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Catch Chris Ross® on the #PirateBroadcast™

Welcome to the #piratebroadcast™: 

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[00:00:00] Introduction: Welcome to the #PirateBroadcast™, where we interview #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. Where you can expand your connections, your community, #kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree. Let’s get this party started.

Russ Johns: Welcome to the #PirateBroadcast™ and I want to introduce you to a new pirate, Chris. Welcome to the #PirateBroadcast™ and welcome to becoming a new pirate.

Chris Ross: I'm good, man. So I appreciate you having me.

Russ Johns: We were having a great conversation before the show and I just thought, hey, we might want to record this and share it with a few other people cause this is gold.

Chris Ross: I was like, man, you hit the button. I thought you already hit the button. So I thought I was already live. But, yeah, it's all good, man. I appreciate one, our friendship. And two, you invited me onto your show in serving your audience and that's what podcasters say. But most of importantly, I just love having great conversations with people that [00:01:00] are aligned and are all about the same one mission. So it's that one heartbeat, one mission, one outcome. And it's all about belief in abundance, focused on community collective impact, but I'm really excited, man. Thank you for having me on.

Russ Johns: Anytime, Chris, you're welcome. Anytime. Now that you're a pirate, come on back. We're talking about things that are important to the community and one of the things that we want to share today... and always, there's some nuggets of knowledge and some golden treasures here. You have been in business a while helping others in their sales process, you have a nationally accredited organization that builds teams and puts a lot of things in place. And also helps companies get to where they need to be. Can you talk a little bit about that process and why it's important for people to understand this process?

Chris Ross: Sure. I'm just, when we, right before we hit record, and you mentioned that you'd done a lot of work in the operation side and you weren't really understanding what happens in sales. That's the main purpose behind why I do what I do. When companies can [00:02:00] leverage other departments, they're all on the same team, everybody just because they're in a different department, they're on the same team. So if marketing is speaking the same language and setting up sales, then they're going to be not just a person of sales and trying to enroll someone into product service or good, and trying to hard close people there, order takers and figuring out are you the right fit so they can take and reverse the table on people and going Russ, I know that you signed up for this program and requested more information. Here's our standards as a company and here's how you can get yourself involved potentially with these three packages. But here's what we look for. So my role with you is to figure out if you're going to be the right fit and why. So I'm going to spend five minutes with you just now, here in the next couple of minutes, if you have time to go over this and they appreciate that. If the marketing is not setting up the sales that way, the salesperson can't have that approach. It's impossible. [00:03:00] Now they're just there. They're on the back foot. You have a rockstar. I'm a huge boxing fan. I grew up boxing I'm from the South as well. So especially being Italian, we're all boxers. So if you're on your back foot, I'm this offensive stance I need to now counter punch, or I need to come back to whatever you're throwing, but if I take control of the conversation and take control of that encounter, now I have leverage. So that's what I do for companies. So to sales and it even goes with the marketing and then operations is how all the moving parts within the infrastructure of the business model. Depending on if there's entry barrier like problems, that's a problem right there. There's too much going on in the back end, these moving parts aren't working properly. ie videos aren't really catching and really streaming properly. Are they using the right system or is it a third party system? Is that system, about systems, right? That's how this system and they don't all talk to each other. Then sometimes a lot of companies, they need to level up and purchasing and [00:04:00] create and code their own program and their own system. That might be a little bit, cause I don't try to work with a company corporation just for short-term. I might be a little bit more involved with hands on operations at the beginning of it and enrolling and putting my staff there to train them because I'm working with the CEO, I'm working with the VPs. But I have a staff underneath me to make sure they're executing on all those X's and O's. And then once I get to the fulfillment side, that's my expertise.

Russ Johns: And I think you said it specifically, and I don't want to go any further without addressing this thing is systems. You have a system, you have a process, a lot of the best run businesses have established systems. And one of the things that you can do is document and delegate. And when you go to the customer and you have a process and a path, you can lead individuals down and say, okay, what we're going to be doing next is A, B and C . We need to do one, two and three and get that knocked out of the wall, and then move down the process...

