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Catch Don and Dina Ortiz on the #PirateBroadcast™

Welcome to the #piratebroadcast™: 

Sharing #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. 

I love sharing what others are doing to create, add value, and help in their community. 

The approach people use and how they arrived at where they are today fascinates me. 

So… I invite them to become a PIRATE on the

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Historically, pirate broadcasting is a term used for any type of broadcasting without a broadcast license. With the internet, creating your own way of connecting has evolved.  

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Audio digitally transcribed by Descript

Introduction: [00:00:00] Welcome to the #PirateBroadcast™, where we interview #interestingpeople doing #interestingthings. Where you can expand your connections, your community, #kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree. Let’s get this party started.

Russ Johns: [00:00:10] Once again just talking away ignoring the fact that we're going to start show and we have Don and Dina back on. Thank you so much for being here.

Don Ortiz: [00:00:20] How's everybody doing out there today?

Dina Ortiz: [00:00:21] Thanks for having us again, Russ. It's great.

Russ Johns: [00:00:25] It's fun to get caught up on everything that's going on around the world and I know that you are both excited about maybe getting out a little bit more this year. So give us an update on what's taken place in Don and Dina's life.

Dina Ortiz: [00:00:40] The flood gates have opened now. We're so grateful.

Don Ortiz: [00:00:44] Yeah. We're back to performing. It's great writing contracts and seeing events back in shape and people out and enjoying live entertainment, as you can imagine. And also we're back to speaking about our great book, 31 cents to 43 countries. And that's been great to be out there back in the speaking environment and helping those that need it. Especially if you're pivoting and turning and trying to figure out a new path or you have a new path, and you're trying to still figure out what to do ahead of time.

Dina Ortiz: [00:01:13] Yeah. One thing we know for sure is these virtual environments are not going away. So we're going to start seeing a lot of hybrids. Meeting in person, meeting online. So Don and I were just talking about that. We've actually been working in virtual environments since 1992 at our first DOD contract. So that's a long time and actually started teaching online at one of the first online private universities in 1998. So we've been doing this a long time, so we've had a lot of tips and tricks to managing remote employees.

Don Ortiz: [00:01:40] To working nationally, to working globally, all those types of things add to working with different cultures.

Russ Johns: [00:01:46] So what would be an example of a tip that you would want to share with the pirate community that would encourage somebody to think differently in how they're approaching being stuck versus being available to the world? Cause that's the way I look at it. It's okay, we're here right now. We're not in the same building. We're not in the same space. However, we're still able to have a conversation. Would you give us an example of something that would be a tip that people could think about?

Dina Ortiz: [00:02:16] So I think one of the things when you're working in global environments is that we have to remember that even though we may be in the same time space, we're really not. So culture can really affect timing. And so that's one of the things that you have to address right off the bat. So what is the response time going to be like? Even when we're doing podcasts globally, sometimes we don't get responses for three or four days and that might be very normal for, let's say culture in Latin America, but it's not normal for us. So you have to address some of those things right away. You have to come up with your own norms as a team to decide how you're going to move through these virtual environments. And timing certainly is one of them. Because when you don't respond in a particular way, oftentimes people misunderstand or misrepresent what it is. They're actually saying you might interpret it incorrectly, as well.

Don Ortiz: [00:02:59] Yeah. And especially now, this is when everybody has pivoted and capitalizing on the unknown. This has been a time where everybody's been able to reinvent what they're doing, they got a new wheel. They maybe have started a new company. And do you have your business plan in place? Do do you know what your niche is? Do you know what your audience and what you're pinpointing towards? We've been able to help a lot of people gear up that, especially through our book and what we've been doing, working in virtual alignments environments so long. Everybody needs a little bit of help right now. And if you can help inspire and turn that key on for somebody, then we're all about passing that baton and making sure there's success at the end of the road for you.

Russ Johns: [00:03:40] The pirates are all about a little bit of kindness and what I hear in your message also that resonates with me is patience.  Have a little patience with other people. Cause you don't know what other people are going through.

Don Ortiz: [00:03:52] Yeah. We talk about that in our book, the fact that we actually had somebody that reached out to us from South America, wanted to work with us and because we were so quick to respond and jump on top of it and be eager we lost that connection.

