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Catch Ryan Swanstrom on the #PirateBroadcast™

Welcome to the #piratebroadcast™: 

Sharing #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. 

I love sharing what others are doing to create, add value, and help in their community. 

The approach people use and how they arrived at where they are today fascinates me. 

So… I invite them to become a PIRATE on the

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We live in a fantastic time when anyone with a smartphone and an internet connection can become a broadcaster of some kind.

The internet has opened up the opportunity for anyone willing to create Words, Images, Audio, & Video.

With technology today, you can create your own broadcast. YOU ARE THE MEDIA!

Historically, pirate broadcasting is a term used for any type of broadcasting without a broadcast license. With the internet, creating your own way of connecting has evolved.  

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Audio digitally transcribed by Otter.ai

Introduction 0:00
Welcome to the #PirateBroadcast™, where we interview #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. Where you can expand your connections, your community, #kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree. Let’s get this party started.

Russ Johns 0:14
And it's a brilliant day for a #PirateBroadcast™. And we got Ryan, another pirate in the house.

Ryan Swanstrom 0:20
Good morning, Russ.

Russ Johns 0:23
You bet. Thanks for being here. Thanks for showing up. It's, you know, it's amazing every day, how much we can actually accomplish, if we start our day off in a great way. And and I'm always motivated by these conversations. So it's, it makes my day a little better, a little bit better every single time I have this show. So thank you for being here. Thank you for sharing your personality, your pirate personality and being here, Ryan, you know, for those that don't know, you, you're actually a data scientist and a content creator. And we were talking before the show, we were like rambling before the show is like, those two typical titles may not necessarily collide, very often. So talk about your backstory, and how the heck did you get started as a content creator? Or was it a data scientist first and a content creator?

Ryan Swanstrom 1:19
I'll tell you the story here. So I spent the first 10 years of my career being a software engineer, I wrote a lot of code. And I did that I was the people that sat in an office and typed in their keyboard and wrote code. And around 2012, I started realizing I really like math. So honestly, that makes me kind of a nerd. But yeah, I really like math. And I wanted to finish my PhD. And I started hearing about this topic called Data Science. It's kind of new in the computer science and business world. And I decided to transition my career from a software engineer to a data scientist. And what what that did for me is, it allowed me to enter into an interesting new field. But one of the things I did at the same time was I thought, there's a lot of data science information on the internet, it is not collected anywhere. I'm going to start a blog, and start posting helpful tips and resources I have for other people that want to learn about data science. And so I started that in 2012. And my claim to fame is, I created the first data science specific blog on the internet. And so that's how I ended up getting myself into content creation and getting myself into data science. I also finished my PhD along the way. So you can call me doctor if you want to. But yeah, that's how I ended up tying content creation, and data science and software engineering all together.

Russ Johns 2:53
I think you need to take on that motif. Dr. Ryan, Doctor Ryan What's the data?

Ryan Swanstrom 3:01
Dr. Ryan.

Russ Johns 3:02
Yeah. Sounds great.

Ryan Swanstrom 3:05
I just don't use the title very much. And maybe I should more. I always joke that I like to use it when I go to a hotel, because then people think I'm a doctor. And I one time went to a high school track meet and somebody got hurt and they said, is there a doctor in the stadium? And I really wanted to say I would say, yeah, but that I really wasn't the right kind of doctor,

Russ Johns 3:26
Not the right kind of doctor. But I'm a doctor. So it's so funny. The point that we were really kind of expressing before the show started, though, is the idea that everyone, and anyone has an opportunity to create content. And even if you're working for an organization, and this is something I've been teaching for years, especially if you're working in an organization, and you want to be known for a certain skill set, you should probably start creating content, because that's going to set you aside that's going to set you above and beyond everyone else that has that title and position in the organization. And if anything changes, or you want to have a conversation with somebody about some other future endeavor or activity, you have something to talk about, it opens up the doors, it starts conversations just like you and you and I right now, you know, this conversation is around content. It's around the streaming platform. It's around media. And it's really important for people to understand that, you know, you're building your legacy right now by developing and delivering content. So has that been your experience, Ryan?

