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Catch Stephen Somers on the #PirateBroadcast™

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Introduction: [00:00:00] Welcome to the #PirateBroadcast™, where we interview #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. Where you can expand your connections, your community, #kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree. Let’s get this party started.

Russ Johns: [00:00:10] Hey, we're here for another #PirateBroadcast™, bringing you #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. I have another unique individual here. We're going to have fun today. We're just going to jam out and talk about different things and maybe some mental things as well, interested in presenting this, but Stephen, how you doing, man?

Stephen Somers: [00:00:33] Very well. I'm delighted to be here, Russ, as I said, I've never met a pirate before, so this is an exciting moment for me here in Ireland as well, and delighted to be here.

Russ Johns: [00:00:43] Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day and showing up and being here and helping us out and providing some insight and #inspiration for a few people. You have several kind of unique combinations of gifts. And for those that may not necessarily know you or they haven't yet connected with you, and I encourage all the pirates to connect Stephen and make sure that you're saying, hey, I'm a pirate, love to connect. And so talk a little bit about what your focus is primarily, and then we're going to talk about the new thing coming up.

Stephen Somers: [00:01:19] Fun thing. Sure. So yeah, so my company is not mine by myself, my business partner, Robert Ricky's company is Marketplace superheroes. So we teach people all over the world how to sell their own branded products on Amazon. We still do it ourselves. We have a number of different business partners in that space that we invest in actively. So we have a little bit over 8,000 students all over the world. About 65% of those in North America. Rest of them, people from just all over the world, Europe, Asia, et cetera. I'll be also a freight companies, superhero freights where we actually ship our members' products from China to our warehouses all over the world. We're in the U S and Houston. Were up in Canada. In Calgary, Australia in Brisbane, I'm in Northern Ireland as well. And it's in place called body Claire. So we have, whereas all over the place, we're going to ship a bit 8 million items as well, not unique, not different items, mate, million units of products this year from China to various Amazon markets around the world. And so our community. There's about 200 million in global revenue yearly at the moment. That's our estimation. It's probably more than that, but that's what we estimate based on our demand, the stuff that we ship, I suppose we're very different in the Amazon space because we actually run all the services, the freight services and things like that, that most of their kind of courses don't do. And so we reached out to partner with our students long-term work with them for as many years as we can. Provide them the services they need that are really cost-effective compared to other people and they're not niche to end services. And so we build this really cool partnership and we've been doing this now, I've been selling an Amazon for 11 years now, my business partner, Robert, a lot longer than that. And that's what we do all day long. That's our main focus. That's what I'm known for. And that's yeah, that's what brings me here today.

Russ Johns: [00:03:04] You're the Amazon guy. So now I have a contact. So you and Jeff got  speed dial going on?

Stephen Somers: [00:03:11] Oh yeah, no. Jeff calls me for advice every day and I give him advice, he often takes it and that's why he's so successful. I'm glad to have helped Jeff out a little bit.

Russ Johns: [00:03:19] For a lot of people that may not understand the Amazon model, it's not exactly one size fits all for a lot of different things. So walk us through some of the scenarios that you deal with your clients, because there's dropship, there's distribution pieces, there's a lot of different models. So walk us through some of the big segments that we can understand and appreciate.

