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Catch Adam Posner on the #PirateBroadcast™

Welcome to the #piratebroadcast™: 

Sharing #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. 

I love sharing what others are doing to create, add value, and help in their community. 

The approach people use and how they arrived at where they are today fascinates me. 

So… I invite them to become a PIRATE on the

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We live in a fantastic time when anyone with a smartphone and an internet connection can become a broadcaster of some kind.

The internet has opened up the opportunity for anyone willing to create Words, Images, Audio, & Video.

With technology today, you can create your own broadcast. YOU ARE THE MEDIA!

Historically, pirate broadcasting is a term used for any type of broadcasting without a broadcast license. With the internet, creating your own way of connecting has evolved.  

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Audio digitally transcribed by Descript

Introduction: [00:00:00] Welcome to the #PirateBroadcast™, where we interview #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. Where you can expand your connections, your community, #kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree. Let’s get this party started.

Russ Johns: [00:00:10] I love it. I love it. I love it, Adam. Happy Friday. Welcome back,

Adam Posner: [00:00:16] Good morning, Russ Johns. How are you doing?

Russ Johns: [00:00:19] Rocking and rolling and having a great time. Having a great time. Love the fact that we are here again today and we're we can hang out and have a great conversation. Hopefully inspire someone, influence someone or motivate them to do better things, bigger things, greater things.

Adam Posner: [00:00:36] That's the plan, man, right? Like just helping people, one day at a time, one person at a time. It's so funny, people talk about that, like it always sounds kind of cliche when you hear it, Russ. My content, I don't care about the likes. I don't care about, you know. All I care about is helping one person per day and you're like, that's BS, right? Come on. But then it actually happens. And you get  positive feedback about something or someone says, hey man, listen, I took your advice. I do recruiting. So I took your advice on job interviews or my job searching at work. And you're like, oh, maybe we're onto something with that advice. That one person thing. It's funny how that works.

Russ Johns: [00:01:09] The beautiful thing about it is it's digital. So it can help one person today. It can help five people tomorrow. It can help somebody on a Wednesday next month, it can happen. You don't know when it's going to land. You don't know when it's almost the same kind of concept is when the student is ready, the teacher will appear,

Adam Posner: [00:01:28] Oh, wise one.

Russ Johns: [00:01:30] The war of art, right?

Adam Posner: [00:01:34] The war of LinkedIn.

Russ Johns: [00:01:36] We're going live. It looks like your new studio is coming together. It's developing, you're going to get a logo in the background. You're going to get some some guest chairs in there and make sure that you have a proper interview style process that you're going to be eventually going to be building out into.

Adam Posner: [00:01:54] Eventually.  It's all about the process, man. It's a gadgets and figuring things out and the I, and building out the studio that I had a vision in my head and the office that I'm in right now. It's my first ever office, my first spot. And when I saw the space, I was like, ah, the walls were yellow. There was Brown carpet from 1973 in here. And I had a vision. I'm  ripping up the carpet. We're putting down some nice, the loop, the lock-in, vinyl floors in here. The client's going to paint the walls, going to put up some lighting. Gonna get some cool stuff in here. And it's all coming together over the course of like in seven weeks now. And I love it and I'm just waiting on my chair and we went crazy. My wife... it's this giant black and white armchair. And I looked at it at first and I'm like, this makes no sense. The chair doesn't work in here. It's weird. I don't like it, but the more I thought about it and my wife's like, yeah, this is a studio. This is your spot, right? you want to have a conversation piece. I'm like, what the hell does that mean? I'm the conversation piece in the studio here and we've just went for it. So we got this crazy black and white chair coming, and I think it's going to be pretty cool when eventually I have guests in the studio and that's like the throne for them. Now I just got to figure out technically how to make all this stuff work. But yeah, man, it's great. I love it. I love having my own spot, Poz studios.

Russ Johns: [00:03:07] It's interesting because you, like many others that I know, we've graduated through this whole process, LinkedIn live and, started out with simple tools, just doing what we can do to figure the thing out and enjoying the journey. Having the conversation every  time we fire up the camera, it's one of those things that we have to learn something new. I finally got this screen back here and I got a television screen cause I thought, why not do this? I can change it up and make it crazy.

Adam Posner: [00:03:36] Why not? So that's a monitor. That's a monitor behind you?

Russ Johns: [00:03:38] Yeah.

