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[0:01] I got my coffee I got my guest and it's another pirate broadcasts and we are here today to talk about interesting things from interesting people doing interesting things.
And I had to grab my coffee. So we're a few minutes late but that's OK. We don't really.
We're pirates. We can have these kind of shenanigans Matt.
[0:22] Good morning. How are you my friend.
[0:24] Good morning. I'm really good thanks. Yeah. I've got my coffee ready.
[0:27] You get your coffee. We're ON THE WAY. WE'RE HALFWAY set then. Hey.
[0:32] Yeah that's that's half job done woke up. Half coffee was next.
[0:37] Yes. Well what Nick is next is you got a pirate broadcasting.
I want to talk to you today because we connected online and you're currently in Brazil.
So you know one of the things that I love about the pirate broadcasts and they bring a different people on is how people are managing and dealing with business around the world.
And you know myself I'm a remote worker. I do business and help other business owners you know anywhere you are the much in the same way you're doing that from Brazil you've been there for a while.
You have a family and you're doing some things there.
Yeah that a little bit about your business and how you arrived in Brazil to do business right now.
So I'm sure there's a story behind that.
[1:25] There's a door behind you. Yeah there's a few stories behind that but there's the main.
[1:31] As with any story there's this main factors and then there's little flux. I'll go with the man.
Let's start with the main ones and then we could branch off to the little sidebar. OK. Yes.
[1:41] One of the main the major plot is that I met my wife.
She is a carioca which is somebody who is native to Rio de Janeiro local office. And so she's lived in.
She brought up in Rio and Sao Paolo and. And then she'd been living in. I met her in London. She'd been living there.
In the end it was 15 years she was living in London. No.
So I met her that and then got married and had a relationship with her.
So you'd come back to Rio for the family and the friends in Sao Paolo and experienced Brazil.
And I fell in love particularly with Rio de Janeiro which is where we live now.
You got the first time I got here I remember looking around going How can I live here.
What do I remember even just getting the newspaper and looking like what kind of.
Because at the time I was at the time is back in 2010.
I was a co-founder of an agency and we were doing quite a lot of branded promotional campaigns at the time. Right. Kind of getting me.
[2:49] It was like printed editorial using the competition. That's how we kind of stuff the agency and that's where to begin the agency journey.
And so I would I would literally because I was in Rio looking at the local newspapers going do they do competition.
[3:04] Do they think the will would do that here. So that was the first time I landed.
[3:08] So reason is escalating because we relocate and we keep the same mindset as we had in the last thing that we were doing. Right.
So it's a little more difficult to imagine forward what potentially is out there.
[3:26] You know it's like cutting brush for the first time on a trail magically go for what you know don't you and see if that square fits that round peg hole like can I do that here.
[3:38] Yeah. And if you do with what I was doing make it work here. You'll be so easy right. It just was like in Brazil and off you go.
[3:46] But like that that kind of discipline of marketing the promotional competition based kind of editorial PR and in physical newspapers and other Web sites there's not as much of a need for that.
Now here we are in 20 19 almost 20 20 but also another difference was even back in 2010 when that work was getting a lot of revenue for my agency in the U.K..
Different cultures interact with brands giving a waste of differently.
So the German feel and they kind of don't really dig you.
You know I've done competitions out there where you do the same competition with the brand that was giving stuff away and in the U.K..
And in Germany because they're on both supermarket shelves the culture of Germany's kind of like I'm really interested in that.
Whereas the UK population is like oh yes yes.
[4:41] It's intriguing to me. Yeah. 10 20.
That's funny because that's much like you know what we're dealing with now in social media and in the culture around the world.
There's every platform has its own personality.
It's very similar. And it releases and removes the geographic boundaries.
However it doesn't necessarily change the cultural impact that where you and how we're using a platform like Instagram or tech talker LinkedIn or Facebook they're all different. Right.
So why not you know cultural. Cultural differences are always in place regardless of where we go.
[5:23] Always. Yeah. So I did a project as almost a couple of years ago now it was one of the first projects I did my for my consultancy as I stepped out and that's what I'm doing out here I'm a freelance consultant and,
looking at social and digital marketing strategy mainly.