Stephen Somers: [00:03:45] No problem. Yeah. The first thing to say you're a hundred percent correct, or there's different ways to sell on Amazon. There's obviously the four primary ways to sell will be number one, private label selling where you sell your own branded items on Amazon. That's what we do at Marketplace Superheroes, which I'll talk about. Then there's other models. The second one would be a retail arbitrage where you could go to a local store or yeah, a local store physically, you find products that you can scan, check with the prices on Amazon. If you feel like you could make money by buying it from the store secondhand potentially in on Amazon at a profit as retail arbitrage, people get started in that way. Difficult to scale for obvious reasons. You've got to try to find more products. So it's something that's people want to dip their toe in the water get into, but they always end up saying, I can't scale this. I have to keep finding more deals all the time. You've online arbitrage, which is basically the same thing, but online. Find a website that has stuff you can buy inexpensively, sell it on Amazon at a profit. And then finally you have wholesale, whereby you would go to a wholesaler, you can buy items in bulk that are already known brands and you can then sell them on Amazon. Now, one of the important things that ties a lot of these together then is what's called FBA and people, they actually call this Amazon FBA, which really doesn't make any sense because it's just the Amazon, but FBA is fulfillment by Amazon, which is the process whereby you send some stock to Amazon. They hold in their warehouses in various countries, depending on where you sell. And then as you sell your products, Amazon ship that on your behalf. And that will work for the private label, retail arbitrage, online arbitrage, wholesale, all those models. You usually utilize that because you convert more, you make more money and all of that jazz. And it's just easier because you're not doing the day to day shipping. Amazon are doing that on your behalf. They're doing all the customer support. So we chose to focus on private label selling. Have done for bulk of my career so far.

Russ Johns: [00:05:42] You're actually shipping the material out the goods and services or the goods?

Stephen Somers: [00:05:47] Oh yeah. I'll walk through that. Yeah. Cause there's a few steps to that as well. That's for sure. So at a very base level, we are going to Amazon, we're treating it like a stock market. We're identifying what products are out there that are already selling. Both the competition in that market is low and the quality items isn't great and we feel like we can come in there, we can offer a better product with better bonuses and different things like that. We then put our own brand on that product, our own buyer code on that product. It's completely owned by us and we then get that manufactured in China. Some people are in domestic US, but most of our clients we'll go to China. You get a couple of hundred units produced depending on what you're buying. And then from there, we actually ship our members' products from China to our various warehouses around the world. And that's really why it's a big value we offer our clients. We make it a lot easier because if we didn't ship the stuff and make it easy for our members to ship stuff, then we'd have to start talking about, you have to find a freight forwarder, then you have to connect them to the supplier then to go here and there. And we used to have to do that for many years when we didn't have the freight company, but that's where we put a couple of million dollars of our own money into that logistical network and that's been a huge, differentiator for us. It makes us really legit compared to a lot of, I think there's a lot of programs out there that are all right. There's a lot of ones that are just nonsense to tell you're going to be rich overnight where, it takes time to build this business, especially when you're private labeling, you're doing your own thing. It takes time to establish your own brand new listing on Amazon. And I suppose one of the key factors as well, for anybody who maybe is interested in this in the past or whatever is Amazon made some changes over the last couple of years, which we predicted.  One of those big changes has been, you can't just send in 2000 units of whatever you're selling into Amazon. You just can't do it anymore, because they don't want all this stock takingup room in their warehouses. We've got warehouses full of stock. But anyway they don't want that, so they brought in this thing called an inventory performance index and that goes for anything you're selling on there and just really means that they they're going to limit the amount of stock you can send in. The reason I tell you that, even if you're just starting out or remotely interested in this, is that if you don't have a pre-Amazon location, you're going to have difficulty because you can send in all your units to Amazon like you used to be able to. So that's another reason why our freight companies become so important for all of our members. And I suppose  it's good because we get to partner with people for the longterm, but at a base level, that's private label. We manufacture something, we import it, we get it into Amazon. We start selling it and then with our model, we take that same item and we sell it in multiple Amazon countries all over the world at the same time.

Russ Johns: [00:08:33] So if I were to think about a product that I want to create, say for instance, I want a phone, I want a unique stand for my uses and I'm looking for someone to manufacture it. I would think that you'd want to do a mock up and then maybe you have some manufacturers around the world take a look at it and say, yes, I can do this. This is what I would do. Is that an area that you also help and assist people in?

Stephen Somers: [00:09:01] Not really, to be honest, but it's the same process, really with some adjustments. And what you're talking about there is more of a custom situation where maybe you have an audience let's just say, and you know that if I launch this thing to my audience, I can sell it. So that's fantastic. And it's incredibly valid and yeah, as you say, you would have to go to a Chinese manufacturer, let's say on Alibaba, yeah, we use Alibaba to find suppliers.

