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Catch Steve Spiro on the #PirateBroadcast™

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Introduction: [00:00:00] Welcome to the #PirateBroadcast™, where we interview #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. Where you can expand your connections, your community, #kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree. Let’s get this party started.

Russ Johns: [00:00:10] Welcome back to the#PirateBroadcast™. We are here today. We're going to be talking about networking communications, community, and some of the things that are involved in that. So stick around with Steve, the new pirate, a pirate in the house. I've been on his show. Now he's on the #PirateBroadcast™ where we're building communities together.

Steve Spiro: [00:00:33] I'm doing great Russ. Thanks for having me on. I'm excited to be officially a pirate. I gotta get my patch, and all that good stuff, but I'm very appreciative of having me on the show,

Russ Johns: [00:00:42] It's amazing that you are doing some great work, and I know that you have your own show and just to give people a flavor of who you are and what that show's about. Kinda talk about that and what you're doing on your show.

Steve Spiro: [00:00:56] I think if you'll indulge me I'll go a little bit into my story. And maybe that can help give you reason why they show, but shy, introverted kid born and raised in the Bronx picked on, bullied, low self-esteem didn't help that I had a learning disability and that kind of put me in a very dark place and I did have some talent. And I really believe that this dyslexia has been a blessing to me because it gave me this creative brain and how to have problem solve and get around obstacles and challenges. And so one of going into advertising marketing went to high school college for that got out, couldn't get a job to start a company and had a very illustrious career in that. And that would eventually shifted gears to technology. And now do some consulting work as a communications consultant. But what happened is about, oh, quite a few years back, it was very blessed to be introduced to a very successful entrepreneur who became a mentor to me. He took me under his wing to kind of mentor role, got me on a path of self-development books and audios and networking. And, I just completely started to transform. Having a couple of black belts being in the martial arts for many years, that started the path a bit where I was able to break through barriers if you will. And that's interesting cause that's the show that we have this coming Friday at 2:00 PM Eastern, which is breaking through a invisible barriers, that's the topic of the show. So I was able to break some through some invisible barriers and fears and things of that nature, but there was still a lot that had to be, a lot of barriers that still need to be broken through. And so going from beginning, having this mentoring relationship and getting it self development, I started to grow and it was amazing journey. And so eventually I started to realize as people, I grew this massive network and people started to ask me questions, started doing speaking engagements before COVID of course. And that was fun. And I loved being able to inspire people and help people. And be the light. And I started to say, this is great. And I started doing videos on LinkedIn. And then of course I got approved shockingly. After five weeks, I got an approval notice up. That I was approved for LinkedIn live. Actually, my goal...

Russ Johns: [00:02:51] A lot of people are jealous about that.

Steve Spiro: [00:02:52] I'm sure, it's amazing. I don't know what the parameters are. It seems so all over the board. It's crazy. But eventually my goal is to be on a Ted talk stage. My goal is eventually to be able to travel the world and be able to inspire people and get paid to speak and inspire. So when the LinkedIn live opportunity came into play, I was a little bit, honestly, this is what you do for a living Russ. You're amazing at it clearly. I mean that sincerely, but I had no clue. So fortunately for me Cameron Toth, who co-hosts the show with me, who's got some experience with live broadcast, former DJ. He's a beast. Probably also aspiring to be more like you Russ, but  he was able to help me make the transition to LinkedIn live, but I think it's a great platform because we both share similar values in that we want to really inspire people and help people and be the light. And I know there's a lot of people, whether it be circumstantial because of how they grew up, whether I was picked on, introverted, whatever, or maybe through COVID situations. I know there's a lot of people that COVID is affected whether it be financially health wise, loss of family and friends there's people that are in dark places. And I love the idea of being a little light. So the LinkedIn broadcast or Master Connection series is really to help be that light. And, certainly some of the things we speak about are connecting working, but ultimately the underlying message is really meant to inspire people and help them be the best version of themselves they could possibly be.

