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Catch Joshua Lisec on the #PirateBroadcast

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Russ Johns 0:00
Welcome to the pirate broadcast, where we interview interesting people doing interesting things where you can expand your connections, your community, kindness is cool and smiles are free. Let's get this party started.

It's a great day for the pirate broadcast where we obviously bring you interesting people doing interesting things. We're all going through this challenge together in this environment that we're in. I think one of the best things that we can do is continue to learn and expand our skills every single day. Today is a special day for a lot of people that may consider writing that may not have necessarily the confidence to write in a way that they want to write. Joshua, today we're going to talk about ghost writing, he's certified. He's won all kinds of awards. He's a TEDx speaker and an amazing individual that I wanted to share with the Pirate community. Joshua, good morning. How are you this fine day?

Joshua Lisec 1:16
Good morning, Ross. I'm doing pretty dandy. Thank you very much. How about yourself?

Russ Johns 1:20
Excellent. Excellent. It might be evening. I know, we have pirates all over the world. So whatever time you're watching this, or if you catch the replay, reach out to Joshua. Make sure that you're connected on LinkedIn. I'm sure that you're hanging out other locations. Where can people reach out to you? Where's it easiest to reach out to you, Joshua?

Joshua Lisec 1:41
Well, a lot of folks love my YouTube channel. I have over 120 free training's on book writing, book publishing book marketing on my YouTube channel, which is easily found over at Joshua Lisec Li s EC is how mine surname is spelled. Then I have several free tools for authors on my website, which is entrepreneurswordsmith.com. (Entrepreneur is plural and word and Smith are very simply word and Smith dot com). like a book ideas generator. Let's say you've been thinking about writing a book like 81% of people according to their times, that's how many of us want to write a book. Maybe you're like, is this idea actually going to go anywhere? Does it have legs? Well, you plug your idea, into my book ideas generator, and it will use a little fun algorithm to generate a title that is based on the formulas of New York Times bestsellers.

Russ Johns 2:29
That's fascinating, because there's so many people that you talk to you and I've networked over the years and right now we're kind of in a quiet time. For me, anyway, my goal is it's a creative time. Are you finding the same thing that a lot of people are improving their skills or practicing their skills? What kind of recommendations can you make? I mean your YouTube channel is a great resource. Is it just sitting down writing? Practicing writing is reading and writing and in some of those skills, so how can someone that's thinking about it in the back of their head, just kind of, like, what's the first thing that we can do to start developing that muscle in that in that skill set?

Joshua Lisec 3:21
I can tell you something very surprising, which is the fact that having a goal of writing a book is a terrible idea. The reason why is anytime you have a goal without a path to get there, probably not gonna make it.

Russ Johns 3:35

Joshua Lisec 3:35
I have ghosts, written over 45 books for authors on all topics, from scientific technology to Health and Wellness Business, even a few personal memoirs here and there. I follow a book writing system. A lot of authors come to me because they've tried to start that process themselves. They get into a couple of pages, and they seem to run out of steam, or at least perceived themselves running out of ideas until they start self censoring and it's like editing themselves like this. Just as the right where where am I going here? That's why I recommend following a system before anything else. There's two different systems, one for nonfiction authors, one for fiction authors. If you're writing a memoir, sharing your own personal story, guess what? You should be following the fiction book writing system the novel writing system which follows the three act story structure. That's what all best selling fiction uses. All movies and television shows that you appreciate that you're a fan of they all follow that structure. So your story should as well.

Russ Johns 4:35
That's fascinating because I'm a huge fan of systems, the pirate broadcast, I hope that you found it easy and accessible. There were notifications and clues to let you know where to go and when to be there. I don't have a lot of structure, per se around the content of the show because I want to have it very conversational, I want to have it open and ideas and the opportunity to expand where it goes. Where the conversation takes it.

Joshua Lisec 5:08
And that,

Russ Johns 5:10
Go ahead.

Joshua Lisec 5:11
I'm gonna say that like that creative outlet right there that you're describing is so important. We're like the brilliance of you and your guests comes out. It's the same with authors by having in your case, you've got systems you've got, you've got boundaries, you know how to handle, how it's kind of going to go, those borders allow for creativity to flourish. It's the same with the book, when you have thousands of ideas you could write about, you feel overwhelmed, like where do I start? Which ones good would have not, but if you have a vetting process, which ideas are terrible, and sift out the ones that you know, are commercially viable keyword, if you're thinking about writing a book right now, everything should be filtered through, is it commercially viable, basically, is there an audience for this? Well, people buy this book just based on the title and the subtitle and the premise alone. If you can filter everything you write through that you have creativity, you have an open space to just run with your ideas as far as you want. Because, you know, you're writing about the right ones.

