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Join Hani Moura on the #PirateBroadcast

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Sharing Interesting people doing interesting things.

I love sharing what others are doing to create, add value, and help in their community. 

The approach people use and how they arrived at where they are today fascinates me. 

So… I invite them to become a PIRATE on the

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We live in a fantastic time when anyone with a smartphone and an internet connection can become a broadcaster of some kind.

The internet has opened up the opportunity for anyone willing to create Words, Images, Audio, & Video.

With technology today, you can create your own broadcast. YOU ARE THE MEDIA!

Historically, pirate broadcasting is a term used for any type of broadcasting without a broadcast license. With the internet, creating your own way of connecting has evolved.  

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​Russ Johns
Hey, it's Russ, and pirate broadcasts. I wanted to invite you to the live stream five days a week, where we bring in interesting people doing interesting things. And today I have another special guest because well all the guests are pirates and they're special. So Hani, how are you doing?

Hani Moura
Yes, Russ, I'm doing well. How are you?

Russ Johns
I'm doing very well. Thank you so much. You know, I got the The pirate broadcast that continue to tweak it, adjust it and grow it. I think I have only three slots left in March that are not booked yet. Wow, amazing. So people are people are excited about it. You know, they're coming on board and like, you know, the pirate community is growing. So it's, really one of those things that I'm amazed. You know, I we've been doing this for a while, you know, it's like we were just talking before the show that when we first met was 2015, I think was either 14 or 15 sport Inc. and Fort Worth maybe. I think it was in Texas, I think was the second podcast movement.

Hani Moura
Yeah, the second one for sure. Yeah.

Hani Moura
Yeah, so if we go way back to Well, I love you.

Russ Johns
And you have just, you've done some amazing stuff and I got to give it my hat's off to you and repurpose.io and if you're not connected with Hani first off let's let's just make this official let's just make this the pirate official thing connect with Hani at LinkedIn and tell him Russ sent you. So it's like, you know, personalize your invitation. So you know that you're he's a pirate and you can keep going with that. So connect with this pirate at Hani Maura, and we'll get this underway and get you full pirate status. So repurpose.io You know, one of the things I love about the pirate broadcast is some of the automation and you you've taken that and you focus your attention on that for a while now. So talk a little bit about where you're doing, what your journeys been since you started this whole thing and, and kind of where what your strategy is going to go forward.

Russ Johns
I love your picture on your post.

Hani Moura
Oh, yeah, yeah. So much hair back then. Good old days. Yeah, so we'll go by this rewind back to the stage 20 my dates can automatic 2013 or so.no probably for that maybe 2012. Anyway, so I you know, I've always been, like video guy all my life as a kid growing up, it was been video video video that I wanted to create a video tool. I was doing a lot of blogging or video blogging. Yeah, fast forward a couple years. It's like I just blogging thing is cool. But I'm a software guy, like I want to create software. So I just came up with this idea. well I came up with this light bulb moment said I need to create a software for video. I didn't know what it was. So I just that was the moment where I kind of I reinvest my startup home. I just knew that I got excited when I thought video and I thought software. Yeah, awesome. And then I was like, What do I do? What software do I build, I asked my email list I didn't really get a lot of clear feedback. So I just went to my own flows well and techniques on the what do I do my video blog as well. I upload a video on YouTube that I will make a blog post and I copy the embed code and like, Man, I wish I could automate that. And yeah, and that's how it all started with my first tool is a WordPress plugin that every time you put a video on YouTube would automatically make the blog post on your, on your WordPress site, embed the video, and then we add an email, opt in boxes me and we went on from there but the whole idea was to solve my own problem and partnered up with with a friend of mine and he introduced it to his audience. And it was like the feedback was amazing. And I was all like, well, I just solved my own problem. And I guess other people have this problem too. Yeah. And that's how you just got the confidence and is like, Okay, this is awesome. I can do this. A lot of headaches. Of course, you got to go through any of building software and support team, you know, but it was exciting. And then I'm like, okay, what's next if a year later What's next? Yeah. And then through the same friend of mine, he introduced he got he was starting a podcast. And he said, Hey, I'm editing a bunch of videos and I want to turn them into audios. And then he said you know what, this is awesome. Truly you have, because I'm gonna introduce you to a few podcasters we're doing this as a service. I was chatting with a few of them. They say, Hey, we love your YouTube plugin. Can you make one for podcasting? Oh, okay. First like, what the heck is podcast? I gotta know, why way back then it was like 2012 find out. Yes, I went in, like literally just dive in, join all the Facebook groups just listened. Just got to know all these people. And I was like, Wow, this is awesome. And then got feedback from people say, Okay, I can turn this into a plugin that would automatically take a podcast, put it on your blog. And that was my second software. And that was around the time when podcast movement. They had the first podcast movement. It was 2014. I just launched my software a few months before that. Just coincidence. one of the founders so co founders of the podcast movement is he invited you I bought your software. It's really cool. Why don't you come give a talk at podcast move that give a demo of it. Yeah, like what? What do you mean I don't leave my house I don't know anybody like this weird he's like, no, he insisted that he really insisted. And I was like, Yeah, I just couldn't say no, I was like, Okay, fine. But that was probably the best move I've done. Because Yeah, I got to meet real people. And that's when I discovered it was all about people.

