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[00:00:00] Introduction: Welcome to the #PirateBroadcast™, where we interview #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. Where you can expand your connections, your community, #kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree. Let’s get this party started.
[00:00:10] Russ Johns: We have another pirate in the house. Matt. Welcome back, man.
[00:00:14] Matt Roseman: Good to see. Thanks for having me. It was great the first time around, and I know you're looking for pirates routes, so I figured why not relative to,
[00:00:21] Russ Johns: We were talking before the show and I know that there's a lot going on in, in the tech space and, on LinkedIn and live streaming. And I just want to give a shout out to everybody that joining us, jumping in, jumping on and leaving comments. And if you have any questions for Matt, any tech questions that you might want to. You might want to ask during the show, you don't jump aboard. Join us. I'd love to have you love you having on here. And so you were telling me something that happened along the way. Interesting tech space. So catch us up on what you've been doing and what's going on lately in Matt's world. Yeah.
[00:01:02] Matt Roseman: That's that's pretty intriguing. One thing I'll say about it is that, expect the unexpected. So yesterday I'm at an appointment and I'm actually finishing up a conversion. One of my customers had their windows 10 crash. And so I had to sit there and to recover their information and they brought in a special IBM mainframe like 30 to 70 emulator from back in the day. Vitamin new machine. They had to run a sold software. They don't have it anymore. So I started off with that and I was finishing up my work, getting him back on office 365 and his outlook account. So in the process of doing more work is toward the end of the day. I go up to the bookkeeper name is Stephanie and I say, okay, I've been here. This is how much check is now. When I go up there, everything is fine. And I continue my work. I go back down and then I come back up again. And this is about maybe a half hour before close. Guess what I see all this water rushing out of the sink. That's up there. Yes it's. So at this point I'm like, shit, what do I do? So for about, I would say every 30 seconds, I said, you know what, let me go tell the owners what's going on because. What happened was this is that there's a water system there, a water cooler there too. Our water filters underneath the sink. Those started leaking for whatever random reason. And just randomly, I just started, I yelled out to the bookkeeper. I said, there's water leaking. She didn't hear it because she had fans running. And I get over there. And I'm trying to figure out how to shut it off. I can't. So then I go downstairs, tell him what's going on. And then one of the owners comes up. He sees this going on, mind you, Stephanie is trying to turn off the water valve or to put a bucket down. That's not working. So at this point, the carpet is saturated water and accused, rushing out. And I'm like until the owner tells me Matt, I can't bend over. Stephanie tells you I can't turn up the water vow. So I'm like, okay, let me try to kick you out, captain the the water filters and close them. Cause I thought they were open. They weren't open. So I'm like the hell with this. I finally am able to Trump the water valve because it's rusty. And finally the water stops running at that point is a huge puddle of water. Thankfully it's carpet there and it actually spills into one of the owners. The owner's office there. So they got very lucky, like frail that I was there and I was able to do that. So appealing. Now I am priority PC plumbing. And so what's scary is that if it had been a half hour later or on night or weekend, nobody would know the water's running and here's the thing, guess what's right underneath. Where that area is the server room. So the listing you want is, has a water, hit all the it, equipment, damage, everything. And then the Jason behind that is the mainframe with all of the wiring and rack mounts, for the office. So it could have been a lot worse. Believe it or not. The funny thing is that this podcast. Help me in solving that problem because I was delayed getting to my point tomorrow, yesterday, I was so busy promoting this, that I ended up getting delayed. It's like that star truck, you don't deal with a lot of live podcasts and I not had come on, or, I got there certain times. That I wouldn't have been there at that time, be able to solve that and Stephanie would not have seen the water problem. So the owner got one of those wet shop, dry vacs and apparently I am not Bob Vila. I am basically Bob Ross, so it's basically happy computer cloud. So it wasn't my forte, but I figured, okay, you know what? This is like a toilet, you just gotta turn off the water valve and that was it. But, they got very lucky. And so this is some of the aftermath of what was there in terms of the war died. Thankfully the water damage wasn't that bad. So here's one of the pictures of the water damage. In there. Yeah. So there's the water damage there. And then if it look over here is the shop back and then the water. So you see it seeped into the other room there. So I got very lucky and they got very lucky that nothing happened really that bad and nothing was damaged besides just carpet and having a dry out. So that was probably one of the most unique. Tech stories that I've ever had the gone through.