Chris Ross: and explaining [00:05:00] why, and explaining why. When you explain why they understand the process and why they're doing it. If they don't tell you why then subconsciously in the back of their mind, they're going to question your credibility or question why they're doing this. And they don't see the importance of that task. But go ahead. I love this.

Russ Johns: Yeah. And so having that process established and train for your team helps you communicate that information to the person that you're assisting in their process.

Chris Ross: A hundred percent.

Russ Johns: And I love the idea that you're in there for the long haul. It's not a short-term game it's a long-term game and it's really about how you can help them over the length and duration of their business. And so I like that philosophy. And what's one thing that you see consistently, Chris, that is something that a lot of people miss out on, they don't really pay attention to, or they just are unaware of that helps them move this process forward?

Chris Ross: In a business model or individual engine model?  [00:06:00] In a business model, I think the one thing that jumps out to me the most is a lack of communication from the leader's mind to all the way down to the bottom and all the way back up. If I went, perfect example, when I was this pre COVID, but when I would come into a trade school or go into a corporation, one of my favorite things to do was a week prior, before I walked in the door. I like to do an audit and I would pretend like I was a student, yeah, secret shopper, but then it got to the point where they knew who I was. So I was like, okay,  I'll hire some people to do that for me. And I want to just be a fly on a wall and see what's happening.  And the lack of communication and from just a secretary as a front line of defense, that's how I look at it. The way that they would go about answering the phones. They wouldn't ever ask any questions. It was just like, hello. My name is blah, blah. Hello. My name is Mark. How can I direct you? Hello, my name is, remember that old movie, the office place or whatever it was [00:07:00] like, hey, my name is blah, blah, blah. Hello. My name is blah, blah, blah. That's all they're doing. And I'm like, whoa, what are you doing, man? Ask them questions. Keep them talking. They're calling you for a reason. That means they had a thought, that thought went to a decision, they made a decision to look you up, finding you on Google or wherever they found you. Then somehow they found you. Ask them how they found you. What made you, what led you to coming here today?

Russ Johns: Ask great questions.

Chris Ross: Yes, a hundred percent.

Russ Johns: That's why you became a podcaster too.

Chris Ross: It is. That was by accident. But yeah, we can go in a little bit more than that.

Russ Johns: I just want to drop the nugget of knowledge here that if you have an organization that needs help and you have some challenging times between departments, one of the things you can do is you can always improve the communication. Know and understand what each person does in each department, in front of you and behind you throughout the whole organization. And you will increase [00:08:00] your success rate tremendously, and Chris is, as he's outlined here today, it's really important for people to understand what the organization's goals are. And a lot of organizations struggled because they, they're not really crystal clear. They can't articulate their value and their benefit. And I think that's really important, too.

Chris Ross: I see a lot...they, you know how they used to give them even the good companies they'll even have like their mission statement on a card or something?

Russ Johns: Yeah.

Chris Ross: And they would have that card by every phone. And they either with some people will even take it laminate it or stick it to the phone. So whoever, depending on department that answered the phone, that was a quick reminder that's their mission statement and that's our core values. So if it doesn't align within those core values, then it might be not in the best interest of giving the person products, whatever that recommendation and pointing in that direction, because you don't know what's going to happen in life. You don't know when the other person might be coming [00:09:00] in, looking for a job or looking for a business and something happened within that company or that industry and the tables are turned. I've been in those situations before. Not me personally, but my staff has told me that the situation would be reversed. They treated a person and it wasn't aligned with the core values of the CEO or the person that built the business and they were rude and it came across a certain way. Two years later, the other person, they went in for an interview and they were the person that had to interview. So think about that overall. You don't know when you're going to run into the same people and you don't know when you're going to need that helping hand and holding yourself accountable to the decisions and choices you make every single day. Attitude? Free.  Can't buy at Walmart.  Effort? Free. Can't buy at Walmart that is done by you. You control that. People tell me I can't control it. Yes, you can. You can control the effort that you put into something and your attitude or having the right [00:10:00] mindset in your approach.