Russ Johns
Like, that was your first step to being a pirate, right?

Hani Moura
But yeah, it's about people like people, people. It's not I mean, tools are great Yeah, I didn't know. I mean, I knew that but I thought, hey, relationships online are cool and get to know people. But when I started meeting people, they got to see me they get I gave the demo the demo was horrible. But I'm not gonna lie. The demo was like, nothing worked. I kept blaming the Wi Fi. And I was like, all the Wi Fi slow. That's why it's not doing its thing. And I was like, It didn't matter like people came up to me after we chatted. They got to know me and I made a lot of friends that that confidence.

Russ Johns
Yeah. I bought your product I did a lot of podcasts with that first software you launched.

Hani Moura
Yeah. And I found my connected ever since. So yeah, exactly. Yeah. Like, that's how we met right through the carpet through the software. And then now this fast forward a year or so I got the itch again. And this was this was growing really well. I was getting integrating the podcast community and going to the conferences and great as having a great time and a lot of friends. So how a lot of friends I'm going to conference next week and a couple weeks from now, fast forward a year. Like I got that itch again, what else can we build for automation? Because people love the automation aspect of it.

Russ Johns
It removes so much of the overwhelm from the process, or the Yeah, the long checklist of everything that you have to do.

Unknown Speaker
Yeah. And

Hani Moura
and then. Yeah, it was a while there was a platform called blab, I think, did we meet through? Yeah, yeah.

Russ Johns
So we were talking with Bonnie frank about that earlier? Yeah.

Hani Moura
Yeah. And then, like, I got somebody that introduced me to blab, I was on Blab nuts. And I thought, Man, wouldn't it be cool if I could make a WordPress plugin that could take all the blogs and put them on your site? And I'm like, and then I looked into it, I was like, oh, man, there's a way I can do this. And then I just like literally, I got so excited. And I remember talking to my wife, my brilliant idea. And she's like, I don't know what you're talking about, but just just just do it. And then literally like a two days I just hammered it out. Like I was so excited. I was so motivated, got it there.

Russ Johns
I remember getting on a call and talking about that. And I had it on. I had it on our WordPress site, because at that point time I was in Houston, and I had agency 258 and Future Media Association. We're helping people get started and I teaching classes and all the podcasting. And at that point in time, I was also I was broadcasting all of the high school varsity sports in the school district and streaming it on spreaker the game and then using repurpose, taking that stream and broadcasting it on AM Radio.