Russ Johns 6:12
Well, I think it's also part of what you're speaking of. Kind of like a this framework that you're putting a framework around the process, but not the creativity. It's something that it's a guide, and it's really fascinating to me too and I want to learn more about this because, okay, for like a technical book. If I were to write about live streaming in a subject, which is it's kind of a dangerous subject, because it could change six months from now. By the time I finished the book, everything could change. How do authors navigate through those kinds of have subjects where there might they might be time sensitive. Is that is that something that you you have navigated through and made advice for others?

Joshua Lisec 7:12
Yes, time sensitive topics are always a concern because you don't necessarily want your book to have an expiration date, unless you do and that's part of your strategy. There are several advertising experts who every year release an updated edition of like Facebook advertising one on one Instagram advertising one on one, social media Richard's 28th edition. Every year, they just update the book with new cases, new examples. So essentially, it becomes kind of a, it's an evergreen product, because the people who bought last year's edition, they loved it. Well, they're going to come and buy next year's edition. So that's 5,10, 20 bucks, you can count on year after year when you know there's going to be updates for something like live streaming, I would recommend a different approach and that is The shelf life approach. So imagine you've got two circles. Imagine right now Russ, you've got a Venn diagram, one circle here, one circle here. This circle is everything you know about live streaming. Okay. The technology, the system, the process is set up the presentation over here in this circle is that which is timeless about presentation on camera. camera has been around for a while now.

Russ Johns 8:26

Joshua Lisec 8:26
It'll be around for a while longer.

Russ Johns 8:28

Joshua Lisec 8:28
So where's the overlap of those two circles? What could you write about the topic of live streaming? That would have been true if you posted a video on Myspace 10 years ago, what will be true? Maybe 10 years from now even if the app is totally different. So the timeless elements of live streaming, probably quite a few, which is the maybe a system for booking guests. If it would have worked 10 years ago, and it works today. That's kind of a good good rule of thumb, so to speak. That It will be relevant 10 years from now. So if you think about what you could write about live streaming from that perspective. You know you're not going to write about, you're not going to write about, here's the brand of product you need to use. Here is the exact setup. Here's the software, here's how much it is. Those sorts of things you would put on a website and say for my latest update, recommendations, whatever you reading this book, go check out my website: piratebroadcast.com or whatever it is. You've got the latest greatest affiliate links, of course, on the resources page on your website, you just update those. So most of my offers, I advise go that approach. That's what I advise for you to with the live streaming book.

Russ Johns 9:39
That's fantastic. That's gold for anyone that's listening in on live or the replay. I just want to mention that some of these techniques are obviously, you've tested these out Joshua, you've evaluated the value and impact and measured results. So I want to ask you. I wanna go down a little different path, just momentarily is self publishing, versus finding a publisher. David, who's a great friend in the UK, he says, I've written a book, but I can't get it published. From my perspective, I've self published on occasion and I put stuff out there and I allow it to flourish somewhere. I don't necessarily need permission and that's not part of my design or my goal at this point in time. However, it would be nice to be published. What are your thoughts around self publishing versus being published?

Joshua Lisec 10:48
Yes, and traditional publishing, self publishing, they both have their pros and cons. Just very quickly. The the pros of traditional publishing for a lot of people is, someone else does everything for you. Up to industry standard. Quality, they're not going to put some slush pile quality book on store shelves. These things are added multiple times by multiple people. A con of traditional publishing, of course, is a timeline. It could be years before you between the time you've finished the book and get a book deal. Listen to what actually comes out. I help authors with with both paths. I'll tell you the self publishing path. The Independent publishing path is way more popular because you have complete control over the editorial process. Even you get the support of book publishing industry professionals, they can make sure that your independently published book is up to par with the titans of the bestseller lists from the traditional publishing industry. Of course, Another benefit is that you get anywhere from 10 to 100 times more royalties per copy sold $5, let's say versus five cents. That's quite a quite a big difference there. Now for

Russ Johns 12:02
big difference.

