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Catch Kyle Burt on the #PirateBroadcast

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Russ Johns 0:01
Welcome to the pirate broadcast, where we interview interesting people doing interesting things where you can expand your connections, your community. Kindness is cool and smiles are free. And let's get this party started. It's a great day for a great day, right? So Kyle, Happy Friday, and welcome to the pirate broadcast. You're now officially a pirate so we can do pirate things today and have a little fun. So tell us what you're doing these days, in hunkering down and staying safe what's happening in the world of Kyle today?

Kyle Burt 0:43
Sure. Yeah. Well, first of all, Happy Friday. Thanks for having me here. I'm excited to be a pirate. Finally, I know we've been trying to get this going for quite some time and for my scheduling delays as well, but uh, my company guys thought I got relocated just like everybody else. I shut down my Office studio where I do my live show. So I have a live show called dialed in. I had to shut down my studio almost basically permanently and relocated here to the house. So, being adaptable, being nimble being resilient, we got to get it done. So I've been spending my like 6am and weekend hours and after hours by dropping Ethernet cables through the ceiling, painting walls kicking guest bedroom downstairs, and doing what I got to do, man, I got a little one running around. So I need to be in a sound isolated room somewhat, with a lock on the door that I can like really separate work from home. And that's what I had by having an office and that's completely disrupted for me, right.

Russ Johns 1:49
Yeah. Yeah.

Kyle Burt 1:49
it's petty stuff compared to what everybody else is going through the world but like that's what I'm going through right now.

Russ Johns 1:54
Yeah, well, and a lot of us are for the first time really learning How to work from home or learning how to work remotely. I've been working remotely or from home or mobile for over 10 years now, and it really has. I was having this conversation with somebody the other day, it's like, Okay, well, I've worked from home however, work from home means different things to different people. Because it's a nomadic lifestyle that people talk about is really your laptop, you can go anywhere, and it's a hassle. I mean, I'm not gonna lie, it's a hassle sometimes because feel like at your studio, you have your studio is all set up exactly the way you want it set up, the lighting is set up, you can sit down, you can do a show and you can produce results. And when you're mobile it's like okay, is the environment loud? Who's around? Is it going to live the internet? All of these things.

Kyle Burt 2:53
Yeah. Yep. Like a live stream Show. Can we live streaming here like that? I've live stream from a hotel lobby before in Austin and It worked. But it took like an hour to set it up behind the scenes of it not working. Right. So like those things.

Russ Johns 3:07
So for those that don't know, you and I encourage you to connect with Kyle, if you're not connected to Kyle, and the whole point of the pirate broadcast is talking to interesting people doing interesting things. And Kyle and I have a kind of a shared experience in history in our telecommunications background. I bought at&t service and circuses, circuits and tried to get my bill right. And he sold at&t circuses and circuits.

Kyle Burt 3:34
Yeah. I work for the Deathstar Corporation. Right. So, I woke up, took that helmet off and here I am.

Russ Johns 3:43
Yes. All off a sudden transferred all that information back.

And we were talking about it. They never got your bill. Right.

They never got my bill right.

Kyle Burt 3:51
Yeah, perfect. It's exactly right. Yeah.

Russ Johns 3:54
Yeah. That's a strategy.

It's a strategy. It's a strategy because it because what that does is like me and as an at&t account manager at the time, like, Russ, I really need to come to meet with you because your bills, screw it up so that I can fix your bill and then probably sell you more stuff while I'm there.

Always having a reason to have a conversation. Right.

Kyle Burt 4:15
Exactly. Exactly.

Russ Johns 4:18
You're doing something that's incredibly important right now, Kyle, you're helping other business owners and helping people get services that they need, kind of explain a little bit about what you're providing so people can understand the basics of behind the scenes.

Yeah, I've had to adapt, right?


