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Catch Joshua Tapp on the #PirateBroadcast™

Welcome to the #piratebroadcast™: 

Sharing #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. 

I love sharing what others are doing to create, add value, and help in their community. 

The approach people use and how they arrived at where they are today fascinates me. 

So… I invite them to become a PIRATE on the

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We live in a fantastic time when anyone with a smartphone and an internet connection can become a broadcaster of some kind.

The internet has opened up the opportunity for anyone willing to create Words, Images, Audio, & Video.

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Historically, pirate broadcasting is a term used for any type of broadcasting without a broadcast license. With the internet, creating your own way of connecting has evolved.  

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Introduction: [00:00:00] Welcome to the #PirateBroadcast™, where we interview #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. Where you can expand your connections, your community, #kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree. Let’s get this party started.w

Russ Johns: [00:00:10] Welcome aboard. Hey, everyone love that you're here. If you're here, live, if you're here locally, if you're here in the future, #gratitude for you joining us on the #PirateBroadcast™. Today, we have Josh. Josh Tapp is a pirate, he's been on before, and we're going to catch up with Josh and find out what he's focused on, what he's excited about today. Josh, how are you doing?

Joshua Tapp: [00:00:35] It's so good to be here. I'm glad, it's going to be fine. We're doing great. It's a little early for me, as we were saying, I usually don't do calls this early.

Russ Johns: [00:00:42] It's early for me, too.

Joshua Tapp: [00:00:45] Still rubbing the sleep from my eyes a little bit here, but I'm excited to be here.

Russ Johns: [00:00:50] It's a great day to understand and appreciate what we can add value to for the community and I think before we were going live, we were talking about adding value and saying, here's something that people are asking for. Here's something that people are really excited about. They want to know more. And maybe you can expand on that for the individuals that may not know you or haven't met you before. Kinda talk about what your focus is and how you help and add value to the community here.

Joshua Tapp: [00:01:21] Yeah. And I love that question. Honestly, that's been on my mind a lot more, especially the last few weeks even is what's the value that we actually provide to people. How are we really giving them something that they can take and go get wins? In my case, I work with entrepreneurs, right? So how can I help an entrepreneur go get a real win quickly for free so that they learn to trust me and to know that I'm here to actually help them. And I think what happens with most people is when we talk about value, there's two things that their brain does. The first thing is, okay, how can I turn this into a funnel? So I make money and I can say this, because this is from personal experience. How can I give somebody a free value, steal their email, get some money out of the deal. And then the second thing is they're always asking what value do I actually provide? And the question that's been so interesting for me too, or the way that I've been answering that has really just come down to, what do you want people to trust about you? How do you want them to trust you? And everybody thinks that requires, oh, I need to be featured on all of these big news channels and Forbes and Inc, and all these other big places that, yes, there are credibility boosters, but I need certifications. All these are things just so that people can trust me. And I've been fortunate enough to hit certain levels of success just by being a good person and trying to get people to trust me for me and know that I genuinely care about their success. And, I was 21 when I started in this business. So people are like what experience do you have? And for those of you who might be saying, okay I've got some sort of, I don't know if handicap's the right word, but like some sort of thing that's keeping me from success because, oh man, maybe I'm ugly or maybe I'm not confident, or maybe I have these things and I'm just throwing things out there. But if you feel that way it's rarely the case where you really need people to understand is that you are there to help them solve that problem no matter what the cost to you. And I know for me, that's the way that I was able to provide that value for people was to say, okay, you know what?  Nobody knows. I'm 21 years old. I have no reputation online or offline. I'm just a kid. So I started a podcast because I said, hey, I could interview people and ask them the questions that 21 year old entrepreneurs were wanting to know about business. And I could ask these highly successful people, and then I could piggyback their success. Does that make sense?

