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Catch Lorrie Scott on the #PirateBroadcast™

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Introduction: [00:00:00] Welcome to the #PirateBroadcast™  where we interview #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings, where you can expand your connections, your community. #kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree. And let's get this party started.

Russ Johns: [00:00:21] And it's a beautiful day for a wonderful #PirateBroadcast™. And we are here today with Lorrie, the queen of green from Colorado. Good morning. How are you?

Lorrie Scott: [00:00:32] Good morning. I'm actually doing really well. I've been very excited to be on the #PirateBroadcast™. I have been following you and it's been really interesting and I've really enjoyed it.  So thank you so much for, including me in the #PirateBroadcast™ community.

Russ Johns: [00:00:50] Absolutely. Absolutely. And you know, one of the things that is, is, you know, I love the pirate community and everybody that's in the pirate community is really engaging and they're open to conversation and connections. So once you become a pirate, you can actually reach out and find these individuals and, and connect with them and, and have conversations. I think it's really important in 2021 and, you know, looking into the future.

And one of the things we were talking about before the show was how do we plant this seed and nurture this idea that we can be living in a greener world and maintaining some health and maybe improve things around our lives a little bit, you know, let's stop the chaos and the confusion and the fighting.  And I know that you've spent a lot of time looking into this  , the green attitude and, and some of the things that you're working on. So I want to kind of have you give us a backstory on how you got involved in this and, and what's your focus today?

Lorrie Scott: [00:02:01] Good question. So my background, I have been a massage therapist for 30 years. And along with being a massage therapist comes the whole holistic package, looking at nutrition, looking at different modalities for the body, the brilliance of the body. And then it taps into the brilliance of the planet, along with that, the nutrition and the spiritual, or, and I've moved away from the spiritual, more into an energetic aspect of looking at the planet and it's been a fascinating study. It's been observation and looking at where energies that begin are intended to be benign or contributive. They get corrupted and, and I've been playing in what the level is beyond the corruption, because it seems obvious, you know, we can see like, wow, that just got messed up. But it's how to get even beyond the corruption and get into your own authentic self, which is what I would say the planet is. Everyone's talking about the new awakening and all that, but I see it as the planet becoming more conscious and growing into a greener possibility for itself.  Now as  occupants is being on part of the, in the planet or on the planet and being part of the planet because since our bodies are made up of all the elements then we're part of this journey and we can kick and scream or, and get wrapped up in the corruption and the polarities. I mean, it's like being in a middle of a video game and we get, get one layer done and then they up the next layer of chaos. So, you know, which way do you choose? It's like, all right, I can untap. I can stop. I can stop any time.

Russ Johns: [00:04:09] I can stop anytime. Well, it's interesting how you frame that because you know, one of the things that I was watching this the other day, and for myself, I believe we're all connected. I believe we have...there's a lot that we don't even understand and we're made up mostly of water and, you know, if you take ice crystals and you talk nice to them, they form beautiful, you know, nice crystals. And actually, if you tell them that they're bad when they're freezing, they turn out really ugly and deformed.  And, and to me that was, I was watching a video on it. You know, one of those nature programs, or it was a documentary on, you know, energy and things like that. And it just occurred to me that that's how people are, you know, we're all connected that way. You treat something nice  and it can blossom and you can nurture it into something beautiful, this human being that just adapts to everything and looks at the world in a different way and a more positive outlook. And then if you diminish that and you pushed down on some attitudes and you, you know, it's, it's just doesn't work out. And I'm just thinking to myself going forward. You know, we all have a choice that we can actually produce better outcomes for people, you know, hang out with people that are positive, influence others in a positive way. All of these things that you have are opportunities to really blossom and move forward. So, what are some things that you can think of, or that you can share with the pirate community here that allows them to think in a different way or a more positive future that we can deal with?

Lorrie Scott: [00:06:07] One thing one of my hashtags for this year is 2021 bloom and thrive. So what I would say to the community with even all the  enormous piles that we're dealing with. The BS is that I was gonna have to censor that is that there's enormous hope underneath it all. And there are organizations of people who are doing amazing projects. And so there's a lot of the grassroots activity going on and that is what I called the regenerative agriculture arena. There's a movie called kiss the ground. Have you seen kiss the ground yet

Russ Johns: [00:06:55] No, I have not.