Dina Ortiz: [00:04:07] Because we forgot to create the relationship first. As Americans, we don't always need to create the relationships. We can hand out business cards. If we have a superior product, people will buy it. They'll come back for more, but it's not like that in most of the world, you've got to learn to create that relationship. Move a little slower and it's okay. You don't gotta nail that business relationship right away. Let it take time to grow.

Don Ortiz: [00:04:28] Yeah. And if they don't respond in 24 hours, give them another 72, if that's what it takes, or a week. We have found that, especially when we worked for instance in Fiji, it could take them two weeks before they actually got back to us. It's just a different type of culture. Time set mindset.

Dina Ortiz: [00:04:43] Timing is flexible. It's not standardized like this here in the US.

Russ Johns: [00:04:47] I've worked with friends in Samoa and it's very... island timing is prevalent and it is laid back. It's hey, no worries.

Dina Ortiz: [00:04:57] If you can get on that, if you can get on that. Wow. It's actually pretty cool.

Don Ortiz: [00:05:02] It's a good place to be.

Dina Ortiz: [00:05:03] I don't blame them one bit. When you get there, it's wow, this is awesome.

Russ Johns: [00:05:08] Yeah, it's fantastic. Hey, I want to give a shout out to a few people that have joined us so far. Elize is all the way from South Africa. She's here and she's been a pirate. Just love to have her join every day. And I think Jeff Young, Jeff love you, man. I just really love what you do. He's a LinkedIn expert, a guru.

Don Ortiz: [00:05:32] Namaste.

Russ Johns: [00:05:33] Namaste. Good morning, Russ, all the ships at sea, go pirates, namaste. Marcia Reece, another phenomenal individual that's here.  She lives over in the Scottsdale way. She's an amazing individual that I always love to see. Cathi Spooner. Again, just supportive energy coming into the pirate nation. Always important to remember that not everyone has the same computer speeds when it comes to reactions.

Don Ortiz: [00:06:01] That's true.

Russ Johns: [00:06:02] Amen to that. I also want to have you talk a little bit about your audio book.  We started talking about it before we got on the show and I want to remind people that you can type in hashtag #piratenation because we're going to be giving away an audio book. Would that be okay?

Don Ortiz: [00:06:22] That's great. You'll get the audiobook.

Russ Johns: [00:06:24] What it does is it and I'll let you expand on this, but it brings the music into the story a little bit.

Don Ortiz: [00:06:31] It really does. What we're trying to do is a lot of our songs were actually written for our tours that we were going to and so you get to have that in our book, that it weaves you on that path through music. Into that journey of what that journey was. So you're taking the journey musically and you're hearing it through audible being told to you. So you really feel like you're there. And what we have found is that a lot of the folks that have heard our audible says it jumps out at you. You feel like you're in a motion picture. You're just not listening to a book, you're in an action packed film that you're actually learning and have things that you can take away.

Dina Ortiz: [00:07:10] We're taking you into Afghanistan, we're taking you into Bosnia. We're taking you into Fiji with us. We're taking you to Russia and Russia is really interesting. So we're not just sharing our business tips and tricks with you, but we're actually taking you on our journey, our worldwide journey and all the interesting and challenging and exciting things that happened. And we have a wonderful voice actress, Tia Rider. They actually picked her up. She's in Hollywood now, but we got her before she left. We've had really good feedback about her as well.

Don Ortiz: [00:07:38] Very talented Tia Rider.

Russ Johns: [00:07:40] Awesome. Awesome. Marcia says happy anniversary. It's our day.

Dina Ortiz: [00:07:45] Thank you. We are so lucky to spend it with you.

Russ Johns: [00:07:50] Excellent. And also I hope to see you Saturday, Marcia. It's a founders' guild on Saturday and yes, type in hashtag #piratenation and we'll get that drawing at the end for the audio book. What is it location that you would like to perform in that you haven't yet performed in? You have something on your target or your bucket list or your map of locations that you thought this would be a cool place to go to?

Dina Ortiz: [00:08:18] Yeah, we've been all around. We've been out of the middle east for years and years, but we've not been into Israel. We'd like to go to Israel actually. And we always wanted to perform with musicians both in Israel and the Gaza strip to bring everybody together. We actually did this in Azerbaijan and in Armenia, who have conflict for years and years. We find that when we bring musicians together, regardless of the culture and background, music transcends everything. And it brings everybody together regardless.  And so that's something that we have always wanted to do. We haven't quite found the link yet to help us get there, but I think eventually we will. We'll put that out there in the universe.