Russ Johns: [00:04:12] It's really amazing too, because like you mentioned, right now this last year has been challenging. It may be very challenging for a lot of people. And I believe that we're living in an age where we have the ability and the opportunity to connect with a lot of people. And it's really important for us to stay connected and have conversations and start conversations. And it's not easy. The last two years has been incredibly productive for me and my business and some of the things that are being produced and brought to the light, LinkedIn live and Facebook live and all these live broadcasts and podcasting as well, us all developing and evolving, and there's a lot of work that goes into it. A lot of effort that goes into it. And ultimately, like you said, Steve, if you can get out there and share the message of a little bit of kindness and a little bit of, empathy in what people are going through and share some light and some hope, like Mike Baker was saying he was talking about discipline, and dedication to something. And that's what you have in martial arts. You see it in martial arts, you see it in any discipline and it's the same way with kindness, we can go out there and it doesn't cost anything to be kind to someone and to share that message and amplify that message I think is important for us to continue to pursue so thank you for doing that. So how long has the show actually been going on?

Steve Spiro: [00:05:42] I don't remember the exact original date, but I know it was like, I want to say a week before Thanksgiving. We actually did the broadcast, I believe on Thanksgiving morning. It might've been our second week, or Thanksgiving day or whatever it was, and so November, right? November  still producing I'm on vacation, this coming Friday, but the show is what's going on and I'm not saying I'm like Johnny Carson or Jay Leno, just like them. When they had their show, like the tonight show, whatever. They still had to go and they had somebody fill in. So my friend AB Gabor is going to be filling in for me. Cameron will obviously still be on the show and we've still got our four panelists. But yeah, it's November.

Russ Johns: [00:06:18] Good for you. I want to talk a little bit about when you said dyslexia, I had a sister that was dyslexic. And Richard Branson always comes to mind. Some of these people have allowed their challenges to become the fuel for their future. And it sounds like that's what you did. And so I want you to talk a little bit more about that and some of the things that you had to overcome and some of the  challenges that you had to deal with, and you're very accomplished and making these connections and being a master connector as part of that. So what was it that inspired you day to day as you're going through any of these challenges that you had growing up?

Steve Spiro: [00:06:57] Yeah. Thank you. Appreciate that Russ with kind words. If one thing was an #inspiration and continues to be an #inspiration, is my mother believe it or not. My dad as well, but my mom and I also found out later that she had dyslexia, a different form of it. I think she had challenges with numbers and one of the jobs when my parents got divorced and she had to go out and get a job. She was a stay-at-home mom and she enjoyed doing that. When my parents got divorced, financially, it was really rough for the family. So she had to go and get a career. And so she believe it or not as a dyslexic woman went and became a bookkeeper. And me hearing stories about how she just figured it out. She worked around it, whatever she had to do.  And that shaped me. And so my challenge was more reading and comprehension and test taking. I still, to this day, suck at test taking the blood pressure goes up tremendously. It's just not good. And what I learned is to be a creative thinker to work around those challenges. I didn't realize that was doing that, but I just use determination and the grit and, of course, martial arts helped shape some of that, helped to cultivate some of that. But yeah and, the creative brain that I came up with or that I have, or whatever, I think is part of it as a result of that, I'm just trying to come up with innovative ways to do things and I knew that books were super important. I knew that the phrase leaders are readers and, you are in life based upon, two things, the books you read and the people you associate with. And I'm like, hopefully I won't get in trouble for saying this, but, I don't think I read one book coming up through first to 12th grade. What I did and I would read it if I had a book report that had to be done, Russ. I would literally read the first paragraph and the last paragraph of the end of the book, I'd look at the table of contents and I got usually, I don't know, like a B minus or a C plus.

Russ Johns: [00:08:42] The creative outcome. So there again, the creative outcome.

Steve Spiro: [00:08:47] I figured it out, but thank God for audible, because today I'm able to go through, I average maybe two to three books a month. Yeah. And I'm able to really still get the information, but I'm able to do it in a different way. And I think that's the power of technology today, right? We talked about COVID and how your business is thriving the last two years, more than ever. I think there's a lot of people that are embracing the challenges and not in a way that's unethical, but using that technology, using those challenges and the shift and leveraging them, capitalizing them in a good way to become even more successful. And I believe that's something that we have in common, you and I Russ.