Hani Moura
Oh, wow.

Russ Johns
It's pretty slick. And that's what that's why I'm so interested with blab and the community and automation and everything else. So yeah, kind of inspired me to do some of that stuff.

Hani Moura
I didn't know that that's amazing. Yeah. Yeah. And then yeah, the journey continues like Facebook blob kind of went obsolete kind of went off. So the Facebook Live came in kind of became the dominant place. Same thoughts crossed my mind. Hey, well, have you been up this plugin that can do Facebook Lives and any Facebook video actually put them on your blog, you know, do all the fancy stuff with the pulling and all the comments and stuff. So we made that so it kind of evolved from that evolved like it we've spun up various products from the first idea of taking the YouTube video and putting it on your blog. And then it reached to a point where people were loving it like you know, people who create content, whether it's audio, live video, YouTube, etc. They're loving it and then I kept getting this request to What else? Can you hear me? Yeah, exactly. Like I like your you know, I don't know how you do this stuff, you're doing awesome stuff. We love the automation, you know, but you know, we would really like to go from one platform to another for example, take a video from Facebook and put it on YouTube or live stream and put it on YouTube. take my podcasts, put them onto YouTube and other platforms as videos. Not like no first thought were like, No, we can't do that because we're on WordPress, we limit what you can do on WordPress and then just kept getting this request over and over again. I was like, I got I gotta investigate this right. People are asking, let's see if we can solve this problem. Yeah, and it was a big challenge for me because you know, I was always in the WordPress space and WordPress is its own environment that we can go in and build a tool. We don't have to host any servers and databases and all that complicated stuff. I was like a little hesitant so I had a little side project kind of going to kind of investigate With a developer that I've been working with, and it didn't quite go the way I wanted, and anyway, kept it going in the background, and I remember when they asked like, Man, I'm getting enough interest in this, and I'm just gonna pursue it. I'm gonna try it, build a little prototype, and let's just see what happens. And that was kind of the starting point of repurpose, probably about almost three years ago, probably three years ago now, two and a half years ago.

Russ Johns
It's been a while,

Hani Moura
at least two and a half years. And that's it. It was a tool that went through different phases. We got it out to the people got out to my audience. She said, like my listing customers, right. So I started testing with them. I say, you know, here's a product. I did a webinar. I didn't know what the price it I didn't know what anything I just said, Hey, you know, put a down payment of a couple hundred bucks or 150 bucks. Yeah, it'll be ready in six months. Kind of what's going on? And I just asked my audience like we did a webinar, and then an article showed up not too many. Anyway, the end the day there was a 25 people that raised A hand up, they're willing to pay 150 bucks. They said, whatever. I trust you, you've been doing this for a while. And I said, if you don't like it when it's released, you can get your money back. Yeah. So. So the fact that 25 people kind of raised their hand, they put the paid a little, you know, down payment, if you want to call it. Yeah, it gave me the confidence that All right, I'm gonna go ahead and launch this thing. So we were like, 80% done. 75%. I was like, All right, let's do this. So we did it. And I think November we did the webinar. We released it to them around February, sat one on one with each person walk through it got a lot of feedback is great, but I wish you could do this. They only did two things at a time we did take a podcast and audio and it flipped it to a video and send it to YouTube. That was one and the second thing was you did a Facebook Live. After you were done. He would take that video and put it onto YouTube. Those are the two features that and people loved it like love the automation, you know, amazing feedback. So that's how it works. purpose was born, it was just kind of a need. I was a need. But I guess it was feedback from users.