Adam Posner: [00:03:39] TV's are just so cheap these days. I was in BJ's the other day, last week. And I'm like, you can get a 55 inch TV, that's perfectly good for 300 bucks. I'm like, geez. I remember my first flat screen we were living in the city was like 10 years ago. And I spent like $3,000, for a 42 inch TV. It was like the biggest investment ever.  I got to finance this thing. I'm not paying $3,000 for a tv. Now, you could literally go anywhere and they're cheap.

Russ Johns: [00:04:03] Yeah, and they're convenient and they're light, it's easy to access and fill in and everything else like that. So it's really amazing what we can do as broadcasters. And I was having this conversation yesterday with a couple of individuals about how radio first started and everybody was huddled around the radio on Friday night, Saturday night, and listening to the storytelling episodes that take place. And then television came in and there were two or three channels that you could listen to. And you had to get up off your chair, change the channel and, move the antennas and everything else. And all of a sudden, Turner broadcasting came on with this thing called cable. And all of a sudden there was a few more choices and then blockbuster came along, all these iterations and now podcasting and live streaming is starting to get popular. And it's just in its infancy. I think it's just in its infancy, Adam.

Adam Posner: [00:04:59] You don't think we're toddler phase.

Russ Johns: [00:05:01] No, I don't. I think we're getting there, we're getting there. And a lot of people are still figuring it out and still growing with it, but the opportunity is still wide open. And I don't know about you, but myself, I seem to be surrounded by all the live streamers, and it seems like it's saturated at some level. And at the same time, we're only a fraction of the population that is actually doing it like this.

Adam Posner: [00:05:31] I like to believe that the cream will rise to the top. I also believe that with any kind of new emerging technology and platform, lots of people are going to try it, but just like podcasting, it's a very small success rate of how many people stick with it and consistently do it. Day in day out, week after week, put out a good product up their game, up their quality. And it's one of those things, too, where if you lose your spark, like anything else I'd like to lose your passion for it, it fizzles out. And it's more than a fad. It's content, it's conversation. And I love that. We're getting back to now.  I'm not that young, man. I just turned 42. I remember I had a rotary phone. My phone was connected to a wall. I remember times without cell phones. I had a beeper. I remember my remote control,  the VCR, had a cord to it. My first HBO box had this little sliding thing on the top. And I think that's kind of one of the cool things I think about of having that mixed perspective, that I remember what it was like. It was funny. I was joking. I had a phone call yesterday with a new connection and we were joking. Life was a little bit better before camera phones. You didn't have to worry about being on camera all the time, or someone taking a picture of you doing something you may not want to be doing. You could actually have fun and loosen up a little bit more. And sometimes I'm like, maybe I wish we didn't have that camera so accessible on the flip side of it with my two young kids. I don't have to go run and get that DSLR. I was telling you about up in the closet to shoot photos of them. I don't have to miss an opportunity. I could just take out the phone and capture everything. So it's evolution, my friend. Innovation.

Russ Johns: [00:06:59] Every technology has its advantages and its constraints and its challenges. Everything  in life is that way. And it's just, and think about the perspective you have at the time. Yeah. If you think about it and saying I'm sure, glad that I wasn't on camera when I was growing up,

Adam Posner: [00:07:20] I'm glad in college we didn't have camera phones.

Russ Johns: [00:07:22] Yeah. Then I think just like you said, taking, capturing those moments with your kids are priceless. That's priceless and that's infinitely more valuable than the disadvantage of not having it right.

Adam Posner: [00:07:39] I imagine if my parents in early eighties had a camera phone, how many more pictures would they have? And we have a lot, my dad was into photography. Like we would have a lot more, but it also makes those pictures that we have so much more valuable. You know how hard it is now? We have to sort through pictures. It's got my two and a half year olds nursery school photos and we're sorting through 40 of them to pick out one good one. I'm like, this is tough, man. Right back when you get back, I remember, cause I was big into photography. You actually had to get film developed. And you had 36, 35 photos, right? If you were lucky and you had to be selective about when you push that plunger on the camera. And now it's just oh wow.

Russ Johns: [00:08:17] You didn't take thousands of photos in a heartbeat. So Adam, tell us how you've been since we were last on the pirate adventure,  what's been going on in the world for you, COVID everything that's going along with that. Give us an update.