Russ Johns: [00:03:45] Yeah, absolutely. It makes sense. Curiosity and that folds into another question that I've always thought about is how can I be curious about what other people are doing and ask questions about how they got to where they are or how do they think about where they are going? Because that gives a lot of understanding about what a person is driven by, what motivates individuals, what propels them forward. Starting off at 21, podcasting, which is really starting to heat up now and I think we're only in the beginning stages. And I think we have a lot of growth here. So as a result of podcasting, what did it teach you about, just communication in general and how has that driven your results?

Joshua Tapp: [00:04:40] Yeah, that's a deep question. This is why I like coming here. Russ you've got ask some questions first off. And I kinda have to break the question apart a little bit because the first thing is when you're talking to somebody like in a podcast, for instance, when you're interviewing somebody, you need to be curious. You can create curiosity. I'll be completely honest with you. I have very little interest in like energy healing and those sorts of things, but I have interviewed very successful people in those industries and had amazing conversations because I got curious about it. I didn't have to do a bunch of research or have to adopt their ideas or anything, but I was like what would I really want to know if I wanted to step into their shoes and be as successful as they are in the energy healing space. And that allowed me to put myself in their shoes and say, okay, If I want it to be where they are, what would I need to know? And that's just putting that perspective of our podcast, where we interview entrepreneurs. If you're interviewing people about them being athletes or about actors and actresses, or about what have you, whatever topic, it's really about putting yourself in their shoes and saying, okay, how do I get to know who they are and how they got to be where they are? And  this is going to sound like a really boring answer, but I always stick to the who, what, when, where, why, how, those are the big questions. If you can't ask those, or if you have no other questions, those are the questions you revert to, right?

Russ Johns: [00:05:58] Absolutely.

Joshua Tapp: [00:05:59] Who do you recommend in the space of energy healing, right? How did you become an energy healer?  What's the biggest thing that you've learned for being an energy healer? So you can ask each of those questions and even though they might be quote unquote boring, what happens if you're listening to the answer, they're going to say something that's going to spark more curiosity. Kind of help you gets you to that answer. Does that answer your question, Russ?

Russ Johns: [00:06:22] Yeah. The second part of that question and Tracie...sorry, Tracie for asking compound questions. It's like I have a tendency to ask multiple questions in one.

Joshua Tapp: [00:06:33] I'm the same way.

Russ Johns: [00:06:34] She reminds me. She goes, okay, Russ, I won't say what she says to me and awesome producer, by the way, thank you so much, Tracie. I love you. And the reality is that we learn something and the reason I want to bring this up is cause we identify something that works. We test it out. We find out, okay, this works, this doesn't work. And the journey is never a straight line. However, during that learning experience, the failure,  it's just experience. We don't fail until we quit. So once you learned about podcasting and learn about marketing, and we learned a little bit about what people are asking for, you ask about curiosity. That teaches us what we're doing next. You've indicated that you're doing something next, you're putting your energy into a certain focus. What was the lesson that you learned that allowed you to move forward in this direction?

Joshua Tapp: [00:07:30] See  beautiful question again, Russ, I'm just going to say it every time you ask a question. So one of the things that I learned pretty early on from a mentor of mine was get curious. Figure out what their problems are that aren't being solved and then solve it for them. And at 21,  I had the leeway, I had the time to say, okay I'm just gonna, I'm going to learn the industry. I'm going to find it out. And for me, that's actually been a winding road, finding, okay, people really need Facebook ads right now. So I built a Facebook ads agency. I realized I hate that world did not want to do that anymore. At the same time, all of these clients I was working with were saying, hey, you know what? We really could use more networking opportunities to mastermind. So I got into masterminds for years. We still do masterminds, but recently in the past, oh, go ahead. Sorry.

Russ Johns: [00:08:16] I was going to say, in fact, I have a mastermind coming up.