Kyle Burt 4:41
That's when I think about my life that's the key. That's the number word. One word

Russ Johns 4:45

Kyle Burt 4:45
Yeah, resilient just adapting constantly on the move in able to go from one thing to the next. Whatever solution selling like whatever the client needs, I will figure it out and get it like having that mindset of being able to put pieces together. Right now it's kind of the obvious thing, right? I'm doing a lot of zoom licenses. I'm a zoom partner. So I'm standing up a lot of zoom licenses. And its not as simple as just like, here's the license go. It's like, here's the license. How do we use all this stuff? How do we make sure that our people are using it, and they're avoiding zoom bombing. Zoom bombings, is when people show up in the Zoom Room, Because you didn't put a password on it.

Russ Johns 5:02
It's getting a lot of attention right now.

Yeah, they're just like, because everyone wants it to be simple. You're constantly fighting between two sides are fighting with friction, we want to remove friction for our end users. But then we want to add friction and security layers, because everybody wants to just be like, zoom.us/coca-cola. But then, if that's the link, then everyone's gonna get into your meeting, Coca Cola, you have to have a password and you got to have layers. Zoom is not included.

when you add layers, you add friction.

Exactly. So it's this constant battle between everybody's working from home now everybody's super vulnerable, because they're not behind a firewall, maybe their VPN back to work. Hopefully they are, but a lot of people aren't because they didn't stand that up in time. So it's just that delicate dance that balance of like, cyber-security, but removing friction. It's the answer is different for every single company. So it's completely across the board. Right? Not every company sees it the same way today, and that's okay. It's completely dynamic environments.

It's really great, because I like what you said. And let's break it out a little bit. Because right now more than any other time in history this is an epic world event we're going through right now. And I think the most important and critical fact that we have to relate to everyone is resiliency, adaptive, adaptability, have a little patience. I say kindness is cool smiles are free for a reason and I think it's really about as it applies to business circumstances, you said they have a problem. I try to find a solution to that problem and fill that gap. And if you can fill that gap for individuals, either at the corporate level or individual level, that's really what produces results in businesses solving a problem. And I think people over complicate that, if you can solve a problem for someone you can actually create opportunities for yourself.

Kyle Burt 7:36
100% Yeah. If you aren't solving a problem right now. I would ask you to question to really question what it is you're doing. If you're not selling, not just right now, ever. If you're not actually solving a problem, then you might need to think about that.

Russ Johns 7:53

Kyle Burt 7:54
Especially now. You've seen a lot of push back with people. I'm seeing a lot of push back I'm getting it myself like somebody called me, to be fair, it was like, two weeks ago. Wednesday, but we were already on stay at home shelter and some places. Co-working space called me. No mention of the pandemic. No mention of that at all the Hey girl we have you in our system, you want to come in for a tour today? We got really good deals on our co-working space. I'm like Hey, I appreciate what you're doing. But do you know what's going on? I don't know that I would sign up for a co working space right now. There's a lot of uncertainty.

Russ Johns 8:32

Kyle Burt 8:32
They're like, Oh well that's not a problem sales right now. I'm like, No, you don't get it like that. You got to be careful of like walking that line of not being completely tone deaf and irrelevant. You got to adapt.

Russ Johns 8:43

Kyle Burt 8:43
You gotta adapt your sales process. You gotta adapt everything.

Russ Johns 8:46
Yeah, and the messaging and that's a fine line. You've been in sales and service for a while. Selling to fear is not necessarily the best strategy. Like you said sell a solution, something that solves a problem for someone, but not necessarily a short term, fear based solution.

Kyle Burt 9:09
Yeah. You're going the other side of things like, that's one side completely irrelevant, not even acknowledging what's going on then there's the other side, every market in the world is, they're still on toilet paper, like, Guys, we were on that, like two weeks ago, like, you schedule these marketing messages. We're not laughing about toilet paper as much anymore. So like, when you send these Covid19 toilet paper, buy this product right now. It's not the same effect anymore. You gotta be careful what you're doing.