Ryan Swanstrom 4:39
Absolutely. And I mean, one of the things I'm going to try to do more of in 2021 is help other people in technology, other developers and data scientists create content and become content creators. And when we talk about content creation, if you maybe don't know what that means, I'm talking create a blog. How do you become better on social media? How do you Create YouTube videos, how do you do live videos? How do you credit podcast, things like that all of these are content, and just learning how to create them. And some of the things I've noticed, you don't, you don't have to want to be a full entrepreneur to become a content creator. It's not always about getting a different job or finding a new job. Some of the opportunities that I've gotten along the way, I mean, I've been asked to write books. And surprisingly, as of yet, I have not written a book. But my guess is in the next five years, I'll probably write a book. And you know, I've been a couple years ago before Coronavirus, shut us down. I mean, I got invited by a company, they paid for my plane ticket, and they bought a hotel for me. And they put me up in this room and flew me out to their conference, and called me one of their influencers, which I thought was kind of neat. So it was it was fun to do that. And, you know, I've been asked to write online courses for companies. Yeah, I've, you know, I've been paid to write blogs for other places I've worked with, if you're big in the data space. I mean, I've worked with data kind, which is one of the biggest companies that does, they're an organization that does data science for nonprofits, and they call themselves data science for good. And they help people work on problems that, you know, bigger regular businesses maybe don't solve, like poverty and things like that.

Russ Johns 6:21
Yeah and the power of data, is really an amazing opportunity for a lot of people that may be, you know, in the STEM research, you know, math, they are interested in those elements. And really, because there's, I mean, there's no shortage of data coming out, right, you know, it's, it's like an expanding, it's an expanding universe. And the reality is, is seldom do companies really understand truly understand what their data actually means. And to go a little deeper, you know, content creators, I think, also need to be motivated by, you know, they can be directed by data, but motivated by the the legacy they're leaving in the the imprint they're making, and the the impact they're, they're sharing with the world. And data also lead you to the point where it's like, okay, where am I spending my effort? Because we only have so much time. And if you can use data to actually back up what you feel is the right direction? it I think it has to be, there has to be a combination there that works. What do you think about that?

Ryan Swanstrom 7:37
Absolutely. When you talk about businesses and data, in the last 10 years, so one of the reasons in the data science field has exploded, is our ability as organizations to collect and store vast amounts of data has just increased exponentially in the last few years. And we were talking about this before the show, businesses don't always have a great understanding of what data they're collecting. So you'd like to think about this, but think of big organizations all over the globe, going to them and asking some questions that you would expect them to know, how many of your XYZ product did you sell to people who lived in France? Yeah, it kind of seems obvious. But when you go back and you track sales, maybe nobody put the country that their phone, you got sales people all over and they're selling things, but you're maybe not always tracking the right data? Or, I mean, if you run an online company, what's your usage based on country? And there are things like this that companies want answers to don't have the right data, sometimes they have the data, but they don't have any way to put that data into charts and graphs, because they don't have a data team that does that. So maybe they know how many, you know, customers they have in a given country. But nobody, their organization can figure it out, because they can't find a report that gives them the answers to that.

Russ Johns 9:08
Yeah. In having been in technology. You know, I got into technology in 92. So started dealing with computers at that point in time, which is a few few days. And what I've discovered along the way is is a lot of effort is put into what it looks like how do I collect data? How do I get it into a system? And is not as much about how do I get it out of the system? And how do I report? How do I look at the dashboard that actually gives me information. And this has been really in the last 10 years, probably really, like you said more important for business owners, as data becomes more available more unwielding and, you know, it's just like, holy cow, how much can I sift through and what do I need to look at what's important? What do I need to focus my attention on?

Ryan Swanstrom 10:05
Absolutely, I would like to talk about this...companies, some company will always attend a conference or a webinar, and they will see this wonderful magical application that happened with data. And they will just think you show up, you hire a data scientist, you just let them sit in a chair for two weeks. And amazingly, magic comes out. Your business is five times more profitable, and you save the world and everyone lives happily ever after. It usually doesn't happen that way. And so a lot of times, like you were talking about businesses, sometimes they're now getting to the point where they can collect the data. They're not doing a great job of reporting on the data, but they, they're, they're trying. And a lot of times, I just tell people, sometimes you just got to start with the simple things, figure out how many products you sold last month? Yeah. And break those down? In which categories are they in? Are you selling a lot in the categories that you want to be selling at?

Russ Johns 11:08
Yeah. And do you need to change your programs because another demographic is increasing their purchasing of your product? Right?

Ryan Swanstrom 11:19
Exactly. And these are things before the pandemic. There's a lot of data science that deals with prediction, and you can predict things in the future. And when the pandemic hit, everybody's predictions in the data world. I mean, not everybody's but so many predictions in the data world, just no longer made sense. Because people didn't go out to restaurants, people didn't go out to stores, people didn't do those things. And it just things changed and organizations that did not have ways to track their data and did not have ways to say while the pandemic's been in us, hit us for a month now, how are our sales looking different? How are our products looking? What are people buying that they didn't buy before? The companies that didn't have that setup we're just lost.