Russ Johns: I love that. I love that. Chris question. What was the first job you recall having?

Chris Ross: Okay. I was an entrepreneur before I had a job. I moved from one area of Charleston, South Carolina. That's where I'm from. And anybody's from Charleston, South Carolina viewing this live, what's going on in South Carolina.

Russ Johns: I love Charleston.

Chris Ross: Beautiful place. Beautiful. Was it the slogan? Beautiful places. Smiling faces. This was on, it was on the bumper stickers and whatnot and licenseplates. But I moved from one area and lots into Summerville to Dorchester road area. And when I moved from there to there, it was a subdivision. So my dad worked two to three jobs his whole life. He still, he wants to see it through man. So it doesn't matter what his son has done. He's no, man, I'm going to see it through. But I moved from one area to that area and we didn't have a lot of money. We just bought a brand new house. Okay. It's from 18 years to buy that house cause my older sister was born handicapped, so had to pay for a lot of stuff going on. But I got to a certain [00:11:00] age where I was popular in school, just cause I was good at sports. Right. And wasn't like, I was an all-star or anything, but I was decent. Okay. I could play a little ball. So I was like I want to wear nice clothes. I want to wear Tommy Hilfiger at the time, whatever it was at Timberland's this is, nineties. Okay. So when I got to that point, I was like I can't afford this. So it was like, my dad goes, what can, what I've been teaching you things your whole life cutting grass, raking leaves. You can use your hands, right? All this, all these people in this subdivision are older. They would love for a young person like you to go in and cut their grass for them. And I was like, ding, light bulb. And that's all the nudge he gave me. I took over a whole neighborhood, cutting all the grass, and then I got smart. I'm going to get some equipment. Okay. Then other people that are trying to cut the grass, they can cut it for me and I'll give them a percentage. Yeah. I controlled the neighborhood. So this isn't that crazy. But my first job that actually had to sign my, I put my, given my social security number was a carwash. Okay. [00:12:00] And it was right down the street. And I did that at the summertime during that time. And I was at that time, where like car washes, I don't know if they still do them now, but they would come up and be like, ding, ding, they'll hit a little thing and then you'd use it outside of the tires and whatnot. But back at that time they had standards and they call it stick shifts for those. And, obviously are tuning in now, they don't even really have those now, but the sticks, if I could drive a stick, so I always in a rotation a little bit more heavy and I would get tips, but I learned at a very young age, if I increase the overall experience of every person that I come in contact with and I'm able to really make them feel a certain way, then they'll give me whatever and tips I was killing them. Cause and effect a hundred percent man. But no one's ever asked me that before.

Russ Johns: And the reason I ask you that is because there seems to be a trend on people that have this entrepreneurial spirit, they typically have the seed planted early and then they go on in what is called traditional work-life balance and, it's like [00:13:00] the journey that we all take, you'd go to school, you go to college, you get a job, yeah. This is the road you take. And a lot of times people that have had that spark of entrepreneurial journey, they're never quite. It's a round peg in a square hole or a square peg in a round hole experience in corporate America. And they're just thinking, man, there must be something else going on here. What was the change in the shift? You went through corporate America, you did your corporate, your stint there, right?

Chris Ross: Yeah. You just gotta just it's like going into entrepreneur jail for a little while. That's the way I look at it. That's my analogy is okay, I gotta put in the work and put in my time and knowing policies and conforming. That's where I was the most unhappy in my life.

Russ Johns: You have to figure out what is it that you don't like to do?

Chris Ross: And I knew that.

Russ Johns: Sometimes the only way you'd have to go through that experience in order to accomplish that goal.

