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Catch Josh Tapp on the #PirateBroadcast

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Sharing Interesting people doing interesting things.

I love sharing what others are doing to create, add value, and help in their community. 

The approach people use and how they arrived at where they are today fascinates me. 

So… I invite them to become a PIRATE on the

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Historically, pirate broadcasting is a term used for any type of broadcasting without a broadcast license. With the internet, creating your own way of connecting has evolved.  

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​Russ Johns 0:00
Welcome to the #Piratebroadcast, where we interview #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings where you can expand your connections, your community. #Kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree. Let's get this party started.

It's a good day for a #piratebroadcast. We have obviously, #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. I want to introduce you to and if you're not connected to you need to be connected to Josh. Josh is a rebel, a pirate, and he's kind of going down this path of helping podcasters and possibly broadcasters. I don't know.

Josh Tapp 0:44

Russ Johns 0:45
Attention and kind of build an audience. We're going to be talking about that and also somemindset and, a few things about life and liberty. I know that there'll be nuggets of knowledge being dropped here today. So Joshua, Welcome to the party. Welcome. Thank you for being a pirate. How are you?

Josh Tapp 1:04
Excited to be here

Russ Johns 1:07
It's funny because I've been in the podcasting arena and it's growing and it's expanding and everything else in what you're doing with the Titan. I'll let you talk about that a little bit. What you're doing is really useful because a lot of people want to start a podcast, they want to start something and they want to put it out there, and they just don't know how to grow it. It's like, Hey, I had a great show last night, my mom and my two sisters watched it and

Josh Tapp 1:44
That's a start

Russ Johns 1:45
It always starts that way. I'm gonna dive deep into this because I want to pull back the curtain and let people know that it's work. It does take some effort and time and energy and there's ways that you can grow it. Talk a little bit about how you got here, why you're doing what you're doing. What it is what it is that really sparks the creativity in you.

Josh Tapp 2:13
Yeah. I love that. Well, I mean, I could go clear back to when I was eight years old and trying to sell my random crap on the side of the street. As a kid, I always believed in entrepreneurship, and I knew it was something that I wanted to do. When I turned 21, at that point, I'd had probably five companies already mowing lawns or doing different little things. I say companies very lightly, right. I ended up starting a marketing agency and we were doing Facebook ads for small businesses, which is kind of I don't even know how to say it's kind of a more popular type business. Yeah, it's one of the the sexy businesses that a lot of people are starting right now because it's easy. I quickly found that getting customers was really difficult. Keeping customers for a long time was really difficult because there were two things that happen you either outperformed what they were expecting, and they're like, great, we're done, or you always underperformed what they were expecting when the expectations were too high. You were never really happy as the business owner because the relationship was weird. I woke up one morning realizing I'm like, I'm struggling to do this. I don't really love to do this. That same day, I was having a lot of doubts and that happens pretty frequently is

Russ Johns 3:33
The imposter syndrome kicks in.

Josh Tapp 3:36

Russ Johns 3:39
I'm not qualified to do this.

Josh Tapp 3:42
Oh yeah

Russ Johns 3:43
It just doesn't fit my style my life.

Josh Tapp 3:45
Yeah, and for me, what was really interesting is I felt like I was starting to gain the skill, but I still had that imposter syndrome because I'm like, I don't know if I could provide your results. I mean, you're gonna pay me and I'm gonna do everything I possibly can to get your result.

Russ Johns 3:57

Josh Tapp 3:58
What I realized though, I sit down With a mentor of mine, I got I was really blessed to work with a guy multimillionaire guy, who he sat me down. He asked me, he's like why are you doing what you're doing? He's like, You don't seem like you're happy, and you're living your fullest. I was like, honestly, I mean, we were making the money. That was good. Yeah, it's making a good living. But I was trying to figure out how to scale and how to grow and honestly to be happy. We realized, I loved the marketing. I loved my customers. I love working with business owners, but I hated the relationship that we had, which was basically me coming to them on my knees begging for business.