Russ Johns 9:36

Kyle Burt 9:38
I think everybody's paying attention right now more than ever before governors, heads of business CEOs, like they're paying attention to everybody right now, the people that are not taking this seriously and that are going against the public mass opinions of like, not being kind and not being, not being whatever, right. They're gonna have a hard time. After this, I think.

Russ Johns 10:01
I totally agree with you. So what do you see in your business specifically that is going to evolve as a direct result of this because I know so many lives are going to be impacted. We don't have a crystal ball, we don't know what the long term resolve is going to be. We don't know how long it's gonna last. We don't know, a lot of things. There's a lot of information that we're lacking. However, I have to believe that there's a sense of it. We're all working from home now that's going to change the way services being delivered in the the quality of service is being measured and monitored. And the internet right now is really under a lot of strain. A lot of providers, ISPS and things like that, they're working hard to react and respond to this. However, at the same time, there's data centers that aren't allowing access to people in teams, and you A lot of people to go in and work and kill equipment. So it's kind of a dance of how do we provide the quality of service in the adequate service to the individuals at home working, keeping things moving and also the balance of keeping the providers nd the service people safe as well. So right,

Kyle Burt 11:24
I mean, you're gonna, you're already seeing it and you're gonna see this even more. You hit it dead on the center here with the strain on the internet. So various companies have been touting like, Oh, we got five nines of availability, that means they only go down for five minutes a year. Basically, they're guaranteeing that sort of service, what you're gonna start to seeing, you're gonna start to see some of those claims, be broken, be exposed, and you're gonna see some companies who don't have the best infrastructure because it's no offense to them as maybe it's built on a 10 year old platform and it's for them like, it's hard to change the entire code of the platform, there's constantly adding to it. For companies that are set up more recently where they're on this, like split cloud architecture, whether they're in AWS and Google Cloud Platform, like they're in this new cloud world where both platforms would have to go down before you would ever lose a phone call, or before you'd ever lose that CRM record or that email or whatever. You're gonna see those companies probably start to shine a little bit more like, finally start to appreciate the architectures that they've built out. It's commonly missed upon the end users, because as long as it works. Under normal circumstances, I'm sure it all works, but you're even seeing Facebook break down. Facebook, they're not promoting life, they're not able to put everybody's live stream out there. They're having live streaming issues.

Russ Johns 11:28
So over the weekend, I saw where some of the pages weren't even displaying.

Kyle Burt 12:53

Russ Johns 12:54
It's like, okay, that's a bandwidth issue.

Yeah, it's not Facebook's fault. It's just the So much demand on the platform right now. But they weren't taught enough for that. It wouldn't have made sense for them to spin up that much resources beforehand, because they didn't have the demand for it. Now they have the demand is higher than the supply. It's simple as that. They'll be able to fix it with modern cloud infrastructure. Now it's flipping a switch to turn it on. But for Facebook, they're not gonna be able to move that fast, because their a big company. Quick, pretty quick. The bigger you are, the harder it is to move.

How many servers Do you think Google has? or Amazon, AWS?

Kyle Burt 13:41
Awe man.

Russ Johns 13:41
If people actually understood the internal workings of some of the things that

Kyle Burt 13:46
Like LinkedIn

Russ Johns 13:47
Required to put internet together.

Kyle Burt 13:50
Yeah, like LinkedIn. Just me knowing what I know. Like, I've already been making assumptions about I'm not this is not another statue. I'll just bet based on where we're seeing LinkedIn go from like, no video to now full live video. And seeing the struggles that LinkedIn has had like LinkedIn has been buggy. It's been glitchy. Understandably, this is in beta, like, Okay, cool. We have grace for that. When Microsoft bought LinkedIn, it wasn't even right away. It was only like about a year and a half ago, where they said, finally announced we migrated to Azure, what does that mean? That means they took their, this was basically in like a private data center somewhere, like a private cloud, or even on somebody's premise somewhere, maybe they have. It could have their own data center like their own

Russ Johns 14:37
Back in the back closet on the third floor.