Russ Johns 12:08
Yeah, yeah. And it's, it's amazing. Hey, I want to give a shout out to a few people that we know.

Ryan Swanstrom 12:13
Let's do that.

Russ Johns 12:14
Marco. Marco. Good morning. Hello. How you doing, brother?

Ryan Swanstrom 12:18
Hey, Marco,.

Russ Johns 12:19
Josenildo from Brazil. He's in from Brazil. Thank you so much for joining us, man. Let's see. Yeah, I'm from Brazil. Hiett Ives is in from Texas. Fantastic. And good morning. Oh, yeah. Listening to Dr. Ryan. Dr. Ryan, data. Dr. Ryan data. Happy Friday pirates, Wendy in from Chicago.

Ryan Swanstrom 12:52
These are the things I love about live shows is you get to interact with the audience. But I also love the fact that you know a lot of these people that are watching the show and because it's your show, and some of them show up every week. And when I do my show similar people show up. So like we both know, Marco, because we've just through live streaming, we've met him.

Russ Johns 13:13
Yeah. And content creation. You know this. That's the beauty of what it is. It's a it's a big small world. Right. Right. So Leslie Martinez. Good morning pirates. Lorrie Scott, the queen of green. How are the worms doing Lorrie? Wendy is welcome Ryan and Sheri Lally one of my heroes. Eye patches. I got eye patches. We got a program coming up here. Good morning, Ryan and Russ, RnR. I used to have a show when I was in Houston is called r&r something rewound. Anyway, I was a radio show. This couple, Ronald Earl Wilshere and I used to be on the show. Gabriel,

Ryan Swanstrom 14:03
Hold on quick.

Russ Johns 14:07
Gabriel's in the house. Good morning pirates. Thank you so much for being here. Oh, suggestions.

Ryan Swanstrom 14:16
I'm, back.

Russ Johns 14:18
Suggestions on how to overcome analysis paralysis syndrome.

Ryan Swanstrom 14:25
Oh, man, this is a good question. And maybe this isn't a good question...I'm a huge sufferer of the analysis paralysis syndrome, and I'm assuming they're talking about when it comes to content creation and putting yourself out there on the internet.

Russ Johns 14:41
Well, Howard makes an incredibly wonderful product called ORL, that is a mouth product that is CBD can be CBD based and it increases your pH and it's it's an awesome product. I love it and we use it every day and and he's in the sales, he's in the retail space. So understanding and appreciating, okay, how do I spend my energy? How do I spend my time? Who do I contact? Who would I? Who do I contact next? That's a data question that I think is kind of related to that. So it goes back to content as well. How do I spend my time? Where do I, where do I start creating? How do I invest? You know, my attention?

Ryan Swanstrom 15:23
I think, I think this is one that helps people, one, you just got to have enough guts to actually put something out there. But I would say look at the types of content content that can be created. You can write if you're a blogger, you can get your face on video. If If you want to do video, if you'd like to go live, which you and I both do. And we'd like to we'd like that interaction with the audience. And it's fun. It's not for everybody, though. Yeah, to do that. I mean, if if you don't like having your face on camera, but you'd like to just have conversations, do a podcast, but I say look at those type. And here's one that I would push in the data world visualization, people that make charts and graphs, and do a good job with that. You don't ever have to put your face on there. You don't have you just make charts and graphs and pictures, and you can share them. infographics. Yeah, but what I would say is, pick out the type of content that gets you most excited, and is something that you think you can probably do. Like if you're not a good writer. Uh huh. Don't start a blog, I should maybe change that, because I'm really not a great writer and I started a blog.

Russ Johns 16:39
Or you start a blog because you want to get better at writing.

Ryan Swanstrom 16:43
Yeah, but I would say pick out that thing that you do. And just do that thing. You don't have to do a blog and a podcast, and YouTube videos and a live show. You don't. Do the one that you like.

Russ Johns 16:57
I like that is has words, images, audio, or video. One of those, pick just one.

Ryan Swanstrom 17:05
Yeah. And then my, what I just say is just do some. So whichever one you pick, make a few don't expect a home run on your first one. Don't even expect the Home Run, maybe ever, but just keep putting them out there. And if you do it long enough people will start to notice. People will know what you do what you talk about. Mm hmm. And when it becomes time for them to need that or know someone that needs that. You're the name that comes to mind.