[00:05:39] Russ Johns: And a IBM emulator turned into plumber.
[00:05:45] Matt Roseman: Yes. So that was basically the the unique site, in terms of my yesterday.
[00:05:50] Russ Johns: Oh man eco-friendly prayer. I will be listening. So you got some fans in here that are jumping in. Lisa says Hey Matt.
[00:05:59] Matt Roseman: Hey, Lisa.
[00:06:01] Russ Johns: She's here. Chris Hennesy. Thank you so much for being here, Chris. Appreciate you joining the show. We're talking about tech in this space in a remote, you do a lot of remote assistance as well.
[00:06:17] Matt Roseman: Yeah. I have now, especially because of zoom and finding people that you never would connect with in real life. For example, I was speaking to somebody let's say in Australia and that never would have happened, had it not been for COVID and for technology. So it allows even like you and I remember we had found each other initially on lunch club and have not made that connection through lunch club. None of this would have occurred. So it really, and that's one of the things I love about technology. And I'm very passionate about is that when technology allows you to bring people together in different parts of the country and parts of the world, and it makes the world a smaller place, that's one of the greatest pleasures that I can think of in terms of being human and making those meaningful connections like you and I have.
[00:07:03] Russ Johns: It has a catch 22. The the last couple of years have required a lot more people to get online, interact online. And I've always, I've been online my whole life, as long as the internet has been around and the men in tech that long. And the reality is that we have the opportunity to make connections, join people in other parts of the world. We're all, flying through space in the same rock. So it's not unheard of to say, Hey, I can connect with Matt in Florida and be clear across the country and build a relationship and build friendships. I got friends all over the world as a result of doing this show and helping people out and making connections and just being open to building a relationship. And I think that's, what's really important.
[00:07:55] Matt Roseman: Oh, sure. And I always equate relationships to like a cake or a relationship cake. We have different layers of that cake or like a friendship flower. You have to feed the French and flour and give it a friendship fertilizer, or it, Wilson dies. That's, any relationship. It's the fact that we are one to lucky. We are the lucky ones. Think of all people that don't have computers, don't have technology, don't have internet or proper internet. There's so many people in this world who do not have the luxury of doing what we do. And that's something that I'm also grateful for as well, where I live in an area and I have technology or how enough. Or the means to be able to do these things and to make these connections. There are, there is that, that digital VITAS, they say where people have, where they don't have at all.
[00:08:47] Russ Johns: Yeah. And I think that there are some people that have, could have access to it and choose not to have access to it. I don't want to deal anything with it, and it's like my dad was one that he didn't even want to answer the phone. He goes, if people want to come and see me, they can come and see me. He was anti he wasn't anti-tech. He was just not. And he was obviously older, but my mom she's 85 and she gets on Facebook and she still messages people and connects with a family and, reaches out and 85. And to me, that just is, she was born there, when she had an outhouse growing up, and going from that to no indoor plumbing to connecting on Facebook is an amazing feat in the lifespan. And just imagine what it's going to be like in virtualization in the future. And what's going to take place next, in my kid's lifetime, like what's going to happen. What it's going to look like?
[00:09:43] Matt Roseman: It's crazy. Oh, sure. But really it comes down to the individual. And so for example, my mom is the same way that your dad was. She doesn't want, you refuse to use technology unless you actually have. And it comes down to the individual and how open-minded they are and what value and merit do they see from that technology? That's what it boils down to and say, okay, how is this going to enrich my life? How is this going to make me connect with other people? How open-minded and what am I willing to compromise or do, or learn to sit there and get there and nigh, but he has that mentality. If you don't see value in it, you're not going to want to do it. If you see value in it or you are humble enough or over my enough to want to try new things at that point, you'll grow as a person. Both, personally and hopefully professionally.