Kyle Burt 14:39
Then they moved it to this virtual server farm that is Azure that is known as Azure. Doing that was a huge overhaul project. Even for LinkedIn, even for their own by Microsoft, like the teams of people that it takes to keep up in an agile world, because Azure is constantly changing. AWS is constantly changing. So you have to constantly adapt and retool yourself, you got to be resilient. That's where everybody struggles. Everybody has to be on the same on the same page. So the bigger you are, the harder it is to do it. That's why you are seeing even LinkedIn themselves struggle with it.

Russ Johns 15:22

Kyle Burt 15:23
It's clear to see when it's buggy and glitchy and over the course of how long have we been doing video on LinkedIn over the course of this time. There's still issues.

Russ Johns 15:33

Kyle Burt 15:34
It's very clear to see.

Russ Johns 15:35
It was so funny. I was talking to somebody the other day, I think it was Cher Jones I had her on the show, and we were talking about after the show. When I first started uploading video to LinkedIn natively I would turn it into portrait mode. Landscape from portrait.

Kyle Burt 15:57

Russ Johns 15:58
Then I would upload it, It was upside down. All my videos were upside down. And I would submit a ticket saying what's this all about? I kept posting them as like, what's this all about? Yeah, we understand there's a glitch. We're working on it.

I started looking in with a thought that you did that yourself.


Kyle Burt 16:23

Russ Johns 16:24
It's like, No, I'm not. I'm just hanging upside down here, folks. Just random show. The evolution is because I've been in tech long enough to understand that this is the way it works. I'm somewhat a little disappointed that they launched events in LinkedIn, and didn't tie it to the opportunity to schedule events like live broadcasts as well.

Kyle Burt 16:52
Yep, I know.

Russ Johns 16:53
That's something that I thought was a little bit. a missed opportunity.

Kyle Burt 16:58

Russ Johns 17:00
I know you've been doing this for a while. You've had your podcast.

Kyle Burt 17:07
I've failed in 16 different ways and I'm sure plus, with a smile on my face,

I'd rather get out here and try and then fail then not try at all.

Russ Johns 17:15

What motivates you Kyle? What motivates you to do live video and be out here and do podcasting?

Kyle Burt 17:30
Yeah. The very first video that I made. I took it down from YouTube, but then I put it back up. Well, I made skate videos back in the day as a kid. We made High School films. I actually grew up in Arizona, so we were talking about that earlier.

Russ Johns 17:45

Kyle Burt 17:45
We made skateboard videos in Arizona, and Chandler and Gilbert and Tempe, and we made films in high school, Hamilton High and then my first like business focus video. First of all, I launched my company in 2015. Left corporate in 2016 that was kind of spawned from my daughter being born. That was the moment that like, I'd always been an entrepreneur I've always been side hustling somewhere. That was moment when I needed at&t most and they disappointed me the most. Which is okay. They're big corporation of course that's going to happen when I needed them most they disappointed me the most. And it was a scary situation with with my wife and everything else. We almost lost her, beyond that was the moment that I'm like screw this. I'm out. It's time to do me. It's time to build a better legacy. Do not be forced to sell. Russ whatever widget my boss wants to show your throat because of Wall Street.

Russ Johns 18:47
We're really beyond the agenda today.

Kyle Burt 18:49
Really just like change seats. I want to sit on your side of the table with you as your trusted advisor. Bring at&t in and as they're trying to beat you up. No, no, no, we'll do this and we'll Do that. But the rest of that we don't have to do like, just because I know like, that's what I wanted to do. So that was the driving force for me just like was to have more of an impact and not like I don't want to be a sales guy. Like I never really wanted to be that I'm good at sales. But I don't want to be known as the sales guy, I want to be the trusted advisor, I want to be like your friend, I want to be on your side. And you could have trusted me that I'm gonna bring the right solutions in. That's what I've done. My first video on YouTube, I was a long roundabout to get here was the four reasons for SDWIN, which is Software Defined Wide Area networking. This is in 2017 it's still a term that is wildly misunderstood. It's a network evolution that is disrupting the entire industries right now. It was super awkward me and my home office. I posted the YouTube link to LinkedIn and about literally four months later. I'm on vacation in Mexico. I get a LinkedIn message from the VP of technology for Coca Cola. I thought it was a joke that it was a hoax. I'm like you get scams on LinkedIn all the time. Right?

