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Catch Brian Bogert on the #PirateBroadcast™

Welcome to the #piratebroadcast™: 

Sharing #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. 

I love sharing what others are doing to create, add value, and help in their community. 

The approach people use and how they arrived at where they are today fascinates me. 

So… I invite them to become a PIRATE on the

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Historically, pirate broadcasting is a term used for any type of broadcasting without a broadcast license. With the internet, creating your own way of connecting has evolved.  

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Introduction: [00:00:00] Welcome to the #PirateBroadcast™, where we interview #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. Where you can expand your connections, your community, #kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree. Let’s get this party started.

Russ Johns: [00:00:21] And Brian is here. He's here. He's going to be a pirate today. We've got a great show happening and thank you so much for being here and Brian, good morning.

Brian Bogert: [00:00:33] Good morning, my friend. Thank you for the opportunity to be with you and thanks for building the platform to put good into the world, brother.

Russ Johns: [00:00:39] My everyday chore is to get up here and create some smiles, share some #inspiration and motivate people to do something better today. #Makeitmatter.

Brian Bogert: [00:00:49] I love it.

Russ Johns: [00:00:50] One of the things that we connected randomly through another pirate and all of a sudden this thing about podcasting and we have some history about podcasting and putting these things together. And I want to go back for those that don't know you just happen to be the five people in the world that watch this show, don't know you tell us about Brian and what you're doing and who you are and why you got there. Give us a snapshot.

Brian Bogert: [00:01:18] Yeah, I will. So first and foremost, I'm a husband and father. I have to start there cause that's the most important role in my life. Say that and then to give a little bit of history, because I think to answer that question, it's better to tell a quick story, cause you can really understand why it's such a perfect fit for me to be a pirate especially today.  Want everybody, unless they're driving to just close their eyes for one second. And I'll tell you when to reopen them. I want you to imagine going to a store, having a successful shopping trip, leaving the store, heading to your car, ready to go on with your day. And as you're walking to your car, you turn your head and see a truck barreling 40 miles an hour, right at you with no time to react. Go ahead and open your eyes. That's where this portion of my story begins. My mom, my brother, and I went to our local Warlmart to get a one inch paint brush  and as we were headed back to the car, anybody who knows me or has spent any time or consuming my content knows I've got a ton of energy. Of course, that was the first one of the car. And I was ready to get home and put that one inch paint paintbrush to use. This is back in the days though, where we didn't have key fobs and I needed to wait for my mom to physically get up to the door, put the key in and turn it so I could get in. So she and my brother were three, four feet behind me while I was waiting. A truck pulls up in front of the store. And the driver and middle passenger get out passenger all the way to the right fields  the truck moving backwards  so he did what any one of us would do, Russ and he scoots over to put his foot on the brake, but he instead hits the gas. Combination of shock and force threw him up onto the steering wheel, up onto the dashboard. And before you know, it he's catapulting 40 miles an hour across the parking lot, right at us with no time to react. So we're in an end spot and he goes up and over the median goes up and over the tree in the media and hits our car. Knocks me over, runs over me, diagonally, tears  my spleen leaves the tire tracks on my stomach and continues on to completely separate my left arm from my body. So there I am laying on the parking lot on 115 degree day in Arizona. My mom and brother watched the whole thing happen and they see my arm now, 10 feet away. Fortunately for me, my guardian angel, she walks out of the store, right when this happened and it was a nurse. She saw the literal life and limb scenario in front of her and rushed immediately into action. She came over and put her hands on the wound, stopped the bleeding and instructed some innocent bystanders to go inside, grab a cooler, fill it with ice and get my arm on ice within minutes. Had she not done one or both of those things either. Wouldn't be here with you today, or I'd be here with you today with the cleaned up stump. And so the, what got me on this path, there's really two primary lessons that I took from life that I've applied to everything. There's many more, as I'm sure you can imagine with all of the adversity that happened. But what I realized is I have a very unique story, right? And so what's important is that we pause and become aware of the lessons we can extract from our stories and then become intentional. How do we apply them in our lives? And we all have the ability to do that. Cause we all have stories and we all have things we can learn from them. We also all have the ability to tap into the collective wisdom of other people's stories to shorten our own curve, to learning. So these two lessons, the first is I learned not to get stuck by what had happened to me. But instead get moved by what I could do with it. And the second I didn't realize until far later at seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12 years old, I'm going through the process, right? I'm having surgeries and years of therapy and recovery. Yes. I was a part of it, but I was also being guided through the process. So I was in a fog. My parents were not. However you see the idea of seeing their son grew up without the use of his left arm was a source of great suffering. And they were intimately aware of the unceasing, medical treatments and years of therapy. But they ultimately did what they needed to do on a daily basis to embrace the pain, to ultimately strengthen and heal me.  So they ingrained in me this philosophy and way of living, which is one of my statements that I just live my life by, which is to embrace pain, to avoid suffering. And I think that's also where we gain freedom. It's this concept that I use to not only ever come to unique injury, but how my business partners and I scaled our last business to 15 million in the span of a decade. And now how I flip that on its head as a human behavior and performance coach to help individuals and organizations, just like you, just like the people listening become more aware, more intentional in who they already are, their most authentic selves. I believe that's when magic happens and the door starts to crack to perspective, #motivation, and direction. And that's when we can bring joy, freedom and fulfillment back into our lives. And that's why I've committed my life for the next 25 years to try to impact a billion lives. Because if we reduce the level of suffering on this planet, we bring joy, freedom and fulfillment back in. That's also where the bonds of human connection start to be repaired and we can have a lot more beautiful world that we live in.