Russ Johns 4:34

Josh Tapp 4:36
What we realized at that point is I said, Okay, I need to make a major shift. I sold out most of my shares in the company. I'm only a 10% silent partner in that company now.I basically just feed that business now. I decided to start the lucky type podcast, which is, honestly was one of my big passion points. I love podcasts. I love listening to radio shows what have you. When it all came down to it, I was like, Okay, I'm just going to start interviewing entrepreneurs. I want to interview kind of like you're doing interesting people, but I wanted to do it in the entrepreneurial niche.

One of my favorite podcasts was entrepreneurs on fire. I just kind of modeled what he did. Things started to blow up. It was really weird. I found exactly who I like to serve. We went pretty quick from zero. I went from nothing, basically, to within two months, I had replaced my income at my previous in my previous company, and surpassed it by six months, far surpassed by six months. I started to have this realization that I think I figured it out. I didn't start with a product I started with. I said, Okay, I'm going to find an audience.

Russ Johns 5:47
Build an audience.

Josh Tapp 5:48
Yeah. Then I'm like, I'll give them what they want. That's basically our journey and that's how we've gotten to where we're at today and what we're doing now.

Russ Johns 5:56
Well, it's interesting because a lot of people Specially people from my, well, I don't even know if it's my generation, or it's this preconceived notion that broadcasting is still the preeminent way to go. There's some limitations to that. If you're building an audience and you're building a community, and they're fans and you got 1000 fans, what is it? Oh, Oh, I forgot his name. He wrote the article on 1000 raving fans.

Josh Tapp 6:38
Oh, there's like 10 of them.

Russ Johns 6:41
Yeah, the whole point, is that you can build a really solid base of individuals that you have in your community, and that feeds the funding of what you're doing and what you're passionate about, and it's really amazing To me that traditional businesses, more traditional businesses having adopted the opportunity to do that people will stand in line for a phone at Apple and it's kind of the same thing. Same thing with Tesla, their marketing dollars are pretty thin. However, they have a thousands of fans waiting for the car. It's odd to me to watch that dynamic coming from advertising and billboards and broadcasting and radio, and it's a different model. What was it that really was the, the fuel in the funnel that allowed you to grow like that? What do you feel like it was?

Josh Tapp 7:49
Well, and that's actually what our business model is now as I do teach people how to do it because so I'm one of those people I'm very against becoming an influencer. Being an Instagram influencer. I want to illustrate the story because it's really funny to see how this happens.

Russ Johns 8:08
I would rather be a encourager

Josh Tapp 8:11
Right. Yep. Or a leader. I mean, I know that's not a sexy term, but a true leader, right. We had this guy, he reached out to us. He's like, Josh, I, I really I have this audience of 300,000 people who follow me across Facebook and Instagram. I've never sold them anything. He's like, I'd really like to start monetizing it. Like Okay, well, let's try something. We put a we put up a, I mean, what would you call like a like an ad of some sort with within his group. What was really funny is he didn't get a single sale, not one off of 300,000 people. Then I was looking at our audience we had I think, at the time 1500 people, and I put the same offer up on mine because we were doing a joint venture on it. We made 400 sales off of our people. Okay.

Russ Johns 9:00
The quantity of sales was so much higher even though we we had way less people in our audience at the time, but it was because we had built an audience of like you just posted there, right? The raving fans.

Yeah. Kevin Kelly. Thanks.

Josh Tapp 9:15
Yeah. There's so many. I think that's clear back from like, Dan Kennedy, you talked about that. I mean, some of the top marketers bring that up. It's not a concept that we've made up by any means. I believe in in creating what we call like an army of fans, it's people that are going to rally to you and to what you're doing. There are people who will continually pay you and support you, no matter what their financial situation is because they know you're going to take care of them. Right. As brands in today's world in some of these larger companies, the reason why people line up for Tesla cars, is because they know no matter what car they get into.

They're becoming part of a community. Whenever they buy one of Tesla's vehicles, they know that it's going to be the best product on the market, right, right thing with with iPhone and I think it's because they they take care of their people so well. This is coming from somebody I've worked in multiple different industries, we've seen a lot of different business models at this point, but they're not. I mean, the ones who are really winning and the ones who are creating true community are the people who are really truly providing a result for their people and helping them feel wanted by that. They're seen by that by the business instead of seen as a customer.