Adam Posner: [00:08:33] It's been an interesting journey. Rewind it to the beginning of 2020, my business was going well, things were going great for me, in a good direction. And then COVID hit and I had to cancel my trip to Austin for South by Southwest, which I go every year to my number one business development activity. Four days I could pack and I can meet as many people as I need to, make some incredible connections. I was like, oh, what am I going to do now? I lost a couple of clients that just cut hiring. I do recruiting. So they cut hiring and I knew that was coming, but I still had my core client, which accounted for at least 75% of my business. And they kept hiring. They kept things going. They kept me afloat, but I had a little bit more time on my hands, Russ. And. I'm not gonna lie. There was a point where I was worried. I was definitely concerned, but I had a conversation in mid-March with one of my favorite and best mentors, a gentleman by the name of Joe Mullings from the Mullings group down in Miami, a 30 year recruiting industry vet. He's built a multi, multi-million dollar recruitment business. But on top of that, also a media empire, and he's kinda my guiding light in my beacon. As far as all things, being able to have a concise. Company includes the media side and the recruiting side. They work together. It's one core product, but he said something to me, really important, Russ. He said, you have to make a choice right now. You could either curl up in a ball and die right now during this pandemic. Not literally, but you could really, your business could curl up in a ball and die, or you could rise up, take this challenge and be invaluable to your clients. So when there's not that opportunity to have your hand out asking for business, how could you continue to provide value for them? And that's exactly what I did. I doubled down on that. I looked at every opportunity to assess their business, provide free strategy, free consulting, help them out any way I can with the idea, being that when we come out of this thing where we are now, all those seeds that I planted, we're going to be sprouting and growing. And that's exactly what happened. Content side. Quadruple down on a tons of content up to production, did a rebrand invested in this office. And I did something else really interesting and I'm pretty open to talking about it. I took advantage of an SBA loan. It came my way, it was a decent loan and I took a good portion of that money and I reinvested in myself, Russ, I invested in executive coaching with a former client of mine who is at a level that I aspire to be at. He understands the media side. He understands the business side and he taught me the fundamental pieces about business development and some of those infrastructure pieces that I didn't have as a business owner, as an entrepreneur. So I was able to reinvest in myself, up my game and really learn how to scale the business. So if it wasn't for this pandemic, I'd probably still be doing okay. But business as usual, I wouldn't have been able to elevate to where I am now, where I am projecting to hopefully be double where I was last year, pre pandemic. There's been so much suffering and pain and everything. I am thankful for the pandemic. It's brought me closer to my family. My wife has never been home as much. She's had the opportunity to spend more time with our kids to actually watch them grow up and not miss it. And it's brought us all together, but I think most importantly, Russ, for all of us, we've been forced to really think about what is most important to us because we've trimmed the fat. Yeah, we haven't been able to hang out. Listen, we miss a lot of friends, but we realize who's the most important to us. Who are we going to let into our world right now? Who do we trust? And it's brought us all together. And I really hope we don't revert back to a lot of the old ways. I have really hoped that we cherish those things that are most meaningful to us.

Russ Johns: [00:12:04] Yeah. I don't necessarily want to go back to the way it was. I would like to see an evolution in improvement in the way we produce and we have connection and we actually make sure that we go out with intent in helping others, making sure that we do something that is considerate of others and have a little bit more empathy in what others are doing along their journey as well. Because like you said, you'll surround yourself with a couple of people that you really look up to. You respect. Can take advice from you. Can take some guidance from and continue to improve every single day. That's what life is about is what can we learn from it? What can we grow from it? Not every experience is going to be a good experience, an experience that we'd want to have repeated. However, some of our life experiences, some of the best momentum experiences. The propel us into the future are the ones that are the most painful.

Adam Posner: [00:13:09] You're a wealth of wisdom over there, the uncertainty, right? The uncertainty has been the real curve ball here. The cancellations, the expectations. And I think it's actually changed our perspective in how we kind of view expectations and how we manage them in our head. I'll give an example. We decided with some friends to, let's do this as our COVID bubble. Let's book a trip, let's take a road trip and things got canceled. Last second, COVID scares, losing deposits, trying to figure things out, kids, quarantine, people getting COVID, canceling plans. It's just been a shit show, man. And You just have to go with it. And another cliche that I hate, but I'm going to say it is with COVID you expect the unexpected.  There was a COVID scare in my wife's office this week. It throws everything for a curve, but we're going to get through this. We're going to get through this. It's going to make us stronger. And I just really hope as a country, as a people that we remember these lessons, but we're seeing it now, man, and not to politicize anything, but even now with things opening back up in certain States, in certain areas, I see you just went back to where you were before you didn't learn anything, did you?