Russ Johns: [00:05:16] Such a true statement. Absolutely positively. And we have a lot of parallels, my whole life changed when I was falling 33 stories from a billboard and a eight year old kid across the street says, look, mom, that guy jumped off the sign. Yeah.  2 years of rehab and reconstruction and, nearly losing my arm it was the same situation,  and you either have to choose to be a victim. Or victorious over the situation, pull what you can from the circumstance you're delivered and move toward a much greater goal of sharing, caring and providing some empathy in the world. That's why #kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree is not an empty statement. It's not a marketing statement. It's a way of life for me and you, because you don't know what someone next door is going through. You don't know the person in the grocery store that is coming out there  that could be in a drastic circumstance tomorrow. And so anyone that you meet, anyone that you talk to, random strangers individuals that you have no understanding of. I have a little kindness, have a little empathy cause it makes a difference. It does make a  difference.

Brian Bogert: [00:06:37] I couldn't agree more. Perspective is everything, right? Perspective points is what's important. So if we seek the perspective of others, we try to put ourselves in their shoes. It's easier to have empathy and wrap them with that.

Russ Johns: [00:06:47] I want to shift gears a little bit and because of our shared experience in going through the pain and suffering of circumstance and something outside of our control, It propelled us to a different location. It propelled us to be in a different way. So for yourself, you became a performance coach. You built companies, you built  great things. And now you're building a different thing impacting millions of lives. So in that journey, what do you feel is going to be the thing, the common thread that pulls it all together in performance, from the perspective of performance, what is it that people can say, I can do this or motivating to make a change in their lives to adjust their sales and go a different direction? Some of these little tweaks that we think about or become aware of are in my journey anyway, it's oh, I get it. The light bulb goes off and all of a sudden things open up and it becomes much easier to provide and deliver services or work through a challenge I'm going through. How do you perceive that as being current and active today and how do people get unstuck, I guess is the way of asking the question?