Russ Johns: [00:09:25] I'm familiar with Alibaba.

Stephen Somers: [00:09:26] Yep. So then you would go there and you'd find a manufacturer who produces something similar to what you want to produce, and then you would send them a mock-up like you just mentioned, you had a prototype done but you see the trouble with that model and why we don't go down that model with our members, number one, it's you have to adjust the inner workings of a factory. So there's a cost obviously associated with that. And therefore you'd have to produce a significant quantity of those in order to make it viable and for the factory to want to do it. With ourselves we're we are producing things that are they're already producing.

Russ Johns: [00:10:00] So you're already identifying pieces of materials and things that are already produced.

Stephen Somers: [00:10:05] Yeah, we're saying, oh, we see, don't sell these, but we see these plastic shoe boxes are fantastic. We should sell those. Let's go find plastic shoe box manufacturers and we speak to them and we're like, we want to do this type of plastic shoe box that you produce. We want to do it in this color. And also we want to put this branding on it and we want to put these little bonuses in with that and they might need to say, oh, they're like, okay, cool, Russ, you need to do 500 of those. No problem. We'll do 500. And then we manufacture them. Obviously as well, people will say private label selling sounds risky, quote unquote. And I think in a lot of cases, if you don't have a really good research model,  absolutely. I would say it is, but with ourselves, we've spent a lot of time really honing how we research on Amazon and our whole idea that we sum it up. We call it the iceberg method whereby you have obviously imagine an iceberg and a good quantity iceberg is above the surface and a lot of it is beneath the surface. So most people in the Amazon space are focusing on the tip of the iceberg products, really competitive. They sell absolutely tons every day. Like the scale is off the chart of how many of those products would sell. So, too, is the competition and a lot of people, if you go on to YouTube or other platforms, they're teaching, oh yeah, you should sell this type of products. And then, do Facebook ads, YouTube ads do all this complicated stuff. And eventually you might just rank at the top on Amazon and sell tens of thousands, which again, that doesn't interest us.

Russ Johns: [00:11:31] 80/20 rule. If you're competing with the last 20%, it's going to be much more difficult to get to the top.

Stephen Somers: [00:11:37] I love that. Absolutely. Yeah. I've never said it that way before, but I agree. And then, yeah, I suppose then equally, then you've the middle of the iceberg that connects the top to the water and this is the middle part and that feels better, so some people are like, oh, these are more niche down items. You're better off selling these, but again, you're getting into things like pet carriers and stuff like that, feel less competitive, but they're still really competitive. So we really focus on beneath the surface products, items that sell. Not that many a day. They sell them multiple countries at the same time. And we try to look at what we call a rule of five, which is just a framework, but it gives you a context for what we try to do. And we do, which is we take five products in there. We sell them in five Amazon markets at the exact same time. We would sell an average of five units per product per day at an average of $5 net profit every time we make a sale. So when you go five by five over a 30 day period of time, you're at $18,750 net profit before tax. Obviously everyone getsout the calculator at that point, oh, this can't be possible. It's only five products, but the idea is you multiply the markets that you're operating in and you're selling things that make a small number of sales per day. You can build a really nice lifestyle business doing that. And we have countless clients now who we've documented their case study. We've even documented some people's journey from scratch and seeing them build up their business, selling these weird, boring, everyday...

Russ Johns: [00:13:03] things that people buy all the time.

Stephen Somers: [00:13:06] Yeah. Like exactly. You know what I mean? Just some examples because everybody have wants examples, seed box for holding seeds and, you're getting into the Cedar hangars for hanging in your wardrobe to make your wardrobe fresher, vacuum storage bags. Although we wouldn't sell those anymore too competitive. These are all types of things we're talking about. I'm not saying you should sell those. And they're very different to selling yoga mats, which are just so competitive, bento boxes, so competitive, like just don't do it. And yeah, that's our whole methodology.