Russ Johns 10:33
That's really good. I was actually mentioning you on a experiment we were doing with Gabriel. He's also a live streamer. He also has a podcast on mental illness and stuff. Check out Gabriel, but we were mentioning the Titan organization and what specifically is it called?

Josh Tapp 10:57
It's called the lucky Titan.

Russ Johns 10:58
The lucky Titan. Yeah. I couldn't recall. I was drawing a blank at this point in time. I'll just put it out there. That's kind of what you're doing with the podcasters in your community is the lucky Titan is really about helping the community, understand what it takes to grow. As I really enjoy and appreciate that, and so is that a result of the journey that you've taken already and kind of brought all of these ideas these concepts together and put it into the lucky Titan?

Josh Tapp 11:34
Yeah, and that's a really good question, because I don't really consider myself the guru. I don't know everything. I'm still a young guy, right? I've been in business for I mean, seven years now, I think, but for most people, the thing that frustrates me the most is when I go and I opt into somebody's course or what have you. They pretend that they know they have the answer to everything, right? I'm not that way. I'm the guy who's like, I'm going to point you at The best people. Really when people come and follow us, I'm not always selling them things that are mine, or giving them free things that are mine. I have a few specific things that I know work. I know they work well. We teach joint venture partnerships. That's like my number one platform, I stand on that I teach.

If you want to know about how to make a successful funnel, I'm not the guy to go to right. We have a successful funnel, but I couldn't duplicate it for you, right? We go and we find somebody. That's where the podcast comes into play, or we'll bring in and we'll bring in like multimillionaires to come and talk about their successful funnels and I try to find the most successful people. Then we what we do is we actually model it first. Me and my company we will take and we'll apply what they have their software, or what have you to our business. Then once it's worked for us, we bring them in to talk about it. Because there's a lot of people out there just kind of shooting the breeze saying oh, this is what works and in my opinion, there's there's what works for one company. Then there's true principles that work for every copany or true strategies that work for every company?I think too often those lines are kind of crossed.

Russ Johns 13:06
Yeah. Always, it seems like, especially in social media and marketing in the digital space. The thing that I like, or appreciate in the digital space is that data has a tendency to overwhelm your logic because what you think may be working, may not necessarily be working, it's like this should work. This should bring some people into the pipeline, and it doesn't always work that way. The data can tell you whether or not you're moving in the right direction or not. It's really fascinating. I'm not an expert at anything. However, I have learned a few things along the journey, right.

A lot of what I love to do, at least with the Pirate syndicate is I have built systems that allow things to come together in a way that I can document and delegate it. Putting together a show and having it up on a podcast and a post and a transcription and everything is really a powerful tool that a business owner can use to build his influence and his authority and visibility in the market. Be seen be heard and be talked about. That's kind of what you're talking about with your podcast wasonce you had an opportunity to attract, then people were starting to show up in your world. So you didn't have to chase the business owners down. We kind of knew what you do, right?

Josh Tapp 14:42

Russ Johns 14:43
Is that a principle that you use often now?

Josh Tapp 14:46
Yeah. Well, the method that I really like to teach people, it's just kind of, so if you're brand new, or you're trying to get your first 100 raving fans, don't try to create an audience. That's the number one problem that people run into. It's like Okay I've got to create this audience, all you need to do is find groups of people who are already congregating together, who are your ideal customers and get in front of them. For example, if you're a podcaster, right? Let's say I'm my ideal customer right now is as podcasters. Right? We're working, trying to get in front of a lot of podcasters. What we'll do is we'll come on shows like yours, we know there's podcasters that listen to your podcast, and we've gone in front of audiences.

Like, anchor.fm is a podcast hosting platform, we're doing some joint ventures with them, because I know if I can get in front of their audience, they're going to be I can just have them I'm kind of like borrowing their audience and bringing them over to to mine, right. The thing that we found is that as we put in our information in front of them, we can pull over their audience into into our audience, right? We kind of create our own audience at that point.