Joshua Tapp: [00:08:19] Yeah. So attend Russ' mastermind, just so you know, it's going to be awesome. He's not going to plug it. So I'm going to cause he never asks. So make sure you go check him out. The other thing is that in the past year for what's been happening for us is I've really been trying to focus on how do we create a scalable business that doesn't a hundred percent rely on me. And what's the big problem that my audience is screaming for, that I am not providing for them. And our mastermind that we've been running for years is teaching people how to monetize a podcast, how to take that podcast, make a lot of money with it. And then we leave them out to dry is what it felt like, they're like, okay now what? And the number one question I was getting was, Josh, I don't have time. We're working with successful entrepreneurs who were saying, I don't have time to sit here and constantly be producing content, editing my own show and distributing the content to social media. So the people who came to me were just saying, can I pay you or can I pay somebody else to do this? And we realized we were pushing literally no exaggeration, millions of dollars. Just social media agencies to podcast ad agencies and all these different places. Because I had somebody send me a check and they were giving me a 10% commission for referrals and it was in a six figure range. And I was like, what? We've pushed you that much business. And so we decided to say, okay, let's stop the leak. We're pushing that much business out. And I figured they were getting some, but they've never been sending me anything. But at the end of the year is when they distribute their checks and so when I got that check, I'm like, oh my goodness, there's a multimillion dollar opportunity here. Cause I've only been sending a percentage of people over. And what we decided to do is say, okay, we already have an editing team. We already have a social media team. How do I task them to do the work for these other people? And that's where the podcast multiplier company has come into play. We've started to edit and produce people's shows and really we're working with people who are saying, Josh, I want to have content. I want to be a thought leader, but I literally work 80 hours a week already and I don't have time to be constantly producing content. So what we do is we say, can you dedicate one hour a month or have you already dedicated one hour a month of the past that we can repurpose that content into an entire months of content? And just doing that alone has helped. We've helped dozens of people at this point, actually start, launch and then scale out these podcasts and these content strategies. To get anywhere from 10 to 50,000 eyeballs per show. And that's really what we shoot for as an agency is how do we get people to see the visual content, listen to the audio content and read the written content. So that's us in a nutshell, how we've been solving people's big problems.

Russ Johns: [00:10:51] We've had several conversations around this and the idea of the #PirateSyndicate is to generate a massive amount of content in a very short period of time. Like this episode here will be broadcast out to at least 20 locations immediately, and then a transcription, a podcast all the posts, all of this stuff. And then the follow on the the audio grams, things like that can all be created as a result of this episode.  I just want to applaud you on your effort because that is an area and I think it's going to be an expansion in the podcasting world. And I actually want to give a shout out to Neena Perez because she and I are both part of WinJect Studios, which is supporting podcasters in a lot of different ways. And it's a community of podcasters supporting podcasters. I'm sure there's an intersection there, Josh, where we can actually maybe have a conversation, I'm thinking.

Joshua Tapp: [00:11:48] I completely agree. It's funny, Russ, this is where I love this is that we haven't... what people don't think is, oh how come you're interviewing a competitor? But we serve two different audiences. We serve two different types of people. We have different ways that we do it. They might end up hiring both of us. You never really know. And I have no problem saying go to the #PirateSyndicate. These guys know what they're doing when it comes to producing content.

Russ Johns: [00:12:10] The pie is always big enough, it's not competition. It's coopertition. It's how can we work together to increase and improve the industry. That's the way I look at it right now. It's so new. It's so up and coming that it's really important for us to understand how can we improve the industry and share these elements that we all have to learn through experience. I want to say hi to B Lee Jones looks like good day from the other side of the world there. Marcia #piratenation rocks. Thank you so much, Marcia. Love you.

Joshua Tapp: [00:12:44] We agree.

Russ Johns: [00:12:45] Elize from South Africa. Thank you so much. Got an international audience here today, Josh. So I want to move into this idea that we have an opportunity. Everybody has a gift. Everybody has a mission. Everybody has a purpose. And sometimes we are fortunate enough and lucky enough to find that purpose. And I love live streaming. I love podcasting. I love the media content creation process and this has been really easy for me to accomplish and I see it growing. What's your vision and plan for the next 12 to 18 months?