Russ Johns: [00:13:36] Well, the research is really the key point that you're focusing in on is research the niche that is the five by five model. And it fits into that model. And you don't have to love the stuff that you have. You just need to love the process of selling the stuff you have.

Stephen Somers: [00:13:54] Yeah, absolutely. A hundred percent. That's exactly how we feel. I'm not a customer for any of the products I sell. Both the products we sell are really good quality. Although I become a customer of, one of the products we started doing these nice guitar stands. So I did play a little bit of guitar. And so they're quite nice, but yeah a hundred percent, it's just, there's already demand out there, you know it because you see it on Amazon. We've got a methodology where we review the market by looking at the bestseller ranks of the items that are available and we may make decisions based upon that,

Russ Johns: [00:14:23] I have friends that have sold on Amazon, done very well in different times. And one of the things that the downside of selling with Amazon because of the competitiveness and there's also the piece that occasionally Amazon will dictate what you can and cannot sell. And I've had friends where they're in the nutrition business. Their stuff has just been shut off. All of a sudden, you've got emails saying, hey, this doesn't comply with our rules and regulations and it seems like a moving target. So how do you approach or think about that when you're coaching your clients and your staff?

Stephen Somers: [00:15:00] So we hear a lot of these things all the time, we usually hear things like will Amazon sell products that are doing well and all this kind of stuff. They're all, not necessarily myths because they do happen, but it's always the problem when like a nutritional products, for example, they will sell tons. I've a good friend, Ryan, runs a haircare business and they sell absolutely so much on Amazon. But again, he has the same issue as your other friends have because these are let's say more regulated industries. There's more chance of somebody getting injured or sick or whatever it is because you've ingested a product or put it on your skin or whatever the case may be. So we call those things ISTA's, item specifics to avoid. We tend to avoid things that are powered. We avoid things that have sharp edges, that are breakable. We avoid ingestibles. We avoid all the items that are...

Russ Johns: [00:15:51] Rules to follow before you think about it.

Stephen Somers: [00:15:54] Oh yeah. We avoid a lot of products and so the items that we like, again, I'm not saying you should go and sell this to anybody, but it's just an example. It would be like I was doing a YouTube video recently. I was researching thread racks. So wooden thread racks, that things you put pieces of thread on, again, I'm not a customer. I would not be a thread rack customer, but then I saw, oh tons of wooden ones. And then I see, oh, there's really an interest in American for steel thread racks. Oh, that's interesting. It's not going to damage anybody. It's not going to sell hundreds a day. It's also not going to be something that people are making amazing YouTube videos about. They're so excited and passionate about the thread rack. So  they're the items that we were going after. And we're happy to say that.  I think that because we look at these types of items, they fly under the radar in many cases.

Russ Johns: [00:16:40] And they're always being purchased.

Stephen Somers: [00:16:42] Always. And they always will be, they're just sustainable. They're sustainable products, whereas again, health products, you might have a massive craze on Keto.

Russ Johns: [00:16:50] Below the surface, just below the surface. I love that.  In fact I'll have to share this video with the show with Marcia, she's somebody that is in the business. She got shut down from Amazon because of claims and she's got a product Stay Well, that is microbial copper is a natural deterrent to germs and bacteria. And she actually went to the government, the US here and got certified in all of the, did all the paperwork and all the pre-work and everything else to get all of the information certified that she can make the claim that she was making. And she went to the attorneys and I think she's really close to getting that launched. And that's going to give her, I feel a competitive advantage because she has a certification. She can make the claim, she can sell her product and it was doing well on Amazon until they shut her down. And so that's an example of one of those things that you have to actually comply. You actually have to identify that you can prove the claims that you're making or so it's good and bad because the players out there that are trying to scam people are getting identified and getting pushed off the platform and the people that are doing good work and helping a lot of people like yourself are still on there doing good stuff.