Russ Johns 15:53
You're using the NASCAR method you're drafting

Josh Tapp 15:56
Yep. 100% and the thing that, everyone's like isn't that stealing customers, believe it or not, it actually enhances what they're doing.

Russ Johns 16:05
You're showing value in their community as well.

Josh Tapp 16:08
100% and as an audience owner, when somebody says to me, can I come and present in front of your audience? I'm like, Oh, yeah, let's do it because there's so much more value to me.

Russ Johns 16:18
That's fantastic

Josh Tapp 16:19
To that, as well. If you're trying to grow your audience, the number one thing to do is to have a platform to stand on. If you want to sit down with a multi millionaire or billionaire or maybe just an actor or somebody that you're like, I really want to sit down with this person. Give them a platform to stand on.

Russ Johns 16:35

Josh Tapp 16:35
You know all about that.

Russ Johns 16:37
Yeah. So Gabriel asked, Who's your favorite guest, Josh, who's been my favorite guest on our show.

Josh Tapp 16:45
Yeah, your show. I gotta be careful because a lot of them might listen to this. I genuinely like every guest we have on is amazing. But I think the one that was one of the funnest interviews that I've ever had, was with Steve Sims.

Russ Johns 17:00
Oh, Steve's awesome. I've had him on the show.

Josh Tapp 17:03

Russ Johns 17:05
In fact, I've been thinking about joining his community and getting a little more involved and engaged in that just because I like hanging out with the guy.

Josh Tapp 17:15
Yeah, well, I'm going to one of his events. You should go there. I've heard their amazing.

Russ Johns 17:19
Yeah. Well, is he when's the next? I mean, he has

Josh Tapp 17:25
The one we're doing they got postponed. They're, yeah, they're incredible. The reason I liked talking with him in particular was because his You know when you interview somebody, you've seen this, right. It's a lot about their story and things like that. There's a lot of good meat. He just brought, like you said, He's just got a fun personality.

Russ Johns 17:46

Josh Tapp 17:47
He also brings a totally different take on branding. The guy is a branding genius.

Russ Johns 17:53
Yeah, yeah. He's very unique. I enjoy hanging out with him. It's funny. Because you talked about building an audience the first thousand.

Josh Tapp 18:05
Mm hmm.

Russ Johns 18:06
I know Wendy Wendy's in the room. Hey, Wendy. Uh, is there an interview where she could do a do over? You gotta be careful about that one too.

Josh Tapp 18:18

Russ Johns 18:21
A lot of lot of interviews sometimes failed because of one. I had one interview, that connection was just poor. I mean, it's just like, yeah, it's just a poor cut. In fact, we're going to be doing a do over.

Josh Tapp 18:36
Yeah. Well, honestly, I know the exact one. I think you would agree with me on this. I had john Lee Dumas on the podcast.

Russ Johns 18:45
Oh, yeah.

Josh Tapp 18:46
It's From entrepreneurs on fire. It was a good episode. I was really unprepared. I won't lie. John is a really important. He's a really important person for us. Like I really genuinely love the guy and when we had him on, I just felt like my questions weren't on point. I wasn't on top of my game that day. You know how it is sometimes when you're interviewing people, sometimes you're just like, I'm drawing a blank. I feel like I did that for the whole episode.

Russ Johns 19:13
Like Kevin Kelly. Normally Kevin Kelly comes off my tongue. It's like, Okay, I got 10,000 things on my mind. Is there a frequency or interval that you find is really, I think is john Lee Dumas is his daily. That's what made him famous. That's what brought him to the top of the charts. It's very systematic. I mean he asked the same questions for every guest and you kind of know what to expect and anticipate. Having him on the show and interviewing him is probably a different response.Pat flat is another one that I really enjoy and appreciate for his, and he dropped so much value into the communities and there's so many amazing podcasters and the reality is that podcasting, coming from a radio background and actually running shows and being a host on radio programs, it's oftentimes that we have this idea of what it should be.

It's not always the way that it rolls out. Like you said, get in front of other people's audience and add value just create some value and it always seems to come to the top and provide some results. What are some other things that we can actually think about as podcasters broadcasters. As far as the the industry goes, What do you see happening and where do you see it going for yourself and for the lucky Titans?