Russ Johns 17:34
Yeah. And Sheri Lally also says, also, the directions which are most profitable for your expansion, you know, and that can be because you can expand through content content creation is you know, so some of the most amazing conversations I've had is, as a result, a direct result of the conversations I have online, and the content that I create. And it's really about how, how do you engage in you'll make sure that that's in place and you're continuing the conversation. Regor says, Hey, Russ, Dr. Ryan, Wendy, Gabe, he also said, he also said, nerds rule.

Ryan Swanstrom 18:22
There we go. I, I always I was a nerd. Before it was cool to be a nerd. And I'm really one of those people that I mean, I can walk around with the pocket protector and the calculator all the time, and then I would feel normal.

Russ Johns 18:41
Wendy said, data and creative are usually comfortable on opposite side of the room. Almost as if each team has to sacrifice one person to grudgingly go to the other side and find out what the hell is going on. We were talking about that Wendy, before. Creativity and data science is not necessarily always in combination. So Ryan is a special and unique individual that is doing some amazing work there. So if you're not connected to Ryan, he's now a pirate, go connect with Ryan and follow him and track him down and find his stuff and, and tell him you're a pirate. So make that connection go out.

Ryan Swanstrom 19:22
Yeah, thank you, everybody for for tuning in and watching and for all the comments coming in. I wanted one comment on Wendy's there. I think it's less on the not creative data. People aren't necessarily not creative. I think it's the putting themselves out there in front of other people, whether that's called the extrovert within people or just like being up in front of other people, putting yourself out there. I think that's what doesn't come common to a lot of people in the sort of computer technical math fields. Yeah, cuz like me. I mean, I've long known that I wasn't really an artist, like when I went to kindergarten, my mom always said, yeah, your kindergarten teacher said, Ryan can't cut or color, but we're gonna pass him from kindergarten anyway. And so I'm not and I don't draw Well, I don't I don't paint well, I don't do your artists, your typical artistic things very well. But creative wise, I'm always willing to try something new and get out there and try to create something and do something a little bit different. So creativity is like high on my skills. It's just not artistic.

Russ Johns 20:40
Yeah, well, to be a data scientist, I mean, you have to be very creative. It's like, how do I build relationships between these elements? That makes sense that the outcome and the story makes sense to a lot of people, you know, how do I pull the data out from and build this information in a way that is really creative? You know, it has to mean something, right? I mean, it's just like, okay, we have, we have a bunch of numbers over here that here's the total, like, it just doesn't make any sense. But so I would argue that you're very creative. I think, you know, the fact that you're online, and you're putting yourself in a position where you can help illustrate the fact that technical people can actually make an impact in the world, in this way, in the creative content space. So hats off to you applaud silent, a round of silence, applause. So thank you so much, right? And then also, you know, there's so many things that we can do here. What is hope all is well Gabe. Regor, Lorrie's in the room. They're sleeping, now the worms are sleeping now. Leslie says, can you please talk about SEO? Is that something that you talk about?

Ryan Swanstrom 22:02
You know, the fact that I've met a blogger means I'm familiar with it. And I've used it. I would say, eight years ago, when I started my blog nine years ago now. I was really actually pretty good at it. I have not kept up with it as well in the recent years as I should have. This is what I would say the one simple rule of SEO is make content people want to link to. And that's that's the one rule. So it has to and that just that covers all of it. That is it. That means that's good content, other people like it enough that they're willing to create a link to it. But I would also say, when you write blog posts, and put stuff on the internet, I mean, there are all these tricks, like I get people that reach out to me every day and ask me, hey, will you put a link to my website, on your blog, and I usually tell them no, but that that helps your SEO. But I always say make sure your blog posts are helping someone. Because when someone goes to Google or wherever they're going to search, and they have a problem. Make your blog posts answer that problem. So focus when you write your blog on one person. And once that one problem that person has, write the answer, put it up on a blog post, title it with a title that says I answered this question. How do you...