Joshua Tapp: [00:13:26] Yeah. And that's a fantastic question. So there's a couple of things that you should be looking out for right now, if you want to be in the content game and the number one, and I actually want to reference John Lee Dumas' new book. If you guys haven't heard of this, he's not paying me to promote this by any way, by any means, but I've been reading his book. This book is brilliant, but anyways, it's called the Common Path to Uncommon Success and he's talking a lot in there about how to develop really great content. And he talks about his journey of being the first to market when it came to doing a daily podcast interviewing entrepreneurs. But what's interesting is fast forward, so he started in 2012. We started in like 2015, I think. Even from 2012 to 2015, we were behind being an interviewing entrepreneurs. And what's happened now, even now that we're in 2021 at the time of this recording, we've gone from when John started probably I think it was 10 to 20,000 podcasts. We just passed 2.5 million podcasts in the world. Because of coronavirus it doubled. Everybody's realizing, oh, this is a bandwagon I need to hop on. So what has to happen at this point is you have to seek differentiation and it can't be it's I care more. If that's what you come down to is, oh, I care more about my guests or my, yeah. That's a given. You should do that, but that doesn't mean you've created a differentiating factor. So it's finding what's a content strategy? What's something that nobody else is doing that could be intriguing enough to bring people into my world? So the first thing that I would tell you is go look at the OG's. Go look at the people who've been in radio. Russ, when you were in radio, right? That's where you started?

Russ Johns: [00:14:53] Yeah.

Joshua Tapp: [00:14:54] So go look at Russ and say, okay, how is Russ doing it that's a different. Russ is live streaming every single day. Is that correct?

Russ Johns: [00:15:01] Yeah. I think this is episode, probably 446 or 447 or something like that.

Joshua Tapp: [00:15:08] Yeah. 447 days straight. This guy knows how to produce good content, doing a daily show. That's a differentiator. The barriers to entry or the barriers to doing what he does seem really high to most people. So they're not going to approach what he's doing because live streaming is a lot more nerve wracking than just recording a podcast episode, because you can't really edit out your live stream. So that's the first thing, right?

Russ Johns: [00:15:33] This is actually live.

Joshua Tapp: [00:15:34] Exactly. Yeah. The thing is is seeking some sort of content differentiation. The second thing is to be looking at what's your platform that you want to stick to. Now I do recommend podcasting because even though we've doubled the amount of podcasts out there, if you look at the listenership for podcasts, they have, it's almost entirely in North America. There's some in Europe and there's some in Australia. We haven't even touched two of the biggest countries in the world, yet. We haven't touched India. We haven't touched China yet. These are English speaking countries. Most of them speak and consume content in English. So what most people who are the leading people in the sector right now are actually targeting these Chinese and Indian markets with their podcasts. And if you want to really get ahead of the game, just to see what somebody else was doing in the radio space years ago, right? This is bad when I date myself because I'm so young, but I don't really know a lot of radio people. Glen Beck is the only one who comes to mind. And I know some people hate him, sorry.

Russ Johns: [00:16:36] Howard stern.

Joshua Tapp: [00:16:37] Never really listened to any of them. But anyways, I'm not a big radio fan, I'll be completely honest. My wife still listens to the radio, like music on the radio and I don't but anyways, I'm a podcast guy through and through. But you want to be looking at what they've been doing for years and say, how can we incorporate that into the podcasting space? I know one thing that's, so I'm a big fan of The Jimmy Fallon show. If any of you are familiar with his show I love it because he basically takes people who are like our idols and makes them seem human, kind of puts them in these awkward situations that we can see them as human. You're about to see this with the Lucky Titan podcast is we're going to be transitioning our content to start doing that more because everybody looks at these entrepreneurs, these billionaires and say, man, they're just these high in the sky people, but having spent time with them and done masterminds with them, they're just as weird as you and I are right?