Russ Johns: [00:14:04] Insanity. Insanity. Hey, I want to give a shout out to a couple of people. Wendy I think she's been chasing you down, Adam. Yeah. I'm not hard to find. Yeah, it's going to get on the radar. Wendy says welcome to the pirate posse, Adam. So thrilled to welcome you aboard.

Adam Posner: [00:14:20] I'm an old pirate. I've walked the plank.

Russ Johns: [00:14:22] He's an old pirate. Tracie, love the producer. She's the producer of the show. Thank you so much.

Adam Posner: [00:14:27] She's good. She's certainly on top of it.

Russ Johns: [00:14:29] She is on top of it.

Adam Posner: [00:14:30] It's important to have a good  team behind you.

Russ Johns: [00:14:32] Absolutely. You got to have a team. Kenyatta Turner. What's happening. Morning fellow pirates. #PirateBroadcast™ rocks. Love you, Kenyatta. Thank you so much. Cathi Spooner is here in the house.

Adam Posner: [00:14:47] Good morning, Cathi. That's what I like about StreamYard. I like pulling in the comments.

Russ Johns: [00:14:51] And Sheri...

Adam Posner: [00:14:52] Sheri is a great ally, like Sheri chimes in on some of my comments. And she's just she sees what I'm doing on a lot of... it's funny too, I'd like to kinda not like Easter eggs, but I put in some, I call them snark bombs on certain posts where the people that they're followed by content and they know it it looks like a very benign kind of comment on something, but they know exactly what I'm saying. Sheri knows what I'm talking about.

Russ Johns: [00:15:10] Yeah. She's a good people. She's one of the, one of the best. Love you. And then Cathi Spooner also says I just got clubhouse recently. It reminds me a bit of radio and a bit of live podcasting, interesting platform, still very new to it.

. I have some thoughts, but yeah.

Adam Posner: [00:15:27] So I am either all in or all out. There's no kind of in-between being on clubhouse. There's times when I host a weekly show because I like the format, but it's a bit much, it's a bit of a time suck. I think it's a platform where a lot of people who already have loud voices, sometimes not too much to say now have a soapbox to stand up on. So like with anything else in social media or any type of content, it's up to the consumer, the listener to decipher and find the right rooms, the right conversations to listen to, to filter out a lot of the noise. There's a lot of me, me, me happening on there, but on the flip side, I sat in on a couple of amazing conversations that I would never have. Bill Gates, Mark Cuban. Like Elon Musk, like live conversations and that is the cool shit. That is cool. I'm in on it. And I've also hosted rooms before where I've had some incredible conversations, really emotional, really meaningful. And on the flip side of that, we've had some really good learning, like really tactical actionable kind of stuff. And then there's just nonsense on there. So you really have to filter it out. The problem I have is it's a time suck. I could go on LinkedIn, scroll through, be done in a couple of minutes, but Clubhouse, you got to invest. You got to listen and. Not like a listen in the background kind of guy. I need to pay attention to what I'm listening to, to absorb it. The format itself is interesting, people like, oh, why don't you do your podcast on there, live? I don't have the equipment to record and got the road cast or I haven't done any of that stuff yet. I don't know. It's weird, but I've also pulled in some pretty big audiences. I had a room a couple of months ago, Grant Cardon came on and it was all of a sudden jumped to 1200 people. That's a big stage you're playing for. I got mixed thoughts. What are your thoughts, Russ?

Russ Johns: [00:17:01] The way I look at it, it's very addictive personality in the platform. And you could, like you said, you could get absorbed and you could lose a lot of hours just trying to find the right location to, to be heard. And or to hear someone else, share some nuggets of knowledge. I don't know if you were around when Blab was up and operational.

Adam Posner: [00:17:27] Yes, but I wasn't familiar with it. I didn't know what it's all about.