Russ Johns: [00:09:25] We can either be a victim or find a way to be victorious. Navigating through that challenge is what business owners do. It's what creatives do. It's what what we need to do right now. It's not who can be the strongest of the fastest or the greatest it's who can be flexible and adapt to the circumstances and still thrive in those circumstances. Whatever happens to be. I want to give a shout out to a couple of people. Mike Baker I mentioned in from Florida, he's in there. You're going to be down there next week. I think. Collaboration and cooperation. It takes teamwork to make the dream work absolutely positively. Our amazing producer of the #PirateBroadcast and assistant in the #PirateSyndicate Tracie. Good morning. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for your help, Tracie. I love it. Yeah. Mike Baker development and discipline. And in from Spain, JD, hi all pirate community, Jorge. And then yes, I am planning on doing a Ted talk myself. I love that idea. I love that idea. I've had a couple of Ted talks, Ted speakers come and speak at events that I've had in the past. Wendy says good morning to a new pirate. Welcome to another amazing tribe, Steve.

Steve Spiro: [00:10:43] Thank you, Wendy.

Russ Johns: [00:10:44] And if you're not connected to Steve, reach out, tell him you're a pirate, he's on LinkedIn. You can go to his profile and connect with him. DJ, Steve, I appreciate you. You are truly awesome. Thank you so much. Silverfox Talks. Can't wait to chat again soon.

Steve Spiro: [00:11:04] 100%.

Russ Johns: [00:11:05] Yeah. Mike Baker, I was an egomaniac with an inferiority complex and I felt as if I always had to prove myself growing up,

Steve Spiro: [00:11:16] I can speak if you want me to cover on that one, but I could talk on that one big time.

Russ Johns: [00:11:22] I am in Florida. I know you are in Florida. Good morning pirates. Like Steve, I love audible. I love what I'm hearing here this morning. Barbara, thank you so much. All the #gratitude in the world for you being here. Steve, there's a lot of people that, have all kinds of different challenges and

I... you know, this knows here as a result of martial arts and and being in tournaments.  We talked about that before and it's one of those things that it does take a little bit of discipline and a little bit of focus it like anything else. And it does for myself anyway, it actually allowed me to be a little more self-aware a little more empathetic, too. Other people in their circumstances. And I don't know, just because the discipline or the process or the thought behind it, or the influence that I had from my teachers, mentors in that period of time, it just made me be a little more caring to other people. And I wanted to get your thoughts on that and how that experience molded you in your life.

Steve Spiro: [00:12:31] Number one, yeah, one thing about being, being a a student is you get incredible stuff. But the thing that I learned about that is, it's only so good unless you pay it forward. I love the ability to be able to, teach once I was was  an instructor and by the way, truly that's when the learning really began, when you start teaching others. Then you really have, cause you have to figure out, okay, how am I going to communicate and articulate this number one, you have to make sure you totally understand it. Sometimes the learning is instinctive and you don't really understand exactly how or what you just learned. It came together. Then you get now you got to be able to figure out how to explain it, teach it. And so I really loved the paying it forward aspect of having people in my life, but I'm very appreciative.  My sensei, who is responsible for this nose being off to the side a little bit, he has a big part in my life today and of course, other people as well that have stepped in. So I'm very appreciative for sure.

Russ Johns: [00:13:27] It's nice to be able to think like that and have an opportunity to do that. And a lot of what the #PirateBroadcast is about in the community is, what can we do to help lift others up? What can we do to help shine the light on those that, need a little bit of attention and are doing great things that need to be recognized for those great things. So shifting gears into the networking side, you have been a master networker connector. And what kinds of things do you think about when you're making those connections,  those introductions and networking in a virtual world versus out in person that we were doing a few years ago? Cause it's changed, but it hasn't gone away.