We're use to this. He said, Kyle, I just watched a video. Can you jump on a call with us next week on Tuesday? Like, sure. Yeah, of course. I can. Like Yeah, whatever. Yeah, of course I can. Just to see what it was about. I end up doing a consulting gig with Coca Cola for about two, three weeks on SDWIN. That was like, Mind blowning. This video thing. I think I can do this. I think I can do it. Then I fell in love with the camera. I fell in love with not just the camera, but I fell in love with the connection that I get from like, bringing other people in with me. So it wasn't just about me. So the passion that I get from just like talking to you right now or doing collaborating, right, that's what so that became more about that and as a business owner, as an entrepreneur, the number one thing that you have to do besides everything else, you have to wear every hat. But the number one thing you got to do is you have to build relationships. Period. If you simplify everything, you got to build relationships, people buy from people they know like and trust. We all know that. How can you build stronger relationships at a time when everybody's cold calling and cold emailing and door knocking and they're doing all these things? When there's only 800,000 podcasts in the world versus 500 million blogs?

Russ Johns 21:36

Kyle Burt 21:37
You got to do things differently. You got to adapt. You got to get a stand out a little bit. So that's what this is for me.

Russ Johns 21:44
Live streaming is even less frequent than podcasting.

Kyle Burt 21:48
Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. I don't even know the numbers on that.

Russ Johns 21:51

Kyle Burt 21:52
Do You know the number on that?

Russ Johns 21:53
I don't know that anybody really knows the numbers on that.

I'm trying to livestream podcast which is hard. A lot of people like have a podcast first and then they might live stream sometimes which is cool. I've tried to like live streaming exclusively and then turn that into a podcast and I failed a lot in that. I'm gonna keep trying until I get that right.

Well, see and I turned it around because I was in radio. I was broadcasting. I used to broadcast all of the high school varsity sports in Houston.

Oh, nice.

And I had broadcasters that would go out there and I've used podcasting software to livestream that to the radio station.

Kyle Burt 22:33
Oh, awesome. Okay.

Russ Johns 22:35
Now what I'm doing is I'm live streaming this show right now we're on the LinkedIn live, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, through Periscope. Then afterward, my producers, my team will take that download the audio, create the podcasts from it, create the transcription, upload. I have a post, a podcast, a transcription, a live stream on multiple platforms, and then tons of content, put that together. And that's the basic, this is the testbed for the pirate syndicate, which is the platform that is the network that I'm building for to do this for other business owners that want to be seen, be heard be talked about, they don't want to take the time, they don't want to break their knuckles and bruise their process to take the time to really learn the technology. I've nailed it to the degree that I could produce shows for other people. So I'm starting to produce shows for other people based on my experience with the Pirate broadcast.

Kyle Burt 23:42
That's excellent man. That's called adapting right there.

Russ Johns 23:44

Kyle Burt 23:44
Now like when we're stuck inside. People need what we do what you and I are doing more so than ever before. It's never been more validated than right now. Not to be opportunistic, but to be again, you have a solution to a problem that is common right now. Right?

Russ Johns 24:01
What's really ironic, though, Kyle is the fact that I started this with a platform called Future Media Association, where I was telling people you are the media, you have the opportunity to produce and create content right now with the tools we have available. I was teaching people how to do it. You can create a podcast. I taught at podcast movement. I've taught university students, I taught an entire journalism, teaching staff at the University of Houston, on how to create their own podcast. At the end of the workshop, everybody had their own podcast.

Kyle Burt 24:41

Russ Johns 24:42
I've done this long enough and all of these skills have led me to believe that right now, I mean, it's unfortunate the pandemic and I don't want to. I was doing the pirate syndicate before the pandemic hit.