Lorrie Scott: [00:06:56] Yeah, it's It, the whole point is there's hope. And there is hope because when you look around there's hundreds, if not thousands of earth communities doing amazing things. A couple of them that I could say to check out is one's called ecosystem camps, and they're, they're going around and doing little projects and you can create one even in your neighborhood and it's volunteers getting together. Like they just put together a program in Spain and reclaimed  like hectares, hundreds of thousands of hectares of land. And that when we reclaim that land, we actually regenerate the whole ecosystem. Hence the name. But you, you bring back in the water, the weather cycles change. By bringing back our soil and we can do that.  And work is being done in the bigger agricultural farms, getting rid of the chemicals. And you can do that even on your own level, especially in your communities. There's another organization that's not very well known is called nontoxic neighborhoods. And they've set up a whole program. You can work with your city council and your city government. He'd get rid of the pesticides out of the school yards and out of the parks. And I think to know that these things are going on is inspiring because we don't hear about that.

Russ Johns: [00:08:29] Yeah. It's, it's not, it's not posted on, you know, mainstream media at all. It's interesting that you were talking about this as you were talking about this, it reminded me of a period in my life where I had started a farmer's market. And what spent two years in a sustainable farming program, learning about agriculture and learning more about, you know, chemical free you know, and I raised pastured poultry and you know pork and, and some of these things that were healthy or at least moving in that direction, you know, and raised an orchard and blueberry plants and lavender and all of these different things to, to you know, attempt it, at least in my way to live a healthier life or raise my family in a healthier environment. And it was really a period of time where it was a lot of work and a lot of effort and  still, it felt like it was a good direction to go, and it doesn't matter how much property you have or how much land you have. You know, there's hydroponics, there's ways to grow your vertical gardens. There's a lot of different opportunities that we can actually use, you know, just planting a tree here and there is a approach to get started on something and nurture these things that, you know, landscape in a environmental way that doesn't take a lot of abundance, you know, a lot of extra water or care.  And these things are more and more, I think, coming to the forefront of what we're looking at. And it's interesting too, because when you start looking at it, you'll notice it, you know, it's like buying the red car. You don't have to see the red car to buy a red car, and then all of a sudden, yeah, yeah. I think that's brings another point about going green and last year, organic gardening and people buying organic exploded.

Lorrie Scott: [00:10:35] And I think it's the next level of people taking responsibility and growing their own food. And if it means even get involved with your community gardens. Do you know Russ that in world war II, all the food that we did grow had to go to the troops. So like every inch of every extra space was gardens.

I mean, people had to grow their own gardens. And I thought, well, why, why is it, why isn't that happening now? You know, now we're back to our lush yards and tons of golf courses. Not that I, you know, you can't. Five golf courses, but what if they put gardens on the side of the golf courses or something,

Russ Johns: [00:11:17] I remember when I was living in Seattle, you have these pea patches, you know, then they would be like a corner of the block would be just a garden and anybody could go in and garden and they had you know, raised beds and you could go in there and raise your planets and your, your vegetables and things like that. And it it's just. I think it's, I think that we have been in such a law of the fast food, immediate instant gratification world, that it really makes a difference in how we think and how we live and how we, because nurturing a garden is not the same as stopping at a McDonald's on the way home. Right. Is it, the truth is that, and you know, if you don't feed your children vegetables, as they're growing up, they really may not have a taste for it when they're teenagers. So,I think it has still evolve. I think there's a lot of people like you and I, or, you know, others that are in today's market and media, the need to present a more approachable way of dealing with it and make it easier to access, I guess, would be the best way to deal with it.