Joshua Lisec 12:04
Yeah, I was gonna speak to the question there from Facebook. If you're having trouble getting your book published by a traditional publisher, that probably tells you a couple of things. Number one, it may have to do, actually with your promotion plan. If you've got a manuscript or at least the makings of a manuscript to approach agents, or publishers, agents who will get you a publisher or just to publish straightaway, you need a book proposal, which is essentially a business plan and go strategy document for your book. So a publisher wants to know you don't need them to make a lot of money off the book. It's awkward to present a marketing plan so effective. The acquisitions editor at the publishing house looks at it and says, Yeah, they're gonna make us a lot of money, even if we don't market the book at all. Because they're salespeople they're looking for selling something that's easy to sell. So that would be the first thing if there's not an effective promotion. plan in your book proposal or at least have they not perceiving it as such another.

Russ Johns 13:05
Anything to make their job easier in your program and delivery?

Joshua Lisec 13:10
Absolutely, absolutely. And I would say another thing that could be kind of a an obstacle between your manuscript and the traditional publishing industry is agnostic, the idea is bad or that the manuscript is bad, because I don't think there's any such thing as a bad book, I think it may be positioned incorrectly. So like, let's say, this book is a live streaming book. You're approaching the publishing industry and say, hey, I want to write a book on the technology of live streaming. The agents can look at that and say, Yeah, that looks outdated in three months. We're not going to represent that to a publisher. So it might just be you need to adjust the content you already have. Open the book up to a broader audience, speak to more general themes so that you have as many potential readers as possible.

Russ Johns 13:54
I hope that you found that value. David because that's gold. I really, having had a little bit of experience around some other friends that are authors and have gone through this process and written the writing the offer, and some of those, the book proposal can be more daunting than the book itself sometimes. Finding a publisher is definitely a job in itself. Is that something that you help authors do as well?

Joshua Lisec 14:31
Yes, in fact, that's one of my most watched videos on my YouTube channel is how to put together a book proposal, get a literary agent, get a book deal, everything you need to know to get, basically a traditionally published book, but it is particularly difficult if you don't know what you're doing. That's it as with anything like it's particularly difficult to change a tire if you don't know how to change a tire. If you know the way the publishing industry works, what they're looking for what they see is commercially viable. Your chances go up considerably of getting a book deal. For example, here's a piece of wisdom that will set you apart from 99 point 99% of other authors. In the book proposal, your sample chapters, the first three chapters of your book, or first 30 to 50 pages somewhere there. You include that with your book proposal submission. Well, guess what? That's the last section of your proposal. It's the last thing they see, because it's the last thing that they care about. They want the publishers and agents they want to see your promotion plan. They want to learn about your platform, your expertise, your credibility, how you're going to sell this book, how realistic are your sales projections, who the market is for how you know based on, let's say, search engine data for keywords related to your book on Google are they're showing trends are there 10s of thousands of searches a month with low competition. All of this stuff is as I said, it's a business plan or a go to market strategy for your book. The quality of the book is almost. I said almost. it's almost irrelevant compared to everything else that has to go into your book proposal. You're right, that is daunting. A book proposal can be upwards of 75 pages.

Russ Johns 16:11
Yeah. Yeah, I think it's fascinating because what you're really talking about is removing the friction to the person that needs to sell this product. It's like, tell me a story. Give me a road map that allows me to have great content that has broad audience that everyone wants, and the timing is perfect, and it's gonna be flying off the shelf. That's the book proposal I want to see.

Joshua Lisec 16:42
Exactly. The opening section of a book proposal is the overview. Funny enough, the way that we as humans buy things is pretty much similar across industries, across even what was being sold.

Russ Johns 16:56

Joshua Lisec 16:56
For example, my kind of hard and fast rules for what the future First section of your proposal should do same with your query letter, your cover letter for your proposal, which would go out to publisher say, hey, look at my proposal. Look at my book, you think you want to do a book deal with me? Well, what do you say in that letter? Interestingly enough, you answer the same questions you do. If you're trying to get a TED talk, or a TEDx talk, when you're approaching a TEDx selection committee, you have to answer three questions on your application. These are also three questions must answer in the opening pages of your book proposal, and of course, in the query letter to agents to get their interest to sell you to a publisher or territory to a publisher. Here are those three questions. Number one, what is your big idea worth sharing? Now, big idea, meaning this thing is huge. It's not something like live streaming is a great idea for business owners.