Stephen Somers: [00:18:13] Yeah. Yeah. I think it's a great example of your friend that you're mentioning, because again, with Amazon, I'm sure she already went through the process, but when she gets back on, you can be brand registered on Amazon now, and that's again, a big difference. Years ago, you could just throw a product up on Amazon. Sell us, it could be in a white box and it wouldn't really matter. And those days are over now, which I think is a good thing, like you just said, I'm not saying that lady by the way was doing that, but it's more, the whole point I was making was Amazon's professionalizing itself. We have a character over here in Ireland in the UK, and he was on TV show called Only Fools and Horses. You probably haven't heard of that show in the US before, but he's a guy called Del boy. So he's this character from London and he would just be like, so dodgy, like he'd sell you things. He'd tell you it's amazing and then you get it and it would break quickly and stuff like that. So it that was the old maybe the used car sales would be a better example in the U S right. And just dodgy can't fully trust them. That's like how Amazon used to be and all the different marketplaces used to be in the past. Whereas now it's completely different. You have to trademark your brand, get it registered, take it seriously because it's a real business. It's a trillion dollar company. People approach, I think sometimes online businesses, I'm sure, oh, I can start that for 200 bucks and a bag of chips. Where it's no, it's a real business like any traditional business out there. It's better than those businesses too, yeah.

Russ Johns: [00:19:29] Yeah. And especially in this particular climate, I'm sure that your business has grown considerably.

Stephen Somers: [00:19:37] Yes.

Russ Johns: [00:19:38] And expanded because of the constraints that we're going through right now.

Stephen Somers: [00:19:42] Yes.

Russ Johns: [00:19:43] And it's a a mental game, if you will. To change and shift your focus and attention and things like that. And a lot of people are starting to think about that. Which brings me to another element that you're starting to introduce to this business you have going on is the mentalist.

Stephen Somers: [00:20:03] I've been interested in magic and things like that for years and a lot of my audience don't know that, I've never really been a big performer of it, but  I do webinars. I do things like this all the time. So I'm always performing in some way. A couple of years ago, I got really interested in it and I thought I'd be cool to incorporate some of that into just what I do for fun and probably do some things out and about for myself, but yeah, it's something I'm incorporating. We're building a little show at the moment, which is in development. We're getting people like we have a whole thing about like the worst shark tank ever. Terrible business ideas. And I've tried to figure out what business ideas they're coming up with. And we have other things like these little game of a game of the start, where I name a couple of different products and you have to pick the product and I predicted you were going to pick a certain one. Yeah, it's fun. Even in our own business we look to innovate a lot on what we do, but that's one thing for me personally that I'm really excited about because I used to, I think it's a cool thing that you can bring things you're interested in as extensions of what you do. And I think that's really powerful. I think that's valid and powerful,

Russ Johns: [00:21:05] I think it's fascinating because obviously, you have a business that is running, you're doing well. You're helping a lot of people understand and appreciate what it takes to do the work, but it's work. Let's not fool, this is not a get rich quick thing. This is not an overnight success. Here I'll pay you 20, I'll get a hundred back. This is not the case with Amazon. This is not the case with most businesses. Legitimate businesses. However, you can still have fun with it. You could still enjoy and appreciate some of the things that you're doing and bring your interests into the business. And I love that.

Stephen Somers: [00:21:40] Yeah, exactly.

Russ Johns: [00:21:43] Yeah. Now that you're a pirate, you can always come back, so when you get that ready, come back and do a show for us.

Stephen Somers: [00:21:49] No problem. I will definitely do that. I will do that. I think people enjoy that. It's a lot of fun and it might just blow a couple people's minds as well, which I think is cool.

Russ Johns: [00:21:58] Yeah, it's very cool. I saw there was a tick tock video going around with Harrison Ford and David Blaine, I think that...