Steve Spiro: [00:14:08] It has changed a lot and the one thing that's consistent and I know you share this too, Russ is you got to lead with your heart. You got to lead with with an open, giving spirit. There's a great book called the Go-Giver, and where you're giving, and then eventually you get, but just start by giving, right? So if you're networking with a giving mentality, not the selling mentality, not the pitching mentality, but the giving mentality, big foundation. The second thing that I've learned and the reason I like to call myself the master connector, not the master networker and I know you didn't do that on purpose or anything, but I did shift it because it really is about connecting and networking sometimes has a misunderstanding. I think some people look at networking almost excuse this, but prostitution, it's who can get and that's not what you and I are about. We're about connecting and really touching people. So that's the other piece of it is really connecting with people and I loved connecting with people to hear their story. Certainly I will tell my story. Hopefully I can inspire people, but I'm looking okay, when I finish a, connecting call, I had one this morning. I had to drive up to to Milford Connecticut. I had a great call with a young man and, I believe we inspired each other and I came away with a few takeaways. Hey, here are the three or four things that I'm thinking that I could add value for you.  And one of those maybe introducing him to some people and maybe, inviting them to some networking events and so forth. So it's, what can I do to add value? The difference though, now, today is, back in the day, my networking, if you will, my connecting was three legged. It was a three legged stool. I actually had a talk that I did about it, which we can't really talk as much about these days, cause it's not as much now, but the three legs of the stool were traditional networking, the networking events, which, by the way I personally like the fact that they're on zoom, doesn't mean I don't like the traditional networking where you are actually face-to-face with people. But I like the fact that, you can, as a shy, introverted guy, it was awkward. It was hard, it was uncomfortable. The blood pressure rose if I had to walk up at the end of the networking meeting or in the middle of it and talk to somebody and say, hey where are you from? What do you do? And, hey, we should exchange cards and that, or, hey, we should have a follow up conversation that was, so now, you're doing a zoom meeting, you can right. Click on the picture and send a message and and now you can connect with somebody and it's a lot less stressful. So I liked the zoom meeting, but traditional networking, right? The second step, the leg of the tool of the stool is, LinkedIn and social media networking. I'm a one trick pony, if you will. I just liked it. And I I do have a YouTube page and YouTube channel, I should say. And I love the other ones, but if you go to my Instagram page, it's going to say, I'm not on here. Here's my LinkedIn connection. Clubhouse, same thing. I'm not really on here. Go on LinkedIn. And that's the third leg, the second leg, which is social media networking, which is really, I think, a big area today. And then the third is unconventional, which doesn't happen as much these days, but it happened a lot more when I was out of my house a lot more, but, meeting people just live in your life. You're at the gas station, pumping gas at the gas station. But today is really just more on LinkedIn, more through networking. And I love the fact that  we're happy with us. We were introduced by Mike and then we jumped on a zoom call. We connected. Then we had you on our show. You having me on your show now. So it's great. So I love the fact that how we network today and we can meet people all over the country. Whereas before it was like, if you didn't live in the geographic region where you could jump on it at a Starbucks coffee, it was like, you probably weren't going to really connect with them, but now you're dealing with everyone.

Russ Johns: [00:17:34] I love it. Yeah, it's amazing how big our world and how small it's become, right? We have an opportunity right now and I was thinking about this the other day is that because of the technology and because of the ability for us to reach out and listen to audible books and fill our mind with some positive, constructive information, we have the opportunity to improve and grow and expand our horizons just by educating ourselves on a different direction than what's on the nightly news. The thing that we have to really watch out for is this toxic information that's coming in, being blasted out all the time. And I think giving back to the community, giving back some of the things that we've learned along the way, just like this networking, the techniques that you're talking about now is really important for us as a society and a community. To continue to grow. And I just believe in people and every day that I can shine the light on somebody like yourself, Steve, it makes life so much easier because if somebody watches this in the future or they see a one of the #PirateBroadcast episodes that they might plant a seed saying I could do that. I could see how that could be done. And then it nurtures another idea for someone else down the road. And just that idea and that concept of being perpetual and having that information out there. We're almost at 400 episodes on the #PirateBroadcast and 400 episodes is a lot of information. That's a lot of content that is out there for free. The diversity and the people that I've brought to the table and shared with the community is amazing. And I just want to highlight the fact that you're doing the same thing with your show and the networking and the speaking and everything that goes into it, that when you give it back and you pay it forward, a lot of value is created. Incredible amount of value and it's created, so thank you for doing that. I really appreciate that.

Steve Spiro: [00:19:36] Thank you. And thank you for what you're doing as well. 400 episodes. That is amazing, that's impressive, way to go.