[00:10:33] Russ Johns: Yeah. It's really amazing to me to think that we have. I think we're still on the early stages of what technology will end up being. The reality is that it does take time to learn. It does take a desire to learn and continue to learn because things are evolving all the time. You mentioned IBM, 37, 50, whatever it was, terminal services. It's I remember doing that in 1992 and I don't know how many are even around anymore. IBM system 36. And the thought process is we have. We've gone through the mainframe phase, we've gotten to client server, we've gone to different iterations. And now we're on the cloud. And a lot of people are in Google and the cloud services and Amazon cloud services. And it's just amazing to me to continue to watch it evolve. And I'm curious, I'm constantly curious. What's out there. What could make life easier? Just like this show. This was impossible, five years ago, this wasn't a normal thing to do, and yet we're doing it now. And we have the ability and opportunity to connect with people all over the world by doing it. So it's really a powerful tool. And if you adopt it in a positive way #kindnessiscool smiles are free and you can share some great ideas and space with different people.
[00:11:57] Matt Roseman: Oh, sure. And so for us to be able to go on StreamYard or anything requires a combination of hardware and software and interconnection. So all those things have to come into play, plus our webcams and microphones. What have you. So all that has to be able to be there, to have it function and work. Otherwise this doesn't mean. So the infrastructure had to be there. And as you alluded to, we are very much in the infant. I really believe at some point that computers have gotten cheaper. They'll obviously continue to get faster. Microsoft was still be crashing windows, so nothing's going to be changing there. I That's a job security as it is apple, is it, sometime a lot of times they're great. Sometimes they'll break your device, which for people that don't know what fricking is, it's not, when you're building a house, it's when a software. Comes out for a piece of hardware that could cause it to be inoperable where it becomes a cup holder or an in order me. And so you'll have things like, electric getting more per now, especially with cars and you'll have faster charging for your devices and for your cars. And at some point. Yes, pumps will become the way the Dodo, I would say probably the next 20 or 30 years. So we have to save the planet because humans are killing it, and so we got the final turtle methods and technologies could be a huge key in that in terms of recycling. Saving the planet hopefully reversing some of the global warming and making the world more sustainable. Because right now, the way that the humans are going with resources and money and corporate agreed is that it is sustainable for the world. And humans have to fix what they created unfortunately.
[00:13:44] Russ Johns: I want to say hi to JD. Hey, pirates in the house. Howard. Welcome to the show. Thank you so much. Good morning. Let's catch up soon. Michael Baker. He's in your neck of the woods. Michael Baker says good morning pirates as the show is a great way to start the day. Thank you so much. I hope you feel better. I just, I've always been a nerd in the herd and, had an easy time with navigating with software for the most. In your experience though, Matt, what seems to be the biggest challenge with taking on technology, for a business owner? Is it the infrastructure? Is it the routers services, wireless connections storage windows crashing. What do you see as a common theme across business owners and what are they challenged with? What's the biggest challenge they do.
[00:14:35] Matt Roseman: The biggest challenge I typically have is that you're trying to get all these different systems to work with one another. And now I think play nut plays nice. And that to me is the biggest conundrum is that you have so many moving parts going on at once, and you hope that all those moving parts are always consistent. And congruent where it's always working and it's always, functioning, and sometimes you don't know where the culprit is because it could be so many different culprits. So that to me is the biggest issue is the fact that you have all this software that you hope works together and doesn't cause a problem or an issue, or you have Microsoft. Yo putting out 40 patches and then it causes the machine to crash your blue screen and go plaque or whatever else, or it doesn't boot properly. So even, apples, no angel either or Google, so nobody's an angel here in that respect. You have to constantly maintain it. Yeah. There has to be backup through us. We be redundancy. So there's so many different things have to consider, does the printer work? Can you scan, can you get email our settings? So there are multitude of such subtle settings where if one thing gets thrown off or a couple of things get thrown off, basically your deer in the headlights and the problem with people. It's we're all trained to have this mentality. We're okay. Everything's great. There's, the sun is out the, the the flowers are blooming. This there's a rainbow in the sky and now, okay, something's gone wrong. Here's the hurricane. And here's all the dark clouds of the thunderstorm. So that's the problem is that we don't realize how valuable the, it is in their technology until it goes down. And then everybody becomes. Look, what happened? We loop with Facebook going out for one day, the world kid. So that's the problem is that, it's such, it's so delicate and people don't realize how much work it takes just to maintain it, just like a car to drive to the food store or drive wherever. But there's so many things that they're going that car just allow that motion to get there. And so that's what people don't always understand or don't want to understand is the inherent complexity of oldest step is takes to get you to where you need.