Russ Johns
It was a, it was a space that needed to be required, or was required to be filled. Because I know one of the things that we were talking about, in fact, I had Harry Duran on yesterday And diversification, you know, one platform, you know, podcasting, if you're on one platform, it's great. However, in order to grow your podcast or in order to grow your message and share your messages, it's diversification on other platforms, you know, you need to, you need to be able to have other people become aware of what you're doing. So it's really great to be able to not have to hassle with that uploads and downloads and all these things. And if you can automatically deliver, you know, it's it's one of those things that you can actually make it easy on yourself. In the process of production and publishing, hey, I want to I want to just give a shout out to Kyle Burt's in the house. Hey, Kyle, Bernie, thank you for being here. Jeff young. Good to see you. Gabriel. Hey, I loved your first, your live. You just did. Keep going, Gabriel. I want to ask everybody, Samantha Glover love the intro. Thank you so much. Sherry lolly? How many of you are actually podcasting now and how many of you are thinking about podcasting in 2020? I'm kinda get an idea about how many people in the audience I know that some of you are already, Vicki O'Neill. You're a podcaster you're doing some great, amazing work and I'm looking forward to seeing your new format. Vicki O'Neill I don't know if you're familiar. You and Hani should probably Connect. I know that you're doing some amazing work. Both of you. And I just Hani one of the things that I know that is always a challenge that the algorithms are changing the, you know, the platforms, the API's are changing, you know, the applications are changing. So how are you? What's the landscape you're seeing? Because from a developer's perspective, you probably have a little bit different visibility than most, everyday Joe's walking around the street using Facebook. And so what do you anticipate in the next six months? I mean, it's hard to put point anything else path out I can't imagine but you know, podcasting is growing as well. Yeah, live streaming is coming on board. I've been live streaming. Now you're over 100 episodes. So for this thing, so it's, and I've been doing more before that so I've been doing video for a while.

Hani Moura
Yeah, no, I mean, to me, podcasting is growing like you said podcasting is growing. It's not everybody. If people are jumping on board and then like I said live streaming like everybody wants to do LinkedIn and introduce live streaming well introduced video company a year or so ago and and now it's live streaming and Facebook still gives more love to live streams for compared to regular videos compared to even images, image posts and stuff. So video is key video is always key. It's always been key now it's even more live video. Like they love live video. These platforms Love Live video, and get more attention online. So I like what you're doing here. It's fantastic. And then taking advantage of your lives, like the kind of repurpose is designed to help you solve this problems when you go live. Not everybody's there at the same time watching it. Maybe some good Don't, don't sit through the whole episode or they pop in and out. But kind of sharing tidbits of of nuggets of value from your like little clips from your live streams or video. live streams and just share them on different social so that someone can watch and get some value out of it. But not only share it, like clip it out, share it in a way where it's, you know, it's engaging and it's attention grabbing in terms of like the visuals and in terms of like, like someone's scrolling their feeds not gonna just to see another video that I got just another video. Now I'm going to make a little more exciting. So we've added things where I can add headlines to the videos and captions below. But the whole idea is you want to get people to see your brand. But then we want to see your name your brand, consistently. So by sharing by doing lives consistently, sharing out clips after the fact consistently, for example, this can be one week's worth of content right here you go live today and then you have five days worth of clips that you can schedule out across all the social media platforms.

Russ Johns
Absolutely, absolutely. You know, the other thing I think is really I mean, my vision is very parallel to What you're doing, you know, with with, somebody takes a piece of content, you know, you got a 20 minute podcast. And then you can actually take that and, and slice snippets of that podcast out for promotional purposes, right. And then you can put it with some visuals along with that, you know, because a lot of people actually record video when they're recording a podcast, you know, a lot of times they'll they'll just record, like, a lot of people are using zoom for their podcast or Skype, you know, they used to use Skype a lot more, which is not well, I'm sure it's just as popular as it been, as it has been, but I heard it's end of life in here pretty quick. I don't know if that's true. I'm not sure you know, because I know that Microsoft's moving towards teams, you know, on the enterprise side, and that's, that's something that they're doing. Now, it's a lot of companies that are moving away from Skype. And so all of these tools are kind of moving around and In knowing what you know, with the foundation, and you know, it's like, Okay, well, whatever tool happens to pull into the equation, you can take that tool and, and and plug into it and do something else with it. And I think we're moving more into an API type of environment where you can assemble things like what Lego and bring this together. And it's really exciting to me, because it's, what can I do? It's not what can I do? It's how do I do this? And so you've probably seen more of that as we develop in, you know, software gets more API friendly, and things can be connected and the building blocks. But what's the biggest challenge you have with repurpose in in moving from platform to platform? What are the challenges that you see?