Russ Johns: [00:17:29] Very similar. It reminds me of it's very similar, very interactive, very fast paced. An opportunity to meet ,and the reality is that I love the idea and I love the concept. However, It's one more thing and one more place that you have to participate in and you have to be active in order to really accomplish some of the... you can grow an audience with it and you can meet new people and develop relationships, so it's not a bad thing I'm on there. However, I am working really hard to reduce and produce more focus and output on the #PirateSyndicate™ and some of the things that I'm going  for in developing in that platform. And it's I can only do so much and still do my client work and take care of mom and life and everything that goes along with it. I'm already working too many hours. I have a habit to have workaholic tendencies. So I have to watch myself.

Adam Posner: [00:18:26] Let's riff on that for a second. Cause you brought up a really good point, Russ. You can't be everywhere. You can't be everywhere. We're running businesses. We have lives on the outside and you have to decide where you want to go all in on and focus. You can't. I don't think it's a good strategy to we'll do a little bit in every place. I'm of the mindset of an inch wide and a mile deep. That's what I do on LinkedIn. That's what I do. The podcast and the podcast content. I am intentionally off of Tik-Tok. It's not my audience. I don't need to grow it there. That's not where I need to be. I've given it a lot of thought. I've heard all different sides of it. Tick Tik Tok's not for me. That's not my audience. It's not the focus of the show. It's not the focus of the recruiting business now where my audience or my customers are. If I wanted to expand and have mass appeal, yes, but that's not what I'm looking to do. I have a B2B focused show. That's what I'm doing. That's why I don't do Tik TOK. People have had great success with B2B on Tik TOK. Just not for me. I put my time and effort elsewhere. Clubhouse, I've thought about a little bit differently because I see the opportunities there and I figured out how much effort I want to parse into that. And I've made that commitment, my once a week hour show. And then I usually spend anywhere from another, we'll call it one to two hours a week, dipping in and out of rooms. I'll support my friends like Holly, come on her show a bunch because it's a network of podcasters and I'm learning. I've learned so much on those podcasting shows, technically how to market my show, how to produce it, little tips and tricks that I would never think about. That is the value. And I stay focused on those rooms and I stay out of the who wants to be a dog millionaire billionaire rooms, right? Like the connect to connect rooms. I don't need any of that. So you stay focused, and you do the due diligence and you find out where you want to be also explore a little bit. There's something cool about a little bit of voyeurism.

Russ Johns: [00:20:04] Sure. Absolutely.

Adam Posner: [00:20:05] Anonymity, checking out what's going on.

Russ Johns: [00:20:08] And happy accidents as well. Meeting Elon Musk and Bill Gates and having conversations with Mark Cuban.

Adam Posner: [00:20:14] Yeah. It's crazy.

Russ Johns: [00:20:15] Or listening in on, that's fascinating that is life changing for someone that can be massive improvement in what's going on. And it's still with 24 hours a day, we only have so much time or the effort or the energy to invest in those sequences of something that might happen. You just got to decide what's going on. Sheri Lally says if we are drawn to a personality and cadence, find value in the questions we return.

Adam Posner: [00:20:45] It's like a fortune cookie.

Russ Johns: [00:20:46] That is a fortune cookie. That's beautiful. And then Cathi Spooner, I agree with you what she was saying, got into clubhouse. The clubhouse is good. It's blown up. 

Adam Posner: [00:20:56] That's the thing too. LinkedIn is going to have their audio platform they're working on. I know for a fact Twitter's already out with it. It's not a crazy concept. And the other thing, too, is it's interesting that there are, I like the invite only element of it because I do like that. From a marketing perspective creates the exclusivity and the demand and the FOMO, but they're excluding the whole Android population.

Russ Johns: [00:21:17] And I'm not really sure what that... is that a strategy or limitation of Android or something that is just...

Adam Posner: [00:21:24] Come on Android is so much.... I just mean  I'm an Apple guy, but the Android phones are so much more advanced and stable. Like it's crazy.

Russ Johns: [00:21:32] Howard Kaufman says so much learning from great podcast, interviewers and guests. Howard love you, man.

Adam Posner: [00:21:39] If I do end up getting the road caster though, there's no reason for me not to record my Clubhouse shows. Cause that's the device I need. If I get the broadcast right here for the studio, you might as well get it. We'll say it's on my list of toys, but it's huge, man. It'll take up my whole thing here. I got this like 70 inch standup desk and I was like, oh, this is going to be big enough. And then this road caster comes along. I have to, I might build a shelf out over here. I might've built  like a control center for the road cast right here.

Russ Johns: [00:22:05] You need an entire console. You need a moving stand where you can move it around.