Kyle Burt 24:59

Russ Johns 24:59
However, The people that adapt to the skills that allow them to proceed going forward, so they can actually broadcast their solutions. Help people understand how they can proceed in the business world and do things with that. It's game over for those people. They're ahead of the game.

Kyle Burt 25:21
Or the beginning for them.


Russ Johns 25:24

Kyle Burt 25:25
You already said it. For me, like, definitely 100% as an entrepreneur, business owner, like, but I would extend this to everybody out there because it's anybody right? Before your title, whatever title you want to give yourself right or whatever title Yahoo whatever company before that, in order to get that job or to get that client we're all getting the same thing, which is all attention, right. In order to get that I decided that I'm not going to be a technology company, First. I'm going to be a media company first. For myself, Kyle Burt is a media company. I'm a media entity, I'm gonna I'm gonna do that whether I succeed or fail I'm gonna put myself out there I made that decision to put myself out here, on the web. for better for worse for whatever.

Russ Johns 25:26


Kyle Burt 26:14
Just to connect, and then maybe that will drive my business over here. Maybe it won't. Maybe it'll make my business but those are the uncertain risks. Ultimately what happened though, what always happens is it does drive your business period. It does, but you got it. It's like a careful dance like, I've never actually gone out and just like, demonstrate a sales pitch on a video. I've never done that. On my videos, like people still coming to me like Kyle, I don't even know what you do. I watch your show, but I don't know what you're doing my like, yeah, I should probably get better but it's okay to pitch myself a little bit. I should probably be better about telling you what I do. But that's okay for me, because this is what I like. I like the 100% that poll, I'm trying to create a gravitational pull to pull people in towards me to connect with me so that I can help them so we can help each other. That's all it is.

Russ Johns 27:08
Well, and here's the thing that happens and people fail to understand this a lot because, and I understand and appreciate your position for being you on camera and not necessarily sharing a pitch to anything, right? Because what happens is the people that want to do business with Kyle, learn to understand, okay, I don't know what he does. And if I need his service, I need to, I want to work with Kyle to get my service. What happens though, Kyle and this I've learned this the hard way and it's taken years because I've been in the same situation. For years. I created networks of 1000 people, and people had no idea what I actually did. It's like, he just shows up in the room. He bring speakers he brings these people together. All of a sudden, but what does he do? What does he really do? And I didn't. And I was always highlighting someone else. I mean, that's what I love about that pirate broadcast is I love sharing interesting people. What it does is it creates visibility, and it creates some authority, where you're the resource, say, hey, Russ, do you know somebody that does this? And you say, yes. And then if somebody asks you I need help with this, and he says, well, and then you could say, well, as a matter of fact, I do that kind of work. Okay, I need help with this. I can help you with that.

Kyle Burt 28:37
Right. Right.

Russ Johns 28:39
Not telling people is, sometimes a disadvantage, and it's a narrow dance that you have to play with this.

I'm back and forth on all.

Yeah, picking pitching and not pitching.

Kyle Burt 28:58
It was only more recently that I was influenced by people on my circle to like to put powered by catch cloud on my show.

Russ Johns 29:09
Uh huh.

Kyle Burt 29:10
Then like the second I did that. Of course my company is sponsoring my podcast in the amount of time that I'm taking away from my company. That's how I just find that. But like, and obviously it's my company. I'm spending money from that company to produce it. we spend money to make a podcast like this software that we're using the stream, it's not free people like we are spending money. Yeah, put ourselves out there.

Russ Johns 29:35
I spend money every episode.

Kyle Burt 29:37
Every episode cost a lot of money and just in time, and the resources and the software's that we have to use and the post production Anyway we're doing all that. I forgot where I was going with that, but we're doing all that. Just

Russ Johns 29:52
it doesn't stop you and you should put powered by.