Russ Johns 17:50

Joshua Lisec 17:51
That's not a big enough idea. Think Bigger, like way bigger. Maybe your big idea there, Russ, is something Like, why live streaming is the future of networking, something like that. In this post COVID-19 world. In person networking will maybe will no longer be a thing or will be severely severely prohibited. So along come up to talk about this big idea, which is live streaming will replace indefinitely, most forms of networking, and that impacts hundreds of millions of business professionals around the world. That's a pretty big idea we're sharing the idea we're sharing.

Russ Johns 18:31
That is a big idea we are sharing.

Joshua Lisec 18:32
That's right. That's right. So what if you're pitching a TEDx talk or pitching a book, you got to have a big idea worth sharing that hasn't been shared this way before? If you're writing a book that's been written 10,000 times or at least it kind of sounds like it. Top seven ways to succeed in sales. Okay, that book has been written before, a million times.

Russ Johns 18:52
One more book about this subject.

Joshua Lisec 18:54
Right. You don't want to write one more book about this subject. If you have a mishmash. Have book ideas where you're an expert in one industry that has application in another. That is magic. I'll give you an example. Let's say you are a trained hypnotherapist. So that's your world, you take it with their patients, but you also have a background in nutrition, exercise, fitness, you write a book about how to use hypnotherapy, to lose weight, get healthy, get your body how you want to be, etc. Boom, you've got a mash up of two entirely separate categories. Now come together, you have a big idea worth sharing. So that's the first question. Are we ready for the second question, Russ?

Russ Johns 19:42
Second question we are waiting on the edge of our chair here.

Joshua Lisec 19:47
So if you want to pitch in pitch and get yourself a TEDx talk, or you want to pitch your book and get a book deal, second question you have to answer is why is now the time for your big idea?

Russ Johns 19:57
Hmm, great question.

Joshua Lisec 19:59
In the case of live streaming, you need to back it up with data. Let's show the percentage is of network events, conferences, workshops, etc, that have been cancelled across industries. This might be a few months further along into this process where we see. Let's say, for example, you find a statistic from Eventbrite 95%, of business networking and business conference, type of events have been canceled and were not rescheduled that affects collectively, this many hundreds of millions of people. Having that data is critical because now you can say, look, networking is dead. It's being replaced by live streaming, live streaming tools. That's that's the future if you want to get ahead in your career or in business, meet new clients connect with the press, for example, you used to do networking, that door has been permanently shut by this disease. Here is a new way forward how anyone, but this is a brilliant idea. It's about like networking, interpersonal skills, plus this new technology. It's a brilliant mash up right there that has viability.

Russ Johns 21:03
It's following the trend that is taking place already with, so the the the online happy hours and things like that I mean, you're already seeing it evolve. I just love the idea of thinking in a different way and processing that information in a different way and positioning it to like you said, the elements of a TEDx talk are very similar to the book proposal.

Joshua Lisec 21:38
Get yourself a book deal, and also to pitch a TEDx talk, basically, to get any persuasion avenue that you need to need to make in order to get what you want in life and in business. The third question is, why are you the person to share this big idea? So this doesn't just speak to your credibility? Like, do you have the experience? Do you have the business how many years How many degrees whatever it has to do with your lived experience. So maybe you've done 1000 live streams or some incredible number that demonstrates that you've got more than 10,000 hours of expertise or maybe you are an individual who is behind the movement, you've actually consulted hundreds of business people on how to transition to online networking. There's something about your experience, personally, that's unique. It's not like you've got a resume here, hey, look at my resume.

Russ Johns 22:32

Joshua Lisec 22:33
That's important. But being able to show you basically walked the talk, so to speak, is super, super important. Yes, part of this is going to be your platform, kind of the minimum number of followers that the publishing industry is looking for smaller publishers, not the big five is about 2000 people. If you could put out Hey, I've got a book right now. 2000 eyeballs give or take will be on your book on your book cover, you might have a shot at getting a smaller press but still a traditional book deal. Maybe they'll pay you a 5, 10, 15 $20,000 advance. I've got experience in the traditional publishing industry at the higher levels. For example, Penguin Random House approached one of my authors, because she had sold 30,000 copies of her book and just a couple of months of the release. So she had the she had the results. The proof.

Russ Johns 23:33
She had evidence that you could sell a book.

Joshua Lisec 23:37
Right now everyone who's thinking, Well, what am I chances? I really want to book my book, the traditional publishing world traditional publishing is the only way I guess my author did. She turned down Penguin Random House for her book, it just did not make sense to go from $5 a copy sold to five cents.