Josh Tapp 20:48
Yeah, well, so one of the things that when it comes down to it, if you're trying to move into the future, a lot of people are still running Facebook ads and doing things like that coming from an advertising background, I don't think any of those are really a waste of time. I think they're the most potent way to actually grow an audience and to to create fans. I believe in the joint venture partnership, it's a free way to advertise your business. Honestly, we've seen way better results doing that. I want to explode that is because most people are like, okay, I don't understand a joint venture is, and a joint venture is just essentially partnering up with somebody else, to provide value to both of your audiences.

That's how we work as we try to not just do it one to one, we try to do it in a group setting. A whole community of people who we put together into groups of five or 10 people to promote one another's content. On top of that, we do giveaways together, we do summits together, that kind of stuff. Those are the sort of ways that we bring huge amounts of value into our audiences. Let me explain it this way because for us, we have another company it's a travel based company out of Hawaii and when we went to so they hired me honor partner me in right they gave me Part of the company to help them go digital because they've been in the print space forever. We had about 50,000 followers across our social media platforms, and they were barely making any money off of their following.

Russ Johns 22:11
Mm hmm.

Josh Tapp 22:11
I got to be careful with that one too. But they weren't making a ton of money off of it. They came to me like, hey, how do we grow our audience? What we did is we create a one joint venture, we got Volkswagen. Who else? I'm trying to remember some of them some of these big travel influencerrs. Swiss for the backpack company. We got a couple of really big companies to end this is something by the way you can do with if you don't have a name, but we went to all them and said, Hey, we're growing our email lists. Do you want to donate like a suitcase or maybe two or $300 to this vacation package, and we gave a sweepstakes away to all of our audiences. Then all of us emailed our lists. Between all of us, there's about 5 million people on the email lists. We all emailed them, and anybody who opted in, we all got their email address, right? On our end of things, it literally cost us $250. We literally got 100,000 emails off of that huge growth for us, right. All of those businesses got that same growth. You can do that on a smaller scale. If you find four or five other influencers who want to pitch in $100, to some sort of giveaway, you get people to opt in. I mean, that's my favorite joint venture. Honestly, it's the quickest way to grow a list of people.

Russ Johns 23:27

Josh Tapp 23:28
We've seen huge value come from that. The cool part about that the reason it works so much better than say I just put $500 into a giveaway to my to my audience or to run Facebook ads to it. The way it works so much better as a doesn't cost us anything. That is those people who opt in for this are actually referral traffic. Right? They're right right there. They've already got a brand that they know like and trust who's saying hey, here's this really cool giveaway. There they are, automatically have that trust when they come and join you were with a Facebook ad. It takes a long time.

Russ Johns 23:59
It's more like a warm Lead than cold call, right?

Josh Tapp 24:02
Yeah. 100%?

Russ Johns 24:04

Josh Tapp 24:04
We run into that a lot when a lot of people ask us, well, isn't it faster to do Facebook ads? I'm like, not really. I mean, you might initially get cash upfront. All of the people that you see who are winning online right now, they do have Facebook ads to support their joint venture models that they're using.

Russ Johns 24:20
Well, and I think the one thing that's key to communicate here, though, is also the fact that if you have 100,000 emails, you still have to provide value, you still have to nurture that list and grow that list. There's going to be drop offs. There's going to be people that and deliverables and people that are not necessarily going to and it's just amazing what you can do when you add value and help people along the way whether they're joint partner or not, it's good practice in business. What are the plans or the strategies that you have going forward with? The lucky Titan is it continues model in and build the, a titan community around that.

Josh Tapp 25:05

Russ Johns 25:05
It Sounds like that would be really a great opportunity for us to, I'm building out the pirate syndicate, and probably some conversations that we could have around that too.

Josh Tapp 25:16
Let's do it man! We're performing joint ventures during a show, this is awesome.