Chris Ross: 100% I was really good at what I did, and I'm not trying to sound a certain way, but I would be able to I was always good at sales. I was always drawing like a [00:14:00] magnet to sales cycle. It was always, the calling and you have a gift of the gab or whatever you want to call it. My sister said that the other day. But it's not a gift of the gab. I love to speak. There's actually a picture of me and I'll send it to you privately a picture of me standing in my mom's bedroom. I think my bedroom at the time, and I was like two years old with a Mickey mouse phone. Like this, like talking on the phone up, I'll always let the phone always love sales. Okay. I think I was born for this. I'll send it to you. You'll love it. And I'll had the whole like eighties hair and everything. It was crazy. So I always was drawn to sales. And then once I got, got myself involved, I was not just enrolling more than they would ask for me to do into a program. I was beating them by a huge gap. Yeah. And that gap was, I wasn't enrolling the students that the marketing team was providing me. And I got in trouble for not calling my leads because I learned how to sell through other people, to hit their networks and people around them referrals. I did so well off a referral. So then, speaking on stage and doing all those types of stuff, then I realized [00:15:00] the higher I got. And so once I started meeting some of these investors of the trade schools, so why am I only making 128 a year, man? Like I'm making these guys millions dollars every month. Yeah. Why am I here? Yeah, I want to make that, but it wasn't really about just...

Russ Johns:  I want  to own the neighborhood again.

Chris Ross: Yes. But that's it. That's what I'm saying. I started off the right way, but then somewhere down the path I had to conform and just follow everybody else. And what, back in the nineties, like entrepreneur, nobody really knew what entrepreneurship was.

Russ Johns:  It ,wasn't a popular way of thinking.

Chris Ross: No, not at all. Because if I would've told my father working two to three jobs and said to him, dad, I want to become an entrepreneur. He'd be like, you've lost your mind. And he even did it when I was going to make the decision going from corporate to starting my own thing. I would get, I wouldn't give that advice to everybody. To just cut it and go. But that was the only, it was the best route for me to take, because I couldn't have a, I'm more of a guy [00:16:00] that can't have a plan B you give me an option that I'm going to look at that option and keep eyeballing it. I just put blinders on and I'm gonna go right after it. I'm aggressive. You can probably tell.

Russ Johns: All the way. And I just want to give a shout out to some of the individuals in the room here. Michael Baker  in from Florida. What's up. Thanks for always being here, Michael. Mark O'Brien yeah, I have a story to prove Chris's point, but it's not for everyone so

Chris Ross: we can talk offline.

Russ Johns: Yeah. Are you talking about Mike Hubicki? He's doing a cool thing, Chris, that he's actually he's been a successful architect in Canada and he's doing a show called Thriving Mayors. He's helping a lot of mayors in their journey as mayors in their communities in North America. So that's pretty cool.

Chris Ross: You need to come to UK and teach the mayor of London, some stuff.

Russ Johns: Yeah. There's well, mayors are these individuals that get, they're voted in by popularity. They're not always trained in the skills [00:17:00] necessary to lead a community into greatness. So Mike's helping them with that thing. So Sheila Chamberlain, thank you so much for being here. Darren Birch is another podcaster here and he's actually introduced him to Brian and he's done some great work there. I'm going to be on his program here. And the the Badge Boys it's really popular a podcast out there. Sheila Chamberlin enjoy the journey and the experience. Thank you so much here. She's got several Yo Boris.

Chris Ross: I don't know if you know the current events and what's happening and they've shut everything down to make sure I think it's been May something that everything's supposed to hopefully open back up. I'm going to miss another freaking Easter, but it is what it is, man. It's I guess as long as the people are safe, this is a real thing. I know everyone makes a lot of jokes about this type of stuff, but it goes back to even the point about entrepreneurship. This wasn't a Russ Johns and Chris Ross pandemic, this was a everyone pandemic. But one thing that [00:18:00] I do love about what's happened is it forced people to really evaluate where they currently are in their life. And what do they really want to accomplish. And that's sometimes being alone in your own thoughts is a very scary place and re-evaluating and looking at options. And that's something that I speak very passionately about. You don't realize this when you're 17 years old, that you have all these options because you don't have a lot of responsibilities yet. Every year it goes by and every trip around that sun options start to evaporate depending on how many responsibilities that you have, family, whatever. So we get to a certain age, then you go I have to do this because I couldn't do this. I didn't do it at that time. If I can give any advice to anybody out there. That's what this year should have did for you was giving you the opportunity to reset. To restart.