Russ Johns 23:57
Yeah. Yeah. That's a fascinating subject. Joshua, this is gold. This is golden and I really appreciate it. I want to I want to give a shout out to a couple of people here, Jeff young. It's amazing that Josh was just down the road from me. So, I'm not sure if you're connected with Jeff. Jeff is an awesome individual. Nick Dorsey here in Arizona. Good morning, Wendy. Good morning, everyone. Juan, Leticia, how you, Andrew. Good morning. How are you doing Arcot. David Riley, thank you for that. I really found this helpful. So Kenyatta appreciate you being here. I love this. We got Randy Martin in the room here saying hi, Roger from Seattle.

Joshua Lisec 24:54
Hey, Randy and Roger

Russ Johns 24:56
Gabriel. Gabriel's an up and coming live streamer. He's doing a lot Work and he's doing he's just got out of quarantine for a little bit so and then Arcot is on the other side of the world, it's end of his day. So he's joining us from afar. It's just amazing to me, Joshua, the process. I'm curious, this is what I love to learn about individuals is so how did this I mean this is kind of a niche area that you're working in so how did you imagine this for yourself? How did this evolve into something that you're doing full time and it sounds like every level you enjoy what you're doing and you love helping others and the creative processes gives you gives you fuel for your day. So how did you imagine this position and evolve into it? So I'm curious,

Joshua Lisec 25:55
I became a ghost product completely by accident.

Russ Johns 26:01
Somebody said will you write a book for me. And you said, why not?

Joshua Lisec 26:06
That's exactly what happened, then. But why did it happen? When I was my lifelong ambition was to come up with become a published novelist someday. I was about 17 years old when I started writing My first novel took me about three years to finish it. Right after that came a second one. So there I am with two books, and I was able to secure myself a two book publishing deal with an independent publishing house. There I am, 20 years old.

Russ Johns 26:33

Joshua Lisec 26:35
Thank you, thank. Can't even drink alcohol at 20. And I've got myself a book deal. Now as I'm going about doing events, doing panels and signing books and taking selfies with my new fans and readers. At the time, I built up a little freelance writing business on the side while I was at university at the time. This isn't the end of the kind of the wake of the Great Recession. It's not like there's jobs being handed out. Left and right at that point, so I kind of had to find my own way, which is what my TEDx talk is about if you'd like to check that out, folks.

Russ Johns 27:06

Joshua Lisec 27:07
I've got this freelance writing business. I've got the book deal. I'm in college. Here's what happens. A couple of my freelance writing clients independently of one another, they find out about my novels, they buy them, they read them, they come in, say, Joshua, those are so good that I want to have my story written just like that. Now, I want to share my life story. So it's not fiction, but I want you to write it in an engaging way. Like it's a novel. And I said, Okay, fine. Sure. I'll help you with your book. And something like 45 books later. I've been saying Okay, fine. Sure. I'll help you with your book ever since.

Russ Johns 27:44
That's what you call career by accident. Right? You're still enjoying it, you still love the process. You still love the because it sounds as if you've gone through the process. Enough. times to build the system. Practice a system, build a framework and share that other with other people as well.

Joshua Lisec 28:10
That's right. That's right. Every book is an exciting challenge because my job as the ghostwriter is to take the loosely connected ideas, stories, experiences and premise for the book. Like, here's what I want. Here's what I want to write about. So I take all of that. And I say, How can we structure this and draft this so that it pulls people in? Very important if they're not going to pull get pulled in, you don't have a couple people and persuade them to adopt your ideas. So use some clever hypno writing techniques throughout to get people saying, Yeah, this is actually making a lot of sense. Then once they're in to the meat of the book, propel them to take the next step. That is how you convert a book reader into a client. All of the successful authors that we hear about the the big bestsellers whether they're self published or traditional, They make hundreds of thousands of dollars or more off their book, because the book drives people into a mastermind program where they can connect with other readers on the same journey, or hire the client full time. I've got one author in Florida, he made $1 million from the book, I ghost wrote for him over 12 months from people buying his book, reading it, and then joining one of his courses.

Russ Johns 29:22
Yeah, a lot of people say a book is the best business card they ever invested in. It's a great opportunity. So walk us through the process that someone would take with you. Is it a week, month year long process? I mean, what could one imagine about the whole entire process and, and the engagement and what the commitment is and the ideas and the concepts that have to be brought out into the book.