And I was doing a piece of work and the it was based in Saudi Arabia and it's just looking at the culture of how they interact with the different platforms.
And YouTube is huge. There is YouTube whereby people are having proxy interactions threads in the comments in the videos of YouTube and coming back here.
Going back to the UK is where I'm originally from where I interact with YouTube.
I can't remember the last time I left a comment. And I certainly don't I certainly don't wake up in the morning and think oh I wonder what somebody said about my comment on youtube. Yeah.
[6:21] Yeah. And then again in Japan.
LinkedIn isn't really a thing.
[6:29] Face that kind of Facebook for that. And Twitter is they have it's Big is really huge out there. It's like itself.
[6:37] It's interesting too because India is actually I think the largest population on LinkedIn Yeah.
Yeah. So it's it's amazing. It's amazing. Hey I just want to give a shout out. Hey Vicky's in the room. Jordan Jeff Angie.
[6:57] Sherri Shepherd Angie. Sorry Sherri as well.
[7:00] Yeah. Peter I mean the whole point of the pirate broadcasts and we talked about this before we jumped on Matt is the diversity in which we live in right now.
You and I are very much alike in the respect of you know we're working remotely we're helping industry around the world and we're doing we're bringing teams together when when it's necessary to bring teams together.
Yes. And now we have you know just like the garbage men outside coming by and picking up the trash and second car.
[7:32] What's quite hilarious about what you just said when you think about it is it's amazing how adaptive and how problems that we create change.
So we're talking just before we went on air.
Now I've managed to set up a portfolio of clients that I love working with.
I'm lucky enough to have done that mostly here from Rio but they're all and they're all in U.K.
Europe and a few in the US that are all English speakers.
But then I'm like wow you know my clients speak English.
They're all based in Europe and UK. So it's kind of a bummer because it's kind of stunting my my ability to learn Portuguese or Portuguese if I didn't have this game isn't connected to they have always worked with me somewhere else right.
That's that's a true situation that I'm in where I'm complaining about the not complaining but I'm using the ultra connectivity,
of work that I'm doing something I'm working with clients like I'm working with a client in Barcelona I never met them in the flesh it's all chaps like this.
And then exchanging information drives emails.
[8:42] Yeah. I told you a while ago that I did a web site for a client over Instagram D.M.
I love that. That's that's been part of the wildest story ever.
But it's like the whole communication was over Instagram.
[9:02] That's just recently happened to me. So I have an influence that influences stroke affiliate.
I'm working with a top dude for one of my brands.
He's a great guy. He's a he's a creator on Instagram.
He hosted a lot of stuff in vulnerable stuff just his life and it works.
And yeah if you want to contact him about it you to discuss work and stuff.
It's on Instagram. D.M..
No email is what he did is that email is the alias Instagram the app.
[9:36] Yeah. At first you like student leaders Instagram and then after a couple of times. Yeah that's the dude. Is Instagram,
is actually better than some people like I have friends who like to message me on WhatsApp and then responds to it on Facebook Messenger.
[9:54] This is still used as a mass and it's like yeah I just I just need one place right. I just need one place.
This is brilliant. I love the fact I mean I'm sure that if we talk you know and continue to talk probably end up doing a project together of some sort.
So it's pretty important things that you know I'm unlike yourself you know I'm curious about a lot of different things and how the interaction is.
And living in Brazil and not being you know absolutely fluent in Portuguese is a difficult and a challenging to to work locally.
[10:33] I mean go out and market and get around or is it is it,
is it fairly simple is it easy is it no experience so so business I've just recently won my first local Brazilian client which is ex divers,
who are an amazing scuba diving school. Basically we go based on a really cool real cool one.
That's my first real local proper client when.
[11:06] But if I'm honest a lot of that was to do with the fact that the crew over that they're really good at English so I'm not going to sit here and go Yeah I want my first client because what you need to prove to me.
So no. So it is possible but really what the day is the day to day challenges for me and what I've noticed is this I'm surrounded by I'm lucky enough to be one by an amazing family who are all bilingual,
so they speak English and they speak Portuguese.
So again this is another excuse I can use that when I walk into a room my family just switch to English so,
when I'm out on my own so when I go out when I'm collecting the groceries when I'm doing the day to day stuff or if I go out and find my nice to do some remote working that's when the pressure's on.