Russ Johns 23:38
...fill in the blank? Yeah, only two rules always add value. And like, like Dr. Ryan says, answer the questions that people are asking. And it's like the easiest way to start a podcast. Yeah, that was probably my highest returning. It actually got me a lot of work. When I did it on YouTube, I don't know, six, seven years ago. It's like the easiest way to start a podcast. I just did a short video on it. It's like, here, here, here start and you're done. It's like, go. It's like it was it was great. And you got a lot of hits, and everything else was going on with it. So you know, one of the things that I want to shift gears a little bit, Ryan is the idea and the opportunity that people really, in the live streaming world, it's a little bit different than writing a blog. I mean, you're just going live, you're opening it up. And one of the things that you know, I've written blogs I I've created a lot of blogs. I'm an author, I've written books and done podcasting, I've done radio, and television, all of these things, but the for me live streaming is really been something that gets me excited in health. People live stream gets me excited. What's your experience with live streaming and what it's done for your just your presence and your impact in your conversations?

Ryan Swanstrom 25:13
You know, so I originally said, I started a blog in 2012. I blogged for four or five years, I think I did my first live video in 2017. And that was when I first realized there's this live streaming thing going on, I should try it. And I think I did one in 2017, and maybe one in 2019, or 2018, and maybe a couple in 2019. But it wasn't until the pandemic hit, that I really decided I wanted to go do live streaming. And here's how it happened when the pandemic hit. And people came, people started asking me questions, and I was surprised the questions I got, were not, how do I use this data? To help my business? It was Ryan, how do I make a video online? How did you go live? How do we do this interaction stuff on LinkedIn? Now, those are the questions I got. And I was like, wow, I really didn't expect that. And so that's, that's why I kind of had this idea of, you know, I'm going to start a live show and just do it every week. And so I did that for a while, during the pandemic on LinkedIn, and YouTube. And it's why I've shifted gears myself this year for 2021. For like, my side project, things that I do, I want to build content and help people, especially developers, and data scientists become content creators. And so I'm starting this thing called the example show, not starting in, I did it last year, but I'm continuing it. And I'm focusing this year on, I want to talk to authors of technical books, and, you know, content creator type of books, like how do you make YouTube videos? How do you start a podcast? You know, people like that, and I'm going to do it on Amazon live. And if you don't know what Amazon live is, it's a form that sits on Amazon. It's like shopping. So it's a think of, you know, that'll TV QVC. Well, your home shopping network. I don't know that I'm quite going to be like that. But I thought I want to talk to book authors. And then we can sell their book on Amazon. And we can talk about interesting concepts. If people buy their book, great. They sell a book, I get a tiny commission from it. So like, I'm not going to become rich and famous from this. But if I can make a few bucks a month from doing it fantastic.

Russ Johns 27:40
Yeah. Yeah, kind of supports, feeds the flywheel, you know, you get a little content, you get a little reward for it, you learn more content, you a little more reward for it. And I think if I'm not mistaken, if someone goes through your link, and purchases on your account, and then purchases something else, there's a duration after purchase that you can actually actually earn a little bit of commission on that as well.

Ryan Swanstrom 28:08
Yeah, I think it's 24 or 48 hours. So it's called affiliate marketing. Yeah, I want to look more into it. I, I have for the audience here. I'm not an expert in it yet. I hope to be much better at it by the end of 2021. But yeah, on Amazon, I am part of their affiliate program so I can talk about their products that they sell, I can put links on my website to those products. And if you click on my link, and you buy that item, and anything else you buy from Amazon, I think for the next 24 hours, I will get a small commission on that. So it works out really great if somebody clicks on a book, and they buy a book, but also the same day they buy that book, they go to Amazon and they buy, I don't know a new swimming pool.

Russ Johns 28:54
Pat Lynn tells a story about he sold something. It was just a small thing. And the person went to Amazon and then they purchased a swimming pool. And he got a great commission. It was great. It was a $10,000 swimming pool. Yeah, he goes, that's when I realized affiliate marketing might be important. So it's crazy. I want to give a shout out to Tracie. She's the producer of the show. She's the heartbeat of #PirateBroadcast™, and she helps me keep everything in alignment. And keeps this show going. So Tracie, thank you so much for all you do, helping me put this thing together. And you know, the #PirateBroadcast™ is produced by the #PirateSyndicate™. The #PirateSyndicate™ is there to help, just like you're talking about Ryan, help other producers create their content, create their shows. Learn more about that. So you'll be hearing more about that in 2021 as well. Jenny gold had a wonderful conversation with Jenny yesterday. She's actually I'll get you. I'll get you my address Jenny I she was talking about some, some beard conditioner or some beard oil or something that I need to know about. So Thr33 Media love the setup. My nephew is out there doing some work. He's actually doing some work in with the I want to say the Tennessee Titans is it? Anyway, this video marketing, content creation, everything else hive says let's put you with Sandy Lawrence on an author promotion. Oh, Sandy's awesome. She's a producer out of Houston that does a lot with authors. So you could get some leads from there and connections and make some, make some great introductions.