Brian Bogert: [00:08:15] Yeah. It starts with human behavior and performance coach, right? So you said a second ago, I'm a performance coach. I think it's human behavior first because you can't perform until you understand the human behavior. And so I think one of the most common threads that keeps people stuck, right? Most people think it's the wrong strategy or the wrong tactics. So if I changed my strategy and tactics, I can get to a different place. If my business is stagnant, let's change our strategy with danger tactics. Let's go. And by the way, strategy and tactics are critically important, but that's not typically what keeps people stuck, right? Because strategy and tactics can refine. They can change. They're much easier. What often keeps people stuck is a combination of emotional triggers and behavioral patterns that keep them in that self-defeating place. And almost without question in the one-to-one work that I do, or even on our group court's courses that we work with where we actually help develop individuals more times than not the piece that's actually keeping them stuck is a combination of one of those two things, emotional triggers and behavioral patterns. So often I can be working with high performers who have reached a high level of success, at least how the external world has defined it financially. But they're miserable. They're an empty shell of themselves and they're not really recognizing why they keep repeating the same patterns in their lives. Why relationships or health are not fulfilled or why they can build a business, but they can't necessarily take it to the next level. And so often it's them that are in the way. And I've got a 68 year old client that I work with right now. He's built successful businesses. He's been unbelievably successful in his life. He's a consultant and a coach himself. He's had multiple coaches. When two sessions of working with him, we uncovered that he has a very deeply rooted self-worth issue, that he was never aware of. That impacted his relationships with his family, his spouse, it impacted his ability to monetize his business. It impacted the way that they actually were going about and pricing their fee structure for their clients. It impacted the way that he interacted with his business partner. It wasn't strategy and tactics. 68 years old, he was blind to the fact that he's been dealing with self-worth on such a deep level, that it's impacted so many elements of his life. And I could give you 50 more examples of that, but emotional triggers and behavioral patterns and what we're unaware of, we can't be intentional about. So what I loved about what you said, but most in the question that you asked is how do we become aware of what these things are? Our minds process, 11 million bits of information per second, but we're only consciously aware of about 40. Think about that for a second. Let that sink in, 11 million bits. It's scary.

Russ Johns: [00:10:33] It's insantiy when you think about it out loud, logically.

Brian Bogert: [00:10:36] Then what does it tell you? It tells you that we're largely led by the unconscious. So until we go through a systematic process of moving the unconscious of the conscious, the unaware to the aware, it's going to feel like life is happening to us, it's going to feel like it's fate. It's going to feel like we have no influence or control over our destiny. So that's where people get stuck because they get into that victim mentality where it's  can't do anything different.  No. We all have the ability to take back control of our lives.

Russ Johns: [00:10:58] And take responsibility for our lives.

Brian Bogert: [00:11:00] Ownership and responsibility, right?

Russ Johns: [00:11:02] Yeah. I know that there's a lot of things, and I'm going,...I have done a lot of work, and I'm really in a place right now where I'm focusing in on growth and helping more people and the more people I help, the better my life seems to kind of repair it.

Brian Bogert: [00:11:20] I believe that.

Russ Johns: [00:11:21] It just appears to be a much smoother journey. And thinking about some of the things you just said, it makes a lot of sense that if you add value and you create value and you push it out to the world, it seems to just come around and come back to you. Just like the nurse in the parking lot, knowing what to do at the right time.  And there's been so many circumstances in my life that. two seconds, one way or the other, I easily could have not been here. And so I know I'm on a mission to do something more than what I'm doing right now and growing into that journey. And one of the things that I love about what you're doing is helping people become a better person tomorrow than they were yesterday.

Brian Bogert: [00:12:10] Yep. That's what it's about, man. It's, there is no final destination, right? Like it's a constant evolution itself. So people can remove the fact that it's like, if I just get, if I just get here, then if I just get here then, it's a constant evolution, but you have to go intrinsic before you can have extrinsic value and impact. So what I love about what you just said, I have a filter that I run almost everything through at this point in my life. It's relationships, values and impact. So is anything that I'm going to do help build or establish a relationship, or maybe find a new one. Is there going to be a way for me to add value in some capacity and where, and how does this impact lives as a result of what we might do together? You've heard me say or a big word that I would say that I coined probably a year ago is this idea of collective impact. We are stronger together than we are apart. And something that you've jumped into, that's even the last thing that we focus on is collective impact. When we bring like-minded individuals. The other thing that I love that you said, and I want to give one pivot, because this is the evolution where I'm at this point, my wife and I said for years, 15-20 years, she and I had been aligned on this idea that like we give until it hurts. We give until the point that we feel it, because that for us is when it becomes significant. Now, that's true. And the more we've given, the more we actually have been in a position to receive, and I don't ever have a direct line to anything. There's dotted lines to a whole bunch of stuff where it's like, oh yeah, we did this one thing that impacted a life. And maybe it came back full circle. One of my coaches and mentors slapped me between the eyeballs of a two by four, about three months ago  because one of the things that I'm bad at, and I'm going to admit it, if I give a lot, I have a very hard time asking. Yeah. And one of the things that he said to me is Brian, like you want to impact a billion lives. And I'll just break down for you. One of the things that I've said is I don't have any problem asking as long as it benefits somebody else. But one of my own shame triggers means that if I think that something's going to benefit me and only me, I hesitate to ask because  why would I ask if it's only gonna benefit me if it's not for the greater good.