Russ Johns 25:24
I have other businesses that I help very similar to yours. They're growing and they're startups and that's kind of what my other businesses I do. I've been doing marketing for years and I have clients that are on retainer, and I do work for them. Whether it's ads or brochures or whatever it happens to be. Helping them grow their audiences another piece of the puzzle that I can appreciate and it's always nice to have people that you're connected with, like Steve Sims and Josh, tapp and people in the industry that understand what it takes to move forward in the market.

Josh Tapp 26:08
I thought about that. I think networking is kind of an icky word. When you think of networking, you think of going to like a DNI event and somebody throwing cards in your face. What we found, though, we talked about providing value to people, I think, you should provide value to your audience. If you want to partner with people don't come to them with value, because people can see through it. Like, if I go, yeah, here's like it not that it doesn't work, right, like you can still give value, right? What I found is the easiest way to get somebody to work with you is to come to them with a unique collaborative opportunity.

So if you come to somebody and say, Hey, here's this dunk for you thing. For example, right? You do a great job with this with your show. Okay, I'd love to have you on my show. I don't know if you do any like affiliate splits or what have you, but you basically just say, Okay, come on my show. You can Promote your thing. Then you give them the templates, you send them, hey, make this post beforehand, make this post afterwards. For me as the guest, it's a no brainer, because my team literally just did everything that you asked us to do. It took like two minutes. Because you put the time in beforehand to make it easy for me. For me, it's like, Wow, that's amazing. Because I'm willing to post your content or do whatever you want me to do. I don't want us to think. When you come to me with that unique collaborative opportunity, I'm like, boom, I'll split sales with you all day, man.

Russ Johns 27:32
Yeah, yeah. Well and especially when it's something that adds value to your community, as well, because you don't have to do any of the heavy, heavy lifting.

Josh Tapp 27:43

Russ Johns 27:43
That's amazing. Gabriel has a good question for Josh: What do you feel about text messaging groups like Gary Vaynerchuk and David mesler used to send out content?

Josh Tapp 27:58
Yeah. So I love text messaging groups, and that is what I would call a level two strategy. People think that email is people are costly emails dead are the salary other, but email has actually made a comeback. It's the one thing throughout history that continues to be the place that you

Yeah, and the reason why is because everything anybody does is tied to that email. Having their email doesn't just give you the ability to email them gives you the ability to retarget them with ads to find them and all these different platforms, throw ads in front of them or what have you. The cool thing about text messaging, the reason why that still works well, is because people don't really get texted as often anymore. People get polos, they get snapchats. I don't even know I'm not even that hip, right? I don't even know. Tik tok. I'm still LinkedIn guy. I'm like an old fashioned guy with that.


Russ Johns 28:58
Is that where your primary Audience hangs out.

Josh Tapp 29:01
Yeah. We have our own proprietary community called the tribe of Titans. That's where most people, that's where I usually hang out

Russ Johns 29:08
I remember.

Josh Tapp 29:09
Oh, yeah, yeah. Russ knows. That's where I typically hang out. Then LinkedIn is kind of my typical mainstream place that I hang out. Just because there's very little competition on there. We grew an audience there organically.

Russ Johns 29:23

Josh Tapp 29:24
Yeah, I do think though. Just to answer his question. I think, if you want to get into text messaging space, don't enter until you have a good strategy to build your email list. What text will do is they will enhance your follow up process with people. To be completely honest, I think it's very invasive to people who you haven't built a really good rapport with.

Russ Johns 29:50
Yeah, I think you have to have an audience. That's just another tool in the toolbox is how I see it to continue The high touch and the frequency of communication and adding value sharing that. I want to I want to give a shout out to Kathy Spooner great info love the idea of partnering to enhance other mutual benefit. A business owner entering the digital space, it can be overwhelming to start because of the noise that does not have validity. That's a great point, Kathy and I really want people to understand that it's, there are people like Josh out there. I've helped a lot of different people along their journey and given them assistance. Josh is the same way. There's people out there that are willing and able to help. It's like Josh's entire philosophy. Go out there and collaborate with some people that have more information about a discipline or a skill set that you don't have that You can help out with and offer value to. It's an exchange. It's a true exchange. I think that's when the networking, no longer is icky.