Ryan Swanstrom 30:58
Please, please connect with me on LinkedIn, and send me a message and remind me about that.

Russ Johns 31:03
Yeah, connect with Ryan on LinkedIn. And so you're going to be working on Amazon live this year, you're going to be creating content around how to videos, is that what I hear you correct?

Ryan Swanstrom 31:18
Yeah. So it's gonna be a combination of how to? Yeah, like, I don't know, if I'm going to do a lot of videos that aren't live videos, I haven't decided that yet. But okay, it's gonna be a lot about how to you just start creating those contents. And for developers and data scientists, there's so many good reasons to do it, just talking about those reasons and talking about how you do it. And one of the one of the neat things I just thought of today is I want to write a blog post on how to be a good guest on a live show, because I just wanted to tell you, like I was tweeting about this, I wrote a blog post on my blog, so people could watch it. But like, as a guest, I feel like, it's super nice of Russ to invite me on this show. But like, I want to help let my audience know that I'm going to be there. And I'm going to show up, and I want to help your show.

Russ Johns 32:16
It's fantastic. And I really appreciate it because not everyone understands that element that, hey, this is a show for you, I'm highlighting you, you know, it's like, why wouldn't you want to share that? It's like, come on, share it out, let people know you're gonna be here, that's like, it's a great opportunity to just create some amazing content and share it out. So yeah. And you know, the beautiful thing about it is, is Tracie takes this show now, and she takes the audio. transcribes it into words. And then it goes to audio on a podcast on Spreaker. And it becomes, you know, it's on iTunes, Spotify, I heart radio, you know, apple iTunes, all these platforms. And then it becomes a post. So it's a blog post. And by the end of the day, so it's audio in words, images, audio, and video, all of it. So, yeah. And that's it. There's a system you can use, and I teach it all the time. So if you're interested in learning more, you know, hang out with the data scientists and some pirate nerds.

Ryan Swanstrom 33:29
Yeah, that's one of the things I want to get to the point where my show has things transcribed and put up in blog posts. And it's just, it's like I said earlier in the show, focus on what you really like to do, and create that content first. If you get to the point that you can do all of them. Great, but don't beat yourself up about it. No one that you like, and just be consistent about it and keep doing it.

Russ Johns 33:53
I've been doing it for years. So don't...yeah, beard CBD oil. Thank you. Three media, Austin, creating volumetric video or TrueView for Intel and NFL. So that's what Austin is doing. Love you, man. Does Amazon invite you to go live? Or is it through an application?

Ryan Swanstrom 34:20
All right, I will talk about this just a little bit. So you have to sign up for their affiliate program and be accepted into their Amazon influencers program. There is an application that you need to fill out to be able to go live on Amazon. So I mean, the live platform is amazon.com slash live. But you have to fill out an application and be accepted. And they look at three things. They look at your Twitter following, or your Facebook following, or your Instagram following. And there's a magical number that they look at if your following is bigger than this number. You get in. I don't really know what those numbers are. And I think they're, they're changing over time. I think they may be going up. But yeah, I got in. I don't know, maybe six months ago now, three months ago. I got them probably three months ago, and didn't really do anything on it. And I think I totally missed out on like the Christmas holiday shopping spree. Yeah, but, but that's how you get into Amazon live. And then they have different tiers of Amazon live. Right now, everybody starts at the bottom tier. So it's tier one, two, and three. And so like, I'm on level one, and one of my goals for the end of the year is to get up to level three. So that I that right now, like you can only find me if you go to amazon.com slash live, when you get to level two. I think if I talk about a book, I will show up on that page of Amazon. So somebody is looking at that book underneath the book, it'll say there's a live show going on that where they're talking about this book. So while I'm live, it'll show up there. I think when you get to tier three, I mean, maybe you can go on the front page of Amazon, but I think I think Amazon promotes you a little bit farther. The higher ranking you go.

Russ Johns 36:12
Yeah. Yeah. That is awesome. Well, everyone, thank you so much for being here. We're gonna wrap it up, Ryan, I know you got lots to do and stay warm. I know there's a blizzard warning coming out in your neck of the woods. So you know, just stay safe and everything. Have a fabulous weekend. Everyone as you know, #kindnessiscool, #smilesarefree, so you #enjoytheday. Thanks.

Ryan Swanstrom 36:41
Thank you, everybody for watching. Have a great day. Take care.

Exit 36:46
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