Russ Johns: [00:14:09] Does that feel selfish to you? Is selfish  one of the labels that you could place on that.

Brian Bogert: [00:14:14] Oh, of course, but for me it's tied to my shame trigger, right? So selfish is the by-product of that. For me, the deep rooted emotional triggers is shame and so what he said to me is he's like, Brian, here's the thing, impacting a billion lives, every thing that you do, the way that you live your life, like it doesn't matter if it directly impacts you, it's going to inherently impact other people cause that's just how you operate. Because you give until it hurts. So he's like we got to flip that on its paradigm as well, because you've got to put yourself in a position to receive at a level that's greater than you can give. Otherwise, you won't be able to give all of yourself to the level that you want to impact a billion lives. So that was a period of time that I'm working on actively.

Russ Johns: [00:14:50] Yeah. I think having a ritual of improvement every day is something that everyone should adopt.  Love to create something every day. I love to help someone every day and I like to inspire somebody every day and those things, those actions and taking a conscious effort to do something, even if you don't know where it's going to land or where it's going to impact somebody is important for the process. Because, once you start the flywheel of that giving, you also have to receive, you have to learn how to receive in order to accomplish a bigger goal, because you have to add to the flywheel. You have to keep that motion and action and following through. I want to give a shout out to some of the individuals that have joined us this morning. Saifond has joined us. Thank you so much. And Jenny Gold, morning pirates. Russ and Brian. Good morning, Jenny thank you so much for being here. And Darren Birch, a local resident. Great message. It's 5% of what happens to you and 95%, how you deal with it. Absolutely. A hundred percent. Perspective is everything. Mike Baker says, denial. He also says self-esteem yes, self-esteem. Self-worth the queen of green, Lorrie Scott says, good morning pirates. Well said, Brian, you got a fan here. Mike Baker. Yes. Responsibility, accountability, maturity, and Darren Burch says good morning pirates. So we have Jenny Gold says, Russ you inspire me every day. Thank you. Jenny I really appreciate that. Thank you so much. I want to shift gears on... you're doing a lot great things and one of the things that I think is amazing right now is building a community of podcasters that are sharing the voice, #inspiration, #motivation from Winject studios. And some of the activities around that subject is I think, part of your journey and part of your process of impacting a billion lives. Is that a fair statement?

Brian Bogert: [00:17:02] It's absolutely , absolutely a fair statement. It's completely in alignment with who I am, the way that I operate and how we'll do it. We'll talk a little bit about how this developed and then where we're at today, because again and you fortunately are someone who jumped up and said, hey, with my experience in podcasting, I think that could be one of the first 50 members to join and add value into this and you have already. To my own detriment, I completely devalued podcasting. Prior and for no reason, I literally, it wasn't for any reason, it wasn't like I did it and had a bad experience. I just didn't understand it. I wasn't a part of the world. And COVID forced a shift when I had a number of live stages get canceled. And a lot of different things that happened where I was like, okay what are some virtual stages? And, oh, by the way, the timing of when I actually committed to myself, a hundred percent of this journey of impacting a billion lives was also around the time that COVID was developing. So it wasn't like I had been on this path that I completely just threw out the window, but I started to double down on that approach and  I targeted about 10 to 12 and got on those shows and they were like amazing conversations  and I started having these unbelievable deep conversations with some of the most interesting people that I'd ever met and it started to create this momentum that really blew up to the point that over the last six months I've been on 150 shows and have met literally some of the most incredible people on the planet. Three of which we decided to go into forming a community and building a network that's behind the community. As a result of that, two of them were guys that had been running podcast masterminds for the last five, six years have really helped a lot of podcasters understand audience growth and connection and monetization. Another one is a serial entrepreneur like myself and his own show has had over 2 million downloads last year. And so it was like an incredible way because he understands how to control content, where to distribute it, how to actually grow people. And when we all got together, this idea was like, look, what doesn't exist in the world right now is a podcast community. There's lots of networks. There's lots of Facebook groups, there's support groups, if you will, for podcasters. Like legitimately, it's like these support groups and we're like, okay, there's gotta be more to it than this because yes, there's always a business component, but there's also a community component that really is about where and how are we impacting lives. And again, to my idea of collective impact, where and how do we bring people together to do that on a more effective front. So we decided we're going to create a community for podcasters to come together to focus on those three things: community, collaboration, and collective impact.  And in a whisper, we had 50 shows join within a week. We've got, well over a hundred already on the wait list, we're getting ready to open up phase two, but the whole point is bring together really solid people with really solid messages. Give them opportunities to talk with each other. Do show swaps, do guest introductions, figure out ways to leverage the systems and technology. And then through WinJect, after we build the community, we're also plugging in networking on the backend. Community has to be first. So there will always be, there is now will always be a free option in the community because that's the only way we get people together. And then there's ways that we can teach people and there's going to be ways that we can do things for people. So yes, there's monetization elements to it, but that's not the goal. The goal is if we bring people together and we can plug in their message, that directly has collective impact. If we can elevate shows to a point where someone like yourself or a number of the individuals that are in the founders shows none of them, a number of them who already have solid platforms with religious followers, what if we bring us all together and we can find a way to live stream both on video and on radio to a point where we literally can blow up messages in a big way and change the world together. So this is all aligned with collective impact. This is just another vehicle for me to move forward in my belief system. And the beautiful part about this is it's not my message. It doesn't have to be. It's about bringing people together and letting their messages, their stories, their lessons, their connections, impact the world.