Hani Moura
Challenges? I mean, the beginning it was just walk in the beginning, something you have to get approval from Facebook, from YouTube from LinkedIn. I don't say the challenge. It's a process, you go through the process to get approved. It's all good once you're approved, with the exception of Facebook because I keep wanting to re evaluate all the apps every like every year. But anyway, that's a frustrating times. But anyway, besides that, I mean, it's, I mean, the way we are software setup is and the way API's are set up in general, like these platforms, when they make changes. It's not instantly like they make a change and they keep a different revision of it. So but the obsoleted after a couple of years, so yeah, we gotta do gotta keep up and maintain the break everything overnight doesn't break it over. Now you have time to be warning we're changing where obsoleted is Virgin Mobile, but from my perspective, it's fine. The challenge I find is keeping up with the different connection could repurpose is I think of as a hub, like our software allows you to connect one service to another podcast to YouTube podcast or twitter a podcast to LinkedIn, a podcast to Dropbox and Facebook Live to hear. So it's a connection tool. And people are always asking.

Russ Johns
which I love. Yeah.

Hani Moura
So it gives you guys like the users as a flexibility. So you can design your own rules. I can say every time I go live on Facebook, take that video, make it vertical, and send it to my LinkedIn or make it square, add the captions and send it here. So you make all these rules. You're in control. Yeah, that's the challenge I find is that, you know, there's, there's about 20 30 different podcast hosts, we have a we have a great feature that lets you take a Facebook Live or Facebook video, or any video actually and then make it turn into it turned into an audio. So basically, you can have this this can be a podcast episode automatically, we can. After we're done and we pick the video we take turns on audio, we can add an intro outro and send it to your podcast host. So we've integrated with Lypson and SoundCloud, but there's like 20 other podcast hosts out there. So it's like how do we keep up with the demand. Can you add this? Can you add this connection? Can you integrate with spreaker can integrate with? I think that's our challenge. We're growing our team, we're adding another person to our team. Now, we're adding a few more people to the team over the next few weeks, actually, But we just we just need like, No, we need to be more efficient in keeping up with with the connection than adding more integrations adding different platforms. But to me, that's the fun part. I feel like repurpose is great, because it's a platform. It's like the possibilities are infinite as long as a platform you want connected to it has an interface, which most the softwares do now like an API interface. We can in theory, we can add, we can connect to it, either pull content from it, or send content to it. So to me like the possibilities of this platform.

Russ Johns
Yeah, it's endless Question. Kenyatte asked can I just make my recorded zooms podcast was audio.

Hani Moura
Yes. So there's a couple ways to do that I find the easiest way. Well, I guess it works either way, but you can go, we always tell our customers, upload the Facebook, upload to Facebook. If you don't want to upload to Facebook, that's cool. You can upload it to a dropbox folder. And then you can have a rule that says, hey, every time you see a video on Dropbox in this folder, or anytime you see a video on my Facebook page, then just convert that to an audio and send it off to either right now we integrate with Lypson and SoundCloud, those casting platform, or if you're not using any of those, then you can send it to Dropbox to another Dropbox folder or another Google Drive folder. So you can have the audios ready for you automatically. The also thing is we have the ability to upload intros and outros so if you have a pre recorded intro and a pre recorded outro

Russ Johns
Yep, like the one that I just had.