Don Ortiz: [00:08:55] Every side of the border. And it's really wild when you get that close and you're like, man, we could just go right through here if we just went through the gate today. It's hard to be that close and yet you're that far. So for us, it's always about unity. When we do these performances, as Dina said, usually with the U S state department or things like that, we're creating so they can join us on stage and come be a part of that. So we're creating unity, not with only the community, the city, the country, and two countries. So there's actually conversation at the table and the conversation continues.

Russ Johns: [00:09:28] Yeah.  Since you started a few years ago and you've taken this journey and visited the world, does it seem like a different place today than it was when you first started?

Dina Ortiz: [00:09:45] I think in some ways that I think that people are all the same. We don't change as human beings. You meet some wonderful people, you meet some not so wonderful people. Certainly technology and globalization have influenced the way that we interact, so it seems like the world is now in our living rooms where when we first started, that certainly wasn't the case. In 1992, I wasn't sitting here with you or sitting with a podcast from India or from the UK or Germany, having an intimate conversation like this.  It was a different type of environment that I think as humans we're pretty much the same.

Don Ortiz: [00:10:19] And especially in environments that we've been to that's a big part of it is we like sharing the cultures and getting people to understand where we've been and how to communicate in those areas. As simple thing as giving your business card to somebody, how you can present it, can really make a difference or break that whole meeting. They won't tell you right then, those are the big things that we've seen.

Russ Johns: [00:10:41] The side effect lasts forever.

Don Ortiz: [00:10:44] Oh yeah.

Dina Ortiz: [00:10:45] It really can, unfortunately, yes. I say in our industry, we're in the meetings and events, right? And you just cannot afford to make a mistake as musicians because you oftentimes represent the meeting planner. You might be representing the corporate buyer and one mistake there and they don't have your back. We learned pretty quickly not to make mistakes.

Russ Johns: [00:11:03] So when you go into a new country and you're unfamiliar with the customs, do you often choose to select someone to guide you through that maze and navigate. Best practices, so to speak.

Dina Ortiz: [00:11:15] We try to do research before we go into a country, but honestly, Russ, we get into a country, oftentimes what we read and what's really going on are two different things. If we're with the state department will certainly update us and tell us and react quickly to whatever needs to be done at the moment. But if we're not traveling with the state department, then we have to just be on high alert. We have to be people. People people. And we have to be aware and we're musicians anyways. We're very in tuned to our audience. We're in tuned to what's going on around us. And so we just need to make sure that we keep that level of awareness so that we see what's going on and we can react appropriately.

Russ Johns: [00:11:50] Wendy says, I am confident that Israel would welcome all pirates, admiral.

Don Ortiz: [00:11:57] That would be awesome, Wendy. We look forward to going there and actually performing and creating a great relationship with the people there.

Russ Johns: [00:12:10] Yeah, it's awesome. She, in fact,  her kids are over there, so it's really nice to be able to understand other relationships. When I lived in Houston, I dealt a lot with different cultures. It's very diverse city and I was running a radio station over there. And even the nuance of what you would suggest is that a south Asian culture is there's a lot of diversity within the culture itself.

Don Ortiz: [00:12:37] Oh, absolutely.

Russ Johns: [00:12:39] And there's the nuance. And until you actually start getting down and understanding what the differences are and why they exist, it's important to understand when you're dealing with a culture. I just find it fascinating.

Dina Ortiz: [00:12:53] Yeah, and I was going to say Russ, sometimes we're not in country long enough to get that, to address what you're talking about, but I will say this, respect goes a million miles. Politeness, being respectful with one another. Don't forget your thank yous, your pleases. Just being kind, which is what pirates embrace, right? That's what you embrace and your pirates embrace. That'll get you everywhere every single time.

Russ Johns: [00:13:19] I love it. I love it.

Dina Ortiz: [00:13:20] That's a universal concept.

Don Ortiz: [00:13:22] Yeah. Everybody smiles universally.

Russ Johns: [00:13:26] And you know what? #smilesarefree.

Don Ortiz: [00:13:29] Yeah. And aren't they healthy? They look good on you.

Dina Ortiz: [00:13:32] They do.