Russ Johns: [00:20:55] One of the things that I love about the community aspect of it is, and I've built communities in the past and taught a lot of people on technology and subjects and different things like that.  The #PirateBroadcast™  and the #PirateSyndicate™, which is one of the ventures that I have going on is building somebody that can actually be seen, be heard and be talked about, has such a huge impact. And I think a lot of people, when they get into podcasting or they get into live streaming or they get into content creation, they get very discouraged very quickly because they don't see any immediate results. It's not like prime delivers, your audience tomorrow. And it's like nobody listens to my podcast and it takes time. It takes effort, it takes energy. And so you have to go in with the right mindset. You have to go into it with the right intent. And I think when you go to deliver quality content and you are focused on helping so many more people than yourself, and it's not a selfish... you're not doing it for a strict marketing play. I think there's a lot more value that is created in the world. And it has a tendency to return back and people notice and it's real and it's authentic and it's an overused word, but being authentic in what you're doing. And doing it for yourself first, as far as your programming. You're in your routine and everything that goes along with that and having help, I think having help and having a community around you is such a powerful tool. And cause when you get down, it's nice to be able to call up and say, Hey Brian, I'm having a kind of a down day. Can you say something nice?

Brian Bogert: [00:22:48] That's exactly right. And the thing is especially with in the content game and in the podcast game, it can be a lonely game. It really can. And people can get isolated to be solopreneurs for lack of  a better term and their conversations and connections end up being through the show, which is great because you meet phenomenal people. But again, when you hit a wall or you get stuck, and you're having a bad day and you need someone to be there to pick you up, having people around you who have relevance and credibility and understand what you're experiencing and the way that you're doing it is important. And again, I love what you said as well, because it has to connect to something bigger than yourself.  So to me, like if there's impact on the back end, that's how I measure almost everything is impact. What's the amount of impact we're going to have. Again, impacting a billion lives is a crazy audacious number, which is also why the filter that I run things through. Is something that I'm going to do today going to impact a life. I don't care if it's one life or a hundred lives or a thousand lives, will it have impact if it's going to have impact. That's fuel for me to continue to go. I've been creating content for a number of years and you're exactly right. There's a slow trickle to it, but you start to build into your routine. You start to build it into the world and then you wrap yourself with like-minded individuals that can help you amplify that impact. That's what it's all about, brother.

Russ Johns: [00:23:57] Yeah. And it's so amazing to watch it grow. It's when's the best time to plant a tree. Now you've got to nurture that. You're not going to see the fruits of your labor for a while. Let it grow, let it flourish. Find the voice, find out who's actually paying attention. And because sometimes you put content out. And it's not necessarily landing exactly where you imagined it would land  and you have to craft that and nurture that and grow that. And so there's so many elements that having a community around to give you some feedback, say, hey, you are not seeing what I'm seeing. Here's some things that you can learn. Here's some things that you can do to improve. I don't know if Darren or not ... Darren... love Badge boys is about building bridges between community and police. He's here in Phoenix.  He has a show. It would be a great connection. He's a pirate. So you guys should probably connect. And he asked the question, did you and your family stay in contact with the nurse? Thank you for sharing.