And when you are in a situation of pressure your brain just goes for it because you either fight or flight you have to freeze.
And I've noticed that my Portuguese is much better if I've had a couple of beers or if I'm on my own out how about this because then you're more dependent on it.
[12:17] Yeah it's my Michael mode.
[12:20] I mean on that bus I'm not going to kill my wife and go you know by tomato we lose it we're not quite funny.
[12:33] That would be quite funny. That's so funny. So it's amazing.
And the reason I'm the one to talk about this and bring it up is the fact that,
we get we get comfortable in our own environment and we limit our own ability to adapt and see things and change our perspective,
as a result of being in the in our own groove until it becomes a rut. Right.
So moving from London to Rio did.
[13:03] Rio de Janeiro. Yeah. And since it's a I know there's real art. That's what you thinking about. Yeah.
[13:11] Yeah. The R is so. So it's a big cultural change as well as you know the perspective on the culture of the people the language everything about it.
So it's you know it is disruptive.
Yeah. On purpose and also it sounds like you're you've adapted and you've gone through and you've,
discovered a process that works for you. So what do you recommend for others that are maybe considering a change or you know the digital nomad thing is,
I have a love hate relationship with it because every time I travel it's like I miss my studio I miss my setup I miss my environment you know because I got everything set up the way I wanted it I you like everything separately want.
Okay yeah. So it's so working in a coffee shop is sometimes distracting to me. It's not that I can't do it it's just.
It's just a level of comfort there that kind of it's just seems it's not exactly how I had imagined it's not this adventure kind of thing because I've traveled so much over the years.
It's more like okay. Here I am doing this thing here.
[14:18] So yeah. Yeah I'm sure you can appreciate that. So yeah.
Yeah. The thing is it's the remote the remote working. Even I live in London and I had I was.
I was once I was part of cofounded senior team of an agency.
Even then I noticed how much more productive I personally I was when I worked remotely or when I worked from home.
[14:48] If I had a day whereas working from home in New York working group shop I would get so much more work done.
[14:59] It was incredible. I would get lots done. So my To Do list my mind map stuff get lots of highlight and all over it feel pretty smug at the end of the day right.
This better job in politics,
when you go to the office as soon as the door it's like hey how's it going.
[15:16] All right let's do that we can ask you Can you come and look at this. Have you see what Jeff did over there.
[15:21] Actually I actually. But yeah many times I gotta go go into the office and leave and feel like you know the list of things. There was more I got nothing done.
So yeah I have that kind of.
Personally I really like can get more done remotely and that could be because of my background.
[15:41] So when I left university when I was younger and I went straight into pharmaceutical sales,
and pharmaceutical sales is very lonely it's field sales so you get given a nice phone yeah,
nice laptop and you get a nice car and then you go off and create your diary go and make sales and build relationships.
Now that's a really lonely job.
So I think that must had an effect on me. People were able more easily to go to work about something I don't like.
People need to banter they need to ask Cheryl what she did. We can.
They need to tell Jeff that they went to boarding.
[16:28] Yeah. One of them.
[16:31] My mind is more around because I've worked to develop at least 10 years now.
[16:38] And it's more about the environment that I'm working in rather than the because I I work alone.
Ninety five percent of the time yeah.
But it's the environment. It's just itself it's casual.
You know the chair that I'm sitting in or the the people that you know happened to be in the coffee shop or something like that. Yeah.
[17:00] So I want to talk about going to talk a little bit about what you see in marketing and media going forward now that you have an international flair and you're doing branding and some other projects.
You know like you mentioned the scuba guy you know the training company is how is a marketing marketing marketing forever and ever and is it is that the same in your in your experience so far.
And do we see more of this and how do how do you see it evolving or changing in the messaging with all the social platforms we're talking about you know the short,
miniscule visual storytelling of tick tock versus long form on YouTube.
It's quite diverse and so a lot of different people are being pulled by these different interests.
And what your experience because I'm kind of curious to see what an international flair adds to the equation.
[17:56] I don't think it apart from the cultural differences between the people that are observing content and buying stuff.
Marketing itself it's not change really it's just there's more options.