Russ Johns: [00:13:34] I know I didn't get these wrinkle lines for nothing.

Don Ortiz: [00:13:37] Yeah, they're well earned, my friend.

Dina Ortiz: [00:13:39] Wrinkle lines. I don't see any wrinkles.

Russ Johns: [00:13:41] I love you, Dina. So is there any place that you're playing at locally?

Don Ortiz: [00:13:48] We're at Fortune 500 companies more or less. We played the Phoenician actually a week ago, we did the first big event here opened up in Arizona to 300 people. So it was great event. The folks at the Phoenicia were like, oh my God, a band to hear live entertainment.

Dina Ortiz: [00:14:06] But we are working on a show that we can't talk about yet, because we shared with you, we haven't signed off on the dotted line, but it is with with a well-known actor. And when that gets moving forward they're gonna release it in theater. We'll let you know,

Don Ortiz: [00:14:18] Make sure the pirates get to know, get the heads up on everybody else.

Russ Johns: [00:14:23] And I want to recap to everyone that may not have had an introduction, a formal introduction to who you are and why you're here. Cause Cathi Spooner says, I'm curious about your music and your connection with the state department, with your music. I missed the introduction for you today, sounds intriguing. You can go back and listen to the original episode, but if you could recap for those who may not be familiar with us.

Dina Ortiz: [00:14:48] So we were picked up by the department of defense in 1992 for Desert Storm one and that turned into, they actually sent us to the wrong country, Singapore. After we did our work for them and our tour and that ended up being a 15 year contract.

Don Ortiz: [00:15:02] Actually 18 years.

Dina Ortiz: [00:15:03] 18 year relationship. And during that time, some of the places we played were US embassies because Marines guard the U S embassy. And so we were picked up by the state department in 2007 to work with the state department to promote American culture through American music. And we started working, I think Azerbaijan and Armenia were our first trip.

Don Ortiz: [00:15:22] Yeah, Armeni and Azerbaijan were our first us embassy, us state department assignment.

Dina Ortiz: [00:15:28] On behalf of not performing just app, but on behalf of the state department. And then I got my doctorate in business in 2010 and our embassy contact reached out and asked if I'd be interested in doing keynotes and workshop on entrepreneurism, small business marketing management and we started doing workshops at places like American corner libraries, all over the world. University of Hungary, University of South Pacific.  So we started actually doing a business model that... I've had a speaking during the day and then performing at night, which was great because we could connect with our audiences during the day and then we could connect with them at night. So it really does reinforce, not just American entrepreneurialism and capitalism, but certainly American music as well. So it's a two-for-one package. And we brought that back here too.

Don Ortiz: [00:16:12] Yeah, we actually brought that business model home. And by doing that, we've been able to expand, not just from offering live entertainment, but also into speaking and workshops in the meeting and events industry. So think about it. How many times have you seen a speaker during the day and then they have an event that evening or a gala? Imagine if the speaker was also your event at the end of the evening.  Are you building a better relationship with that group of people that's long-term and forever? Yes you are. And so it's an extra added niche that we never saw coming by capitalizing on the unknown. And we talked about that in our book.

Dina Ortiz: [00:16:50] You've always got to be aware of those things.

Russ Johns: [00:16:53] And it's fascinating to hear you say that again because one of the things that I loved about your story was the fact that you're traveling all over here, that's one piece of the puzzle, but also teaching and training people on entrepreneurship and business. And some of the things that go on, they don't always feel like they go hand in hand, but they do. When I was a playing musician, it was always hustling out to get jobs and talk to the coordinators and find places to play or create your own venues to play. And you really have to get creative, just like any other entrepreneur and sometimes even more.

Dina Ortiz: [00:17:35] Yeah,  it's a music business. If you're going to make money on it, raise a family on it, which Don and I did it as a business first. Don's on the phone every day, make it as sales calls because he has to, we have to constantly bring in business. And if you run it like a business and you have a good quality product to sell people, you're going to do well.

Don Ortiz: [00:17:53] I get that a lot. People are like how is your band able to been making a living over 31 years? Fortune 500 companies traveling around the world without a record deal or management. How is that even possible? You gotta get your ass in gear.

Russ Johns: [00:18:07] You've got to protect your assets.