Russ Johns: [00:17:27] Down to earth and crazy in the next breath.

Joshua Tapp: [00:17:29] You should watch them go out and fish. It's just hilarious how frustrated they get with fishing. It's fun to bring people out and see them be human. So we're going to be doing more of that take with our show, but look at those sorts of things and say...

Russ Johns: [00:17:40] ... for those that aren't familiar with your show, please plug it, so people know where to find you. And it's all in the notes as well.

Joshua Tapp: [00:17:47] Love it. So it's the Lucky Titan podcast. The Lucky Titan, I say that like in Idaho and so I slur it, but that whole show came about because I was like, I want to interview entrepreneurial Titans. And then people started calling me the lucky titan, which I thought was funny and I'm like, okay, I'll take it. But it's more about interviewing people and about how did you hit your successful break? But we're really what we're getting down to is how did you build a cult following? And so we talk a lot about their marketing. So if they're in the space of masterminds, how did they build a mastermind with 400 or 500 people? If you're familiar with. Oh, my goodness. What is his name? Big. A, I don't know the rest of his, I can't remember his name. That's his nickname, but he has one of the world's largest masterminds, like 600, 700 people. And he's been doing it 20 years. His is more what I would call it networking group. But anyways, interviewing people like him saying, how did you hit 700 people to pay you? I think it's like $500. Yeah. Per person, how'd you get that many people to follow you or, bringing on somebody who's got a huge following on their podcast is saying, how did you, how do you get a million downloads per episode? Those are the sorts of things that we all want to know. What are these big things that you did in order to attract people to you? What's the value going back, flipping back in the conversation, what's the value you're providing them that makes them want to stick around and eventually buy your product. So that's what. Really target on our show because that's what we're all interested in. So that's the lucky tide podcast where everywhere go find us. We really like to have our listeners on Google right now because Google is going to be doing some amazing things.

Russ Johns: [00:19:15] Yeah. I've heard rumors. So Wendy says #piratenation rocks and the Admiral leads with kindness. Welcome to the posse, it's and here's one of the things that I think you. Talked around, but haven't suggested immediately is it's about the community, build a community and the #piratenation and the #PirateBroadcast the #PirateSyndicate, there's a theme there, and the idea is going back to radio is the fact that when radio was the thing to do, and you didn't have a license to broadcast, you were considered a pirate broadcaster. Now we're living in the most amazing time in humanity where anybody, you can start a podcast, anybody can provide audio streaming, clubhouse, the Spotify just launched the thing, Twitter, all of these platforms, launching an audio platform. The difference though, and I think Josh, I think it's important for people to understand is that not everybody stays with it. And I think consistency and somebody that's been podcasting or in the industry since 2000. 12 like John Lee Dumas and the OGs that are, like yourself that have been doing it since 2015, I taught at podcast movement in 2015, I taught, I was taught teaching workshops in podcasts. Back then I was live streaming baseball games in high school, varsity sports, and doing this directly to radio stations. And so all of these elements and all of this information has accumulated. Yeah, the #PirateSyndicate. So it's really important to, if you love it and you can stay with the game, that's one of the differentiators that are gonna allow you to stand out and build a community around it too. So I think it's important for us to understand and share that information as well.

Joshua Tapp: [00:21:07] I love that you mentioned that because that is really the crux of what it is. And it's building a community, providing the real value. We watch so many people are trying to get these ridiculously huge numbers, but I'm part of a mastermind with a bunch of other of the top podcasters. And all of them are saying is like the day of millions of followers. Is done. You don't need that anymore. You only need 100, 200 a thousand people who love what you do. And they constantly always watching. So you're always watching the broadcast every morning. You're up at eight o'clock in my time, at least at eight o'clock in the morning, listening to these amazing broadcasts with Russ, you're seeing all of his content online. You're joining his mastermind. You're joining us. He and needs a few hundred of those people to really have a very successful company. And he can serve those people on a much higher level and eventually the millions will come, but we only have to focus on that thousand and just watch what happens. It's pretty amazing.

