a magic formula. It sounds simple. It's very profound breathe, take it a step at a time and follow what feels good. Follow your heart, let your heart lead. That two step combo is literally going to magically unfold the divine path that that led me to where I'm at. And I'm very happy and very fulfilled.

Russ Johns
Yeah. Well, I am I'm happy they were able to join us to today and the fact that we were able to connect and I know that we've met through mutual friends and I just love the fact that you know, interesting people doing interesting things and we all have an opportunity to learn something new, discover something along in our journey, and really dive into who we are and what we're thinking. So #kindnessiscool. #smilesarefree and you #Enjoytheday.

Hass Sadeghi
Thanks Russ

Russ Johns
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