Don Ortiz: [00:18:09] That's right. And like Dina said, it's one thing to have a great product, but you have to get on the phone and create the relationships, make sure that people see you out there. And then when you are performing, a lot of our events actually go into overtime. Especially now that people have been starving for entertainment, we did a show Saturday night and they just kept on going, can you guys just stay for a little bit longer? Let's keep the wheel going. We don't care how much it costs. We just want to have live entertainment. So that's a great thing right now.

Dina Ortiz: [00:18:36] I was so happy to be with them. It was joyful for them, it was joyful for us to watch how happy the music was making them. When we're ticking and going along, think about how much our job is to bring joy to people. It doesn't get better than that.

Don Ortiz: [00:18:48] The best job in the world.

Russ Johns: [00:18:50] That was my first love. And it's always been my love of music and performing and playing live. Until you actually have the opportunity to play live it, nothing compares.

Dina Ortiz: [00:19:03] No, there's nothing like it.w

Don Ortiz: [00:19:05] And it's really helped us in our speaking. Think about it. How many speakers are actually entertainers as well? So when we're on the stage, we own the stage and we make sure that people are learning, moving their dial forward and answering their questions. And then staying with them afterwards also is following up and making sure that if they go, man, that you touched on a point. I like to talk about that further. Can we just talk for a couple more minutes? It's yeah, we're here to help you and make sure that torch is going forward.

Russ Johns: [00:19:35] The other thing that I see really happening a lot is because social media is so prevalent, you have so many opportunities to be distracted. Then I think relationships are even getting more and more important as well. And taking the time, like you said, Don is really critical to be able to notice people, listen to them, have patience and actually understand what they're saying and what they're asking for, because sometimes what they say is not necessarily what they're asking.

Dina Ortiz: [00:20:08] Oh, that is so true. You've got to watch and we do this when we travel too, you got to watch what people do, not just what they say. They'll do something different.

Russ Johns: [00:20:19] Yeah. It's an acute awareness of your surroundings.

Don Ortiz: [00:20:24] And especially I've learned all these years that we have a huge peripheral vision when we're going someplace that we look at the bigger picture. And I think with multimedia, people seem to get focused, very narrow and lose their perception of that open scenery to see in a panoramic view what's going on. And I think it helps you with your business sense. You're reading the environment of a room,  people's temperaments and their body languages. We all haven't been able to do that for a long time because everybody's been in zoom media. So to have that back and feel the room, feel the energy. 

Russ Johns: [00:21:04] You get a sense that people are burnt out on zoom?

Dina Ortiz: [00:21:08] Oh yes.

Don Ortiz: [00:21:09] Absolutely. They want to have communication across the room again, to ask questions, see people raise their hands and communicate, and like you and I were just talking about, even after we're speaking with somebody to have five to 10 people still want to talk to you afterwards, we always take that time to make sure that, like you said, to have the patience to help them. They're looking for knowledge and if we can help them turn that dial a little bit forward and help them expand. That's what we're there for.

Dina Ortiz: [00:21:36] We're going to be speaking in Tempe on Friday morning for a group and they asked if we wanted to... actually they've opened up, but they're also still doing zoom, if we wanted to do a zoom or if we wanted to come in person and we opted for in person. We just want to be around people again and in the same room with people again.

Russ Johns: [00:21:54] Yeah. I totally get that. And I've coordinated with some cinematographers in different cities to actually do an in-person event that streams live and so I'll help coordinate the live stream and. Trey, my buddy will be operating the cameras and so the people that are not quite ready to go back into public, or they're not able to make the event can still attend the event. And I really see that as part of the future event coordination as well.

Dina Ortiz: [00:22:26] The hybrid model.

Don Ortiz: [00:22:27] Yeah. Yeah. This isn't going away. It's just going to be I would call this the 1.0  right now because you can imagine what this is going to be like in 10 years from now.

Dina Ortiz: [00:22:37] We might even feel we're on zoom or we're on one of these platforms. You might even feel the audience, they'll come up with something that will have technology that will allow us to do that.

Don Ortiz: [00:22:46] You got a cooking show, maybe they'll have like scratch and sniff or something,

Russ Johns: [00:22:51] Aroma vision.

Dina Ortiz: [00:22:52] I'm waiting for it, but they actually cook it and you get to taste it because it's coming to your kitchen somehow.

Don Ortiz: [00:22:58] You smell the veggies.

Dina Ortiz: [00:23:00] Remember Star Trek?