Russ Johns: And reflect on, what's not working out and remove it from your life. And one of the things like yourself I reflected on is, okay, I've been doing this. #PirateBroadcast™, I've been [00:19:00] teaching podcasting since 2014, taught a podcast movement and, workshops and taught university and all of these things, structure, systems, process, all of this stuff. And it's this year, I decided I want to build a community just like what you're doing with live streaming. This live stream, we're streaming on Twitch, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube, all at once.

Chris Ross: That's powerful. People didn't know what it takes behind it. They don't know what it takes behind all that stuff. Yeah.

Russ Johns: I spent years, trying to experiment with different processes, different people, different things. And to get to this point, I was live streaming varsity sports in Texas to a radio station. And then rebroadcasting that on am radio.

Chris Ross: Isn't that crazy? That's amazing. That's cool.

Russ Johns: I've invested the time and effort and energy to figure this system out. And put it in [00:20:00] place so others don't have to worry about it. They just show up and I can help them broadcast their name, their authority, their brand, their message, whatever it needs to be. And I've created all these ways of that. You can monetize this stuff same way with you in the Winject studios. A process. And I want to talk a little bit about this because it's important for people to understand what is possible in this day and age, pandemic has said, okay what do I need to release? And what do I need to create? So you and a few other people have created this amazing opportunity to build something bigger than yourself. Yes. So let's go down this path and talk about this because I think it's important for the pirate community to understand some of the crazy logic that we have in this exercise.

Chris Ross: Sure. To kind of give everyone a little bit more of an idea. I've always been, I've thought about all this stuff that I've done in business. Great. I was asked for years to do a podcast show. [00:21:00] Finally came out with one called the win-win effect as the methodology developed over years of same stuff I was talking about. I'm not going to bore you with again, but I've had a massive success with that. I did build him within some of the contracts to getting, obviously downloads was all of these trade schools, connections I did have definitely did help. Over 2 million downloads in one year. Amazing blessed individual. But from that, I saw the instant impact because you get to focus on email rates and you'll focus on all this other stuff in marketing. That's one way as a podcaster to speak directly to your audience. And they subscribed to that. They can watch you doing it live, which I love. So I've got a light bulb started going off in my head. Okay. Crazy stuff. I know Chris is not some crazy Chris, so I start going nuts and start thinking, I'm like what if I was able to do the same thing I'm doing with all the other stuff I've ever done, the same format, same philosophy and take it and move it over to more of like broadcasting and media, because that's what's needed right now. But think about everyone's going back home. Everyone wants to start a podcast. Podcast growth  went through the roof. [00:22:00] Here's the thing about podcasting. There's no instant gratification from it. No,  it's a long game you got to play. So think about this overall, you got podcasters that start a show. They don't see the streams and downloads and they think they're big. They think they're big, but they it's different. I don't care. I've seen and I've actually done this. This is something that's personal. I actually have really good friends that do have the blue ticks and they're pretty like celebrities. Come out with a show and no one downloads because you're not approachable. You're not talking to your audience. You know what I mean? So the point I'm making, I saw a huge gap and a huge level of opportunity for people like yourself that have put in the work, have put in a time and can use that as more of a connection and a add on with Winject studios. If you're looking for streams and you really want to set up the system and doing it right with the lighting and all the other stuff that you do. And while you have it all set, and I will say this just throws it out to your team. But the way that you guys sent over and how [00:23:00] to join stream yard, how to do this, how to do that. It was just crystal clear. Luckily for myself, I already knew I used stream yard, so we're good. But the point is

Russ Johns: you saw the system though.