Lorrie Scott: [00:12:36] Right. Another piece when you do actually put your hands in the soil, there's microbes in the soil. There's so much life in the soil. There's in one teaspoon of the soil, there's more life than all the humans on the planet. And even our bodies are bacterias and a variety of things. And when you, that kind of is to me, that's mind blowing. You're not actually feeding...the food, doesn't feed your body. The food feeds the microbes in your body, and then that feeds your cells. And so by putting your hands in the soil, you're actually drawing that back into your body and it's released as a serotonin. That's why you feel so good when your feet are on the ground and you're getting your hands in the soil. Even pulling weeds, you're actually re introducing all those natural microbes. And especially after last year with the like sterilize, everything, kill everything. It's not, you know, it's not good for us. It's like, we've, we've, you know, as we do, we go to one pendulum to too far. And so we really need to reintroduce healthy microbes. And so pull a weed walk around when you're walking your dog, bend down, pull weed and breathe that in. And or when you're, and especially with all the computer age, I mean, we do have to step back and get outside, breathe. They'll touch a tree is really important now

Russ Johns: [00:14:13] Take a walk into nature once in a while.  Hey, I want to give a shout out to Mike. Mike is in the room. Good morning. In from Florida. Silver Fox Darlene. Hi Russ, miss my pirate community. Thank you so much, Darlene. Happy to be here, so happy to make it here and listen, ahoy mateys. Thank you so much. Tracie. Our wonderful producer. Thank you. So Tracie, you're so wonderful. Silver Fox bloom and thrive. I love that. I have a small yard, but, but made rain barrels, butterfly garden, native plants, sustainability, Florida, living. Oh, that's cool. That's very true. I love that. Love the rain barrels. I started with an herb garden to start. Yeah. And yeah, Darlene says, I love that feeling hands and feet in the soil, you know, that's simple things. It doesn't require a whole lot of effort to be able to do something that we need to do. And it's really about how. We can approach it mentally and just get involved and engaged and say, okay, I want to make a concerted effort to either start eating green , start growing something, you know, just like Darlene says you know, a few herbs in a window sill can make a difference in your world. You have some plants in your house, you know, care for the plants, make sure their watered. Here in Arizona, we have a lot of yards that don't have any grass. I mean, there's no grass, so it's because of the maintenance of the water. But there's a lot of native plants here as well. There's a lot of vegetation that we can actually look at. And so some of the things that you're working on are you have a juice or a a green...what's it called?

Lorrie Scott: [00:16:14] Well, I have my pivot especially jumped into it last year. Well, I jumped in two years ago. My brother I'm co-founder with my brother and my brother has been into the algae  arena, algae, as in the ocean algae, but the algae is also in the soil. In fact, it's a big component. Oh, and one quick fact in, I just researched this as that in the beginning, the, there was no soil and the only way the nitrogen was brought into the soil was when lightning struck. And then after the lightning struck, which began the whole life of soil, the first the, they think the first creature to be born was algae. And so it's, and then it starts the process of the nitrogen fixing, which is what creates soil. Yay. My fun fact. So what we have been in development and now is an algae based soil amendment and it's like, it's a bio fertilizer instead of synthetic, instead of miracle grow, it's called algae grow and it's just much more biologically friendly and it's part of the soil. So  it comes in and as a juice, you just it's dry, but you can put it in water and it's this rich it, I call the green smoothie, but it's almost black gold. And you just use a little bit, a couple teaspoons. That's just like using any other  food plant. You can put it on your house plants, but our bigger picture is and a little pack it's comes in this size package. One little pound and then you can add it to water. We didn't want to charge you for the water. We figured you can come up with your water.

Russ Johns: [00:18:05] You can find your own water.

Lorrie Scott: [00:18:07] Yeah. Like pure water. It's gotta be pure water. Cause if you use chlorine water or Koloff the algae, before you start. So that's our, our business and that's my passion. And that's what the queen of green is like really fun for me. And, and there is I'm slowly, but surely getting better at the videos. There's so much information to share with people and so much, butour business and our product is an algae-based soil amendment to help your garden grow. And then for people who are expert gardeners, you only need one product. And for people who are beginning and have no idea what to do, it still makes it simplistic and help. You know, you can use this and you know, like if your soil is really terrible, you might add need to add some other things, but Simplistic healthy and saves water and, and give the best results like your nutrient. Oh, that's the other thing that we need to start looking at is nutrient density. You know, the nutrient density is not what it was. I just heard a seminar. It takes eight oranges to get what used to be the nutrient value of one orange. So we're all about, and I think everyone should like let's. Switch things around and the way you switched it around is through the soil now,