Stephen Somers: [00:22:05] Oh yeah, with the lemon., I think is the card in the lemon. Yeah. I'd say it's a great trick. A lot of stuff I do is cool, cause they're not really tricks like that. They're more, it's just different. Like it's more just all to do with how you think about things and as sometimes it can literally just be like, we're battling each other from a psychological point of view. And sometimes it is just a full-on trick, but the idea is that it doesn't look like that. I never thought I would do that. But a friend of mine, Paul, he's a professional in that area in the UK. And he really encouraged me to go down that line  cause the neuro part of my whole thing is #motivation, and I'm sure you bring a lot of that to your community as well, and helping people understand what's possible and all of that. So that's another part of the show that I'm developing as well, like that there's a motivational component and inspirational component because I thought going into this whole thing teaching people to sell on Amazon, but in many ways, actually you are, but you're actually more so becoming almost like a, someone who's just inspiring other people and, and that's a thing,

Russ Johns: [00:23:08] The way I look at it is I've spent years learning a lot of things. And it's great when you can actually share it with some other people and encourage other people to do something that inspires themselves.

Stephen Somers: [00:23:22] Absolutely.

Russ Johns: [00:23:23] So I love that. So I want to ask you before we take off today is what got you into Amazon first? What was the trigger? What was the event that you woke up one day and you said, I think I'll do Amazon. What were you doing before that? And what was the trigger that started you on this path?

Stephen Somers: [00:23:45] Yeah. So before I get into all of this, I was playing music, actually. I was playing semi-professionally here in Ireland as a teenager. I was looking to get...

Russ Johns: [00:23:53] I'm a musician, as well.

Stephen Somers: [00:23:54] Yes, very good. I have singer and I was the rhythm guitar player in a band and I thought that's what I was going to do with myself. This is a long time ago now. And of course, the band broke up. We were in our late teens and I really thought that's what I was going to do with my life. I was convinced, I was like, Yeah, I just loved it. My parents weren't too happy about that, but that's, but but anyway, I went down that road for a number of years and we got close to doing something, but we just, we weren't passionate enough about it. And that's something that I didn't know back then. I thought I was, but I really wasn't. When really, I really learned this lesson shortly after the band broke up, I was sending him my songs to the U S actually to a number of different song, critiquing agencies, where they'll tell you how good it is, bad it is, whatever. So a guy wrote back to me and he said, you're like an eight out of 10 for commercial viability, which is pretty good, but to be honest with you in order to become a professional in this area, you gotta be a nine, 9.5 and  I'm not saying you can never get there because you absolutely can get there, but  it could take you two years. It could take you 15 years and there's no way of knowing. And I remember just when I read that, I was like, I don't think I could do 15 years, working in a job, let's just say that I didn't like. I was a data processor at the time. So it was just typing information from a form into a computer all day. I was like, I can't do this for 15 years. It just wouldn't be for me. So I I have been studying business in college. I never finished college now, but I was becoming very passionate about business theory and I became really well-read on business theory, but not in practice. I had no practical experience at all. And so then really I started dabbling with how to start an online business. Googling that, going down into all the rabbit holes, I'm sure a lot of listeners have gone down. I just was like it's all a scam. Everything's a scam, I'm done with this. And then I just thought what's something I feel is not weird and I can get involved in and it makes sense to me and just selling products on the internet just felt... I don't have to be an expert. I don't have to share this opportunity with somebody. All those things I thought I can do that and so I started telling everybody that's what I'm going to do. My aunt from Northern Ireland locally contacted me. I didn't really speak to her very often. Wouldn't have seen her too much. She was just like this guy, Robert, he's doing it. He's selling stuff on eBay and Amazon. And he's got two warehouses. He's got staff, you gotta meet this guy. And I went to meet this fella and he's six foot, two big Irish guy, drinks, beer and I was like, okay, this is my mentor. Interesting. I've never thought this would be, but Robert I saw his warehouse and it was cold and it was like rats running around the place. But I was like, do you know, this is great. This is what I want to do. I want to go all in. So I quit my job. I moved in with my aunt in her spare room. And I just immersed myself. I worked it for nine months, Robert into warehouse for free learned everything I could learn about the practical side of the business. And then we really became great friends and then we decided to restart the business, get rid of everything, get rid of everybody, get rid of just everything and start again because his business was really on the downwards decline at the time, because he was just stuck in the consumer electronics, accessories market. And we thought we can just sell anything. And that's where really the methodology was born. And then within two years we rebuilt that company and here we are today.