Chris Ross: I saw the system and I saw how easy it can. I saw, I see how you're jumping. I head up all the objections, potential objections of getting on their live and respecting each other's time. So as a podcaster, and let's talk about that just for a second. So a podcaster, you want to make sure you're leveling up. That's how you level up without you saying who you are, by the way that your team is constructing. You're doing business with, for you and setting everything up. Next thing is for a guest. If I was a guest that didn't use stream yard, I'm going to be uncomfortable. Am I not? So if I'm uncomfortable and I'm like, Oh my God, my lighting, this the camera and just my microphone doesn't work on this platform. Ah, What do you think that's going to happen for the next 10 minutes of that conversation?

Russ Johns: It's going to be stressed. It's going to be unrelaxed. It's  going to be bit by bit, pulling [00:24:00] teeth.

Chris Ross: And is that something can affect your listeners?

Russ Johns: Absolutely.

Chris Ross: Absolutely. That's how much effort you put into what you do. And that's why it's so important.

Russ Johns: That's from experience too, Chris, it's from learning. What I like when I show up to somebody's podcast, what it's like, there's nothing more stressful than thinking I have this on my calendar and I haven't received any information about what I need to do or where I need to go. I got to give a shout out here. Tracie is the producer of this show.

Chris Ross: Yes. That's the name. I couldn't think of it. Thank you, Tracie for all you do. Even Carolyn was impressed with some of the emails that were sent over. I thank you so much. Tracie.

Russ Johns: Yeah, she's doing an awesome job and she's helping a lot in other areas of the business. Angie, we're friends and she is the one that introduced us to Tracie and all of this thing is part of a community, Chris, and that's exactly what you're talking about. This community built environment, where everybody's helping each other out. It's not [00:25:00] competition. It's cooperation.

Chris Ross: Yes. And that's actually, I wrote that on my piece of paper. I think I took it from a candle place. You didn't go and make candles some fun to go do in Charleston. Made some candles and it goes, we don't believe in competition. We believe in community. I took that from that experience and I still have the candle and I won't burn it on purpose because I was like, I really liked that slogan. But then it made me think about merging that over everything I do, not just some of the things that make it work, everything I do. So when you make a shift in entrepreneurship, you make a shift in business and leveling up. When you want to get to a nine figure, 10 figure type of earnings, and really set yourself up in that type of way. That's what, that's how you view everybody else around you. I live in an abundant lifestyle. Everything's possible. Anything is possible. As long as you put the thought, the intention, direction and put it on something.

Russ Johns: It's just a bigger pie.

Chris Ross: That's a hundred percent for everyone, everybody. I was like, I want everybody to eat what I'm eating. It's great. Okay. So if you're talking about community, [00:26:00] so there's three tiers and there's three levels of Winject studios. Okay. And I'm going to give it to you. The first level is the pod more is community. Pod more think about it as I'm very one of those guys that put a lot of intention behind all the little things and connecting all the dots. So everyone's gonna be like this guy's nuts. So pod more is community building that community, Raven fans. Everyone's cool. Everyone's going to help out each other and open to collaboration next leg. Collaboration, Winject studios, broadcasting, obviously we'll have conversations about taking some of your services, doing more of a thing to where we're supporting our in-house podcasters and businesses to where everything is done in house. There's no, there's not really outsourcing there's insourcing. Okay. So think about that overall collaboration, right? If you have a service product service, a good, that's not going to be available to everybody else in the community where we can all work on and then structuring out certain deals with contracts pays, whatever they do, right? So services, then the last [00:27:00] leg, this the most important leg collective impact is where I'm going to open up my Rolodex and open up all the connections that I do have, Bloomberg, iHeart, all these other things I got into the one in the background and teaching people how to build a real business, not an entity. A business, a corporation I'm talking about multi, like multimillion dollar revenue streams coming in and structuring your corporation. That's my expertise in structuring out the last piece. So it's going to be done in legs, but that's when my light bulb going off, man. I was like, man, I was like, there's a huge opportunity that I don't think that people are going to understand how this is going to be able to get built. And it won't be built without a community.