Hani Moura
Yeah, exactly. That video there. Yeah, so you have an audio intro. Let's say you have an audio that you want to add to every podcast episode that we create for you. We can just rip the audio from the video, add the intro outro and then send that off to wherever you want to go. So I think that's kind of cool way to give a to turn a video into more podcasting feel like pod second is expected to have some kind of intro.

Russ Johns
Well, what it does, it extends the life of the content. You know, it just really extends the life of the content. So can Kenyatta. Yes, we can talk about that and more than happy to introduce you and connect you to Hani. Also, Gabriel has a question here who creates the overlays? Where do you create the your own overlays? Gabriel, this is a great question. I love it. I just use Canva. Now, the condition here that you actually use this overlay is you have to have a transparent PNG. You just use a transparent PNG and you use you do the layout and then you create that. If you want to just give me a holler and we'll get on on a zoom session and I'll show you how to do that. Or if I if I had time, I'll create a I think I actually created a tutorial for that. Let's look for it to find out. I'm glad he asked that question because I was soon as we got on. I was thinking man, that's a cool overlay.

Hani Moura
I am glad Gabriel asked that question.

Russ Johns
Yeah, so it's awesome to see you doing these, these these things handy. And I love the fact you know, it reminds me of Zapier. Yes. Your repurpose IO Not a lot of people know about Zapier, but the nerds in the herd will will know what it is. And you know, you've been using a lot for other things. IFTTT is another one, but repurpose.io is, you know, the one for podcasting and audio and all the words did you as much video

Hani Moura

Russ Johns
What I'm talking about talking a little bit about video because I think, you know, in the next iteration of what pirate broadcast is going to be, I want to be able to create the system, the workflow that allows me to help other in the pirate syndicate. Is is, you know, the way that's going to grow is I want a lot of people to bring on this, these broadcasting tools and I want to help other people. And I want a whole bunch of pirates around so we can actually create these things in a community around the idea that we can create content and you know, have a little fun little kindness you know, generosity and help each other out. So video is going to be you know, it's important and also I love the idea that you know, it goes to audio too, because like right now we're, we're streaming to Facebook, YouTube, Periscope, actually two Facebook locations, a page and a group. And then I take it and I create a transcription from the show. And then put that on a post, and then take the the video and then I also create a podcast out of it.

Russ Johns
Nice. This is everything report, repurpose can definitely help you with all literally all of that, with exception of transcriptions, but we do have some kind of transcriptions integrated, so let me explain a little bit. So if if anybody's interested, you can go you can check out repurpose.io/workflow, we have two visual diagrams that I'm going to try to talk through right now. But if you want to follow along, just go to repurpose.io/workflow. It's just a PDF you just download is no opt in, I think you can visualize what we can do. But imagine that this is what my recommended flow for anybody. Let's just say you're a video creator, whether it's live or upload, it doesn't matter.

Russ Johns
I'm a video creator.

Hani Moura
So, before I get into that, basically, you know like I said, in the beginning we started with podcasting as a primary focus going to the video, but now it's they're equally, equally powerful. We focus a lot in the past year on video. So imagine taking a video, uploading it to Facebook page. You can go on Facebook, now on a page, you can automatically turn on transcriptions. So you can fix they will auto generate transcriptions for you for free. Right on your Facebook page, you can clean it up, fix it up, it's not perfect. It's automated, fix it up. Give it a nice title, nice, short, captivating title and a nice description.That is your foundation for repurposing. So you you do that. It's live, you know, once you clean up everything, then you can hit publish and the videos on your Facebook page with a nice captions like captions on Facebook, that you can set up a whole bunch of what we call them workflows or rules. So you can take that videoSend it to YouTube automatically using repurpose along with that we will take the captions file the SRT file from Facebook and upload that to YouTube for you so that SEO friendly and and powerful and like I said it's all it's all happens automatically You don't even have to think about it then we could then we can take that same Facebook video and allow you and send it off to if you want it to two different groups and pages. You can upload that video to different Facebook groups and pages if you wanted to. But where it gets fun as we can take that video and make it vertical or square add some nice text above it and then the captions that you've already cleaned up on Facebook we burn them right into the video itself so I don't know a lot of people are starting to do this now like Gary Vee I called them the Gary Vee style videos where you have progress bar kind of going along like this. The one minute clip with the progress bar the headline on the captions, those are automatically generated you just make a rule from our system to say hey Make me a square video send it to Twitter. And you if you want to have a little trimmer in our tool, you can trim it down to whatever size you want. Or if it's already a short video, you can just say Hey, take the whole video and do that. Now we can upload director Twitter to LinkedIn. Company pages.