Adam Posner: [00:22:09] Oh listen, I have a moving desk here.  The moving desk is pretty cool. And I could go higher. Oh, now we're at maximum height, but it goes down. Yeah, there we go. Yeah, that's great.

Russ Johns: [00:22:18] Nice. Gabe says, what's  up bud?

Adam Posner: [00:22:21] Gabe, where have you been? My man! I know Gabe is taking a little break. I know he's clearing his mind. See, what's cool about Gabe is an OG live streamer. And he really, I learned a lot from him, his style, his approach It's really cool relationships where people could learn from each other where it's not just mentor, mentee.  It's not kinda one sided on that. Oh, I taught a class and they're like, these guys are just, and some of the live streaming stuff that's happening with Twitch is incredible. Oh my boy, Travis, like he just like multistream music, special effects and everything. So we're working on a show. I'll give you a little exclusive. Yeah. Okay. It's May 12th. And the name of the show is called Unsolicited Advice. Travis Lachner is going to produce it. We have Jonathan Palmer and we have Justin Reynolds as well, maybe a little Luke Matthews, and the show is going to be called Unsolicited Advice. We're working out the format, but basically here's a concept for us and we're working on it. People call in or message in and they ask for advice for other people that didn't ask for it. And then we answer those. So it would be like this, hey Russ, what advice would you give Gabe right now to do something better?Like I didn't ask for that shit, right? And the idea is to do a live stream and then turn it into a podcast because I'm at this stage now where I want to try different podcasts. I want to do something completely different format than the podcast. I think fun, something out there, something where I could push the boundaries of the conversation a little bit more and just be freeform.

Russ Johns: [00:23:53] I love that idea cause you have your foundation, you have your show, you've done it. You've proven out that you're going to show up you're here on a regular basis. So now you've got to twist it and say, okay what else can I do with this platform, this media and this art form.

Adam Posner: [00:24:07] This expensive mic.

Russ Johns: [00:24:09] Yeah. Yeah. I got to show off my mic somewhere else. I've got a new audience, right?

Adam Posner: [00:24:15] It's a centerpiece right there.

Russ Johns: [00:24:16] Yeah. So the reality is you have this opportunity to do that and so you can actually go out and grow. And what I decided, it was my birthday last week ...

Adam Posner: [00:24:26] Happy birthday.

Russ Johns: [00:24:27] Yeah. And so I said I'm going to create a track a day for the next year to see what I can learn and grow into. And so I've been doing that. And so I'm evolving back into the music career. Pulling that in for the creative aspect of it. And also it's just a shift in my brain, how I use, how my thought process is and what I can do with creativity. And I think continuing to do that in your life is... you're learning every day, growing every day, learn something new, create something new, help someone out is an easy way to just live every single day.

Adam Posner: [00:25:08] Amen man, creating is fun. Creating is what keeps me sharp. If I didn't have this show, I don't have a creative outlet,

Russ Johns: [00:25:13] Yeah. Cathi Spooner says, time suck for sure. A lot of loud voices looking at the quality rooms, looking for the quality rooms, talking about clubhouse still. He did a great conversation with Grant Cardone.

Adam Posner: [00:25:25] Yeah, that was a fun interview. Interestingly, I'll give you a little backstory on that one. So I was doing a Clubhouse room with David Breer and Dave used to work... yeah, Dave's a good dude. Learned a lot from him. Him and I were just riffing. We had a good room. There was like, 25 people in there, nothing crazy. And he pings Grant cause he's doing some work with Grant. All of a sudden the room blows up from 25 people to almost thousand and all of a sudden, all of a sudden, I'm literally right there with Grant Cardone and I shifted into full podcast mode, and I just knew what to ask him. And I hit him hard. I hit him with a couple of questions, great conversation. And then I knew that I had an opportunity right there to ask him to be on my show. Now he's not somebody I was never even thinking about it as a guest, but when you have an opportunity like that, you got to ask. So I struck, of course, he's going to say yes, who doesn't say yes to The Poz. And next thing, I get him booked on the show, but they said to me, they're like, he only has 15 minutes and I'm like, shit. Like I do a long format show. That's all I know. I build up into it. I ask questions, I build a show, I build a flow. Now I have 15 minutes. So I'm like, what am I going to do? How am I going to get that Gold out of him, how am I going to get those nuggets? So I came up with this idea. I go 10 questions with Mr. 10x and the first couple of questions were about his discovery channel show that he was doing and everything. And they peppered me to ask those questions. So I was going to be a good sport. We got to promote a show and then I just went off into Poz questions and yeah I got out what I wanted to get out of him as best I thought I could. But looking back on the show, like I was kinda down on it. Immediately afterwards. I was like, ah, maybe it wasn't my best stuff. And then I went back and I listened to it a few times and I'm like pretty damn good on that. I got what I want out of him, but the other key takeaway was it forced me to step out of my comfort zone. It forced me to come out of my comfort zone as far as what my show is because after 150 shows, it's a crutch.  It was my flow. It's what I'm comfortable with. Now I got 15 minutes. I got to bang through 15 questions, like 10 questions. I got to keep them on track. I got to keep them there. I know we're on the clock. I know we got to cut this off, but I still want to keep the essence of what I do as a host. And it forced me out of my comfort zone,