Joshua Lisec 29:54
Right, right. Most people come to me with a little more of an idea, somebody they say here's my book for the year. I've got a couple of chapters worth of notes here thrown together, I started writing and then I kind of went off into the weeds and I wasn't sure if I was even writing my book anymore. I've got some interviews that I've done. I've got a course I've created. I've got an ebook. I did for my email. It's like they're starting with something.

Russ Johns 30:20

Joshua Lisec 30:21
What my first job is to look at, okay, let's let's plan out let's have the blueprints for the dream home. That is our book. So that's the very first step is get the structure. What type of a book is this? Who is the audience going to be? What are the key words you need to target? This is very important. What are the keywords you need to target throughout your book, so that if you don't do any marketing at all, people will still find your book on Amazon via Google or Amazon and buy it. So that is a killer strategy before you write a book. You got to know what is going to sell, even if you don't market it at all. I've got one author, he sold over 200 audiobooks in the past six weeks. with zero marketing, his books been out for almost six months now. No marketing at all. It's just from the key with

Russ Johns 31:06
keyword research, a little bit of keyword research. It's absolutely critical.

Joshua Lisec 31:11
Exactly. So that's one of the very first steps in the process. So we kind of get aligned in this in this first month together, we get the outline clear, we know all the topics are. Then we have this interview process that can last several months, usually two to three months. After that we're meeting once a week, sitting down together I'm asking you about essentially, the holes in the outline like where do we need to store we don't have a story yet, where are some radical advice you can share based on experience with the client, it's not in your notes. Essentially, we fill out the book, every meeting once a week is productive, because I know exactly what we need to talk about, and therefore what we need to write about. Every week or so I'm sending a new chapter to the client. Once we're several months into this thing, they're actually starting to see a full draft come together.

Russ Johns 32:02
Their amazed at their own story I'm sure.

Joshua Lisec 32:05
Always, Always and the timeline can be anywhere from from three, I would say to six months to get the entire manuscript done. If you're a book in a weekend or 30 days to a book type of type of a person, you're probably not going to end up with something that's commercially viable. If you're doing it that quickly and hastily.

Russ Johns 32:25
Yeah, that's great to know. So what's one piece of golden nuggets that you, I mean, you've dropped so many nuggets of knowledge here, Joshua, I really appreciate the opportunity to have you here and share this information. It's valuable. I know a lot of people have thought or considered this. I'll send them your way. Later today. We'll have the post in the podcast up and I'll put links in there for everyone that they can go and connect with you on YouTube and enjoy and subscribe to the YouTube channel. Then ring the bell. When he actually produces something next week he can notify you. The website some of the things that if you're thinking about a book, you're thinking about publishing, you're thinking about doing something along those lines. Whether it'd be a legacy book where you want to leave something for your future generations, or if it's some piece of information that you want to put out to the world, because you feel it's important. These are all things that Joshua can assist you with. So reach out to Joshua, make sure that you connect and start the conversation, discover what it is about your story that might be important to share. I think it's absolutely critical. What's one thing you'd want to share with the world today to to enlighten enlightening in bringing some joy

Joshua Lisec 34:00
It's an unleashing that I would like to do. I would like to unleash you listening right now you watching right now, what am I unleashing you from? This is whether you're writing a book, giving a TEDx talk or doing a podcast, writing an article, any type of content creation, which you have a lot more time for you're finding with all of the events and other activities are canceled, staring at the computer staring at the phone more often. I am unleashing you from yourself censorship. You are loosed from that. There is no reason to say, Oh, I can't say that way. I might offend someone. Oh, that's a little too edgy. You don't know if it's edgy or if it's offensive. Nine times out of 10 bosses will say something like to me. Josh, there's no way I could put this in the book but I'm telling you the story. That should be page one man. story you just told me so if you would say to me, Joshua, I can't put this in the book. But here's a really good story. Yeah, that goes in the book. So anytime you Speaking, writing, communicating, when that little internal red flag of your self sensor goes up, and it says you can't say that you probably shouldn't, that'll offend people. So what? it's more likely that that's going to get people to engage with you and say, Wow, finally someone said it. I've been thinking that for 20 years.

Russ Johns 35:22
That's brilliant. Thank you so much for being here. I really appreciate it. wishing you the very best and as you know, everyone, kindnesses cool, smiles are free, and you enjoy the day.

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Historically, pirate broadcasting is a term used for any type of broadcasting without a broadcast license. With the internet, creating your own way of connecting has evolved.  

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