Russ Johns
Whats the time limit on Twitter 240 seconds

Unknown Speaker

Hani Moura
2 minutes. 20 seconds. Yeah, so yeah. 240 and then you can send it to LinkedIn company pages right now hopefully soon. They'll allow us to do your main profile personal profile.

Russ Johns
Oh, so you can do you can do a company profile. We can do native video. Yeah, we can upload a video to your company profile. But then we but we added a nice little trick where we can share it to your personal profile. For all of you LinkedIn owners that are on the pirate broadcast now I need access to live video on my company page. Okay, I've been knocking on your door. So I want to do the pirated broadcast. So I think It's another time zone thing. So I can actually invite other people on different times.

Hani Moura
So we can then we can turn a video into a vertical video with the caption that everything and send it right to your Dropbox so that

Russ Johns
For igtv

Hani Moura
For igtv or your Instagram feed so so basically in summary like we don't, we can upload every platform except for igtv and Instagram. They haven't opened it up to everybody. Yet, well, so we added Dropbox.

Russ Johns
That's not unique to Hani Moura and repurpose.io either. I mean,

Hani Moura
yeah, they're locked down, locked down until the releases to the public. So we're on like, I'm like checking every day and like, how is it open yet? They hate me the developer group hates me that capacity but basically, but you can get the video sent to your Dropbox and Google Drive ready to go and vertical with a nice progress bar. The beauty is you don't have to do anything. You just choose the settings and you say go Just set it up. And it just shows up in your Dropbox. All these folders videos show up in the right format. But then there's a really cool tool for those who don't know, it's facebook.com/creators studio. It's a Facebook tool, which now connects to your Instagram and lets you upload and schedule igtv and Instagram videos.

Russ Johns
Really? Oh yeah, it's it's free. It's part of Facebook, you just connect your Instagram account to it. And as long as

Hani Moura
Yeah, that's it

Russ Johns
Creators Studio. I think I read something about that. And I haven't had time to investigate it yet. So yeah, I mean, you can go in and just use that to upload video but even better, you can use that to schedule videos to igtv in part is really exciting. Yes, so you can make all these clips and have them all show up and replay through repurpose or open your Dropbox and it just grabbed them from there and then schedule them using facebook. com So I still a 10 minute limit On igtv under 10,000, you think

Hani Moura
think so I thought I read somewhere it's longer. But in my, as far as I know, it's still 10 minutes. We have a cheat sheet By the way, if you go every purpose.io/cheatsheet, we have a list of all the platforms and all the limits and the recommended format because all our users are like what's what's the limit on LinkedIn and don't want to vertical or square one. So if you go to repurpose.io/cheatsheet you'll find It would give you a nice visual one page PDF that like a little little cheat sheet to keep with you. So you know, when you go into LinkedIn is better to go square, or they support square or and the maximum time is a thing.

Russ Johns
And now they're igtv is actually or Instagram, you can actually still put a landscape video in a post now.

Hani Moura
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, or they wouldn't allow it and now they are They allow landscape video. But these videos are little more like the videos we create, we try to make the progress bar in the title and the caption was just a little more engaging person who's scrolling and can't look. That's the key. I've seen a lot of people do this now is that you can't you're not always available to listen to a video, but you can, along with the captions, you get a little bit of value.