Russ Johns: [00:27:08] Awesome. Before we drop off, I want to give a shout out to some of the people here that are in the room. Angie love you. You're always here supporting. Maureen Wixon, hi Russ. Wendy says we'd love it. When the Admiral invites a pirate on the ship who has a cool accent and a great depth of knowledge in practical areas of business. Welcome Stephen. You just joined the coolest posse on the open sea.

Stephen Somers: [00:27:34] I believe that, I believe that.

Russ Johns: [00:27:35] Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. That's true. Mary says, good morning. Kenneth says Russ Johns, savor the flavor in the awesomeness of you, sir. Rachel Clancy, Rachel. Hello? Hello. Hello, Kenneth Dunner. There's more. There's a fool show in the UK? It was a cool show. A fool show in the it's probably talking about the guy you were mentioning.

Stephen Somers: [00:28:01] Yeah, he's talking about Del boy, that's for sure.

Russ Johns: [00:28:02] Yeah. Don't include fool in your product names. Sheri Lally said, moving your products takes time and focus. Absolutely positively. Sounds like you need to grab Mike Winnet for your funny game show. Yes. Kenneth says,  ahh another guitar player, savor the flavor. Anotherawesomeness, sir for sharing this with us. Absolutely. Russ Hedge from Oregon. Good morning. I actually started a program. It's actually been 36 days because I was a musician. I played professionally for years and I was a drummer. And then I took a fall and broke my arm. And when I came back, I was playing electronic music cause I got into technology and I wanted to learn how to play, create music. So now I've been creating a track a day for the last 36 days. It's all my iPad is all iOS based and I just create this and I put it out to the world, just to practice. That's it a few things then a practice and then put it out there. It's great.

Stephen Somers: [00:29:01] I think that's the big thing though, isn't it? It's like a lot of people talk about doing that. Oh yeah, one day I'll do my electronic album, or one day I'll do my... it was like that before I got into business, I met Robert, I was like, oh, one day, I'm going to do a business or whatever. And I never did anything. And then Robert, I remember he sat me down. He stared over me, let's get a spreadsheet out, let's get a Google doc out and start coming up with it. And then we go and do it. I know people that know me are like Steve, and he's a big implementer and I wasn't, and I think that's the thing. You just go and do it and then you tell people you're doing it. And that keeps you accountable.

Russ Johns: [00:29:36] Stephen, it's a pleasure having you on the show. I would love to have you come back. When you have your mentalist.

Stephen Somers: [00:29:43] I'll come back and do my show. I think I can do all of it online. I'll have to figure that out.

Usually I do it with people, but I think I could do most of it online. So we'll work that out. See how I can do it online for everybody and we'll come back and do a show. Definitely. I'd love to do that.

Russ Johns: [00:29:54] Offer's open. The offer's open, love to stay in touch and also how do people get ahold of you? How's the best way that people get ahold of you?

Stephen Somers: [00:30:02] You can go to marketplacesuperheroes.com. A lot of people misspell heroes, I probably would have as well. I realize it's the longest domain name in the world, so I do apologize. You can go to  YouTube as well. We've put two videos a week that are really high value content type in marketplace superheroes. We'd love to have you on the channel watching love to have you subscribe. That'd be awesome. And there. If you actually go to marketplacesuperheroes.com/gift, you probably won't type all that in because it's too long. But if you do type all that in, you'll be treated to seven days of great content. Just teaching you how the business model works and everything in between, it's all free, no charge and a look that's it. So I really enjoyed my time here. You're a great person, Russ, like you just have the right type of guy that I like chatting to. People like you're easygoing, but you get it. And I think that's really great.

Russ Johns: [00:30:49] I appreciate that. And we do this show five days a week, and I just love introducing people like yourself to the community. So welcome to the pirate community because#kindnessiscool, #smilesarefree and #enjoytheday. Take care of you. See Stephen, be in touch.

Stephen Somers: [00:31:10] Thanks guys. Bye bye.

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