Russ Johns: And just to frame it in another way, just so people can grab a hold of this. You can't dream as big as some of the people can see how big you can become. If that makes sense. Sometimes it takes another perception, another person's [00:28:00] reaching out and saying, hey, you have something going on here that could be much bigger than you imagined you could do A, B and C and one, two, three and I'm only seeing A .It's just I'm just, I have this little podcast here. I got my microphone and I've got, there's a lot more to it than what you can imagine. When you have somebody like yourself that has the experience of the sales process building...

Chris Ross: Just like you with what you do though, Russ, think about what you like, what you do. You're a trailblazer in that industry because you have put in the hours of work and knowing what you would expect. That's the most important thing I learned from this conversation with you, what you expect. So your standards are here. You're not going to compromise your standards, are you? So how can you share that message? It took you years to get to that level of experience.

Russ Johns: Yes, absolutely.

Chris Ross: So that's what we're giving people. Like we've already put in the work we've already put in the effort we've already put in that time that is going to is a prerequisite for you being successful [00:29:00] and being in that top 1% of the 1%, and I'm going to circle all the way back to what I said about those two things you can control that requires zero money, down payment for, effort and attitude. And I keep telling people, I say that until I'm blue in the face, all I'm looking for you to do is a put in effort. Trust in my ability that I've been here before. And from there, I'll start increasing your level of understanding about business, but you have to put in that extra effort and from there, your attitude and just be open to change.

Russ Johns: And the reality everyone is that for everyone, there's no secret sauce. There's no magic dust. You do the work, you get the results. Long shortcuts take the longest. So just place yourself in the seat, strap in, join up, make sure that you're involved and invested in a community that can help and support you along your journey.

Chris Ross: I'll get you a [00:30:00] link to... I don't even know if you've had it. Do you even have the, where the link, I guess I'm going to have our team do it as well. Just I'm on...

Russ Johns: We'll publish it out. Send stuff over to Tracie and she'll drop it in the post.

Chris Ross: Okay, perfect.

Russ Johns: So here's the other side of the equation for us? This broadcast is now going to be, it's going to be a post, a podcast, a transcription, and it's going to be on the website by this afternoon.

Chris Ross: And that's so easy to do. And  thing, I do love about your show and I have to give you like a pat on the back on what you do, man. I, haven't seen a lot of shows that have five live streams a week. What I mean by five, five guests a week, correct?

Russ Johns: Oh yeah.

Chris Ross: Yeah. Sorry. I was like, five? Damn.. Oh man. I was like, man, someone needs to get you a medal. Okay. So for five episodes a week, you have it like, man, someone gives you a medal, like a pirate ship. I don't get you something, man. But five a week that takes a lot of effort.  A lot of [00:31:00] effort, a lot of backend stuff that no one sees is ever going to see. The way it comes across, even, a little in the intro loved it. Those are the small details that separate someone that's good to great. That tunes in each and every week they serve, they show up for you, but they stay for the guests. That's what makes you great. I love it.

Russ Johns: Chris, this has been an awesome experience. We're over time and Tracie is going to spank me cause every minute that she has to process information.

Chris Ross: My bad Tracie it's me. I'm long-winded.

Russ Johns: And as always, Chris, you're always welcome back as a pirate. I know we got a lot of things that we're going to be talking about in the future for our adventure. And as everyone. The reason we're here and we love sharing this information and this advice. And if you found anything in here that was at least valuable in some way, shape or form or someone, needs to hear this, share it out and comment, subscribe to the podcast, subscribe to the YouTube channel and get this [00:32:00] information out there because Chris is dropping nuggets of knowledge and golden treasure every single day, and go check out Winject studios. Go check out the other podcasters that are in the community and everything that's going on around you, because there's some amazing adventures taking place right in front of us. So as always, #kindnessiscool, #smilesarefree and you #enjoytheday. Don't go away.

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