Russ Johns: [00:27:21] Out of your comfort zone. Here's another one. Switched to YouTube, LinkedIn feed not working.

Adam Posner: [00:27:26] I've had such trouble with LinkedIn live.

Russ Johns: [00:27:28] What is up with that?

Adam Posner: [00:27:30] It doesn't always, it doesn't always like resonate with people's things but hopefully in the new creator mode, I think you might be able to do some stuff.

Russ Johns: [00:27:35] Gabriel says I do enjoy getting into Clubhouse, but I don't want to take on a heavy load, go there to have a place to relax.

Adam Posner: [00:27:42] And here's another interesting thing too, about Clubhouse, why it's succeeding right now because everyone's in isolation and quarantine. When we get back to life,  people are gonna be sitting around their phones all day on Clubhouse. No.

Russ Johns: [00:27:52] Yeah, it's crazy. And I know we're over time already. Angie says, hello, love you, Angie. Thank you so much for being here. Gabe, such an awesome concept, Adam. Wendy says Gabriel Leal brings the nonsense and some new awareness. Mike Baker sees the opportunities of the rise, push yourself to reach your potential in all areas, going live. Absolutely. Howard Kaufman. Good morning friend. We've got a great community here.

That's what it's all about, man.

 It's always a Mike Baker to be open to insight and inspiration and gain, understanding to find value in the information, seek to learn from everyone. And no one is smart as everyone. Amen to that brother. So this time went quick. It went quick, Adam.

Adam Posner: [00:28:42] Always does. You could talk all day, but some of us got work to do. I got to recruit. I got to get back in. Today's a in the trenches day, got to put on my work jacket, get those overalls up, get on my boots and I got to get in the mud today, Russ.

Russ Johns: [00:28:56] So you're going to build out your studio. You're going to increase and improve your show every single day. You're going to go out and recruit and help a lot of people out. Anything else on the horizon?

Adam Posner: [00:29:07] Man just build a good growing and taking a deep breath. And it's been really interesting to watch these seeds that I planted in the last couple of years grow. And it's really interesting to see the seeds that I planted over 20 years that are growing into trees right now. Fruit trees. Yeah.

Russ Johns: [00:29:25] Producing fruit. Oh, I love you, man. Thank you so much for coming back. You're welcome anytime. I'm coming up on 400 episodes and I'd love to have ...

Adam Posner: [00:29:33] You're an #inspiration, man. You're an #inspiration. I remember you're one of the first people I had on my podcast, who one of the first live shows that I did and just learning. And I think that's the mindset to have like always be learning, always improving, could always be better. I would not be where I am as a host, as a technical broadcaster, without learning from folks like you and Gabe and Travis, I couldn't do this stuff. This isn't natural to me. It's getting there.

Russ Johns: [00:29:56] You bring a lot to the table. You bring a lot to the community and always welcome to have you on the show as well.

Adam Posner: [00:30:02] Thank you so much for having me.

Russ Johns: [00:30:03] Thank you everyone. Thank you so much for being here. Love you all and have a fantastic day. Have a fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend. And if you're listening to this in the future, like, comment and share and all of the social activity that goes along with that, all the shenanigans that allow this thing to take place and grow and always reach out to Adam. He's a pirate. Say, hey, I want to connect. I'm a pirate too, or I'm in the pirate community. And you know the rules, it's only because #kindnessiscool, #smilesarefree, so you #enjoytheday. Take care.

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