Russ Johns: [00:23:01] Yeah. Yeah. I just want one of those things...wouldn't it be cool? That would be so easy and simple. I would love it.

Don Ortiz: [00:23:09] That would be awesome.

Dina Ortiz: [00:23:11] If I never have to cook again, I'll be happy. I can just press a button and voila!

Don Ortiz: [00:23:16] For me, I love to cook.

Russ Johns: [00:23:18] I enjoy cooking and I enjoy convenience. It's probably about even steven. Hey, before we get close to wrapping up, I just want to make sure that people know and understand how to connect, collaborate, and contact Don and Dina. So give us a roadmap of how you like people to reach out and connect with you.

Don Ortiz: [00:23:38] Please reach out to us on LinkedIn. That's our number one spot. We have over 9,000 connections and followers, so we can introduce you to somebody or connect you with somebody. Feel free to connect with Dina and I through LinkedIn. Also, you can go to our speaking site, DEOspeaks.com and look at our content. Look at what we have there. We have workshops. We have our bulk of course presentations.And then we have 10 tips and tricks that we share with you on DEO speaks.

Dina Ortiz: [00:24:10] And if you're a music lover, check out our website, our music website, which is our band website, which has all the fun pictures from all over the world.

Don Ortiz: [00:24:17] Which is DinaPrestonband.com. And that's D I N A Preston band.com. And you can see the 43 countries we've performed in. You can hear our new album, Feel the Blue, that's also available on all your favorite musical platforms. And our music videos on YouTube, we have a YouTube channel. If you love music and you want to see something that's going to inspire you, watch our music videos, not only from our album, but we have a couple touching songs on there.

Dina Ortiz: [00:24:43] I think it's got about 10,000  users.

Don Ortiz: [00:24:46] Where is She was written for women's international day. And then So Blue was written for PTSD and we have Field Blue that was written for our troops in memory. And and then of course our book that's on Amazon. And that's 31 cents to 43 countries, hardcore tips to increasing profits.

Russ Johns: [00:25:04] I love it. I love it. So I want to I want to give this audio book away.

Don Ortiz: [00:25:10] Yes, let's give this puppy away.

Russ Johns: [00:25:11] Let's find the lucky winner, the lucky pirate today. Let me share this out. It's a fun little thing that I've added to the pirate community here today.

Dina Ortiz: [00:25:22] It was a IAN book award winner last year for outstanding non-fiction in business sales and economics.

Russ Johns: [00:25:31] Congrats.

Dina Ortiz: [00:25:31] IAN as the independent author network.

Russ Johns: [00:25:34] Okay. All right. We'll learn more about Don and Dina. Track them down, connect on LinkedIn, get all the links and what you have is an opportunity to make a deep and long lasting relationship. Don and Dina, this is the second trip to the #PirateBroadcast™, the pirate ship here. And. You're always so inviting. You're always so open and willing to have a conversation. I just really appreciate it.

Don Ortiz: [00:26:01] Great to be on board, especially with all the pirates out there.

Dina Ortiz: [00:26:03] It's great to be part of your community, Russ. We appreciate you having us. Thank you.

Russ Johns: [00:26:08] You bet. So let's do this drawing. We've got a couple of people here. Here we go. If you're not here, you can't participate.

Don Ortiz: [00:26:16] And the wheels turning. This is going to be our lucky winner today.

Russ Johns: [00:26:21] Elize, alright! I'll connect both of you after the show. And we'll get you on board and make that connection, introduction. And I really love the idea that we can actually build relationships around the world and learn more about the planet we live in because we're all human, we're all doing the same thing together.  Flying through space on the same rock.

Don Ortiz: [00:26:49] Kindness gets you so much further.

Russ Johns: [00:26:51] Absolutely. Thank you again for being here. I really appreciate all the effort and when you have an opportunity to announce some new announcements, let me know and we'll see what we can do to get to get that shared out to the community as well.

Dina Ortiz: [00:27:07] Awesome. Thank you so much.

Don Ortiz: [00:27:07] Thank you. Can't wait to share that secret with you.

Dina Ortiz: [00:27:10] Wishing everybody a blessed day and a blessed week.

Russ Johns: [00:27:12] Thank you so much, everyone. #kindnessiscool, #smilesarefree and you #enjoytheday. Take care, everybody.

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