Josh Tapp 31:11
Yeah. That's where it becomes fun.

Russ Johns 31:14

Josh Tapp 31:15
I also want to give her a couple of resources if she's okay with that. I hope she is.

Russ Johns 31:20

Josh Tapp 31:22
This is coming. I spent over $40,000 in my first year on courses, coaching, consulting and going to events, everything. I found the number one way to really learn in a potent manner is to get a coach. I know people hate hearing that because it's like, oh, that's expensive. Even if you get a coach that charges you $1,000 a month, it will be the best money you ever spent. Let's just say you are unable to afford a coach the next best place I mean, I'm going to promote our own stuff, right? Obviously, we're gonna place because we're going to I'm not here to give you a bunch of tactics. We're here to give you the exact strategy that works.

To get started, but on top of that the two resources that I found for getting entering the digital space if you're brand new to the digital space, and Click Funnels is a software company that they have this thing that just launched, it's called funnel flicks.

Russ Johns 32:15
Russell Brunson.

Josh Tapp 32:17

Russ Johns 32:17
He's in Boise.

Josh Tapp 32:18
Yeah. He's in Boise. Yeah, not too far from me.

Russ Johns 32:21
He's right down the street.

Josh Tapp 32:23
Kind of ish. It's like four hours. They have this thing called funnel flicks, which is this training edge of this marketing education platform. We've actually hung the code up on all of our other marketing stuff and gone straight to theirs and to Ryan deiss as digital marketer,

Russ Johns 32:39
Brian Dice is a pretty sharp guy.

Josh Tapp 32:42
Yeah. I mean, there's tons of so the thing the hard part in today's world, it's pretty easy to be sold on $1,000 course on how to do XYZ. Typically, what those are doing is they're teaching you one piece of the puzzle, right? They're cheap, and they're they're worth it.I've never bought a course and said that was a total waste of time.

Russ Johns 33:00
I've always learned something from every course.

However, Like you said, though, it typically teaches you one piece of a large stack of items that you need to know to bring it all together.

Josh Tapp 33:03

Well and so I'll just give you my dad and he's been starting a YouTube channel and everything I got him kind of to go into the Digital's he's retired. He loves fixing cars. He started you go check them out. It's crazy dad's garage. I'll just throw it out there.

Russ Johns 33:29
Eternal marketer.

Josh Tapp 33:30
Yeah, exactly. His YouTube channel that I was just like, he just works on cars all day. He loves he builds Hot Rods and things like that and I was like, well just start a YouTube channel. Just video everything you're doing. So we got him. Camera users use his phone, but we got him a camera and he just records us. What we found with a lot of people like when they're coming into it, he was running into the same problem. he'd buy these courses. They teach him one thing and he's like, they get you 90% of the way there and then they don't give you that Last 10% and I realized something that for myself having been in the marketing space for so long, I realized, well, that's actually not true.

The problem is, what happens is, so they're teaching you Facebook ads. They're like, Okay, so here's this, they teach you the entire way to run a Facebook ad. Then they don't teach you copyright and Oh, yeah. And then you just throw in this really good copy and you're like, Okay, but I suck at writing

Russ Johns 34:23
How come my ads are not working.

Josh Tapp 34:24
Right. Yeah.

Russ Johns 34:26
Don't Have any coffee.

Josh Tapp 34:27
Yeah, exactly. That's one of the first skills you should learn by the way, copywriting is a great, but that's the reason I like so the Click Funnels is a great place. Then Ryan deiss, a digital marketer, because they, they have it all. And so you can go through and you can learn because it's, I want to say it's easy to enter the digital space, but there are a lot of moving pieces.

Russ Johns 34:49
There's a lot of moving pieces

Josh Tapp 34:51
Like there's low barriers to entry, which makes it appealing, but you need to be willing to invest in the education side of it. Because, I mean, if you've got to start somewhere, but you've got to have the full puzzle picture. The first place I recommend for people to start is to build a platform. Start a podcast, a YouTube channel, a Facebook group, whatever you want to start wherever you're comfortable. That's either video audio or written word, right?