So it shouldn't. And when people get distracted by new things and that's just that's natural.
And there's lots of them there's lots of experienced old timers like professors and marketing that get annoyed by that.
They get annoyed by the world of marketing you know diving into VR and diving into diving into it.
And I understand that. Yes. And it's just human nature that when tick tock comes along. You know I discovered it last year when mine.
We should be doing it and it. And so do you future.
[18:45] We will and.
[18:49] They're pretty horrendous. But I got myself a tick tock. Count,
me out right now on the screen with me doing some sort of like,
dance wearing like kitchen gloves it's super embarrassing but I mainly was doing it to embarrass my niece because she's like Dude you shouldn't be on tiptoe. That's not that.
So that was a Christmas.
[19:13] Going back to the point and none of,
the multitude of new channels is a good thing.
But it depends on your budget how available is your product what's the positioning of your brand.
Yeah. People think of your brand new insights.
Think about how much advertising budget you've got because it's totally different if you're a Mars bar than Mars.
You know your mental availability and physical availability of the Mars Bar.
Well I have to go very far you and I could probably walk. I'm in Rio.
She's that she's a kind of coke it's an even better example. Yeah most operations. So a can of Coke.
I can walk very fast to where I'm sat right now in Rio and by a can of Coke. It's physically very available.
So that kind of brand nothing's really changed for them.
[20:10] They just have to make sure that it's mentally available and physically available and just tell people they exist with their massive budgets right into the huge,
huge eyeballs and an awareness that comes with TV and the traditional forms but then they can you know they can test a B test across the new another anymore and take to the new social platforms.
But what it's done is it's the new social platforms and all the new channels,
the positive thing that's done it's the smaller brands who you know in the 1980s even the 1990s now wouldn't have stood a chance they wouldn't have had the budget to get on TV.
[20:53] So you have to do some local PR. There were three or four channels in Billboard radio that's it.
[21:01] And the chance that these guys now can have a voice and can target and can be creative without spending tons of money and you know they can they can get awareness and they can get rich.
You need reach so that people can see who you are.
There's no point creating something amazing and then not distributing it because that's a lot what a lot of small brands still do.
I call that burying it in the garden.
Of creating and raising like we spent all our entire year's budget on this amazing fun creative video.
Yeah it's really cool. And then they just uploaded to YouTube and you're.
Yeah. It's like reading a website not sharing it with anyone.
Yeah you might get put on a USB stick. That's the problem you got in. Yeah.
[21:51] Looking at your form and saying Marriott bury it it's not it's not working it's the same.
[21:59] People will see that video buried in your garden and eat it so you can click on YouTube and Vicki says Yeah.
[22:07] A lot of people have S.O.S. Shiny object syndrome. Yes fiber.
Love the technology brings us together just what our geography is.
It's not necessarily the limiting factor anymore.
[22:22] You know this brings up a good point because I see a lot more and I'm really a fan of you know,
storytelling as a journey for a client experience and I think that lends itself to smaller budgets.
If you can't be on every billboard every bus side every page in the magazine inserts every commercial on the on the radio station every every place everywhere all the time.
I mean I don't know how much coke spends on their budget for mindshare.
However I know it's in the B for billions and it's it's such an impact because it's everywhere and for a small business owner you know about Teke,
you know store shopping a product they can grow a massive market with very little mindshare in the overall global market and have,
an amazing impact on the market using these tools and a few I think you know not necessarily the the single video although you know Harmon brothers that do the you know potty,
the poopy potty or they got those viral videos.
[23:45] Those guys I mean that's that's their whole business is creating viral videos that create impact.
So story has a place and I'm just kind of curious if that's came into your world and how you're using that.
[24:00] Yes storytelling is awesome especially if it comes from. If the story is about human and humans vulnerability and a human journey overcoming obstacles,
and then despite being knocked down and having problems overcoming them,
and then ultimately you know doing well and moving on that kind of story or any kind of story that involves a human and evokes emotion it's going to it is going to resonate with people because we're built in fact.
One of the things that separates us from other primates is that we're obsessed with stories we're obsessed with storytelling.
One of the theories by Yuval Harari in not holidays homo sapiens.