Russ Johns: [00:19:20] Well we all kind of live on the same planet here, so we should probably start taking care of it, you know, and anything we can do to avoid chemicals is, is going to be a good thing.  A lot of people don't realize that, you know, like in Idaho where there they grow potatoes, the soil has been. It's not soil anymore. It's dirt. And then they infused it with, with things to allow the potatoes, to grow the nutrients and chemicals as well. And it's really not, it's not the same as growing. I used to grow or heirloom potatoes and you know, in soil and add nutrients, like what you're talking about, algae and composting was really, we, we did a lot of composting and just getting life back into the soil is really important.

Lorrie Scott: [00:20:12] Right. Yeah, that's what we call it. I have a couple of facts. 22 million tons of synthetic fertilizer are used in the world every year, 22 million tons.

Russ Johns: [00:20:25] 22 million tons.

Lorrie Scott: [00:20:30] And then, because, you know, they, it does go in and blast the, the growth cycle, but it doesn't regenerate the soil.  And then 5.6. bIllion pounds of pesticides annually released into our planet, you know, just by it's like. You put in 5 million pounds of, of Coca-Cola and potato chips into your body after a while, you're going to see an effect. So, and just like that, but that's what the wake-up call. The green call is to go whoa. And in fact, there's information that the, the COVID virus came out of Wuhan province, but it's the most polluted part of the world, the absolute most polluted, and that it was like planet trying to evolve to like counteract everything. That's one philosophy. And it kind of makes sense. Like it's a, it's a jump in evolution of the earth viruses and fun guys to protect itself from the insanity.

Russ Johns: [00:21:42] Mike Baker says be connect, be grounded and stay connected. And yes, we need to cut out our processed foods. You know, if you didn't think that your great grandmother ate it, you probably shouldn't be eating it either.

Lorrie Scott: [00:21:58] No, sir. That's right. That's what you said yesterday, wasn't that's for you.

Russ Johns: [00:22:02] Yeah. Yeah. Our planet is so beautiful. It needs our attention and love. Oh, that's so good. It provides for us, we should provide for it. Yes.

Lorrie Scott: [00:22:13] And that, and another, I totally agree. And it's simple. We don't have to make this complex. We just start simply, it's always grassroots. It's always in your own backyard and yeah.

Russ Johns: [00:22:25] Yeah, just start, do something small, something simple, easy, and just available to make a difference. You know it's really about small steps, you know, just taking the small steps and it's just like community. You know, the pirate community is the same way as like, okay. Encourage each other and support each other in a way that is not difficult.  It doesn't really take a lot of time and effort. It doesn't take a lot of energy. It just takes a little bit of practice patience and consistency.  It's like though, so yeah. Howard Kaufman, good morning, so much learning on all the harmful ingredients everywhere. You know, there's so many ingredients in our products and just having a conversation with Howard. I don't know how long has it been Howard? A month ago? Two, three weeks ago. I don't know, time flies. And we were talking about all of the toxic ingredients in a lot of the products that we use. Yeah. It's like you, you look at a pharmaceutical commercial on TV now and it's like, the side effects are worse than this disease as I call it side effects or it's like, Holy cow, I cannot believe this. It's crazy. It's crazy. And yet we still just it's it's almost like. Okay. I just want my instant gratification now. I just want it right now. I just want easy, I don't want to work for it. I don't want to, I don't want to evolve into it. I just want it now. And I think that's been a dangerous path to go down and, and especially when people slowed down, grew their food, nurtured their food, and then they could enjoy a meal that they grew themselves. It's, it's, it's a very satisfying effort and, and opportunity. There's nothing more satisfying than you know, eating a meal from your house.

Lorrie Scott: [00:24:36] Yes. It changes the whole pace of your whole life. And if you have to slow down to the rate of the growing and gosh, isn't that what we need right now?  I mean, we especially as we have to tap in more and more to the technology, Oh, another you were mentioning the plants. A really good thing would be to put plants around your computer. They will pull some of the poisons out of the air for you. So that's another, another way. Yeah. And have a lavender plant by your computer and breathe that in when you're having a moment, which we all have moments.