[00:16:46] Russ Johns: It's amazing to think how much, how complex it actually is and how it acts, how fragile it can be. Cause there's, there are so many moving parts. I want to give a shout out to Jenny Gold. Thank you so much for good morning. I hope you're doing well this morning. Michael Baker says inspiration and innovation creation. Preservation absolutely game is in the house. Thank you for joining and jumping in gaming game is instrumental in bringing a lot of live streamers together. So if you can track the gate down and connect with people in the pirates in the room today, do please love to make sure that takes place as we are the salt of the earth. We are meant to preserve it. Absolutely. Happy Thursday pirates. Gabe says Michael Baker says collaboration, cooperation, unity, peace, and harmony. Absolutely. That's you know, Matt and I think are on the same page with that one. What are Matt's thoughts on ever developing? Metaverse that's a great topic.
[00:17:53] Matt Roseman: You got any thoughts about that?
[00:17:54] Russ Johns: That's a can of worms.
[00:17:55] Matt Roseman: The problem is that when Facebook didn't want to face all this scrutiny, either they're there now, the Metta or the, the metaverse. So basically what that is that companies are trying to include the virtual reality aspect. And of what could possibly be, and then having all the things you do outside in the real world done in virtually or to encompass one big thing. The problem is that, Facebook is deflecting for all the nefarious things, and, Mark Zuckerberg school, credit bully going down, w like the ship, in terms of the pirates are yeah, so that that's a problem here. And so it's good. If the concept works where you can invoke things in the real world, in the virtual world, and have people use the promise law, everybody is on AR or VR, or you have people like me of bushes sickness, w where I do have an Ivy of drumming going to my arm all the time. It's it has to take off, but the question is that, did Facebook hit a gold mine in meta or is it affecting the cause of all the lawsuits and all of the various things they've done and that's why they called themselves something else, because that reason alone.
[00:19:08] Russ Johns: Yeah. And I think, there's Apple's bringing out the glasses and there's a lot of. A lot of pressure on some of these people, manufacturing, the UV or the virtual goggles and things like that because like myself, I'm, legally lined in my right eyes. So I don't even know if it would work, I need to go test it out, see if I can even see that motion sickness. That's another thing, what's the impact and what's the long-term effects. Being in a virtual world like that, and actually connecting with people like that. It's Hey, I'm open to the idea. I would love the I the opportunity to, immerse myself in some of these more realistic potential environments, but there's still a lot of questions, a lot of outstanding items that, we don't know. And I'm interested to watch it because. Think of designers, I grew up in commercial construction and so a designer you put on goggles and you walk through the building and see how the walls are and see how things are. I can see the huge benefits of a lot of the pieces of the pie. And, the graphics are getting better. The response times are getting better. It's really amazing to imagine what it could be like. And at the same time, Everything has a cost, everything has a side-effect and not not everybody can participate. So I'm just curious to see how it works out. I like the idea though. I like to, I like the concept, Michael says, I see shows like this show becoming the way of the future as they allow for inclusion and participation. Absolutely. I love the live streaming space for that reason, Michael. And. I don't know if we'll ever go virtual, hard to say.
[00:20:48] Matt Roseman: In terms of the virtual aspects, they have to come out with headsets that are more comfortable and that lasts longer. And the question is, how do you resolve. The motion sickness is a way to just present, like the frame rate where it doesn't, affect you and your equilibrium. So those are things that have experienced that. Oh God. Yes. I can fly in a plane and I need draft. Just to, because of the emotion and a plane. So I always had that as a kid because I had tubes in my ear when I was younger and it's my equilibrium, so I can go on a rollercoaster. I can get sick and throw up. For people that have motion sickness, it, how do you do it? That's why I can't play a lot of games now because of the. Of the game being too quick or take a drum meter or something of that nature. So it's not just the physical aspect is also the virtual aspects. And a lot of these headsets also can get too hot, and how many graphics in the interaction. And they're also very proprietary where Won't work with the Google or Samsung VR. So you have different platforms, competing against one another.