Russ Johns
Yeah, but it builds awareness to you know, people are you know that to second, do I want to move it or lose it, you know, and so it's so important to increase and improve that,

Hani Moura
especially the score on the progress bar is a number I first thought it was a visual thing. Okay, cool. Something's moving. But it's like, Okay, this is only a one minute clip. Like it gets you to progress. I'm moving quickly. I'm going to stick around. Okay, I have a minute I can while I'm going to take a minute.

Russ Johns
Yeah. So that's brilliant. I love that.

Hani Moura
Oh, but it's key. I mean, I'm not gonna take credit for inventing it. I didn't come up with the idea. I just follow what other people are doing and what we do. We help you automate.

Russ Johns
I've seen some other tools use that and I'm and I'm like yo you know I noticed things in the market and I notice what's going on and I try to adapt what I can and use everything that feels valuable so it's just fantastic. Well I love everybody thank you awesome tips cheat sheet yes we saw that Rebecca just downloaded the app so she's she's on board here Wendy her limitations are tech but she's a great connector love you know, tech is it's actually not as hard as it seems. Now we have some training videos inside our app we have a free trial so you can just sign up I repurpose.io, try it for free and get four videos up there for free. Yeah and the whole point of the pirate syndicate is the idea that you know you have a guide you know i can i can help guide you you know much like Hani is great resource. And you're making these connections is all about what the pirate broadcast is about. You're bringing into, you know, if this isn't interesting to you, it's, it's like, it's fascinating to me. So I hope that somebody gets some value out of it. If this was valuable, you know, let me know I would love to have you share it out and, you know, maybe a thumbs up or something like that some social signal that it's okay to be here. So Hani, I love the fact that we're connected again and had an opportunity to spend some time chatting and have a great week at podfest and say hi to all the players down there, I know that there's probably several podcasters that I'll know and hang out with, but anything else on the horizon, you just gonna heads down and keep, keep on building,

Hani Moura
just keep adding more integrations, just make things look better, more automated, more user friendly. I know we have a nice system that's in place. Now. That allows the user to do things automagic so we're going to help you make your life as a user easier. But really bottom line and whether it's repurpose or anything else getting content out frequently on social that's the key it's always been the key but you know that's how we built we purpose is to help you make that come to life by show up consistently consistently even daily you have to doesn't have to all be video based daily on social and you will see like I did a five day challenge recently with a friend of mine who ran a LinkedIn five day challenge I was blown away especially on LinkedIn. LinkedIn blows my mind with the organic reach. Yeah, video this picture I posted yesterday. Like this is a picture of me and back in 1992 This is funny video I funny a little picture and I have like 300 400 views. I'm like, What the heck, I post up before no one cares, right but linkedin gives you a lot of love. So if you're not using LinkedIn for content, if you're nervous about video, don't worry post pictures, please post even Text post just be on LinkedIn, LinkedIn, I'm hearing a lot about and I'm experiencing now has a lot of free organic reach. So take advantage now while it's here.

Russ Johns
Yeah, it's it's not gonna always be here so true. So enjoy it while it's here.

Hani Moura

Russ Johns
Well Hani as always, thank you so much all the gratitude in the world for you showing up here and helping and sharing a few nuggets of knowledge with the with the Pirate community. I love the fact that we're connected and I look forward to future conversations and as I grow the pirate syndicate out and, and that's in place, and we can actually leverage some of the things that you're doing with repurpose.io it will be you know, even better. So if you're not connected to Hani, get connected to Hani. Also go there and show up and download some of his his software and test it out. And if you have questions, you know, and we need to get another session Going let me know and let Hani known we're real make it happen. So I love the fact that we we can assist the community in their, their journey down the media content creation path. So as always,#kindnessiscool. #smilesarefree, and you #enjoytheday. So until next time Hani. See you later.

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