Brian Bogert: [00:25:02] I just got chills when you asked that question because literally for the last two months, I have been on an active search to find her. The answer is no, we did not stay in touch and she did not want any credit or recognition for her efforts. We do think we've got a way to get there, but again, this is one of the other beautiful things about content and putting stuff out into the world. I am on a mission to find her. And so Darren, if you know anybody, you can put out some good in the world, I'd love to be able to connect with her and thank her because 30 years later, I'd love for her to be able to see look, she's having an impact in the world through the singular action she took that day. And that's a big #motivation for me is I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her. It's not lost on me  and I've never had the chance to tell her how grateful I truly am and how much fuel that gives me every single day to know that she could have looked away and walked away that day. But she didn't, she turned into it and that's a big part of my message on embracing pain too. She had just been delayed by the way in the store, like 15 minutes and had a headache because she was trying to get on with her day. She had some places to be. And when she walked out of the store, she knew why she was delayed and she went immediately into action. Not everybody does that. She didn't have to do that, but I'm eternally grateful and forever indebted to her for that choice. .

Russ Johns: [00:26:20] And it's those kinds of things happen every single day.

Brian Bogert: [00:26:27] They do.

Russ Johns: [00:26:28] And I don't think it's lost in the universe that you're here. You're now doing great work. You're helping a lot of people. How do people, or how do you like for people to connect with you, Brian?

Brian Bogert: [00:26:44] Yeah. So there's multiple ways they can connect. I would say the question you asked, which is uniquely different than most people is how do I like people to connect. Honestly impacting a billion lives, I'm intimately aware that 99.99999999% will never pay me a dollar. And so it's really about eyeballs on content. So I would say that social is a great place. I'm @BogertBrian on pretty much every single platform. And if you see anything that resonates like, comment and share, cause we all know how the algorithms work. I love it. If there's people who want more than that, Brianbogert.com is a great resource. It puts together a lot of our collection of our courses, our publications in Forbes and other places. It's a common ground for everything. And then, through the lens of also wanting to help people, I've got a free resource for anybody listening, go to nolimitsprelude.com. It's a succinct version of a lot of our coaching philosophies. It helps you ask those right questions to lead yourself on an intrinsic journey. I know, by the way that might be all you ever need from us and that's okay. Take it and run. If there's more that we can help you with there's contact information through all that, that you can engage on a deeper level and we'd be happy to help.

Russ Johns: [00:27:48] This has been a phenomenal. Phenomenal conversation. And I love the opportunity when I could get to know people at a deeper level. And I do this every single day, five days a week, the #PirateBroadcast™ has been going, like 350 episodes now, and I've been podcasting for a while. So I understand some of the challenges, some of the implications of being consistent and some of the results and benefit of doing so. And I just appreciate you joining us today, Brian, and sharing your story and some of the things that we need to think about as we go out through the world and so much appreciation for you and everything that you're doing.

Brian Bogert: [00:28:32] Man. I've got a lot of #gratitude for you as well. And I told you this, when we first met, right?  It seems serendipitous, but the reality of it is the universe brought us together for a reason. We're going to be running together for awhile, fellow pirates, going out and having collective impact on the world. And I couldn't be more excited to be associated with you and be a part of your journey.

Russ Johns: [00:28:50] Fantastic. And everyone, as like Brian said, we keep this machine rolling and we keep things moving forward because you like, comment, share the content with somebody that needs to hear it today. Somebody that you can impact and inspire and generate that positive moment in their lives. I really appreciate the fact that you're here. I love you all. And thank you so much for being here because #kindnessiscool, #smilesarefree and I want you to #enjoyyourday. Take care everyone.

Exit: [00:29:26] Thank you for joining the #PirateBroadcast™. If you found this content valuable, please like, comment and share it across your social media channels. I would love the opportunity to help others grow in their business. The #PirateSyndicate™ is a platform where you show up, we produce the show. It's that easy. If you want to be seen, be heard and be talked about, join the #PirateSyndicate™ today.

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