Russ Johns: [00:19:44] It's been a journey. It's definitely been a journey. Mike Baker says sharing of one's own experience, strength and hope. And Louis says, good morning guys from Los Angeles, learning as we teach how true great discussion we can never teach without learning something as well. Wouldn't you

Steve Spiro: [00:20:03] agree? Oh, a hundred percent.

Russ Johns: [00:20:06] Authenticity and integrity. Absolutely. Yes. The opportunities are endless building connections. I love the idea of continued growth, evolution and expansion. So what's the next step on your journey? Are you going to go take a break, spend some time with family, take vacation, put it on pause for a little bit. And then the rest of the year what do you have mapped out for us? And what are you thinking is going to evolve for Steve this year?

Steve Spiro: [00:20:35] Yeah, so I appreciate you asking. So number one continue to just know, grind away, right? Continue with my fight or Friday videos continue with the show would enjoy that, doing that co-hosting with Cameron and then continue to, find opportunities where I could share the light. Eventually again, looking to find those speaking engagements, but I am also one of the things that I'm looking to do is I am in the process of writing a book, the working title of that book is the Dau of a master connector. Dau for those who don't know is the way or philosophy of, and there's a, in a lot of stories, a lot of it's going to be content for my videos. Now, my fighter Friday videos, but I love telling stories and a lot of the experience of what I've been able to the grow and the growth and all that is coming from. So that's on the horizon as well. I also need to create a speaker's reel. If I'm going to have a speaking engagement career, I need to have a speaker's reel, so I need to get on that. And I'm in the process of looking to hire somebody to do that. So there's a few projects that are on the horizon, but it's just continuing  to be the light and inspire others and and make sure, like you said,  shed the light for people.

Russ Johns: [00:21:38] I know that as we evolve through this whole thing, I don't know where it's going to end. Nobody has a crystal ball and, it can take us anywhere. And I know that the people that are flexible and resilient and able to see an opportunity in all challenges, those are the ones that are going to shine. And I get the feeling that you're one of those individuals that looks at adversity and says, okay, how can I figure this out? How can I move and navigate through this? And do these things. And I just encourage other people to think about this, make a connection with Steve and reach out. So you're on LinkedIn. That's your place? That's your home? Watch the show also as dirt does a great show every Friday. What time is it?

Steve Spiro: [00:22:23] I never, I always get confused, but it's 2:00 PM Eastern standard time. So I guess central time is an hour before, so I'm guessing that's one. I always get confused, but yes, 2:00 PM Eastern standard.

Russ Johns: [00:22:33] But then let others do the math. I do that. Oh man. So I want to ask you before we go and wrap up, how do you describe yourself without saying what you do?

Steve Spiro: [00:22:47] Wow. That is a great, I think that's why I came up with the name master connector, because that is the catch all about what I do. It's it allows me to exp pull in what I'm about helping connect people. You know what I do as far as consulting, I'm actually a connector as well. I O company streamline and automate now that connect with our clients. So there's all those things relate to the master connector, but really can help connect with people and be the life for those people. And somehow, help inspire people. And that's really my mission. And at some point maybe another show I'll read my life's mission. I wrote a life's mission, but it's a, it's amazing. And everything that I do is about that, which is being the light and help people get to a better place.

Russ Johns: [00:23:31] Fantastic. Steve, it's a pleasure as always. Thank you so much for being here. I love and appreciate the fact that we can share you and your talents and gifts with the world and make sure that you go out and connect with Steve. Make sure that you're out there connecting and having a conversation, cause you're only one conversation away from getting what you need. And also if you found this valuable and you found this content  informative or interesting whatsoever, please do share and make this available to those that need to be hearing this kind of information. This is how we're going to continue and expand this information and this community as well. So thank you so much for being here. We're here because #kindnessiscool, #smilesarefree and you #enjoytheday. Don'tgo away.

Steve Spiro: [00:24:28] Thanks, Russ.

Exit: [00:24:29] Thank you for joining the #PirateBroadcast™. If you found this content valuable, please like, comment and share it across your social media channels. I would love the opportunity to help others grow in their business. The #PirateSyndicate™ is a platform where you show up, we produce the show. It's that easy. If you want to be seen, be heard and be talked about, join the #PirateSyndicate™ today.w

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