Russ Johns: [00:22:02] It's building consistency in your process. In fact, I was talking to a client yesterday and I said, okay, real-world scenario. How many clients do you actually want to manage in the course of a day? How many clients do you actually want to help in the course of a month, because you don't need a million downloads to help the capacity that you have in your business. So let's focus on getting your business to capacity before you start thinking about scaling and that's the model we need to think about and consider. So it's really important to. Yeah, I come out there and I want to just mention people to enter the pirate treasure. You got some pirate treasure coming here. You can type in hashtag #piratenation in the comments. And we've got a few people in there now, but let's make sure that we have if you haven't signed up, you haven't logged in and you haven't chatted a #piratenation yet do we'll give something away. We will share something with you. All right, let's do it. And then Josh, I want to, so now you have an agency you have help in place that can actually manage and maintain additional people and their podcasts because editing audio and all the production takes time. It does delegate that and allow the individual to really mature in their skillset as a podcast. Do you see more interview shows or one-on-one or talking head? Is there a format that is coming to life in your experience?

Joshua Tapp: [00:23:43] Yes, absolutely. And I will tell that this is under shouting this from the rooftops for everybody, because I think this is the ones that you're going to start seeing major success in. And I have to preface this by saying that you don't build an audience with a podcast. You maintain an audience with a podcast. People are constantly trying to use podcasts to attract a larger following and everything, but not that it doesn't happen, but your goal needs to be okay. I have 10 listeners. How do I constantly provide them with amazing guy? What do they need? And so I would tell you the first thing. Always just do what your audience asks for. That's what it is. You're not to say you're at the Beck and call of everybody on your show, but ask them what they need. What within the context of what you want to do, if you like interviewing, and you're not confident doing the solo cast or just talking to the screen I recommend interviewing because it takes you out of the spotlight. It makes it very easy.

Russ Johns: [00:24:35] People like you.

Joshua Tapp: [00:24:37] Right? There we go. I like to interview people because I run out of content ideas. I'll be completely honest. I get to the point where I'm like, man, I don't know what to produce. I have a guy that we actually just hired him. I hired him in to do editing for some of the shows because we've been growing so fast, we needed another editor. He came in and I just sat down with him. We had a four hour conversation. It was supposed to be five minutes, ended up being four hours about content ideas. And he's just creative as all get out. So shout out to Shiloh, but one of the cool things that we've been talking about and seeing is the education piece, right? People are constantly going to podcasts and everybody's doing the same thing. You're gonna look at my podcast, you're gonna look at all these other ones and just saying, Hey, let's talk about your business. The ones that are killing it right now are the ones who are treating it, almost like an audio course. And they're coming in and saying, okay, I'm going to for the next 50 weeks. So one, one time a week. For the rest of the year, I'm going to teach you how to launch a podcast. And week one, what we're going to do is we're going to talk about your idea. And then the next thing is, we're going to talk about your audience and so on and so forth. And those sort of programs are very helpful. I see that kind of being that next generation of content because it's huge value. It's absolutely massive value. And then what you'll see is that people will go through your podcast and then they will, if you have a service with it, they will pay you to speed that up for them. So you're like, Hey, over the next year, I'm going to be dripping out content. That's going to help you accomplish this task. So build a Facebook group or start a podcast or what have you, but 90% of the time people are going to go through and listen, they're going to start feeling like, oh, I really wish I could just pay somebody to do this. That's where you present your offer, your service. That's what I think is going to be the number one next big chocolate.

Russ Johns: [00:26:18] I've always believed that podcasting was an opportunity to start a conversation with somebody that you might be wanting to do business. It may not be today. It may not be tomorrow. And when somebody needs your business, if you showing up every day, if you're showing up and adding value like where we started this conversation. If you're continuing to add value, you will eventually  build authority, build visibility, and those conversations will land business always.