Russ Johns 35:18
I always say words, images, audio or video.

Josh Tapp 35:21
There you go. Yeah.

Russ Johns 35:22
You're the media.

Josh Tapp 35:23
Yeah, exactly. I love it. Well, and so you want to create some sort of thing like that. If you're not confident, being the person who's like the dancing monkey in front like Russ and I. Be the interviewer.

Russ Johns 35:34

Josh Tapp 35:35
Being an interviewer is so easy, because you bring on cool people, and you just sit back and let them talk. I've even seen people where they don't even interview them. They do a quick intro like, Hey, this is Russ. He's from the #piratebroadcast and listen to him, right? Then they just let him speak for 20 minutes, right?

Russ Johns 35:52
It's a presentation

Josh Tapp 35:54
Right It's a presentation and what's cool is you'll organically grow your audience that way But so the first thing you do is you build a platform. then the next thing I would do is focus on building an audience don't even build a product yet. I mean, people get so gung ho on why this thing I want to get to the world, and everybody starts with a product of your records, right? the number one mistake in entrepreneurship is like, okay, I want to, I want to sell the soap. I know that soap is so important. They go out and they spend all this money and time to build soap, but then they're like, okay, who wants myself and they go, waving it across the Internet, and they'll make maybe 1020 sales, right?

What you should be doing is go and find a group of people who don't shower and say, hey, what type of soap would make you want a shower? Right? You build the soap that they want. They want one that smells like bacon, you give them soap that smells like bacon, even if you don't think that's still going to sell

Russ Johns 36:49
You may not have the best answer.

Josh Tapp 36:51
Right. Yeah.

Russ Johns 36:52
The other thing that I want to make sure that you know, back to Kathy's point, and before we wrap up, I want to make sure that another great tool that individuals can use that is is very Low entry is find a group of like minded individuals, that somebodymay be a little further ahead than you and somebody may need some help. But start a mastermind. Get together and structure it in a way that is productive and easy to access and available to everyone and just start brainstorming because like, when you're building things in your own mind, it becomes a vacuum and you can't see around the corner. If you can have other people point that out for you, it's much easier to see what you might be doing that can be improved.

Josh Tapp 37:43
Yeah. You hit a great, I mean, you could open a huge can of worms to this. I'm a huge mastermind fan. When we made that transition in our business, that was the first product we sold was was a mastermind.

Russ Johns 37:55

Josh Tapp 37:56
What was really funny is I'm like okay, I want to get around the right people.

Russ Johns 37:59
Uh huh.

Josh Tapp 37:59
So I Ask my mentor, he's a multimillionaire. Can I use your name? Will you be a part of this mastermind? Obviously, I'm not going to charge him because he's my mentor at that point. Can I use your name? I went around to a bunch of people that I knew I couldn't reach without knowing his name, right. Two people who knew him and who were also millionaires, and we created a mastermind of 10 of us. All millionaires, I was not at, but I got to be around them, and I made money off of it. That is a great place to start. Kudos for bringing that up.

Russ Johns 38:28
Yeah. Josh, I really appreciate the fact that you're here. I want to have continued conversations around this subject, because I think it's important to share because there's a lot of frustrated people out there that are working on the next course and like you said, they get 90% of the way and they don't know where to go or why doesn't work. I think it's important conversation to have and the #piratebroadcast was built on the idea that #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. It's really about giving back to the community and helping and assisting individuals that are just working to improve their life. right now, we have so many people out there that are open to opportunities. We're just I think on the tip of the iceberg to see this expansion in the digital arena and, and how we can produce business, real business on the digital space. I think it's really important for people like yourself and others around us to produce content that helps people along their journey. Thanks for being here, man.

Josh Tapp 39:40
Yeah, I really appreciate that. Thanks for having me on. It was fun.

Russ Johns 39:42
Yeah, well, so as always, I know we got to wrap up and we're way over time apparently. I'm having a great conversation with you and as you know, #kindnessiscool. #smilesarefree and you #Enjoytheday.

Thanks, Josh.

Josh Tapp 40:03
Thank you.

Russ Johns 40:05

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