He talks about the collective revolution where he says the,
[24:58] The primates was that we were able to talk about stories and bring in things that didn't exist and that would bind people bind groups because they all would tell the story.
So then you have a very powerful group of not very you know not very physically strong beings but but they could overcome the other stronger primates gorillas.
They could have anything in that path which is what they are doing which is why we're here today right.
Because we are obsessed with storytelling and that storytelling with blind people across geographical distances.
The example that he used is Lion Man which is the first evidence of abstract art. So it's the body of a man alive.
It doesn't exist in the real world.
Q Is storytelling created.
So yeah it's a massively powerful thing. It's in didn't you.
[25:53] Yeah it is. And it connects us to each other as well because then we can craft a story that,
produces imagination and great imagination and allows us to like drop into Rio de Janeiro and start a new business.
So so Matt that.
[26:15] I just love and I would love I could talk another hour or two on. On storytelling and the development of stories and things like that.
[26:22] So we cannot build your admins. I don't want to do so.
The longer you can delay the admin the better outcome.
[26:32] I wish I had. I wish I had that schedule right now so I could let a case a share you wants to.
[26:39] Vicky No it's Vicky wants to know what services do each of us offer.
[26:45] So I'll let you have at it. So. So what services do you offer now to your confession.
[26:51] You want me to go for it. OK first. So.
[26:57] I mean this is quite funny because I was talking to a client about this the other day.
So if you go to my Web site I'm like I do marketing I do new business that you create you.
And I also do a quick practice. So it's all these things which you can't help yourself with doing but really what the majority of my work is is helping brands with their marketing strategy.
So I'll put together a strategy strategy for brands or could be agents agencies who are working with brands.
I put together a strategy where we look at brands,
what people are saying about it what the competitors are doing so lots of insights looking at positioning of the brand refresh from that come up with an overarching strategy based on what their objectives are.
So in 10 years we want to be bigger than Coke.
[27:53] So that looks at the situation. Are there any.
What we're doing is anything we can do differently. What's your strategy. Right. So this is the plan.
And then from that trial campaigns or brand activations that link into that strategy,
to bring that strategy to life and then I deliver that to the clients and they they either invite me to execute that and implement it or they go. Thanks man.
They went off and implemented in really most the stuff I'm doing with the creative and the business.
Actually it's still there because the new business is I'm finding clients because I have experienced a new business skill set and made finding clients the sites that strategy.
But then you have to come up with ideas that bring that strategy to life.
So is having a very experienced marketer a lot of marketers a lot of people it's natural to just feel like not in the head that's boring.
[29:02] Then when you give them the ABC campaigns that link.
This is why would would do this campaign and that's why we're going to do a slow motion video here and that's why we do a storytelling about the men like I get it and then that's why I love doing what I do.
That was not an elevator pitch unless the Empire State Building.
[29:26] That's OK. That's the whole point of the pirate broadcast is we're not working with the rules here. We're working outside the rules.
[29:32] So it is and it's much the same as what I do.
You know I've been in I started in advertising in 85,
so a few days ago I started in advertising and,
you know business in creative and you know sales and I have a lot of experience so helping companies bring strategy together and then bringing teams together to implement that strategy.
So it's the long and the short story my passion and my goal is content creation.
You know highlighting people doing incredible things.
You know my whole goal is is there's a reason we're all here. We all have a gift to share.
And I really believe that you know a lot of people are hesitant to share their gift and really share their message and be authentic.
And you mentioned it earlier in storytelling authenticity is key.
And once you release the ego and the judgment and the shame and all of that stuff the story can really unfold in a powerful way.
And so if you can work on removing all of the outside voices and all the inside voices in your head and just get to the point it's really an amazing adventure. So it's.
[30:48] That's that's that's what I love to do is help people get there.
[30:52] So it's really amazing.
[30:55] Is something that I'm doing as well which I'm naturally I'm helping people with particularly with linked in profile.
I've done the personal branding as well so I've got a few CEOs where I looked at the entire social map like you're on Twitter on Instagram and advise them and done an audit and giving them the content stuff like that.
[31:18] But mainly I'm doing a lot of Linked In audits and,
content strategies and for people and so many people that are so experienced is so cool and so much to say but they're just,
they're just that they just can't make that first step off the precipice into doing that just like a stuck C.D.