Joshua Tapp: [00:26:47] I completely agree. I love it. I love that. That's actually one of our number one lead generation sources is who we interview. So I completely agree with that.

Russ Johns: [00:26:56] There is a connection, I'm just not imagining this thing.

Joshua Tapp: [00:26:58] She's like, how do I make money off this deal? I do have something for your audience I think everybody will... it's not a give me your email, I'm going to give you content. It's actually an article that I wrote and I have to kind of preface this because I started writing this article about a year ago and it was seven ways to monetize a podcast. And then I'm like, okay, but is this like truly the best ways to monetize a show? So over the last year, I've interviewed 500 people outside of my podcasts asking them how would you monetize your show? How are you monetizing your shows? I've talked to some of the  top podcasters in the world and ask them this question. And it's not what you think, that's what's really fun is it's not always sponsored. Some of the best people in the world with the most amount of money...

Russ Johns: [00:27:40] I don't think sponsorship is the most productive way.

Joshua Tapp: [00:27:44] I personally think it's the least productive way. That's my own opinion because you're like pigeonholing yourself, but I'm not gonna rant on that. This article that I was writing, I was expecting it to be like a thousand, 2000 words. It's like an 8,000 words. It's a textbook, basically. It's a step-by-step system for monetizing in seven different ways. So if you wanna check it out,  it's JoshTapp.com/monetize.

Russ Johns: [00:28:06] It's right here in the bottom right below.

Joshua Tapp: [00:28:08] Russ has got it right there. Go check it out.

Russ Johns: [00:28:10] It's like production, just like production.

Joshua Tapp: [00:28:13] Yeah. I love it. So it's definitely a place to start for a lot of you who are saying, Hey, I'm I am a podcaster or I want to be a podcast. It's a great place to go and just get some ideas, look at what you're doing with monetizing. And I said, I wasn't going to rant about it, but I am every time somebody who walks up to me and says, the first question they have for me as a podcaster is okay, how do I make money with this? Or when do I get my first sponsor? You want to know how many sponsors I've had on my show over the past what is it? Six years? Zero. None. And the reason why is because it take all this time and effort to get one person to pay me a couple thousand dollars a month, or I could keep it clean and make push people to my products and make tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars a month. So look at it that way and say, how can I leverage what I have to communicate with my audience and gain a personal relationship with them and solve their needs. And get paid for it. That's really what I have people think about.

Russ Johns: [00:29:11] Let's go connect you with a pirate today and make sure that you have an opportunity to follow up with them and share some pirate treasures. Let's do it. All right. So I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to run the run, the rally here and a real get a drawing.

Joshua Tapp: [00:29:29] Oh, this is fun. This is new from the last time I came on here.

Russ Johns: [00:29:32] Yeah. Who's it going to be today? Marcia Reece. You have to meet Marcia. Marcia is an awesome individual that she is the inventor of sidewalk chalk, and she actually does. She does the stay well, copper. She does got this. I don't know if you can see it or. I can get copper.

Joshua Tapp: [00:29:53] Wait, she invented like real sidewalk chalk.

Russ Johns: [00:29:56] Yeah, the sidewalk chalk. She has a great story. She'd be awesome to have on your show. So interesting.

Joshua Tapp: [00:30:03] We're going to talk, you've intrigued me.

Russ Johns: [00:30:06] So I'll introduce you Josh, on the back end and I just really want to thank you so much for being here today. I know that we could talk for several hours on podcasts. Broadcasting content creation, all these kinds of things. So you're always welcome as a pirate to come back and let's stay engaged and open up the opportunities to everyone to share a little bit about what you're doing in your world and how you show up and because #kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree. Josh. I want you to #enjoyyourday.

Joshua Tapp: [00:30:39] Yes. Thank you so much. And thanks everybody for listening. We're excited to see you all.

Russ Johns: [00:30:43] Take care. See you later.

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