[00:21:50] Russ Johns: So are we going back to the beta VHR.
[00:21:53] Matt Roseman: Yeah. Yeah, the beta VHS days. So it's still very much in the infancy, but as technology gets better, hopefully those aspects will get addressed.
[00:22:04] Russ Johns: It's funny how life works out. It always evolves in it's almost like a balancing act. The pendulum swings one way and then it goes too far and then it swings the other way. And people get on board and make changes and adjustments, companies are going to come and go and evolve and technology is going to evolve. And the reality is. As long as humanities around where we're living in the most amazing time with humanity right now, because of these opportunities to connect and build relationships. And that's what I think is really important and key, regardless of how we connect. Whether it's just a three, a screen like this or 3d or virtual, whatever happens to be, I just really appreciate the fact that we can connect and build relationships.
[00:22:49] Matt Roseman: And that's the key. The thing is that COVID is still out there. People are still isolating to a certain extent. And now at the Albany prom period, who knows, what's going to sit there and transpire there. We want to make connections. And yet we have all these technologies to do it with. The question is what is the quality of those connections? And for example, I'm very grateful that you and I have relationship, that we do when we have the chemistry that we do. So it's not just finding the people. It's what can you bring to the table for each other and how you can enrich your lives. And so really it is quality, not quantity.
[00:23:25] Russ Johns: Yeah. I like Michael Baker says if we're going to solve our problems of addiction and depression, Which they're connected. I believe we need to address the issues of isolation by building the connections. And a lot of people, isolation is a huge issue. Being unable to make those connections, make unable to actually get connected with people and have interactions and actually have conversations. I think it's really important for us to understand. Not everybody is the same. Everybody's a little unique. Some people are okay being all alone and not being bothered all day. Other people need interaction. They want to be able to have conversations with people and everything else that we do and absolutely relationships to me are. Fundamental they're key to our existence. We're humans, where we're designed to have relationships and connections, in my opinion, at some level and some more than others, but the reality is we still need connections. So thank you so much for being here, Matt and hanging out with me. I I know that your business is growing. You're going to continue to support people. Let, how do you like to make connections and how do you like people to reach out.
[00:24:45] Matt Roseman: Best thing is that social media, you can check me out on my my website, massive PC service.com. I'm also on LinkedIn and Facebook as well, have to go old school. And I, my, my phone number is listed there, send me an email. I'm easily get in contact with, you also schedule a through calendar leap and find me on zoom, and those are ways to connect. So I can be able to help you in terms of, whatever it needs and challenges, when it comes to it.
[00:25:09] Russ Johns: I love the fact that we can do that. And when he's oh, Wendy jumps in. Hey, good morning pirates. Thank you, Wendy. Love that. You're here. Hope you're having a wonderful day. And Michael says we are, as we are live, learn, grow, and develop to become absolutely. And windy. I just want to say. It looks connected. Catch up with you at some point this week. So let's do that. Matt, thank you so much for being here. Once again, always a pleasure to hang out and nerd out on some tech stop, conversations and love looking forward to a next adventure in our pirate crew here. And. Thank you so much for being here. I really appreciate you. And thank you for showing up joining in and please follow. The hashtag pirate broadcast to get notified and updates on anything in the future. Also go check out some of the courses and things that I've got going on. The #PirateSyndicate. I know it's important to continue to grow and continue to support the live streaming. And I look forward to doing that in the future. I'll be continuing to produce courses and supporting the, supporting this community. And so just join us time and thanks, Matt. Any last words?
[00:26:32] Matt Roseman: No, it was great having you and great being out again. And I look forward to round three.
[00:26:37] Russ Johns: Awesome. Thank you so much. And we do this because#kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree and you #enjoytheday take care.
[00:26:48] Exit: Thank you for joining the #PirateBroadcast™. If you found this content valuable, please like, comment and share it across your social media channels. I would love the opportunity to help others grow in their business. The #PirateSyndicate™ is a platform where you show up, we produce the show. It's that easy. If you want to be seen, be heard and be talked about, join the #PirateSyndicate™ today.
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