Or a plumber always linked.
[31:41] Right. Yeah. Like hey I'm doing it for somewhere else. I just can't take the time to do it for myself.
[31:49] But it's not just not is that it comes down to fear.
[31:54] And also thinking like they're showing off and how will people judge them saying how we'll be able to say goodbye.
[32:03] It's almost like it's almost like bragging right. Or if they tell their story and what they really do and what they're really powerful that they feel like they're broke.
I know I do. You know Imposter Syndrome kicks in and it's like it's like holy cow.
I've been doing this a long time. I've got a lot of experience that is incredibly valuable and somebody could use that experience.
However it's like OK well I'll just do this little thing over here and just you know keep doing this so that I can I can appreciate it.
[32:36] So a of people get their opinions because yeah you know you've got lots of you've got experience and you've probably got some opinions about what you think is right or wrong from that experience.
Sure. That's your opinion that's fine.
There's nothing wrong with sharing that other people might not agree with your opinion.
OK say this my opinion I would welcome other opinions.
Oh absolutely. That helps a lot as well. Some people find that some people find that the obstacle to get over the fact that somebody is going to judge what they're saying and maybe they're completely wrong and they're going to get trolled.
So there was this guy told me once it was the best thing ever.
The best advice I ever got with regards to putting yourself out there took me only to you said if you put something out Linked In and somebody disagrees with you you've won you've done it. That's it.
You've reached nirvana. Well done populations you've made it.
What do you mean. Well that's it. You've stopped. You've created a description. People are caring about what you're saying. We're having it.
[33:47] So and actually I still go with that and it really helped me.
The other thing is if you get if somebody trolls you on a little less usually since there was an example.
YOU KNOW AND YOU KNOW they're not really giving a constructive argument they're just being a bit they're just not nice.
[34:11] You've done it. You've made it through. Congratulations. That's it. You need to have to wear a badge like I do.
[34:19] I'd much world.
I'm smart. I'm not really the agonized. I've been trolled but not controlled right now.
[34:29] There we go. You see that's what that's what I've experience from 1985 puts you in the moment. Strap lines like that.
[34:40] Good stuff good stuff. So I just want to thank everybody for being here. This has been awesome.
[34:46] Matt Vicki Brenda Cherie Angie Jordan Jeff.
[34:54] Just so many wonderful people joining into the pirate broadcasts every morning and if you don't have the opportunity to join live and experience Matt in his finest,
you know go back to Russ John's and where I publish all of these podcasts the broadcast the transcript that you know as as we mentioned yesterday isn't always a hundred percent.
So Jeff I know you're there.
[35:20] So it's like we continue to improve right Mac.
[35:25] We just have to work on it and continue to prove I in fact somebody pointed out my son pointed out to me that I had a typo on my LinkedIn profile so it's like holy cow.
[35:37] I am with you.
[35:42] So there you go. And so when we catch you again I could send people to Linked In.
Matt catch up with you. That's probably another good place to pray. I know you have a Web site somewhere else. I should have shared it. I read it here.
[35:59] I can share in the comments my Web site. But it's just the holding. It's just the it's not not exciting but I'm the leader.
[36:06] Oh my twitter is quite fun as well Natalie Webster Matt W.
Webster so good track Matt down and,
you know get involved and engaged Linton is all about community and what we're doing here is about identifying and discovering unique individuals doing interesting things.
And it's it's an amazing time in history because we have the ability to cross geographic boundaries go all the way to Brazil have a coffee with Matt today and actually,
engage with people all over the world and discover things about others that we would never have known otherwise.
[36:49] And Max actually a pirate. He did some shenanigans in his younger 20s.
[36:53] We cannot we cannot disclose whether alcohol was involved or was not involved.
However it's a fun story for a story.
You back. Matt to dig dig deeper into that one but relieve you with that you wrote and we have John experience tomorrow.
So come back tomorrow Friday for John.
He's an amazing individual back in the U.K. actually he's a copywriter So Matt you may want to enjoy that.
So come back in and do you might be someone else you could add to the add to your network of connections collaborators.
[37:29] So thank you everybody. Have a fabulous day.
Kindness is cool. Smiles are free and you enjoy the day.
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