Kyle Burt 29:56
Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah. So there's nothing I think there's nothing wrong with doing But I felt like it takes away like it takes a slight thing away from it. And I have to change that mindset like that it doesn't take anything away from it. That was just like a personal thing for me. Because when I watch content, and it's like, sponsored by bla bla bla, like even me I'm like, Oh, God. All right, here we go.

Russ Johns 30:20
Yeah, the YouTube video with the stopping the intro saying, Hey,

Kyle Burt 30:27
You want more Squarespace?

Russ Johns 30:31
Kyle, you make me feel not alone anymore. So I appreciate that. Hey I wanna give a Shout out to some of the individuals that joined us today. Jordan Thomas, Preston. Jordan, thank you so much for being here. I love when you arrive. Sade. customer centric and platform can together Vicki O'Neill. None of them probably anticipated the worst case scenario. A lot of companies have not anticipated the worst case scenario. Windy. Hope you're well. Angie's here, Fred, thank you so much for everyone being here. Kyle, I could probably talk with you for a while because there's so many threads that we could pull from our communications history, wireless and telecommunications and all of these things that live streaming, podcasting, all of these things that are really, it's part of our DNA, I think. And it's really I applaud you for putting out the content and I encourage you to actually talk about your business once in a while, because people need help. Right now, more than any other time, people are gonna start thinking about alternatives and taking action on those alternatives. It's valuable and it's worth your time. To be able to share that information.

Kyle Burt 32:03
yeah, I appreciate that.

Russ Johns 32:05
Yeah. You have permission.

Kyle Burt 32:07
Yeah, thank you. I would extend that everybody has permission right to promote themselves. Just be careful about it. So don't promote yourself every single chance you get. Right. So well, It makes sense for you.

Russ Johns 32:23
Yeah. And I think it goes back to the trusted adviser piece of the puzzle. One thing that the way that is really great is storytelling. And you're great how to tell a story. So it's like, okay, here's a scenario that somebody went through. Here's how the problem was solved. This is some things you need to consider. Here's how you can go through that. And you can tell the story and infer that there's a solution there and you know about that solution, so then you have the authority to have that conversation next time. When Coca Cola calls you and they want to know a little bit More about that. You can have the conversation.

Kyle Burt 33:03
Absolutely, absolutely. Yeah. And just be open to it right.

Russ Johns 33:06
Yeah. Be open to it.

Kyle Burt 33:07
If we're wrapping up here, something I will leave you guys with. I made this part of my keynote. I didn't I didn't say this was Charles Darwin quote, but I've centralized it to my business. In what I do to help it leaders grow. It is it's not the strongest to survive. It's not the most intelligent who survive. It's the one that is the most adaptable to change. So especially right now, the word for 2020 is adapt. You have to adapt. So don't be the strongest, don't be the smartest, be the most adaptable to change right now. Be open minded to it.

Russ Johns 33:44
Be open to any potential opportunity that you see out there.

Kyle Burt 33:50

Russ Johns 33:51
You don't know where it's gonna land. You don't know where it's gonna come from next. So, yep, I love that quote. Kyle, thank you so much for being here. I really appreciate it. I know you got lot going on. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to really produce results here for the pirate community and now as a pirate join the group and Facebook and because a lot of the best conversations happen after the cameras are off.

Kyle Burt 34:15
That's awesome that anyone watching now or in the replay, please, please connect with me happy to jump on a call with you guys offering nothing but support and companionship in this time right now and if I can help you great if I can't let's talk anyway. And let's see where it goes.

Russ Johns 34:31
Yeah, absolutely. And as you always know, kindness is cool. smiles are free. And you enjoy the day. Thank you for joining the pirate broadcast. If you found this content valuable. Please like, comment and share it across your social media channels. I would love the opportunity to help others grow in their business. The pirate syndicate is a platform where you show up we produce the show. It's that easy if you want to be seen be heard.

Historically, pirate broadcasting is a term used for any type of broadcasting without a broadcast license. With the internet, creating your own way of connecting has evolved.  

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