Russ Johns: [00:25:14] Yeah. We all have moments. I love lavender and I've grown a lot of harvested, a lot of it as well. So one of those things, well, what's on the, what's on the horizon. You have the the black gold.

Lorrie Scott: [00:25:28] I have the black gold the black gold ingredients to make it simple. The horizon is get the word out. The horizon is also to build up we're very much a startup and our team and the overall the bigger picture is too. Grow our own algae and have it as a, then we can get into bigger markets. So that's the horizon, the Verizon first steps, you know, gardens, houseplants, bigger steps, the world, you know, help the world.

Russ Johns: [00:26:01] Yeah. So are you selling directly to consumers  right now?

Lorrie Scott: [00:26:05] Correct. And we can get that through our website which is w ww algae grow.com and you can buy directly. We have a little licensing. Do we have to do in California yet, but every, but. There's way that's simple too. But yeah, and we can get it to you. We're in Denver, we're in Colorado in the Park Hill area we'll deliver in Park Hill. It will deliver in Colorado in Denver and you know we could use the support. Yeah.

Russ Johns: [00:26:47] So stores and things like that. You're looking to possibly stock this in farm stores as well?

Lorrie Scott: [00:26:53] In this first season, probably not. Well, we're expecting our miracles and we are talking we are geared up for farms for the bigger, but one kilo don't let that dissuade you. One kilo will take care of an acre of land. One one kilos, a hundred dollars, will take care of all of life. Cities, farm s, city lawns, excuse me, for the year per season, we're talking, it's concentrated. It's so and you put it on and you still mulch, you still do organic practices. And it just because we put algae and micro hazzles in it, it starts to grow. That's the it's alive. So what makes it different is that it's going to keep growing. Now it starts with you need some water. We had a drought last year. I don't know how my algae did last year. You know, I, after you have to bring it back, but as it, it will keep developing the soil and that's the beauty of it too, is that that's, what's the exciting thing is at the end of your gardening instead of your garden and back to dirt it's soil, you're bringing back in that life.

Russ Johns: [00:28:00] Yeah. The difference between dirt and soil is like night and day. And anybody that's seen that transition is just, it's amazing.

Lorrie Scott: [00:28:11] Exactly. Exactly. So that's what our first year is just to begin slow build our back end and get. Oh, so we can handle, I feel it's something that's gonna take off, but we want to be able to handle our market and not outgrow ourselves too quickly, but still have growth. So that's it.

Russ Johns: [00:28:34] Fantastic. Sarathy says, hi, Russ and Lorrie, and he put it in here. Algae, grow algae,

Lorrie Scott: [00:28:42] grow.com.com. Thank you so much.

Russ Johns: [00:28:45] Thank you, Sarathy.  And then Russ has says, good morning. I love the #PirateBroadcast™. Thank you so much, Russ. Today is Republic day in here in India. Oh yeah. All day. Thank you so much. Angie says, good morning, everyone.  I just love, love the community here. And if you can help Lorrie and get the word out, if you know, people that are looking to improve their garden, improve their, their soil amendments and living a healthier, more productive way, you know, get the word out and share the message out and help Lorrie out in the, in the pirate community and just enjoy a healthy, healthy life and healthy living and everything that goes along with that. So thank you so much. Thank you so much for being here, Lorrie. And thank you. You're now officially a pirate. So not only queen of green, but you're a pirate.

Lorrie Scott: [00:29:40] I need my eye patch. Wouldn't that be funny. Next time I'll wear eye patch with the...

Russ Johns: [00:29:51] No kidding. I love that.

Lorrie Scott: [00:29:53] Thank you so much.

Russ Johns: [00:29:55] And everyone, if you enjoyed this episode, please like comment and share it. Go over to YouTube. I'd love to have you subscribe on the YouTube channel and help us grow the message over there. And as you know, social media, it doesn't mean anything unless you're there socializing on it and so help us out, make it happen.  And with that, I love the fact that you're here. Thank you so much for being here. We love the support and because #kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree and you #enjoytheday. Lorrie. Thank you 

Lorrie Scott: [00:30:33] Thank you so much. Thank you everyone. Bye.

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